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Country: UK
Total Issues: 35

Intended as an "international review," it published different articles in English, French and German. Though the emphasis was on literary and political commentary, it published some fiction and serialized R.L. Stevenson's "The Weir of Hermiston" (1896). Other authors include S.R. Crockett, Israel Zangwill, Somerset Maugham, George Gissing.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-1896 – Nov-1898
Publishers:   T. Fisher Unwin (in UK)
Editors:   F. Ortmans
Formats:   standard size, coated stock but unillustrated
Prices:   2/6d
Pagecounts:   316pp
Frequency:   monthly
Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 3


Country: US
Total Issues: 1639 (to Winter 2024)

Serialized Wells's "The War of the Worlds" (1897) and "The First Men in the Moon" (1900-1901); other authors include Maxim Gorky, W.W. Jacobs, Ambrose Bierce, Arthur B. Reeve. Went through a muck-raking period but switched heavily to fiction in 1912. Eventually was transformed into a sexy upmarket women's magazine under the editorship of Helen Gurley Brown (from 1965).

Initially called The Cosmopolitan, although the definite article seems to have been dropped by 1903 or therabouts. Merged with Hearst's International in Mar-1925 and technically called Hearst's International combined with Cosmopolitan until Mar-1952, although generally known as Cosmopolitan throughout. Re- emerged under single name in April 1952.

Issues & Index Sources

  Mar-1886 – present: Index to Periodical Literature (incomplete after Dec-1971)
FictionMags Index



  1886 – 1889: Joseph Hallock
  1889 – 1905: John B. Walker
  1905 – present: International Magazine Co. [Hearst]


  1886 – 1889: Joseph N. Hallock
  1889 – 1905: John Brisben Walker
  1918 – 1931: Ray Long
  1931 – 1946: Harry Payne Burton
  1946 – ?: Arthur Gordon
  1965 – ?: Helen Gurley Brown


  Mar-1886 – Aug-1916: standard, on coated stock, often with colour illustrations
  Sep-1916 – present: big slick



Related Sites

  Spartacus Educational

Online Sources

  Online Books
Issue Checklist

Cosmopolitan (UK)

Country: UK

UK edition of US original, though with many UK features. Prides itself on its high-quality short fiction and novel-extracts: authors include Margaret Atwood, Angela Carter, Penelope Lively, David Lodge, Alison Lurie, Joyce Carol Oates, Ruth Rendell, Salman Rushdie, William Trevor, Alice Walker, Fay Weldon, Jeanette Winterson (some stories are reprints from The New Yorker and other American magazines). See such derivative anthologies as The Best of Cosmopolitan Fiction (Serpent's Tail, 1991) and The Cosmopolitan Book of Short Stories (Penguin, 1995), both edited by Kate Figes; women's magazine; circulation 461,000.

Issues & Index Sources:  1972 – present
Publishers:   National Magazines
Editors:   currently Mandi Norwood; fiction editor Kate Figes
Formats:   slick
Frequency:   monthly

Cosmopolitan Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

Issues & Index Sources:  Autumn 1946: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   New Realm Publishing Corporation, Temple Bar House, 23/28 Fleet Street, London E.C.4.
Prices:   1/-
Pagecounts:   50pp

Cosmopolitan Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 36

Issues & Index Sources:  2-Jul-1889 – 21-Jan-1890: Dime Novel Bibliography (incomplete)
Publishers:   Hurst & Company, 122 Nassau St., New York
Formats:   7 5/8 x 5"
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   250-350
Frequency:   Tri-Weekly
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Cosmos [1938]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 2?

Fanzine that published early stories by Charles Eric Maine.

Issues & Index Sources:  1938: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   57 Beauclair Drive, Liverpool 15
Issue Checklist

Cosmos [2005]

Country: Australia
Total Issues: 66

Popular science magazine which published an SF story in each issue from 2005 to 2015. Continued thereafter without fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-2005 – Dec-2015/Jan-2016: Science Fiction Index (fiction only)
Publishers:   Luna Media Pty Ltd; Cosmos Media Pty Ltd
Editors:   Wilson da Silva
Prices:   AU$8.95 to AU$11.95
Frequency:   bimonthly
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Issue Checklist

Cosmos Complete Novel

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1

Issues & Index Sources:  1978: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Cosmos Literary Agency; Wallsend, England

Issue Checklist

Cosmos Science-Fantasy Review

Country: UK
Total Issues: 3


Issues & Index Sources:  Apr-1969 – Jun/Jul-1969: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   Walter Gillings
Editors:   Walter Gillings
Prices:   2/-
Pagecounts:   20pp

Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

The editing of this magazine was actually subcontracted to the Scott Meredith Agency, where Larry M. Harris assembled the issues.

Issues & Index Sources:  Sep-1953 – Jul-1954: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Star Publications, NY
Editors:   nominally L.B. Cole, but actually Laurence M. Janifer
Formats:   digest
Prices:   35c
Pagecounts:   128pp
Frequency:   bimonthly but irregular
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Mentioned in:   Ultimate Guide to the Pulps
Issue Checklist

Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 4

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1977 – Nov-1977: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Baronet Publishing, NY
Editors:   David G. Hartwell
Formats:   quarto
Prices:   $1.00 ($1.25 last two)
Pagecounts:   72pp
Frequency:   bimonthly
Related Sites:   Science Fiction Encyclopedia

Issue Checklist

Cosmos Science Fiction Series

Country: UK

Booklet series.

Issues & Index Sources:  #1, 1973 – #2, 1973: Science Fiction Index
Issue Checklist

Cossmass Infinities

Country: UK
Total Issues: 9

Science-Fiction and Fantasy short story magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jan-2020 – Jul-2022: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Paul Campbell, 34 Jedburgh Road, Dundee, Angus DD2 1ST
Editors:   Paul Campbell
Issue Checklist

The Cosy Corner Novels

Country: UK
Total Issues: 73+209=282

Women's pocket library. Numbering restarted on 7-Jul-1906, as Vol 1 No 1 - Vol 4 No 13, then #126 - 209.

Issues & Index Sources

  17-Feb-1905 – 10-Feb-1906
  17-Feb-1906 – 30-Jun-1906, as Cosy Corner: The Girls' Home Paper
  7-Jul-1906 – 6-Feb-1909, as Cosy Corner: The Girls' Home Paper

#superseded by The Ladies' Home Paper


  Amalgamated Press




Country: UK
Total Issues: 7+6=13

Important little magazine of review and comment which also encouraged new fiction

Issues & Index Sources

  May-1919 – Winter 1920/1921: Index to English-Language Little Magazines, 1890-1970 (FicMags sample issue only)
FictionMags Index
  Nov-1925 – Summer/Autumn 1927, as New Coterie: Index to English-Language Little Magazines, 1890-1970


  1st series, Henderson;s, London; 2nd series, E. Archer, London.


  Chaman Hall to #5, then Russell Green



Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 4


Country: US

Issues & Index Sources:  ? – present
Publishers:   Box J, 400 Kansas Union, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 (in 2000 - 2002)
Editors:   Tom Lorenz (in 2000 - 2015)
Frequency:   twice yearly
Mentioned in:   O. Henry Awards Website (in 2002)

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