The FictionMags Index
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[]Kay, Gertrude Alice (1884-1939) (chron.)
- * Adventures in Our Street, (cl) Good Housekeeping January 1922
- * Adventures of Polly and Peter Perkins, (ms) Pictorial Review June 1933
- * Bunny Face and the Spirit of Christmas, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1924
- * Jack and Jill and Bumbo the Bear, (ms) The Ladies’ Home Journal March 1923
- * Pudding Lane Cutouts, (pi) Jack and Jill December 1956; adapted by Florence McCurdy
- * Untitled, (il) Ladies’ Home Journal May 1933
- * [front cover], (cv) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1924, Apr 1925, May 1933
- * [front cover], (cv) Woman’s World February 1934
- * [front cover], (cv) Country Gentleman September 1938
- * [frontispiece], (fp) Child Life September 1936
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Mother’s Magazine September 1917
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Ladies’ Home Journal Aug 1923, Dec 1925, Aug 1926, Dec 1931
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Child Life September 1936
[]Kay, Guy Gavriel (1954- ) (books) (chron.)
- * After the Ball, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Alan Garner: An Appreciation, (ar) World Fantasy Convention Toronto 2012 ed. Christopher & Barbara Roden, 2012 [Ref. Alan Garner]
- * And Driving, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Annotation, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Another Country, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Are Novelists Entitled to Use Real-Life Characters?, (ar) The Guardian August 20 2009
- * At the Death of Pan, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * At the Root of Her Tree, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Avalon, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * The Bay, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Being Orpheus, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Beyond This Dark House, (co) Penguin Canada, April 2003
- * Beyond This Dark House, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Cain: The Stones, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * A Carpet, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Changes, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Crystals, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Fallen Leaves, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * A Few Leaves, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Finding Day, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Following, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Goddess, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Green Breaks, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * The Guardians, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Guinevere at Almesbury, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Hades and Kore, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Heartcoil, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Hereabouts, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Hero, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Her Own Excellence, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Home and Away, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #146, October 2000; amended form of a speech first delivered at an academic conference in Toronto.
- * If I Should Fly Across the Sea Again, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * In His Arms, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Initiation, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * International Conference of the Fantastic in the Arts Guest of Honor Speech: Orlando, Florida, 2009, (ar) Unconventional Fantasy ed. Peggy Rae Sapienza, Jean Marie Ward, Bill Campbell & Sam Lubell, Baltimore Washington Area Worldcon Association, Inc., 2014
- * In the Morning, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Kol Nidre, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * The Last Woman I Loved, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * The Lions of Al-Rassan, (ex) Penguin Canada, 1995
- * Lunch at the Gallery, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Malvolio, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Medea, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Morning After, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Naiad, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * A Narrow Escape, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Night Call, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Night Drive: Elegy, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Northern Lake, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * A Northern Man, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Northumbria, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * No Strings, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * November Song, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * On the Balcony, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Other Women, And You, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Power Failure, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * A Private Clamour, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Psyche, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Ransacked, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * The Refinements, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Re-Reading Over Sir John’s Hill, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Reunion, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Shalott, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Simple Pleasures, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * A Song for Arbonne, (ex) Viking Books Canada, 1992
- * Specifically, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Taut, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * This Falling Tower, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * This Truth, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Tintagel, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Too Far, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Various Things, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * West Hanney Churchyard, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Windrise, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Wine, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
- * Winnipeg: North End, (pm) Beyond This Dark House, Penguin Canada, 2003
_____, [ref.]
- * A Brightness Long Ago by Lawrence Osborn, (br) Interzone #283, September/October 2019
- * Children of Earth and Sky by Benjamin Thomas, (br) Shoreline of Infinity #4, Summer 2016
- * Children of Earth and Sky by Lawrence Osborn, (br) Interzone #265, July/August 2016
- * The Darkest Road by Phyllis McDonald, (br) Interzone #22, Winter 1987
- * Entrevue: Guy Gavriel Kay by Jean-Louis Trudel, (iv) Solaris #116, January 1996; Guy Gavriel Kay; translated by Jean-Louis Trudel
- * Historical Significance: An Interview with Guy Gavriel Kay by Sandy Auden, (iv) infinity plus July 2005
- * “I learned a lot about false starts from JRR Tolkien” by Alison Flood, (iv) The Guardian October 29 2014
- * Interview with Guy Gavriel Kay by James Schellenberg & David M. Switzer, (iv) Challenging Destiny #11, December 2000
- * Interview with Guy Gavriel Kay, (iv) Deep Magic #21, February 2004
- * An Interview with Guy Gavriel Kay by Glenn Grant, (iv) The New York Review of Science Fiction #33, May 1991
- * An Interview with Guy Gavriel Kay by Charlene Brusso, (iv) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Autumn 1999
- * An Interview with Guy Gavriel Kay by Peter Halasz, (iv) The New York Review of Science Fiction #149, January 2001
- * The Last Light of the Sun by Shelly Baur, (br) Amazing Stories September 2004
- * The Lions of Al-Rassan by Douglas Barbour, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #83, July 1995
- * The Lions of Al-Rassan by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #101, November 1995
- * A Long Time Ago, In City-States Far Away… by Lisa Timpf, (br) Speculative North #1, May 2020
- * Lord of Emperors by Joseph Milicia, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #146, October 2000
- * Lord of Tigana by Liz Holliday, (iv) Fear #31, July 1991
- * Post-Romantic Romance: Guy Gavriel Kay’s Tigana and A Song for Arbonne by Janeen Webb, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #77, January 1995
- * The ’Quarter Turn’ of History: A Conversation with Guy Gavriel Kay by Chris Urie, (iv) Clarkesworld #117, June 2016
- * Sailing to Byzantium by Liz Holliday, (iv) Interzone #154, April 2000
- * Sailing to Sarantium by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #140, February 1999
- * Sailing to Sarantium by Douglas Barbour, (br) Foundation #75, Spring 1999
- * Sailing to Sarantium by Joseph Milicia, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #130, June 1999
- * Song for Arbonne by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #65, November 1992
- * The Summer Tree by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #15, Spring 1986
- * Tigana by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #43, January 1991
- * Tigana by Charles de Lint, (br) Science Fiction Review #4, Summer 1991
- * Under Heaven by Sandy Auden, (br) Interzone #228, May/June 2010
- * Under Heaven by Liz Bourke, (br) Ideomancer December 2010
- * Wandering Fire by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #19, Spring 1987
- * The Wandering Fire by Charles de Lint, (br) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986
- * We See by Jad’s Light Alone: Guy Gavriel Kay and the New Sanctuary Mosaicist by Andy Patton, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #161, January 2002
- * Ysabel by Stephanie Burgis, (br) Interzone #210, June 2007
[]Kay, Harold T. (fl. 1930s-1960s) (chron.)
- * A Few Thoughts on Broadmindedness, (ar) The Futurian Winter 1940
- * On Conscription, (ar) The Fantast June 1939, uncredited.
- * On Criticism, (ar) The Satellite January 1940
- * Pro-Weinbaum, (ar) New Worlds April 1939
- * The Smith Bubble, (ar) New Worlds May 1939
- * [letter], (lt) The Fantast October/November 1939
- * [letter from Catford], (lt) The Fantast July 1939
- * [letter from Horseferry Road, London, England], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1943
- * [letter from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada], (lt) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction January 1962
[]Kay, J. A. (fl. 1890s-1900s) (chron.)
- * Easter Customs in the Twentieth Century, (ar) The Sunday Strand April 1902
- * Famous Fliers, (ar) The Captain #1, April 1899
- * A Modern May Merrymaking, (ar) The Sunday Strand May 1902
- * Movable Churches, (ar) The Sunday Strand April 1901
- * The Princess Christian Hospital Train, (ar) The Sunday Strand March 1900
- * Religious Postage Stamps, (ar) The Sunday Strand July 1901
- * Royal Railway Trains, (ar) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #3, June 24 1899
- * Strange Dedications, (ar) The Sunday Strand September 1902
[]Kay, J. W. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Alibi Dave, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1930
- * Field of Honor, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd December 1930
- * For His King’s Honor, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine November 1935
- * The Gods Watch, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd August 1929
- * Handle with Care, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine September 1934
- * Including the Chinese, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st October 1930
- * The Right Goad, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1929
- * The Sea Horse Rides, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st August 1929
- * A Son of Moa, (ss) Sport Story Magazine July 22 1930
- * The Sugar Duke’s Return, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st April 1930
- * “Tails, I Will!”, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine May/June 1936
- * They Wait for No Man, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine September 1935
[]Kay, Jackie (1961- ) (chron.)
- * Big Milk, (ss) Granta #63, Autumn 1998
- * The Lord in His Wisdom, (ex) Granta #93, Spring 2006; from Red Dust Road, forthcoming from Picador (2010).
- * Mrs Vadnie Marlene Sevlon, (ss) Reality, Reality by Jackie Kay, Picador, 2012
- * Pork Pies, (pm)
- * Reality, Reality, (ss) Granta #107, Summer 2009
- * Wish I Was Here, (ss) The Guardian August 2 2003
- * The Woman with Fork and Knife Disorder, (nv) Damage Land ed. Alan Bissett, Polygon, 2001
- * You Go When You Can No Longer Stay, (ss) Granta #85, Spring 2004
_____, [ref.]
[]Kay, John (fl. 1900s-1910s) (chron.)
- * Britain’s Biggest Steamships, (ar) The Captain #14, May 1900
- * A Century of Railway Travel, (ar) The Captain #22, January 1901
- * Concerning Fireworks, (ar) The Captain #20, November 1900
- * Giants of the Railroad, (ar) The Captain #13, April 1900
- * How Railway Signals Are Worked, (ar) The Captain #16, July 1900
- * Tich and Skaley, (vi) The Novel Magazine April 1911
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