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Brackett, Leigh (Douglas) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Crime Fiction of Leigh Brackett by Christine Photinos, (ar) Popular Culture Review Summer 2011
- * Edmond Hamilton & Leigh Brackett by Jon D. Swartz, (ar) Paperback Parade #114, January 2022
- * Edmond Hamilton & Leigh Brackett by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1978
- * An Eye for an Eye by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction September 1958
- * Flashback: Leigh Brackett by Jill F. Kosmensky, (bg) Pulp Eternity Magazine #1, September 1998
- * Future Imperfect: Leigh Brackett’s The Long Tomorrow by Donna DeBlasio, (ar) Phoenix from the Ashes ed. Carl B. Yoke, Greenwood Press, 1987
- * The Galactic Breed by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1955
- * The Galactic Breed by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction November 1955
- * Gats, Six-Guns and Blasters by Bud Webster, (ar) Helix #5, Summer 2007
- * The Ginger Star by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, (br) Ray Gun Revival #49, December 2008
- * Grab What You Can Get: The Screenwriter as Journeyman Plumber by Steve Swires, (iv) Films in Review August 1976
- * Halflings & Dancing Girls: Leigh Brackett’s Other Solar System Stories by Michael Barrett, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #298, June 2013
- * The Hawksian Woman by Naomi Wise, (iv) Take One January/February 1971
- * The Hounds of Skaith by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, (br) Ray Gun Revival #49, December 2008
- * In Memoriam: Leigh Brackett by Robert E. Briney, (ob) The Armchair Detective July 1978
- * Introduction by Elizabeth A. Lynn, (in) The Sword of Rhiannon by Leigh Brackett, Gregg Press, 1979
- * Introduction to The Secret of Sinharat by Leigh Brackett by Michael Moorcock, (in) Planet Stories, December 2007
- * The Iong Tomorrow by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1956
- * The Jewel of Bas/Thieves’ Carnival (with Karen Haber) by Beatrice Gemignani, (br) Science Fiction Review #3, Autumn 1990
- * King’s Cross in Orbit: Edmond Hamilton & Leigh Brackett in Sydney & Inaugural Meeting of the Sydney Science Fiction Foundation by P. A. M. Terry, (ar) Australian Science Fiction Review February 1968
- * Leigh Brackett by D. Peter Odgen, (ar) ERBania April 1966
- * Leigh Brackett by James D. Ellis, (ar) Xenophile #42, September/October 1979
- * Leigh Brackett by Brian M. Stableford, (ar) Interzone #104, February 1996
- * Leigh Brackett, (ob)
- * Leigh Brackett 1916-78 by Michael Goodwin & Naomi Wise, (ob)
- * Leigh Brackett: American Screenwriter by Alain Silver & Elizabeth Ward, (ar) American Screenwriters ed. Robert M. Morsberger, Stephen O. Lesser & Randall Clark, Gale Research, 1984
- * Leigh Brackett: An Interview by Paul Walker, (iv) Speaking of Science Fiction by Paul Walker, Luna Publications, 1978
- * Leigh Brackett: Conan’s First Pasticheur? by Will Oliver, (ar) Blood ’n’ Thunder Annual 2023
- * Leigh Brackett Dies by Charles N. Brown, (ob) Locus March 1978
- * Leigh Brackett & Edmond Hamilton by Paul McGuire, III & David A. Truesdale, (iv) Tangent #5, Summer 1976
- * Leigh Brackett Hamilton: A Memoir by Randall Garrett, (ob) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July/August 1978
- * Leigh Brackett in Paperback by Elwanda Holland, (bi) Books Are Everything May 1988
- * Leigh Brackett Interview by F. Anthony Macklin, (iv) Voices from the Set ed. F. Anthony Macklin & Nick Pici, Scarecrow Press, 2000
- * Leigh Brackett: Much More Than the Queen of Space Opera! by Bertil Falk, (ar) Bewildering Stories June 25 2007
- * Leigh Brackett—Queen of the Space Opera by Lynne Lumsden Green, (ar) Aurealis #147, February 2022
- * Leigh Brackett & Ray Bradbury by William F. Nolan, (ar) The Human Equation ed. William F. Nolan, Sherbourne, 1971
- * The Long Tomorrow by Gary K. Wolfe, (ar) Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 3 ed. Frank N. Magill, Salem Press, 1979
- * The Long Tomorrow by Carl B. Yoke, (ar) Phoenix from the Ashes ed. Carl B. Yoke, Greenwood Press, 1987
- * The Long Tomorrow, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #64, December 15 1955
- * The Long Tomorrow by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe February 1956
- * The Long Tomorrow by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1956
- * The Long Tomorrow by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction May, Aug 1956
- * Lorelei of the Red Mist by Richard A. Lupoff, (br) Locus #567, April 2008
- * Lorelei of the Red Mist (with Ray Bradbury) by George H. Scithers, (br) Amra v2 #13, 1960
- * N’Chaka—“Man-Without-a-Tribe” by Peter F. Roy, (ar)
- * The Nemesis from Terra by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction June 1962
- * No Good from a Corpse by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #143, May 1999
- * No “Long Goodbye” Is Good Enough by Rosemarie Arbur, (ar) The Feminine Eye ed. Tom Staicar, Frederick Ungar, 1982
- * Prelude to Empire by Ray Walsh, (ar)
- * Queen of the Martian Mysteries: Leigh Brackett by Michael Moorcock, (in) Martian Quest by Leigh Brackett, Haffner Press, 2002
- * Range by L. Sprague de Camp, (ar) Amra v2 #33, 1965
- * The Reavers of Skaith by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt, (br) Ray Gun Revival #49, December 2008
- * Red Mist and Ruins: The Symbolist Prose of Leigh Brackett by Thomas F. Bertonneau, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #219, November 2006
- * Science Fiction Writing: Experiences as a Writer by Hugh G. Earnhart & Juanita Roderick, (iv) 1975
- * See You Later, Leigh by Andrew J. Offutt, (ob) Locus May 1978
- * Shadows of the Evening Star: Leigh Brackett’s Tales of Venus by Michael Barrett, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #291, November 2012
- * Stark Adventuring: Leigh Brackett’s Eric John Stark by Michael Barrett, (ar) Vector Winter 2013/2014
- * The Starmen by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction April 1953
- * The Starmen by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1953
- * The Starmen by Kenneth F. Slater, (br) Nebula Science Fiction #10, 1954
- * The Starmen, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #51, November 15 1954
- * Strange Adventures on Other Worlds: The Pulp Fiction of Leigh Brackett by Margaret M. Howes, (ar) Windhaven #2, 1977
- * The Sword of Rhiannon by Rosemarie Arbur, (ar) Survey of Science Fiction Literature, Vol. 5 ed. Frank N. Magill, Salem Press, 1979
- * The Sword of Rhiannon by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #54, December 1956
- * The Sword of Rhiannon, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #76, January 1957
- * They Call Her for Salty Dialogue by Hedda Hopper, (ar) Los Angeles Times December 28 1965
- * Three Days with Leigh Brackett & Edmond Hamilton by Joseph Green, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #255, November 2009
- * Two-Fisted Novel Interested Director Hawks in Miss Brackett, (ms) El Dorado Press Book, Paramount Pictures, 1966
- * Who’s Who in Science Fiction: Leigh Brackett by Robert E. Briney, (bg) Destiny Summer 1954
[]Brackett, Ward (1914-2006) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s November 9 1946
- * [front cover], (cv) The American Magazine August 1954
- * [illustration(s)], (il) This Week Jan 10, Feb 21, May 9 1943
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Woman’s Home Companion Apr 1943, Aug 1946, Feb, Apr, Jul 1947, Jan 1948, Oct 1949
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cosmopolitan May 1947, Jun 1959, Mar 1962
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Nov 6, Dec 11, Dec 18 1948, Apr 23, Sep 17, Sep 24, Oct 15 1949, Jan 14, Jan 21 1950,
Apr 28, May 19, May 26, Jun 16, Jun 30 1951
Jan 19, Mar 15, Mar 29, Apr 5, Apr 12 1952
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine Dec 1954, Aug 1955
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s Apr 1960, Apr 1961
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Redbook October 1961
_____, [ref.]
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