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Cooper, Edmund (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Rag Doll and Teddy Bear, (ss) Family Star 1962
- * Re-count the Stars, (ss) Weldon’s Home Journal May 1955
- * Refugees, (pm) Figures in a Landscape by Edmund Cooper, privately published, 2003
- * Repeat Performance, (ss) Tomorrow’s Gift, Ballantine, 1958
- * Resolution, (pm) Figures in a Landscape by Edmund Cooper, privately published, 2003
- * Return by Sea, (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * Return in Autumn, (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * Romance, (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * Rydal Water, (pm) Figures in a Landscape by Edmund Cooper, privately published, 2003
- * Sanctuary, (ss) The Square Root of Tomorrow, Robert Hale, 1970
- * Science Fiction and Society, (ar) The Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ed. Brian Ash, Pan, 1977
- * Sea Frenzy, (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * Second Chance, (ss) Unborn Tomorrow, Robert Hale, 1971
- * The Secret Kingdom, (ss) Woman’s Day (UK) April 30 1955
- * Sentimental Journey, (ss) Woman’s Day (UK) February 21 1959
- * Serenade, (pm) Figures in a Landscape by Edmund Cooper, privately published, 2003
- * The Sexasperated Male, (ss) Woman’s Day (UK) 1958
- * Shadow of Revenge, (ss) Weekend March 18/March 22 1959
- * Shakespeare and Saltwater, (ss) Woman’s Illustrated 1954
- * The Sharp Edge of Love, (pm) Silence Into Light, self-published, 2007
- * She Shall Have Music, (ss) Woman’s Illustrated 1953
- * Silence Into Light, (co) self-published, April 2007
- * The Silver Apples, (ss) Woman’s Day (UK) November 26 1960
- * Six Eggs for Mafeking, (ss) Weldon’s Home Journal 1954
- * Skinny and the Siren, (ss) Woman’s Day (UK) 1960
- * Slum Child, (pm) Silence Into Light, self-published, 2007
- * Snatchit, the Take-Away Imp, (ss) Wish Goes to Slumber Land, Hutchinson, 1960
- * The Snow Crystals, (ss) The Square Root of Tomorrow, Robert Hale, 1970
- * So I Never Left Home, (ss) Voices in the Dark, Digit, 1960
- * Someone Special, (ss) Woman’s Day (UK) January 14 1961
- * Sometimes, When Your Beauty Changes…, (pm) Silence Into Light, self-published, 2007
- * The Square Root of Tomorrow, (co) Robert Hale, January 1970
- * Steep Season, (pm) Tugs of the Singing Wire, privately published, 2008
- * The Swan Song of J. Alembic Bluesock, (pm) Bandwagon July/August 1952
- * Sweet Interlude, (ss) Woman’s Day (UK) August 1959
- * The Tahitian Girl, (ss) Woman’s Day (UK) September 3 1960
- * Temptation the Second, (ss) Woman’s Illustrated 1954
- * Thanatos, (pm) Tugs of the Singing Wire, privately published, 2008
- * A Time to Dance, (ss) Woman’s Illustrated 1955
- * Toast, Marmalade—and Love, (ss) My Weekly June 20 1962
- * Tomorrow Came, (co) Panther, May 1963
- * Tomorrow’s Gift, (co) Ballantine, December 1958
- * Tomorrow’s Gift, (ss) Star Science Fiction Stories No. 4 ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine, 1958
- * To My Unborn Child, (pm) Tugs of the Singing Wire, privately published, 2008
- * The Trap, (ss) Review Fifty Winter 1950
- * The Travelling Ladies, (ss) Manchester Evening News 1953
- * Tugs of the Singing Wire, (oc) privately published, 2008
- * Two to the Rescue, (ss) Woman’s Illustrated March 5 1955
- * Unborn Tomorrow, (co) Robert Hale, March 1971
- * The Uncertain Power, (pm) Figures in a Landscape by Edmund Cooper, privately published, 2003
- * The Unicorn, (ss) Everybody’s 1951
- * untitled (“Above the unseen wake of drifting stars”), (pm) Silence Into Light, self-published, 2007
- * untitled (“Blood thought gathers”), (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * untitled (“Comes the gap between existing worlds”), (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * untitled (“Come with me now in the moonlight”), (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * untitled (“Dark of the hills lays an edge to the passing sunlight”), (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * untitled (“Experience, shaping like a restless March”), (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * untitled (“Fly, Spring, you eagle and make journey where”), (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * untitled (“It is no further than a star”), (pm) Silence Into Light, self-published, 2007
- * untitled (“Life whispers behind the curtain”), (pm) Tugs of the Singing Wire, privately published, 2008
- * untitled (“Love, as through the summer rain”), (pm) Silence Into Light, self-published, 2007
- * untitled (“Over the shingle and sand of all my speaking”), (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * untitled (“See you in the mountains, girl, where you lie”), (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * untitled (“The purple mountain quickens like a heart”), (pm) Tugs of the Singing Wire, privately published, 2008
- * untitled (“The young seducer in my left hand’s blood”), (pm) Tugs of the Singing Wire, privately published, 2008
- * untitled (“This impatient goad of beauty”), (pm) Silence Into Light, self-published, 2007
- * untitled (“To whom it shall be simple—simple as light”), (pm) Tugs of the Singing Wire, privately published, 2008
- * Vertical Hold, (ss) Tomorrow Came, Panther, 1963
- * Voices in the Dark, (co) Digit, April 1960
- * A Wall of Silence, (ss) Weekly Welcome 1954
- * The Way Back (Poem for Joyce), (pm) Figures in a Landscape by Edmund Cooper, privately published, 2003
- * Welcome Home, (ss) Today November 17 1962, as "The Pyramids of Mars"
- * What Is Science Fiction? My View, (ar) The Science Fiction Book Club News May 1979
- * When the Saucers Came, (ss) Voices in the Dark, Digit, 1960
- * Who Sheds His Own Desire, (pm) Fly, Spring, You Eagle, privately published, 2006
- * The Winter Man, (pm) Silence Into Light, self-published, 2007
- * Wish Goes to Sleep, (ss) Wish Goes to Slumber Land, Hutchinson, 1960
- * Wish Goes to Slumber Land, (oc) Hutchinson, 1960
- * Wish Meets the Button Dwarf, (ss) Wish Goes to Slumber Land, Hutchinson, 1960
- * A World of Difference, (co) Robert Hale, November 1980
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * And What if They’d Killed the Christ-Child? by Ron F. Tait, (br) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #3, 1980
- * Deadly Image by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe September 1958
- * Deadly Image by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction February 1959
- * Deadly Image by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine February 1959
- * Deadly Image by Damon Knight, (br) If February 1959
- * A Far Sunset by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978
- * Five to Twelve by Wayne C. Connelly, (br) Science Fiction Review #40, October 1970
- * An Interview with Edmund Cooper by Jim Goddard, (iv) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #4, 1975
- * It Is Books Like This, Sir, Which Give Heaven a Bad Reputation by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #12, February 1975
- * A New, New Low in SF? by Buzz Dixon, (br) Science Fiction Review #18, August 1976
- * News from Elsewhere by Ted Pauls, (br) Science Fiction Review #39, August 1970
- * The Overman Culture by Lester del Rey, (br) Worlds of If July/August 1972
- * The Rings of Tantalus; The Expendables # 2 by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1976
- * Sea Horse in the Sky by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #40, October 1970
- * Seed of Light by Frederik Pohl, (br) If January 1960
- * Seed of Light by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction May 1960
- * Seed of Light by Estelle Sanders, (br) Science Fiction Review #35, February 1970
- * Tomorrow’s Gift by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe May 1959
- * Tomorrow’s Gift by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction August 1959
- * We Must Love One Another or Die by Jim Goddard, (iv) Cypher #12, November 1974
[]Cooper, Elise (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * “Endangered”: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare?, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2015 [Ref. C. J. Box]
- * Espionage Master Brings “Rain on the Dead”, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2015 [Ref. Jack Higgins]
- * From “A” to “Z”, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2015 [Ref. Sue Grafton]
- * Gets Up Close and Personal, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2015 [Ref. Kristi Belcamino]
- * The Hunt for Jack Ryan, Solved, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2015 [Ref. Mark Greaney]
- * Isn’t “Reckless” with Sidney Sheldon’s Writing, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2016 [Ref. Tilly Bagshawe]
- * Like Father, Like Son, (iv) Suspense Magazine October 2015 [Ref. Matthew Palmer]
- * Linda Castillo Is “Among the Wicked”, (iv) Suspense Magazine September/October 2016 [Ref. Linda Castillo]
- * Michael Connelly: The Evolution of Harry Bosch, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2015 [Ref. Michael Connelly]
- * On the Past, Present and Future, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2015 [Ref. Patricia D. Cornwell]
- * Past Crimes Bring Suspense, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2015 [Ref. Glen Erik Hamilton]
- * The Psychological Suspense Genre Has a New Name, (iv) Suspense Magazine May/June 2017 [Ref. Karen Dionne]
- * Q&A with Alafair Burke, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #62, February 2016 [Ref. Alafair Burke]
- * Q&A with Charles Todd, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #58, February 2015 [Ref. Charles Todd]
- * Q&A with David Baldacci, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #59, April 2015 [Ref. David Baldacci]
- * Q&A with James Rollins, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #54, January 2014 [Ref. James Rollins]
- * Q&A with John Sanford, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #60, 2015 [Ref. John Sanford]
- * Q&A with Joseph Kanon, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #60, 2015 [Ref. Joseph Kanon]
- * Q&A with Karen Rose, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #67, 2018 [Ref. Karen Rose]
- * Q&A with Linda Castillo, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #64, 2016 [Ref. Linda Castillo]
- * Q&A with Sophie Hanna, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #58, February 2015 [Ref. Sophie Hanna]
- * Q&A with Terry Hayes, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #58, February 2015 [Ref. Terry Hayes]
- * Q&A with Tony Schumacher, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #59, April 2015 [Ref. Tony Schumacher]
- * Takes You Into the “Shadows”, (iv) Suspense Magazine September/October 2016 [Ref. Sean McFate]
- * Throws a Fastball Down the Middle with “Radiant Angel”, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2015 [Ref. Nelson DeMille]
- * Unequivocally Authentic, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2015 [Ref. Linda A. Fairstein]
- * Wealth, Love, Power & Vietnam? Beatriz Williams Answers It All, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2016 [Ref. Beatriz Williams]
- * Woman with a Gun, Man with a Pen: Phillip Margolin, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2015 [Ref. Phillip M. Margolin]
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