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Boys and Girls [1887]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 17

Issues & Index Sources

  30-Jul-1887 – 19-Nov-1887

#becomes Boys of the United Kingdom


  Guy Rayner



Boys' and Girls' Almanac

see under Boys and Girls

Boys' and Girls' Companion for Leisure Hours

Country: UK
Total Issues: 18 + 38 = 56

Issues & Index Sources

  4-Apr-1857 – 27-Feb-1858
  1-Oct-1858 – 1-Dec-1861, as Companion for Youth


  W. Kent & Co.; Houlston & Wright


  1858 – 1861: monthly

Boys' and Girls' Magazine

Country: UK

Contains "High class illustrated pages for children, stories, short articles and illustrations."

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1902
Publishers:   73 Bothwell Street, Glasgow
Prices:   ½d
Frequency:   monthly (1st of month)

The Boys' and Girls' Magazine, and Fireside Companion

Country: US

Issues & Index Sources

  Jan-1848 – Dec-1850
  Jan-1851 – Dec-1857, as Forrester's Boys' and Girls' Magazine, and Fireside Companion
  Jan-1858 – Dec-1866, as The Student and Schoolmate, and Forrester's Boys' and Girls' Magazine


  Jan-1848 – Dec-1850: Bradbury & Guild, Boston
  1852: William Guild & Co., Boston (1852)
  1853 – 1856: F. and G.C. Rand, Boston
  1857: Binney & Allen, Boston (1857
  Jan-1858 – Dec-1866: Joseph H. Allen : Boston


  Jan-1848 – Dec-1852: Mark Forrester
  Jan-1853 – Dec-1856: Francis Forrester, Esq.
  1857: "Father Forrester"
  Jan-1858 – Dec-1866: Oliver Optic



Online Sources

  Online Books

Boys and Girls of America

Country: US
Total Issues: 13

Ran mystery, pirate and sf stories. Authors include George Waldo Browne, Carl Buffin, Frank Roswell.

Issues & Index Sources

  14-Mar-1896 – 16-May-1896
  23-May-1896 – 6-Jun-1896, as Boys of America


  Al Miller, Chicago


  tabloid story-paper







Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Boys' and Girls' Penny Magazine [1832]

Country: UK
Total Issues: 34

The first weekly juvenile paper to cater to the general public. "The front cover was at least three-quarters taken up by a black and white illustration depicting some incident from the main story. This was usually a fairy-tale, but written for older children in probably the eight to twelve age group. The rest of the contents were short pieces of interest. Some issues I have show a further illustration on the back cover of one of the modern steam ships in that period, whilst others have advertisements of a supllement giving the full procession of the Lord Mayor's Show in colour for the sum of only twopence." (W.O.G. Lofts, "The Start of Boys' Papers")

The paper was hugely successful, and announced sales of their Christmas number of 835,000 copies sold in one week.

Issues & Index Sources:  11-Sep-1832 – 31-Mar-1833
Publishers:   W. Howden, 194 Strand; C. Penny, 110 Chancery Lane (from #19)
Prices:   1d
Pagecounts:   8pp
Frequency:   weekly

The Boys' and Girls' Penny Magazine [1835]

Country: UK

Serials by Valentine Durrant, Compton Reade, J.J.G. Bradley et al

Issues & Index Sources:  1835 – 1838

Boys' and Girls' Picture Gallery

Country: UK
Total Issues: 10

Issues & Index Sources:  21-Sep-1872 – 23-Nov-1872
Frequency:   weekly

Boys' and Girls' Picture Newspaper

Country: UK
Total Issues: 1+63=64

Issues & Index Sources

  21-Apr-1923 (Special Trial Issue)
  28-Apr-1923 – 5-Jul-1924









Boys and Girls Weekly

see under Frank Leslie's Boys' and Girls' Weekly

Boys' Arrow

see under Arrow Schoolboy Series

Boys' Athenaeum

Country: UK
Total Issues: 2

Issues & Index Sources:  1-Jan-1875 – 1-Feb-1875
Publishers:   Ward Lock & Tyler
Frequency:   monthly

Boys' Best Story Paper

Country: UK
Total Issues: 38

Incorporates New Story Paper.

Issues & Index Sources:  7-Oct-1911 – 22-Jun-1912
Publishers:   Newnes
Editors:   Cecil H. Bullivant
Formats:   tabloid
Frequency:   weekly
More Images

The Boys' Best Weekly

Country: US
Total Issues: 58

Primarily school, sport and adventure stories about Jack Standfast in an imitation of the Frank Merriwell series.

Issues & Index Sources:  15-Jan-1909 – 24-Jun-1910: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Arthur Westbrook, Cleveland
Prices:   5c
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Boys Book of Romance

Country: UK
Total Issues: 24

Issues & Index Sources:  20-Apr-1868 – 28-Sep-1868
Publishers:   Charles Stevens
Editors:   Charles Stevens
Frequency:   weekly

Boys' Book of Romance and Adventure

Country: US
Total Issues: 21

Issues & Index Sources:  1874: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Beadle and Adams, No. 98 William Street, New York
Formats:   9" x 5¾"
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   36-64pp
Frequency:   semi-monthly (irregular before No. 4)
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Boys' Broadcast

Country: UK
Total Issues: 36

Issues & Index Sources

  27-Oct-1934 – 29-Jun-1935

#incorporated into Boy's Cinema


  Amalgamated Press


  John L. Bott; Walter Holton (assistant)







Boys' Champion

Country: US
Total Issues: 24

Issues & Index Sources:  1881
Publishers:   Champion Pub. Co.
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

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