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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 11777

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    Wide Awake [v19 #5, October 1884] []
    Details supplied by Jeff Kaylin.
    • 268 · “For the King in His Arms Had Caught Her” · Fernand Lungren · fp
    • 269 · Little Christel · Mrs. Mary E. Bradley · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 270 · A Sculptured Madonna · [uncredited] · il
    • 271 · A Modern Hero · Marion Harland · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 276 · About Other Dwarfs · Isabel Smithson · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 280 · Underground Homes · David Ker · ar
    • 282 · The Lonely Rose · Philip Bourke Marston · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 284 · A District Messenger Boy. Chapter 2 · James Otis · sl; illustrated by ?
    • 288 · To-Day—XXXV. State Rights · Edward E. Hale · ar
    • 291 · Pansy Billings. Chapter 1 · H. H. · sl; illustrated by ?
    • 295 · Golden Slippers · Mary E. Wilkins · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 296 · Plato · Mrs. Annie Sawyer Downs · ar
    • 297 · Intimations of Immortality · Wordsworth · pm Poems, In Two Volumes by William Wordsworth, Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1807; illustrated by ?
    • 300 · Masks Off!—IV. (continued)—V. The Escape · Rev. Charles R. Talbot · sl; illustrated by ?
    • 308 · Æsop’s Fables Versified—XI. The Frogs Who Wished a King · Mrs. Clara Doty Bates · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 314 · Old School-Days—III. The Little Folks; and the Mischievous Ones · Amanda B. Harris · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 319 · A Wild Ambition · L. J. B. · pm
    • 320 · How Two Schoolboys Killed a Bear · H. F. Marsh · ss
    • 323 · The Procession of the Zodiac—XI. The Scorpion · Margaret Johnson · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 324 · In No-Man’s Land—XI. How the Geography Class Stormed the Vacation Tower · Elbridge S. Brooks · ss; illustrated by ?
    • 330 · Tangles · Frank E. Saville · cl
    • · C.Y.F.R.U. Supplement
    • 1 · Children of Westminster Abbey—I. The Building of the Abbey—Princess Catherine and Prince Henry · Rose G. Kingsley · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 6 · Souvenirs of My Time—I. The Bodisco Wedding · Mrs. Jessie Benton Frémont · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 11 · The Temperance Teachings of Science—I. The Need of Knowing the Facts · Mrs. Mary A. Livermore · ar
    • 13 · Ways to Do Things—XXVI. Town Clerks · Sarah Orne Jewett · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 15 · Boys’ Heroes—I. Hector · Edward Everett Hale · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 19 · Entertainments in Chemistry—I. Some Experiments with an Invisible Gas · Harry W. Tyler · ar
    • 20 · The Making of Pictures—I. The Beginnings of Art Training · Mrs. Sarah W. Whitman · ar
    • 22 · Search-Questions in American Literature—I. Literary Names and Nicknames · Oscar Fay Adams · ar
    • 23 · Days and Nights in the Tropics. Chapter 11 (continued) · Felix L. Oswald · sl; illustrated by ?
    • 24 · All the World Round · Mr. Yan Phou Lee · cl

    Wide Awake [v19 #6, November 1884] []
    Details supplied by Jeff Kaylin.
    • 332 · In Grandfather’s Great Chair · W. T. Smedley · fp
    • 333 · Noblesse Oblige · Sara F. Hopkins · ss
    • 339 · A Queer Doll · Joy Allison · pm
    • 340 · About Giants · Isabel Smithson · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 346 · Dorothy · Emily A. Braddock · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 348 · Pansy Billings. Chapter 2 · H. H. · sl; illustrated by ?
    • 352 · To-Day—XXXVI. The Organization of Emigration · Edward E. Hale · ar
    • 354 · Too Strong! · Bessie Chandler · pm
    • 354 · A Dream of Dolls · Ida Whipple Benham · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 356 · Hermannus Contractus, the Little Crippled Monk · Rev. S. W. Duffield, D.D. · ss
    • 358 · A Brave Baby · Sara E. Wiltse · ss
    • 362 · Intimations of Immortality · Wordsworth · pm Poems, In Two Volumes by William Wordsworth, Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1807; illustrated by ?
    • 364 · Masks Off!—VI. Master Brenshaw Terminates His Visit to Boston · Rev. Charles R. Talbot · sl
    • 369 · Æsop’s Fables Versified—XII. The Crow and the Fox · Mrs. Clara Doty Bates · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 375 · Old School-Days—IV. Old-Fashioned Games · Amanda B. Harris · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 381 · Aunt Elizabeth’s Fence · George H. Hebard · ss; illustrated by ?
    • 386 · The Procession of the Zodiac—XII. The Archer · Margaret Johnson · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 388 · In No-Man’s Land—XII. How Ruthie Had to Walk Spanish · Elbridge S. Brooks · ss; illustrated by ?
    • 393 · Our Tramp · M. E. B. · pm; illustrated by ?
    • 393 · An Autumn Puzzle · [uncredited] · pm
    • 394 · Tangles · Frank E. Saville · cl
    • · C.Y.F.R.U. Supplement
    • 25 · Children of Westminster Abbey—II. The Conquest of Wales—Prince Alfonzo · Rose G. Kingsley · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 29 · Souvenirs of My Time—II. A Virginia Wedding · Mrs. Jessie Benton Frémont · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 32 · At the End of “The Season” · W. P. B. · il
    • 33 · The Temperance Teachings of Science—II. The Production of Alcohol and the Composition of Alcoholic Liquors · Prof. A. B. Palmer, M.D., LL.D. · ar
    • 36 · Ways to Do Things—XXVII. A Boy’s Menagerie · Virginia Smith · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 40 · Boys’ Heroes—II. Horatius Cocles · Edward Everett Hale · ar; illustrated by ?
    • 43 · The Making of Pictures—II. How the Artist Gets “Material” · Mrs. Sarah W. Whitman · ar
    • 45 · Entertainments in Chemistry—II. The Gases Which Form the Air · Harry W. Tyler · ar
    • 46 · Search-Questions in American Literature—II. Characters in Poetry and Fiction · Oscar Fay Adams · ar
    • 47 · Days and Nights in the Tropics. Chapter 11 (continued) · Felix L. Oswald · sl; illustrated by ?
    • 48 · All the World Round · Mr. Yan Phou Lee · cl

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