The FictionMags Index
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[]Botsford, Harry (1890-?) (about) (chron.)
- * The Best Cooks Use Onions, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1943
- * A Better Breakfast, Please, (ar) Collier’s February 24 1951
- * Bosses of the Harbor, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine June 1950
- * By Accident, (ss) The Elks Magazine October 1951
- * Dad Gets His Just Desserts, (??) Collier’s June 14 1952
- * Death Rides a Thunderbolt, (ar) Rage December 1956
- * Don’t Play Doctor, (ar) Today’s Woman #121, November 1949
- * Elmer Bittersnitt and the Three Bears, (ss) Weird Tales July 1952
- * Everything Tastes Better Outdoors, (??) Collier’s July 5 1952
- * Fish Is Your Dish, (ar) Collier’s March 15 1952 [Ref. Anton Bruehl]
- * The Fun of Fishing, (ar) The St. Nicholas Magazine June 1937
- * Getting On in the World:
* ___ Man Handling, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post August 20 1927
- * Great Guns!, (ar) Adventure November 1950
- * A Hole in the Ground: The First Oil Well, (ar) The Open Road April 1921
- * Iceman to the Tropics, (ar) Adventure June 1950
- * A Land Without Law, (na) Short Stories July 1949
- * Liberty Ship Housekeeping, (ms) Argosy November 1944
- * Man Handling, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 20 1927
- * The Man Who Owned the Harp of God, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine May 1950
- * Mass Murder in Massachusetts, (ar) Coronet June 1951
- * Mennonite Menus, (??) Collier’s February 15 1947
- * The Most Dangerous Job in the World, (ts) Adventure April 1944
- * The Most Important Meal of the Day, (ar) Cosmopolitan January 1954
- * Oil-Field Minstrel, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 3 1942
- * Oil Scouts at Large, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine September 1948
- * The Old Folks Pitch In, (ar) Liberty December 19 1942
- * The Old Oil, (ar) Bluebook April 1953
- * The $100 Bet That Won Millions, (ms) Argosy May 1950
- * Only a Few Good Scouts, (ts) Courage November 1957
- * The Orphan of Misery Bay, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine February 1945
- * The Passing of Effie, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine July 1949
- * Pipeline Deadline, (ts) Adventure July 1944
- * Poultry’s Popular, (??) Collier’s September 13 1952
- * Prelude to Murder, (ar) Adventure July 1950
- * Salad Days, (??) Collier’s August 16 1952
- * See What the Boys in the Back Yard Will Have, (??) Collier’s September 8 1951
- * Six Hundred Thousand Miles for $7.61, (ar) Everybody’s July 1926
- * Super Soups, (ar) Collier’s January 17 1953
- * Swamp Buggy and Seismograph, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine December 1950
- * There’s a Knack to a Snack, (ar) Collier’s October 11 1952
- * Trout Tackle for Bass, (ar) Esquire June 1946
- * “Ummm—Ham-and-Eggs!”, (ar) Collier’s December 15 1951
- * The Wagon Conceived in Sin, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine October 1951
- * The Warship That Never Fought, (ar) Adventure August 1950
- * Young Man with a Million Dollars, (ar) The Blue Book Magazine May 1948
_____, [ref.]
[]Botsford, Pearle E.; [working name of Pearl Eddy Botsford, née Davis] (1888-1979); used pseudonyms Bobby Barnes, Henri Bonat, Sally Noon Burrell, June Vare Davis, Beth Farrell, Barnaby Ives & Mimi Trumbull (chron.)
- * “Adventures in Contentment”, (ss) Pep Stories March 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * After Five Years, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #180, January 12 1932
- * “Ah Sin”, (ss) Snappy September 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * All Dressed Up, (nv) All-Story Love December 1 1940
- * An American Custom, (sl) La Paree Stories Mar, Apr 1936, as by Henri Bonat
- * And Tomorrow Never Came, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 23 1941, as by Beth Farrell
- * “Angel”, (ss) Gay Broadway Winter 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Any Fool Can Fall in Love, (sl) All-Story Love Tales May 6, May 13, May 20 1939
- * “Ardently Yours”, (ss) Pep Stories May 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Assignment in Chinatown, (ss) Pep Stories October 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Autumn’s Knights”, (ss) Bedtime Stories August 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Barred from Eden, (nv) All-Story Love Stories June 22 1935
- * Beach-Combing Lady, (ss) La Paree Stories January 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Becky Snatch, (ss) Tattle Tales February 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Behind the Last Frontier, (na) Romantic Range July 1938, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Be Still My Heart, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 28 1936, as by Beth Farrell
- * The Bewitching Hour, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 15 1941, as by Beth Farrell
- * Bitter Heritage, (nv) All-Story Love Stories June 1 1932
- * The Black Devil, (ss) Spicy Stories March 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Black Gold, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 19 1938, as by Beth Farrell
- * Blackmail Preferred, (ss) Spicy Stories Dec 1937, Jan 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Body Execution”, (ss) Gay Parisienne May 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Bon Soir, Madame”, (sl) La Paree Stories Nov, Dec 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Bride of Heartbreak, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #185, March 22 1932
- * The Bride’s Tears, (na) Romantic Range July 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * But There Are the Nights, (nv) Snappy June 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Cameo’s Kids, (nv) Romantic Range June 1936, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * The Candle and the Key, (ss) All-Story March 21 1931
- * Candle’s End, (ss) All-Story December 15 1931, as by Mimi Trumbull
- * Can Men Play Fair in Love?, (sl) All-Story Love Tales Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10, Dec 17 1938
- * “Casey Jones’s Locker”, (ss) Snappy September 1935, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Catch Me!, (nv) All-Story Love Stories July 20 1935
- * A Certain Redhead, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1933
- * The Chair of Fate, (sl) All-Story Dec 15 1931, Jan 1, Jan 15 1932
- * Cherry Moon, (sl) All-Story Love Stories Aug 7, Aug 14 1937
- * Cinderella Kidnaped, (nv) Best Love Stories—Cupid’s Diary Mar, Apr 1931
- * The City Slickeress, (ss) Spicy Stories November 1935, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Clown Prince, (ss) Snappy June 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Coin of Tragedy, (sl) All-Story Love Stories Oct 13, Oct 20, Oct 27 1934
- * “Contact!”, (ss) Snappy December 1935, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Contract Husband”, (ss) Spicy Stories October 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Crimson Cat, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine September 8 1934, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Cue for Cinderella, (ss) Snappy April 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * A Cure for Connemary, (ss) All-Story Love Stories August 1 1933
- * Dance of Death, (ss) Snappy April 1935, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Danger—Detour!, (ss) All-Story Love Stories November 4 1933
- * Dangerous Paradise, (sl) Pep Stories Dec 1936, Jan 1937, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Dangerous to Kiss, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 3 1937, as by Beth Farrell
- * Dannyankee, (ss) All-Story Love Stories March 30 1935
- * Darling Wife, (ss) All-Story Love Stories December 1 1932
- * Date Bureau, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 22 1934, as by Beth Farrell
- * The Daughter’s Burden, (nv) All-Story August 8 1931
- * Dear Deceiver, (nv) All-Story September 5 1931
- * Dear Enemy, (ss) Gay Broadway Spring 1937, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Desert Flowering, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Apr 16, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 7 1938, as by Beth Farrell
- * Devil’s Bargain, (ss) All-Story Love Stories December 22 1934
- * The Devil’s Mark, (ss) Snappy September 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Donna Interviews the Duke, (ss) Bedtime Stories July 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Dream by Copper, (ss) The Stocking Parade July 1941, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Dust on the Sun, (na) Romantic Range November 1936, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Dusty Skylight, (ss) Joy Stories December 1929
- * The Enchanted Kitten, (ss) All-Story Love Stories March 31 1934
- * “Errant Wife”, (ss) Tattle Tales January 1937, as by Bobby Barnes
- * “Exit—One Man-Hater”, (ss) Spicy Stories October 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Family Intrigue, (ss) Bedtime Stories Mar, Apr 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Fiddlin’ Rogue, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #136, May 6 1930
- * Fireworks!, (ss) Snappy January 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * The Flying Red Horse, (na) Romantic Range September 1936, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * “The Folsom Strip”, (ss) Spicy Stories May 1937, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Forced Landing, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 13 1934, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * The Forgotten Marriage, (sl) All-Story Feb 7, Feb 21, Mar 7 1931
- * The Frost Princess Melts, (ss) Pep Stories December 1935, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Gabriel Blow Your Horn, (ss) All-Story Love Stories February 13 1937
- * Gambling Girl, (ss) Pep Stories November 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Gay-Way Girl, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #174, October 20 1931
- * Ghost in Love, (ss) All-Story Love Tales November 15 1939
- * Ghost Town Lover, (ss) Pep Stories September 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Giant’s House, (na) Romantic Range May 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Girl Alone, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range January 1940, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Girl of the Owlhoot Trail, (nv) Romantic Range April 1936, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Glory of Love, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1939, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * The Golden Shield, (na) Romantic Range August 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * The Great Myrtilla, (ss) Gay Broadway Summer 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Guardian of Her Heart, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #158, March 10 1931
- * Half Million Dollar Date, (ss) Spicy Stories June 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Happy Birthday”, (ss) Tattle Tales November 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Happy Dust”, (ss) Pep Stories February 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Hate’s Labor Lost, (ss) All-Story Love Stories September 1 1933
- * Hawaiian Love, (nv) All-Story June 27 1931
- * Heart Hunger, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 25 1934, as by Beth Farrell
- * Hell-Cat of the Bar M, (ss) Romantic Range October 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Honey Gold, (nv) All-Story Love Stories September 15 1932
- * Hornpipes of Hasty, (ss) All-Story Love Stories June 16 1934
- * “I Give Her Sadness”, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine Apr 20, Apr 27, May 4, May 11, May 18 1940, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * “I’ll Ante Nancy”, (ss) Spicy Stories July 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * “Insults, Inc.”, (ss) Snappy April 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * I.O.U., (ss) Spicy Stories September 1935, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Jester’s bells Round My Heart, (ss) All-Story Love Magazine April 1942, as by Mimi Trumbull
- * “Jill Wouldn’t Be a Lady”, (nv) Snappy October 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Kiss and Run, (nv) Gay Love Stories April 1944
- * Kisses—for Felice, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 29 1939, as by Beth Farrell
- * Kiss Mad, (ss) Bedtime Stories November 1934
- * Kiss Rustler, (ss) Snappy June 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Kitten Without a Future, (ss) All-Story Love Stories October 6 1934
- * A Knave There Was, (ss) All-Story Love Stories January 1 1933
- * Kneeling Star, (na) Romantic Range November 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * “Lady” of the Range, (na) Romantic Range April 1938, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Lady Snob, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine April 25 1936, as by Beth Farrell
- * Landry Rides Again, (nv) Romantic Range December 1936, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * The Last of the Madderns, (nv) Romantic Range April 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Let’s Celebrate!, (ss) Bedtime Stories March 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Lions or Ladies, (ss) All-Story Love Stories November 18 1933
- * Little Peso, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range June 1940, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Little Prairie Schemer, (na) Romantic Range August 1938, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Little Texas, (nv) Romantic Range May 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Little Winds”, (ss) Breezy Stories February 1930
- * The Lonesome Drum, (na) Romantic Range March 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Lost in the Black Bayou, (ss) All-Story Love Stories February 15 1933
- * Love and Lou, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 26 1939, as by Beth Farrell
- * Love Comes Stealing, (ss) Bedtime Stories September 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Love for a Day, (nv) All-Story February 1 1932, as by Mimi Trumbull
- * “Love Goes Running—”, (ss) Bedtime Stories January 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Love in Bloom, (ss) The Stocking Parade October 1942, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Lovely Blonde, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 7 1934, as by Beth Farrell
- * The Love of the Lawless, (ss) All-Story April 18 1931
- * Lovers Ride Slowly, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 23 1935, as by Beth Farrell
- * Love—with Reservations, (ss) Pep Stories July 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Lucky Seven”, (ss) Bedtime Stories August 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * Mad Anthony, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #147, October 7 1930
- * Made of Drams, (ss) All-Story Love Stories September 14 1935
- * A Major Bandit, (ss) Spicy Stories April 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Man from Cloud Peaks, (nv) Romance Range March 1936, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Man with a Monocle, (nv) Romantic Range June 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Ma Petite Jimmy, (ss) Gay Parisienne November 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Marriage or Your Life!, (sl) All-Story Love Apr 1, Apr 15, May 1 1940
- * Masked Magic, (na) Romantic Range February 1938, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Masquerade, (ss) Cupid’s Capers July 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “The Masquerader”, (ss) Pep Stories June 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Masqueraders!, (ss) Tattle Tales August 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Mayor’s Lady, (nv) All-Story Love Stories February 1 1933
- * The Merry Wonder, (na) Romantic Range February 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Miss Masquerader, (ss) All-Story January 1 1932, as by Mimi Trumbull
- * Mockingbird Music, (ss) All-Story Love Stories July 13 1935
- * The Moon Ruby, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #181, January 26 1932
- * Mystery Road, (sl) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 28 1934, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Night of Folly!, (ss) Tattle Tales Spring 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “One Lover…Slightly Used”, (ss) Spicy Stories May 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * One-Way Traffic, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine September 26 1936, as by Beth Farrell
- * “An Orange Pitcher”, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories February 1930
- * The Other Man’s Sins, (ss) All-Story September 19 1931, as by Mimi Trumbull
- * Pagan Honeymoon, (sl) All-Story Love Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr 1942
- * The Panel of Ming Po, (ss) Bedtime Stories October 1934
- * “Paper Man”, (ss) Snappy February 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Pardon My Love, (pm) All-Story Love Tales November 19 1938
- * Parrot Girl, (nv) All-Story Love Stories March 10 1934
- * Party Frock, (sl) Snappy May, Jun 1934
- * Pecos Belle, (na) Romantic Range December 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * “Pinch Me!”, (ss) Spicy Stories December 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Pirate Love , (ss) Pep Stories October 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * The Place of Lanterns, (ss) All-Story Love Stories August 15 1932
- * Playing at Marriage, (nv) All-Story Love Stories March 15 1933
- * Poker Sweetheart, (na) Romantic Range March 1938, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * The Price of a Dream, (ss) Love Revels Magazine January 1934
- * Pride of the Rocking Star, (nv) Romantic Range July 1936, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Primrose Trail, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range March 1939, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Raggle-Taggle Gypsy, (sl) All-Story Love Stories Jan 2, Jan 9, Jan 16 1937
- * Rainbow in the West, (ss) All-Story Love Stories August 22 1936
- * Rawhide Kisses, (ss) Spicy Stories September 1936, as by Bobby Barnes
- * “Red Fox at Dawn”, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 3 1934, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Red-Headed Secretary, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 1944, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Red Sky at Evening, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 23 1936, as by Beth Farrell
- * Renegade’s Woman, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1940, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * A Rich Wife for Jerry, (ss) All-Story July 11 1931, as by Mimi Trumbull
- * Romance Land, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #137, May 20 1930
- * Romany Love, (nv) All-Story October 18 1930
- * “Rural Romeo”, (ss) Tattle Tales August 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * “Rustlers’ Moon”, (nv) Romantic Range May 1938, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * The Saddle and the Stars, (na) Romantic Range April 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Sage Runner, (na) Romantic Range September 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * Scandal, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #189, May 17 1932
- * “A Serious Young Girl”, (ss) La Paree Stories October 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Shadow of Shame, (sl) All-Story May 2, May 16, May 30 1931
- * Sham Wedding Ring, (ss) All-Story Love Stories December 23 1933
- * The Sheik of Love, (ss) Gay Parisienne March 1937, as by Barnaby Ives
- * She Saw the Sea, (ss) Spicy Stories August 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Shopworn Love, (ss) All-Story August 22 1931
- * “Shylock’s Brother”, (ss) Pep Stories May 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * The Silver Duke, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 20 1934, as by Beth Farrell
- * Silver Sage’s Masquerade, (na) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range July 1939, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * The Singing Tower, (na) Romantic Range January 1938, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * “Sin Song”, (ss) Snappy March 1938, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Sister Act, (ss) Gay Broadway Winter 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * Six Weeks to Love, (ss) All-Story Love Stories May 1 1933
- * Slippers and Dreams, (ss) Best Love Stories—Cupid’s August 20 1930
- * Smoking Paw, (na) Romantic Range October 1937, as by Sally Noon Burrell
- * “Some of My Sins”, (ss) Bedtime Stories December 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * A Spanish Cavalier, (nv) All-Story Love Stories March 1 1932
- * “Star Chaser”, (nv) Spicy Stories September 1936, as by Barnaby Ives
- * A Star for the Moon, (nv) All-Story Love Stories June 26 1937
- * Star Shine, (ss) All-Story April 4 1931
- * Star Witness, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range September 1941, as by Sally Noon Burrell
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