Collection of adventure and mystery stories. Limited to 300 copies. Details taken from publisher website. |
This booklet contains rare and un-reprinted pieces including letters, extracts from Caine’s autobiographical My Story (1908) and Stoker’s Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving (1906), Stoker’s introductions to The Works of Hall Caine (1905) and hitherto unknown essay “The Ethics of Hall Caine” (1909), Caine’s touching obituary to Stoker (1912), and a reproduction of Stoker’s inscription to Caine in the latter’s copy of Dracula—printed here for the first time. Limited to 125 copies. Volume five in the “Bram Stoker” series. Details taken from publisher website. |
Reprint (Black Library 2005) novelization based on the near-future roleplaying game, first in the Golgotha series. Copyrighted by Games Workshop. This first US edition has the same ISBN as the UK, but only lists US and Canadian prices. |
Novelization based on the 2000 AD comic book character. Book 9 in the series. |
Reprinted Lone Pine Publishing (Canada) 1994. |