The FictionMags Index
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[]Bouvé, Pauline Carrington (Rust) (1860-1928) (chron.)
- * Across the Sea at Winthrop, (pm) New England Magazine November 1909
- * The Date, (ss) Snappy Stories December 1914
- * Dolly Madison, (ss) The Brown Book of Boston June 1902
- * Fritz Puffer’s Trouble, (ss) New England Magazine April 1906
- * The Hindoo Vanishing Clue, (nv) Mystery Magazine #26, December 1 1918
- * The Loyalty of Miss Arbela, (ss) People’s Magazine September 1906
- * Melody of the Mountains, (ss) People’s June 1909
- * The Moon Path, (pm) People’s December 1909
- * The Rejuvenation of Mister Tillingham Pratt, (ss) People’s April 1908
- * The Shadow Baby, (pm) New Idea Woman’s Magazine Christmas 1904
- * The Slippered Feet, (pm) People’s August 1908
- * Stories of American Heroes for Boys and Girls:
* ___ Fourth Story—Dolly Madison, (ss) The Brown Book of Boston June 1902
- * Uncle Primus Tells a Ghost Story, (ss) New England Magazine March 1907
- * An Unrepealed Law, (ss) The Black Cat September 1906
- * Unto My Soul, (pm) People’s October 1908
- * The Widowhood of Effie Jane, (ss) Short Stories October 1907
[]Bouvé, Winston; joint pseudonym of Nan Bouvé & Michael Tilden (fl. 1910s-1950s) (chron.)
- * After Dark, (na) Ainslee’s August 1925
- * The April Fool, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1924
- * The Burden of Proof, (na) Ainslee’s June 1925
- * Case of the Come-Hither Corpse [Nem Parsons], (ss) Detective Tales April 1952
- * Case of the Limping Corpse [Nem Parsons], (ss) Detective Tales February 1952
- * Concrete Evidence, (ss) The Shadow Magazine August 15 1933
- * The Constant Heart, (ss) Love Book Magazine December 1951
- * Corcoran Brings Him Down, (ss) The Shadow Magazine April 15 1933
- * The Crimson Web [Nem Parsons], (ss) Flynn’s March 6 1926, as "Guilty Knowledge"
- * The Crystal Gazers, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1923
- * Crystals by Fragonard, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1925
- * Deadly Mission, (ss) The Spider August 1934, as "Dynamite and Stone"
- * Death Deals Diamonds, (ss) The Shadow Magazine February 15 1934
- * Death in a Casket, (ss) All Detective Magazine November 1933
- * Dollars, (ss) Metropolitan March 1921
- * Donna Quixote, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1922
- * The Dupe, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st March 1923
- * Dynamite and Stone, (ss) The Spider August 1934
- * Emeralds de Menthe, (ss) Ainslee’s February 1923
- * Fishermaid’s Luck, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1921
- * The Girl on the Stairs, (na) Ainslee’s March 1924
- * Grains of Death, (ss) Operator #5 March 1935
- * Guilty Knowledge [Nem Parsons], (ss) Flynn’s March 6 1926
- * Hemp Enough [Nem Parsons], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly August 14 1926
- * Hermine’s Daughter, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1920
- * His Christmas Angel, (ss) Ainslee’s January 1922
- * His Father’s House, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1919
- * Holly Tree Inn, (na) Ainslee’s January 1923
- * Hoodoo Hall, (ss) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1933
- * The House Next Door, (na) The Premier Magazine #37, March 1926
- * The House of Herrick, (ss) Ainslee’s September 1922
- * The House with the Purple Panes, (ss) Ainslee’s May 1923
- * In the Red, (ss) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1934
- * A Lady in Ermine, (ss) Ainslee’s January 1924
- * The Left Hand of Luck, (ss) Ainslee’s November 1922
- * Lover’s End [Nem Parsons], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly February 12 1927
- * The Maid of Melos, (na) Ainslee’s December 1924
- * Mallory’s Wife, (ss) Ainslee’s November 1926
- * The Man from Skeleton Key, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine June 1933
- * The Man Whom Life Passed By, (ss) Saucy Stories Jun, Jul 1919
- * Merry Widow, (ss) Detective Tales September 1949
- * Midas’ Daughter, (nv) Ainslee’s October 1922
- * Ming and Mimosa, (ss) Ainslee’s September 1925
- * Minx in Mink, (ss) Love Book Magazine October 1937, as "More Than Mink"
- * Missing Men, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 12 1926
- * The Mistress of Hawk’s Nest, (na) Ainslee’s February 1925
- * The Monkey’s Paw [Nem Parsons], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 26 1926
- * More Than Mink, (ss) Love Book Magazine October 1937
- * Murder Takes Passage, (ss) The Shadow Magazine March 15 1934
- * Murder to Chimes, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine September 1933
- * My Heart’s in Safe Deposit, (ss) Love Book Magazine November 1937
- * Never Trust a Corpse! [Nem Parsons], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 26 1926, as "The Monkey’s Paw"
- * One Foot in the Grave, (ss) New Detective Magazine October 1952
- * Out of Darkness, (ss) Detective Tales January 1937
- * Pan’s Wife, (na) Ainslee’s April 1922
- * Peril, (sl) Ainslee’s May, Jun 1922
- * Pigs and Pearls, (ss) Ainslee’s June 1923
- * Pinchbeck Benny, (ss) Flynn’s November 14 1925
- * The Plunderers, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1923
* ___ The Plunderers, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1923
* ___ The House with the Purple Panes, (ss) Ainslee’s May 1923
* ___ Pigs and Pearls, (ss) Ainslee’s June 1923
* ___ The Crystal Gazers, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1923
* ___ Quarry, (ss) Ainslee’s August 1923
* ___ The Shadow, (ss) Ainslee’s October 1923
- * Quarry, (ss) Ainslee’s August 1923
- * The Redemption of Doll, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st October 1921
- * The Riders, (pm) The Smart Set January 1920
- * The Romantic Lady, (ss) Ainslee’s September 1921
- * Romany’s Rest, (na) Ainslee’s December 1923
- * Rotten Wood, (ss) Ainslee’s February 1922
- * Sackcloth, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly September 18 1926
- * Second String Bride, (nv) Love Book Magazine June 1937
- * The Shadow, (ss) Ainslee’s October 1923
- * She Had Her Hour, (ss) Saucy Stories January 1 1923
- * The Sisterhood of Don, (ss) Ainslee’s March 1922
- * Spoils, (ss) Ainslee’s October 1924
- * The Squanderers, (na) Ainslee’s March 1923
- * Too Much Rope [Nem Parsons], (nv) Detective Tales August 1951
- * The Trail of Nemesis, (ss)
- * Two Fools and a Lady, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1922
- * An Unfilled Grave, (ss) The Spider May 1934
- * Unto Sylvia, (ss) Ainslee’s January 1925
- * A Wife for Bluebeard, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine August 1935
- * Year of Oblivion, (sl) Ainslee’s May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1924
[]Bouvier, Nicolas (fl. 1990s-2010s); used pseudonym Sparth (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Five ed. Jonathan Strahan, Night Shade Books, 2011, as by Sparth
- * [front cover], (cv) The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Six ed. Jonathan Strahan, Night Shade Books, 2012, as by Sparth
- * [front cover], (cv) The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Seven ed. Jonathan Strahan, Skyhorse/Night Shade Books, 2013, as by Sparth
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Halo: Evolutions, Tor, 2009, as by Sparth
[]Bova, Ben(jamin William) (1932-2020); used pseudonym Oxford Williams (about) (books) (chron.)
- * 1998 Grand Master: Hal Clement (with Poul Anderson), (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #142, Summer 1999 [Ref. Hal Clement]
- * 2042: A Cautiously Pessimistic View, (ar) The World & I 1991
- * Aboard Torch Ship Hermes, (lk) Sam Gunn Forever, Avon Eos, 1998
- * About “Inspiration”, (ms) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #126, Spring 1995
- * Across My Life…, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2010
- * Acts of God [Sam Gunn], (ss) Science Fiction Age May 1995
- * Afterword to “A Pale Blue Dot”, (as) New Frontiers, Tor, 2014
- * Afterword to “Duel in the Somme”, (as) New Frontiers, Tor, 2014
- * Afterword to “Scheherazade and the Storytellers”, (as) Gateways ed. Elizabeth Anne Hull, Tor, 2010
- * Afterword to “Zero Gee”, (as) Again, Dangerous Visions ed. Harlan Ellison, Doubleday, 1972
- * The Alien Worlds, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1964
- * Aloha, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1978
- * Amorality Tale, (ss) The Astral Mirror by Ben Bova, Tor, 1985
- * Analog Books, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1978
- * The Angel’s Gift, (ss) The First Omni Book of Science Fiction ed. Ellen Datlow, Zebra, 1983, as by Oxford Williams
- * The Anlab Vote, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1978
- * Answer, Please Answer, (nv) Amazing Stories October 1962
- * Appointment in Sinai, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 1996
- * The Arts: Books, (cl) Omni February 1979 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- * The Babe, the Iron Horse, and Mr. McGillicuddy (with Rick Wilber), (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 1997
- * Background: Practice, (ar) Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, Scribners, 1975
- * Background: Theory, (ar) Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, Scribners, 1975
- * Battle Station, (na) Battle Station by Ben Bova, Tor, 1987
- * Béisbol, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact November 1985
- * Ben Bova New Analog Editor, Ace Appoints Frederik Pohl (with George Zebrowski), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #37, 1971
- * The Best and the Brightest, (in) The Best of Analog ed. Ben Bova, Baronet, 1978
- * The Best of Bova: Volume 1, (co) Baen, February 2016
- * The Best of Bova: Volume II, (co) Baen, July 2016
- * The Best of Bova: Volume III, (co) Baen, August 2017
- * The Best of the Novels, (si) The Best of the Nebulas ed. Ben Bova, Tor, 1989
- * Beyond the Known Universe: From Dwarf Stars to Quasars, (br) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1976 [Ref. I. M. Levitt, Ph.D.]
- * Bibliography, (bi) Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, Scribners, 1975
- * Bloodless Victory, (nv) New Frontiers, Tor, 2014
- * Blood of Tyrants, (nv) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * Born Again, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1984
- * Born to Lose, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1972
- * Brillo (with Harlan Ellison), (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1970
- Partners in Wonder by Harlan Ellison, Walker US, 1971
- Adam Bedside Reader #46, August 1971
- Tin Stars ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Signet, 1986
- Future Crime, Tor, 1990
- The Best of Bova: Volume II, Baen, 2016
- * The Broken Promise, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1975
- * Brothers, (ss) In the Field of Fire ed. Jeanne Van Buren & Jack M. Dann, Tor, 1987
- * Buck Rogers Redux, (ar) Jim Baen’s Universe April 2009
- * Building a Real World, (ar) Rigel Science Fiction #2, Fall 1981; adapted from a speech given at Philicon, 1980.
- * Build Me a Mountain [Chet Kinsman], (ss) 2020 Vision ed. Jerry E. Pournelle, Avon, 1974
- * Bulletin Symposium, (sy) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #95, Spring 1987 [Ref. Theodore R. Cogswell]
- * Bulletin Symposium: Novelizations, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #108, Summer 1990
- * Bushido, (ss) Analog Science Fiction & Fact July 1992
- * But What if We Tried It?, (ar) Faster Than Light ed. Jack M. Dann & George Zebrowski, Harper & Row, 1976
- * By-Laws of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (with David A. Smith), (ms) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #115 Spr 1992, #119 Spr 1993, #122/123 Wtr/Spr 1994
- * By Their Fruits, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1975
- * The Café Coup, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1997
- * A Can of Worms [Sam Gunn], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1989
- * The Care and Feeding of Authors, (ms) The New York Review of Science Fiction #268, December 2010
- * Cement, (fa) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1984
- * Character: Practice, (ar) Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, Scribners, 1975
- * Character: Theory, (ar) Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, Scribners, 1975
- * Charger [Orion], (ss) Dragon March 1999
- * Christmas Plus 20, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1977
- * Citizens of the World, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1974
- * City of Darkness, (n.) Scribner’s, 1976
- * Conflict: Practice, (ar) Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, Scribners, 1975
- * Conflict: Theory, (ar) Notes to a Science Fiction Writer, Scribners, 1975
- * The Conspiracy Theory, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1976
- * Conspiracy Theory, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1993
- * A Country for Old Men, (nv) Going Interstellar ed. Les Johnson & Jack McDevitt, Baen, 2012
- * Courage, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1978
- * Crazy Ideas, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact February 1974
- * Crisis of the Month, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1988
- * Crucial Experiment II, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1976
- * Culture Lag, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact February 1975
- * Dark Age, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1978
- * Death on Venus, (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2000; adapted from the forthcoming novel Venus, Tor April 2000.
- * Delta Vee, (ss) Tampa Tribune Fiction Quarterly December 31 1995
- * Democracy in Action, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact April 1977
- * Destination Mars, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1974
- * Diamond Sam [Sam Gunn], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November 1988
- * The Disasters That Weren’t, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1972
- * Diversification, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1977
- * The Dueling Machine [Star Watch] (with Myron R. Lewis), (na) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction May 1963
- * Duel in the Somme, (ss) Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest Summer 2006
- * Dux Bellorum [Orion], (ss) Dragon September 1999
- * Editor’s Appreciation of Flowers for Algernon, (ar) The Best of the Nebulas ed. Ben Bova, Tor, 1989 [Ref. Daniel Keyes]
- * Editor’s Note (retirement of Catherine Tarrant), (ms) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1973 [Ref. Catherine Tarrant]
- * Einstein’s Law [Sam Gunn], (ss) Omni July 1990
- * The Either/Or Fallacy, (ed) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 1989
- * Empire Builders, (ex) Amazing Stories August 1993
- * Enchantment [Orion], (ss) Dragon July 2001
- * End of Exile [Exiles], (n.) Dutton, 1975
- * Energy Marketplace, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 1975
- * Energy Shortage, (ar) Jim Baen’s Universe April 2010
- * The Equalizer, (ed) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact February 1976
- * Escape!, (n.) Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970
- * Essay, (ar) Science Fiction Age January 1994
- * Eternal Verities, Eternal Questions, (vi) Nature #6777, March 30 2000
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