Science Fiction, Fantasy and Weird Magazines

Magazines 3  
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Magazine Title Issues Indexed In Notes
British Science Fiction Magazine - see under Vargo Statten Science Fiction Magazine
British Space Fiction Magazine - see under Vargo Statten Science Fiction Magazine
Broadsword #1, 1995 - #4, 1996 SFI Issue Checklist
Broadswords and Blasters Apr-2017 - Winter 2020 SFI Issue Checklist
Broken River Review #1, 2018 SFI Issue Checklist
Bug-Eyed Magazine 1984 - 2006    
Bulletin of the Cleveland Science Fiction Society
» Science Fantasy Bulletin
» Dimensions
1951? - May-1952
Jun-1952 - Mar-1953
May/Jul-1954 - Aug/Oct-1954
Missing: all before 30-Mar-1952
Missing Jul-1952
Issue Checklist
The Bulletin of the Terrestrial Fantascience Guild - see under Phantagraph
Bull Spec Spring 2010 - Oct-2015 SFI Issue Checklist
Burning Sky 1998 - 2002 SFI Issue Checklist
Burroughs Bulletin in 1950s FicMags sample issues only
Buzzy Mag 2012 - 2015    
Byzarium Apr-2005 - Jun-2009    
Cabal Asylum 1995 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Cabinet des Fées 2006 - 2010 SFI Issue Checklist
Cactus Spring 1959 - Winter 1961    
The Cafe Irreal Feb-1999 - present SFI Missing: any after #90, Spring 2024
Issue Checklist
Camber 1953? - Jun-1964    
» Canadian Fandom
Feb-1943 - Jul-1943
Sep-1943 - Oct-1958
sample issues only
Canticles from Labowitz in 1960s FicMags sample issues only
Capricious Sep-2015 - Jul-2019 SFI Issue Checklist
Captain Future Winter 1940 - Spring 1944 SFI; PMI1 Issue Checklist
Captain Satan - see under Strange Detective Mysteries
Captain Zero Nov-1949 - Mar-1950 AFI; PMI1 Issue Checklist
Captain Zero (Canada) Nov-1939 - Mar-1950 AFI Issue Checklist
Carnage Hall #1, 1988 - #6, 1995 SFI Issue Checklist
Carriage House Review Winter 2001 - 2003 FicMags partial issues only
Cassandra Anthology
» merges with Fisheye
#1, 1983 - #13/14, 1987
Issue Checklist
Catenary Tales Spring/Summer 1980    
Cats with Wings Jun-2007 - Mar-2008 FicMags sample issue only
Cemetery Dance Dec-1988 - Jul-2019 SFI Missing: any after #78, Mar-2023
Issue Checklist
Cemetery Moon Fall 2007 - present    
Cenotaph 1997 - 1999 SFI Issue Checklist
Censored Jun-1941 - Jun-1942    
Centauri Fall 1942 - ?    
Centaurus in 1990s    
» Century
Jan-1994 - Jan/Feb-1996
Winter 2000 - Spring 2000
Issue Checklist
Cerberus Fall 1977 SFI Issue Checklist
Cerebretron in 1980s    
Chacal Winter 1976 - Spring 1977 SFI Issue Checklist
Challenger Fall 1993 - present FicMags sample issues only
Challenging Destiny #1, 1997 - Dec-2007 SFI Issue Checklist
The Chamber Magazine 7-May-2021 - 7-Jul-2023 SFI Issue Checklist
Champagne Horror #1, 1990 SFI Issue Checklist
Champagne Shivers Jan-2005 - 2010 SFI Issue Checklist
Chanticleer in 1940s    
Chaos Theory: Tales Askew Spring/Summer 2002 - Winter 2009    
The Charnel House 1996    
Chasm: A Journal of the Macabre Winter 1995 - Winter 1998/99?    
{The} Chiaroscuro - see under ChiZine
The Chigger Patch of Fandom early 1950s FicMags sample issue only
Child Life
» Child Life
» Child Life
» merges with Children's Digest
Jan-1922 - Sep-1977
Oct-1977 - Nov-1979
Dec-1979 - Jul/Aug-2007
sample issues only
Missing: Mar-1978, May-1978
Child of Words Mar-2014 - Sep-2014 SFI Issue Checklist
Chillers Jul-1981 - Nov-1981 SFI Only fiction indexed
Issue Checklist
Chilling Tales Oct-2016 - #8, 2020 SFI Issue Checklist
Chills - see under Winter Chills
Chimaeran Review in 1970s    
ChiZine Jul/Sep-1999 - Oct/Dec-2011 SFI Missing: #3, Jan/Mar-2000; #42, Oct/Dec-2009
Issue Checklist
Chronicle - see under Science Fiction Chronicle
The Chronicler of Cross Plains
» The Chronicler of Cross Plains
Fall 1978
Fall 2006
Issue Checklist
Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex
» Cthulhu Codex
» Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex
#1, 1985 - #5, 1989
#6, 1996 - #16, 1999
#17, 2000
Issue Checklist
Churchyard #1, 1990 - #2, 1990 SFI Issue Checklist
Ciln in 1960s    
Cinquefoil 1968    
Cirsova Spring 2016 - present SFI Missing: any after Fall 2024
Issue Checklist
Citadel in 1970s    
The City Morgue Feb-2002 - ?    
City Slab Oct-2002 - #12, 2008 SFI Issue Checklist
The Clack Book Apr-1896 - Jun-1897 GFI Issue Checklist
Clarges in 1960s    
Clarkesworld Oct-2006 - present SFI Missing: any issues after #214, Jul-2024
Issue Checklist
Classic Science Fiction Anthology Oct-2020 SFI Issue Checklist
Clever Truths - see under Best Stories (of All Time)
Close to the Edge Mar-1988 SFI Issue Checklist
Cold Cuts Winter 1994 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Cold Print Spring 1996 - 2002 SFI Issue Checklist
The Collective Cauldron 1998 - ?    
Colonies Science Fiction Magazine c. 2000 SFI Missing: #1
Issue Checklist
The Colored Lens Autumn 2011 - present SFI Missing: any after #52, Summer 2024
Issue Checklist
Comet [1940] (US prozine) Dec-1940 - Jul-1941 SFI Issue Checklist
The Comet [1940] (US fanzine) c. 1940 FicMags sample issues only
The Common Tongue Magazine Mar-2021 - Oct-2021 SFI Issue Checklist
The Communicator in 1970s FicMags sample issue only
Compelling Science Fiction Apr-2016 - #15, 2020 SFI Issue Checklist
Concept Sci-fi E-zine Jul-2008 - Aug-2009    
Conjurings Jun-2013 SFI Issue Checklist
Constelación Jan-2021 - Oct-2021 SFI Issue Checklist
Constellary Tales Nov-2018 - Dec-2019 SFI Issue Checklist
Continuum Science Fiction Winter 2004 - Fall 2006 SFI Issue Checklist
Contortions Summer 1996 - ?    
Copper Toadstool
» The Storyteller
Dec-1976 - Jan-1979
Issue Checklist
Copy Magazine Spring 1950 SFI Issue Checklist
The Corpse Apr-2004 - Jul-2004 SFI Issue Checklist
» Wordworks
Jan/Feb-1971 - #5, 1974
#6, 1975 - #7, 1976
Cosmag Mar-1951 - Sep-1952? SFI Missing: #1, #2, #3
Issue Checklist
Cosmic Horror Monthly Jul-2020 - present SFI Missing: any after Oct-2024
Issue Checklist
Cosmic Science Stories - see under New All-Action Stories
Cosmic Speculative Fiction Spring 2004 - Winter 2006 FicMags Missing: all except #1
Cosmic Stories Mar-1941 - Jul-1941 SFI Issue Checklist
Cosmic Tales Summer 1937 - Aug-1941 SFI Issue Checklist
The Cosmic Unicorn in 1990s    
Cosmos [1938] 1938 SFI Issue Checklist
Cosmos Complete Novel 1978 SFI Issue Checklist
Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Sep-1953 - Jul-1954 SFI Issue Checklist
Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May-1977 - Nov-1977 SFI Issue Checklist
Cosmos Science Fiction Series #1, 1973 - #2, 1973 SFI Issue Checklist
Cossmass Infinities Jan-2020 - Jul-2022 SFI Issue Checklist
Counterthrust Fantasy #1, 1976 SFI Issue Checklist
Coven 13
» Witchcraft & Sorcery
v1 #1, 1969 - v1 #4, 1970
v1 #5, 1971 - #10, 1974
Issue Checklist
Cover of Darkness May-2007 - Mar-2013 SFI Missing: #13, Dec-2012
Issue Checklist
Coyote Wild Winter 2007 - Aug-2008    
Crabapple Sep-1965 - Jul-1970    
Crank! #1, 1993 - #8, 1998 SFI Issue Checklist
Creative Brother's Sci-Fi Magazine Mar-2004 - May-2008 SFI Issue Checklist
Creepy Nightmares May-2018 - Dec-2020 SFI Issue Checklist
CriFanAc in 1950s    
Critical Mass Magazine Jun-1988 - Fall 1989 SFI Issue Checklist
The Cromcast Chronicle #1, Winter 2020 - present SFI Missing: any after #3, Winter 2022
Issue Checklist
Cromlech Spring 1985 - 1988 SFI Issue Checklist
Crossed Genres Magazine
» Crossed Genres Magazine
Dec-2008 - Dec-2011
Jan-2013 - Dec-2015
Issue Checklist
Cross Plains Jan-1974 - Sep-1975 SFI Issue Checklist
Crossroads Mar-1992 - Oct-1999 SFI Issue Checklist
Crossworlds Magazine v1 #1, 1994 SFI Issue Checklist
Crowded Magazine Feb-2013 - Sep-2013? SFI Issue Checklist
Crucified Toad [1974] - see under Weird Fantasy
Crux Sep-1979 - 1985 SFI Issue Checklist
Cry of the Nameless 1950 - 1969    
Crypt of Cthulhu
» Crypt of Cthulhu
#1, 1981 - #107, 2001
#108, 2017 - present
Missing: any after #115, 2023
Issue Checklist
Cryptor Aug-1971 - Nov-1972?    
Cthulhu Calls Jul-1973 - Jul-1977? SFI Missing: Jul-1973; Apr-1976; Jul-1976; Jul-1977
Issue Checklist
Cthulhu Codex - see under Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex
Cthulhu Cultus 1995 - 2001 SFI Issue Checklist
Cthulhu Sex 1998 - 2007 SFI Missing: v1 #13; v3 #14
Issue Checklist
Cthulhu: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos
» Cthulhu: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos
#1, 1976 - #3, 1978
#4, 2013 - #8, 2017
Issue Checklist
Curiosities Winter 2017 - present SFI Missing: any issues after #9, 2021
Issue Checklist
Cyäegha Spring 2008 - present SFI Missing: any after #27, Summer 2023
Issue Checklist
Cyber Age Adventures Jun-2005 SFI Issue Checklist
Cyber-Psychos AOD Jul-1992 - Nov-2001 SFI Issue Checklist
Cyberpulp Magazine Jun-2004 - Fall 2004    
Cygni in 1940s    
» Wet Paint
1981 - 1982
1982 - 1986
The Cygnus Chronicler Oct-1977 - Dec-1982? FicMags sample issue only
Daarke Worlde 1992? - Jun/Jul-1994 SFI Issue Checklist
Dagger of the Mind #1, 1990 - #2, 1990 SFI Missing: #2
Issue Checklist
Dagon #1, 1983 - #27, 1990 SFI Only fiction and selected articles indexed
Issue Checklist
Daikaijuzine Sep-2006 - Mar-2011    
The Daily Phantagraph - see under Phantagraph
Damned Thing
» Damned Thing
Spring 1991 - Winter 1993
Summer 2013 - present
» DargonZine
1984 - Oct-1988
Nov-1988 - present
Missing: any after v34 #2, 2023
Issue Checklist
The Dark Oct-2013 - present SFI Missing: any after #113, Oct-2024
Issue Checklist

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