The FictionMags Index

Book Contents Lists: Page 1080

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    The Road of Azrael by Robert E. Howard (Donald M. Grant, 1979, $20.00, 230pp, hc, co, cover by Roy G. Krenkel)
        Collection of historical stories. Limited to 1800 copies. A deluxe, 300 copy, boxed edition ($35.00) was announced but not seen.

    The Robert E. Howard Foundation Holiday Special by Robert E. Howard (The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, December 2009, 24pp, ph, oc, cover: [Signed Christmas card REH sent to Clark Ashton Smith] by Robert E. Howard) [edited by Rob Roehm]
        Not available for individual sale. The Holiday Special was provided to Legacy Circle members of the Robert E. Howard Foundation. It is a limited edition and all surplus copies will be destroyed at year’s end.

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