The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Signatures of the Commissioners to retake New Netherland, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine March 1901
- * Sign-Boards and Taverns, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine October 1868
- * Sign Court Letters with Dead Clerk’s Name, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 3 1921
- * Significance of the Railroad to Hudson Bay, (ar)
- * Significant Changes in Prison Systems, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1919
- * Significant Events in Lunar Exploration, (ms) Great Science Fiction Stories About the Moon ed. T. E. Dikty, Frederick Fell, 1967
- * Significant Names, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 30 1930
- * Significant Works of Detective Fiction, (bi) Thirteen Classic Detective Stories ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, Richards Rosen, 1974
- * Signing Off, (ms) Swift Story Magazine November 1930
- * Signing Off—, (aw) Radio Stories April 1925
- * The Sign in Green [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #291, 1931
- * Signing the Firm’s Name, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 7 1915
- * Sign in the Sky, (pi) Dude May 1964
- * The Sign in the Sky, (ts) Smart Set December 1924
- * The Sign in the Sky, or The Secret of the Tong [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Alfred Edgar) The Sexton Blake Library #254, 1922
- * The Sign Language of the American Indians, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper May 3, May 10 1890
- * The Sign Language of the Indians, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1884
- * The Sign of Four, (br) The Athenaeum December 6 1890
- * The Sign of Four [Sherlock Holmes], (cs)
- Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #347 Sep 7, #348 Sep 14, #349 Sep 21, #350 Sep 28, #351 Oct 5, #352 Oct 12, #353 Oct 19, #354 Oct 26, #355 Nov 2,
#356 Nov 9, #357 Nov 16, #358 Nov 23, #359 Nov 30, #360 Dec 7 1968
; based on the novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
- * The Sign of Siegmund Cass [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #552, 1941
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: 77, Staine Street, (ss) The Bullseye #7, March 7 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: Bonds of Hate!, (ss) The Bullseye #31, August 22 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: Enemies of Society, (ss) The Bullseye #1, January 24 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: Fragments of Glass!, (ss) The Bullseye #37, October 3 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: Hidden Treasure!, (ss) The Bullseye #29, August 8 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: In His Own Trap!, (ss) The Bullseye #45, November 28 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: Out of the Depths!, (ss) The Bullseye #30, August 15 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: Rescued Evidence!, (ss) The Bullseye #32, August 29 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: Stranded, (ss) The Bullseye #6, February 28 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Acid Test!, (ss) The Bullseye #34, September 12 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Cloud of Doom, (ss) The Bullseye #43, November 14 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Coiners’ Lair, (ss) The Bullseye #10, March 28 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Greed of Gold!, (ss) The Bullseye #44, November 21 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Home Wrecker, (ss) The Bullseye #4, February 14 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Lure of the Footlights, (ss) The Bullseye #40, October 24 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Man in Rags, (ss) The Bullseye #8, March 14 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Mine of Doom, (ss) The Bullseye #38, October 10 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Peril of the Deep, (ss) The Bullseye #2, January 31 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Pillar of Fire, (ss) The Bullseye #35, September 19 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Raiding Destroyer!, (ss) The Bullseye #33, September 5 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Repentance of Rufus Raynor, (ss) The Bullseye #3, February 7 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Secret of the River!, (ss) The Bullseye #41, October 31 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Secret of the Shoal, (ss) The Bullseye #39, October 17 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Stolen Play, (ss) The Bullseye #9, March 21 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Street of Silence!, (ss) The Bullseye #42, November 7 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Tappings on the Wall!, (ss) The Bullseye #46, December 5 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The Tinned Meat King, (ss) The Bullseye #5, February 21 1931
- * The Sign of the Crimson Dagger: The White Prison, (ss) The Bullseye #36, September 26 1931
- * The Sign of the Dagger [Maxwell Kean], (sl) Lion Library #6, #7 1909
- * The Sign of the Dollar, (ar) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #27, August 1926
- * The Sign of the Double Swastika [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #229, 1928
- * The Sign of the Grinning Skull [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #495, 1938
- * The Sign of the Maple Leaf, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1921
- * The Sign of the Serpent [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #192, 1921
- * The Sign of the Sword, (ms) Mystery Magazine March 15 1926
- * Sign of the Unicorn, (br) Amra v2 #63, 1975 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- * The Sign of the Vampire [John Lyon], (ss) Lion Library #26, 1909
- * The Sign of the Velvet Mask [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #280, 1930
- * The Sign of Valdez [African Adventure], (ss) The Buzzer #25, April 2 1938
- * Signor Baranucci, (ss) The Australian Journal #124, September 1875
- * Signore Golf, (ms) Rogue March 1960
- * Signorina Lessie, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1883
- * Signposts, (br) Squire v1 #5 1964, Jan 1967
- * Signposts in Science: Atoms Into Power, (ar) Look and Learn #169, April 10 1965
- * Signposts in Science: Heat on the Move, (ar) Look and Learn #174, May 15 1965
- * Signposts in Science: Hotter Than the Sun, (ar) Look and Learn #171, April 24 1965
- * Signposts in Science: How do We Know About the Atom?, (ar) Look and Learn #167, March 27 1965
- * Signposts in Science No. 2: The Chemist’s Shorthand, (ar) Look and Learn #160, February 6 1965
- * Signposts in Science No. 3: When a Chemist Begins Juggling, (ar) Look and Learn #161, February 13 1965
- * Signposts in Science No. 4: Wonder World Inside an Atom, (ar) Look and Learn #162, February 20 1965
- * Signposts in Science No. 5: Chemistry’s Great Dividing Line, (ar) Look and Learn #164, March 6 1965
- * Signposts in Science No. 6: The Invisible Mystery of Energy, (ar) Look and Learn #165, March 13 1965
- * Signposts of Adventure, (cl) Frank Clune’s Adventure Magazine Mar, Apr 1948
- * “Signposts”—Our Free Puzzle Contest, (cn) The Modern Boy April 28 1934
- * Signposts to Science: Busy Atoms Make Things Hot, (ar) Look and Learn #175, May 22 1965
- * Sign Reading, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 17 1937
- * Signs, (ar) Atalanta #119, August 1897
- * Signs and Wonders, (ss) The Argosy (UK) March 1896
- * Signs Don’t Lie, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 3 1934
- * Sign Seen in a Nuclear Research Lab, (ms) Analog Science Fact—Fiction August 1961
- * Signs of Ancient Civilization Destroyed, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly December 31 1938
- * Signs of Appreciation, (pm) The Argosy #459, September 19 1891
- * Signs of a Swindler, (ms) Speed Detective November 1943
- * Signs of Rain, (pm) The Grand Magazine August 1906
- * Signs of Summer by Omar, (pm) Gunter’s Magazine August 1905
- * Signs of the Season, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 23 1881
- * Signs of the Times, (cl) West Dec 9 1931, Aug 3, Aug 31 1932
- * Signs of the Times, (cl) The American Magazine Aug 1945, May 1946
- * Signs of the Times, (cl) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #380 Apr 26, #381 May 3, #382 May 10, #383 May 17, #384 May 24, #385 May 31, #386 Jun 7, #387 Jun 14, #388 Jun 21,
#389 Jun 28, #390 Jul 5, #393 Jul 26 1969
- * Signs of the Times, (ms) McCall’s Magazine October 1918
- * Signs of the Times, (ms) The American Magazine January 1942
- * Signs of the Times, (pi) The Strand Magazine February 1943
- * The Signs of the Times, (ar) (by Helena P. Blavatsky) Lucifer October 1887, uncredited.
- * Signs of the Zodiac, (pi) Rogue July 1962
- * The Signs of the Zodiac, (pm)
- * Sign Talk AmongNativeTribes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 26 1910
- * Signwriter Sid -, (pz) The Silver Jacket #15, 1954
- * Sigrid at the Pool, (pi) Movie Monthly November 1925 [Ref. Sigrid Holmquist]
- * Sigurd’s Beard, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1872; translated from the Norwegian.
- * Sigurd the Dragon-Slayer, (ss)
- * Sigurd the Hero, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Sep 8, Sep 15, Sep 22, Sep 29 1883
- * Siijin, (vi) Carpe Noctem #16, 1999
- * Silas Monk; or, The Secret Hoard of Gold, (ss) The Australian Journal #253, June 1886
- * Silas Peters on Education, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1892
- * Silas the Conjurer, His Travels and Perils, (sl) (by James Greenwood) The Boy’s Own Magazine Mar, Apr 1865
- * Silbury Hill, (pm) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1869
- * Silence, (ss) The Century Magazine July 1922
- * Silence as a Business Asset, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine March 1907
- * Silenced Her, (hu) The Popular Magazine October 1905
- * Silence in the Lumber Camps, (ms) Ace-High Magazine 1st September 1927
- * Silence Is Costly to Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 12 1919
- * Silence Is Golden, (pm) The All-Story Magazine October 1906
- * The Silence Machine [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #239, 1929
- * Silence Not Always Wisdom, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1877
- * The Silence of Mary West, (sl) Family Star #625, October 8 1949
- * Silencing the Court, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1922
- * The Silent Academy, or the Emblems, (ss) The Young Englishman August 4 1877
- * The Silent Alarm!, (ss) The Bullseye #139, September 16 1933
- * Silent Area, (ar) Unknown April 1939
- * The Silent Avenger [Grant Hobson], (ss) Rover and Wizard #252, November 13 1965
- * The Silent Avenger [Grant Hobson], (ss) Rover and Wizard #253, November 20 1965
- * The Silent Avenger [Grant Hobson], (ss) Rover and Wizard #254, November 27 1965
- * The Silent Broadcast [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #552, 1941
- * Silent City, (pi) Real April 1960
- * The Silent City [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #52, 1921
- * The Silent City at Greenwood, (pm) (by John D. Sherwood) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1869
- * The Silent City of Alaska, (ms) Far West Illustrated November 1928
- * The Silent Gunman, (sl) The Skipper #369 Sep 25, #373 Oct 23, #377 Nov 20 1937
- * Silent Highways of the Jungle, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly March 3 1923 [Ref. G. M. Dyott]
- * A Silent Interview, (iv) The Poetry Project Newsletter March 18 1999 [Ref. Samuel R. Delany]
- * The Silent Jury [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Gwyn Evans) The Sexton Blake Library #221, January 1930
- * The Silent Lover, (pm) The Grand Magazine January 1906
- * A Silent Meeting, (ms) The Pall Mall Magazine June 1907
- * Silent Men, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #706, June 24 1933; adapted from the movie (Tim McCoy).
- * The Silent Men of Iron Mountain [Shiwa Sands], (ss) Rover and Wizard #248, October 16 1965
- * Silent Partner, (ss) Sheer v1 #3, 1959
- * The Silent Peril; or, Diamond Cut Diamond [John Lyon], (ss) Lion Library #28, 1909
- * The Silent Pools, (na) The Cornhill Magazine Oct, Nov 1894
- * The Silent Raider [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #295, 1931
- * The Silent Rider, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly November 13 1920
- * The Silent Rifleman. A tale of the Texan prairies, (nv) (by Henry W. Herbert)
- * The Silent Searchers, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 6 1883
- * The Silent Service, (ia) Chums June 7 1932
- * “Silent Service” Ships, (pi) Flying Aces March 1937
- * Silent Sheldon, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly May 22 1926
- * The Silent Slayer [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Donald Stuart) The Sexton Blake Library #195, June 1929
- * Silent Soprano, (ar) Lilliput October/November 1953
- * The Silent Spectre, (pm) (by Richard Henry Stoddard) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1859
- * The Silent Speech, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1909
- * Silent Sunset, (pm) The Windsor Magazine March 1906
- * A Silent Syllable, (ms) Top-Notch April 15 1911
- * The Silent Syndicate [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #184, 1926
- * A Silent Tongue Helps, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 19 1931
- * The Silent Tryst, (pm) (by Margaret J. Preston) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1878
- * Silent Valley, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #830, November 9 1935; adapted from the movie (Tom Tyler).
- * The Silent Voice by Jules Eckert Goodman, (ms) The Green Book Magazine March 1915
- * The Silent Watcher! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #77, August 19 1933
- * The Silent Way, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 31 1886
- * The Silent Woman, (ts) The Passing Show November 3 1934
- * Silent Zoo, (ms) Collier’s June 6 1953
- * The Silesian Shore, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1921
- * Silhouette Portraits, (ar) This Week May 9 1937
- * Silhouettes, (pm) Photoplay January 1921
- * Silhouettes, (pz) The Silver Jacket #21, 1955
- * Silhouettes (Geoffrey Handley-Taylor, Bernard J. Calmus, Ralph L. Finn. Peter Noble, Michael Fallon), (ar) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #6, 1947
- * Silhouettes of Stage and Styles, (cl) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1919
- * Silhouettes of the Fleet, (ia) Modern Wonders January 6 1940
- * Silhouettes: Profile of Thomas F. Monteleone, (bg) Deathrealm #26, Winter 1995/1996 [Ref. Thomas F. Monteleone]
- * Silhouettes; Romance and War, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) September 1916
- * The Siliad, or The Siege of the Seats, (pm) (by Samuel Orchart Beeton) Beeton’s Christmas Annual #14, 1873
- * Silicones Are Super, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #63, November 15 1955
- * The Silken Secretary, (pi) Tip Top v2 #2, 1962
- * The Silk Express, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1935, 1934
- * Silk-Growing in India, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1897
- * Silkie the Stocking Sultress, (pi) Mistress April 1966
- * Silk in the United States, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1876
- * Silk Lingerie Offer, (ms) Mayfair v19 #3 1984, v20 #12 1985
- * Silk Loot and Murder, (ts) True Detective Mysteries July 1924
- * “Silk Mask” Jimmy Harrigan, Master Crook, Killed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 22 1920
- * Silk Screen, (pi) Penthouse (US) November 2005
- * Silk Stocking Art Section, (pi) Silk Stocking Stories August 1937
- * Silk Stocking Girl Outdoors, (pi) Silk Stocking Stories June 1938
- * The Silk Stocking Girl’s Country Cousin, (pi) Silk Stocking Stories October 1937
- * Silk Stocking Huntress, (pi) Rhapsody v1 #3, 1964
- * Silk Stockings, (mr) Argosy June 1957
- * The Silkworm and Their Management, (cl) The Young Englishman Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18 1877
- * The Silkworm Campaign in Italy, 1869, (ar) (by Jessie White Mario) The Cornhill Magazine October 1869
- * The Silkworm in Portugal, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1882
- * Silkworms and Silk Culture, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1879
- * Silkworms and Their Management, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 9 1881
- * Silk Worms and Their Treatment, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal July 27 1867
- * Silly Bones, (vi) Scary Book ed. Stephanie Calmenson & Joanna Cole, Morrow, 1991
- * The Silly Jelly-Fish, (ss)
- * The Silly Questionaire, (fa) Variant September 1947
- * Silly Sammy’s School Scrapes, (sl) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #11 Nov 1, #12 Nov 8, #13 Nov 15 1884
- * Silly Sayings, (ms) The Happy Mag. February 1937
- * Silly Stag Stories:
* ___ Baron Munchausen (and the Silly Stag Story), (ar) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #4, Spring 1947
* ___ Doubtful Dive, (vi) Stag Magazine: The Popular Male Miscellany Autumn 1948
* ___ Slightly Soiled, (vi) Stag Magazine: The Popular Male Miscellany Autumn 1948
* ___ [untitled?], (vi) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #1 Spr, #2 Sum 1946
- * Silly Statutes of the States, (ms) Private Detective Stories November 1943
- * David B. Silva Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1993 [Ref. David B. Silva]
- * Silver, (ss) Boys’ World December 28 1963
- * Silver and Black, (ss) Love Classic April 1933
- * Silver, and Its Production, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1885
- * The Silver Barque, (na) Treasure-Trove Library #25, 1921
- * Robert Silverberg, (pi) Galileo #3, 1977 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * The Silver Bullet, (ss) The True Flag
- * Silver Bullets [Six-Gun Sandy], (cs) Thrilling Western February 1935
- * Silver Cannon-Balls, (ms) Ace-High Magazine 2nd October 1927
- * Silver Crystallisation, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 20 1880
- * Silver “C’s”, (cl) Air Trails Apr, Jun, Jul 1938
- * The Silver Cup, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1887
- * The Silver Cutlass, (na) Treasure-Trove Library #3, May 1919
- * The Silver Dress, (ss)
- * Silver Fiction, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine November 19 1870
- * The Silver Garter, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1878
- * The Silver Goblet [John Daunt], (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1360, July 9 1927
- * The Silver Goblet! [Nick Starr], (ss) The Surprise #86, October 21 1933
- * The Silver Hand [Frank Ferret], (ss) (by Alec G. Pearson) Pluck January 19 1907
- * Silver in the Sands, (cs) Wild West Weekly (UK) #19, July 16 1938
- * Silver Jack, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910
- * “The Silver Jacket” One Valve Set, (ia) The Silver Jacket #11, 1954
- * The Silver Lady, (nv) The Keepsake 1838
- * Silver-Land; or, The Wonderful Adventures of Tim Pippin, (sl) The Australian Journal #129 Feb, #130 Mar 1876
- * Silver-Lined, (ss) The Golden Argosy August 2 1884
- * “Silver Lining” Claim, (ss) (by W. Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine March 1892
- * Silver Linings, (cl) Coronet March 1957
- * The Silver Lock, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1878
- * The Silver Locket, (ss) (by C. J. Wills) The Cornhill Magazine November 1889
- * The Silver Locusts, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #17, January 15 1952 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
- * The Silver Meteor, (ar) Railroad Magazine May 1939
- * The Silvern Side, (pm) The Cottage Hearth
- * The Silver Penny, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1892; translated from the Hungarian.
- * The Silver Phantom, (ts) True Western Stories November 1925
- * The Silver Platter, (ss) Red Star Secret Confessions September 1940
- * Silver Skates, (pi) Sir! September 1943
- * Silver Slippers, (ts) Smart Set June 1926
- * The Silver Slug; or, Saved from the Sea, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1879
- * Silver Snake [Dick Gardner], (ss) (by John Nix Pentelow) Cheer Boys Cheer #51, May 10 1913
- * Silver’s Next Ride, (ms) The Western Raider October/November 1938
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