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Book Contents Lists: Page 1372

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    Christopher Lee’s Archives of Evil ed. Michel Parry (Mayflower, May 1975, 12903, 85p, 160pp, pb, an)
        Reprint (W.H. Allen 1977 as by Christopher Lee & Michel Parry) horror anthology.

    Christopher Lee’s Omnibus of Evil ed. Michel Parry (Mayflower, 1975, 0-583-13122-0, £1.25, 255pp, pb, an)
        Reprint (W.H. Allen 1978 as The Great Villains by Christopher Lee & Michel Parry) horror anthology.

    Great Black Magic Stories ed. Michel Parry (Taplinger, November 1977, 0-8008-3618-9, $8.95, 222pp, hc, an)
        Reprint (Mayflower 1974 as The 1st Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories) horror anthology.

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