The FictionMags Index
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[]Watts, Richard (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Ba’albek, (vi) Dagon #17, April/May 1987
- * Great Zimbabwe, (vi) Dagon #14, September/October 1986
- * Growing Pains [Severn Valley], (ss) Made In Goatswood ed. Scott David Aniolowski, Chaosium, 1995
- * Sleep Perchance to Dream?, (vi) Dagon #13, June/September 1986
- * Tiahuanaco, (ss) Dagon #12, 1986
[]Waugh, Alec; [i.e., Alexander Raban Waugh] (1898-1981) (chron.)
- * About a Dog, (ss) Nash’s Magazine April 1928
- * According to Plan, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1926
- * An Act of Friendship, (ss) The Blue Magazine #70, April 1925
- * An Affair of Luck, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine June 1928
- * All That Really Matters, (ss) Redbook December 1947
- * Almost Perfect Love, (ss) Redbook February 1948
- * Ambition Bevan, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine January 1936
- * An Arabian Knight in Modern Dress, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1934
- * As One Sows One Reaps, (ss) The Blue Magazine #54, December 1923
- * Betrayal, (ss) Fact & Fiction #1, November 26 1934
- * Between Two Dances, (ss) The Royal Magazine October 1925
- * Born Bachelors, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine November 1935
- * Brandy, (ar)
- * Ça Passe, (ss) The Blue Magazine #42, December 1922
- * A Caribbean Snapshot, (nv) The Editor Regrets… ed. George Joseph, Michael Joseph, 1937
- * A Cause for Pride, (ss) The Evening Standard May 25 1949
- * A Challenge, (ss) Redbook Magazine May 1938
- * Circle of Deception, (ss)
- * Code of Honor, (ss) Harper’s Bazar February 1927
- * Consequences, (ss) The Story-teller December 1932
- * Desperate Measures, (ss) Redbook Magazine March 1937
- * The Dress Rehearsal, (ss) The Blue Magazine #36, June 1922
- * Exiled, (ss) Harper’s Bazar February 1929
- * Fallacies about Wine, (ar) Lilliput July 1959
- * Family Man, (ss) Redbook Magazine September 1937
- * The Fatal Gift, (ss) Penthouse (UK) November 1973
- * First Brief, (ss)
- * First Steps in Wine, (ar) Lilliput June 1959
- * First Stop Crewe, (ss) Collier’s July 25 1942
- * Flippertigibbet, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar January 1933
- * For the Lack of a Word from Him, (ss) Redbook March 1943
- * From Father to Son, (ss) The Sketch May 27 1925
- * Fuel for the Flame, (sl) Ladies’ Home Journal Nov, Dec 1959, Jan 1960
- * The Future’s Ours, (ss) Redbook July 1946
- * A Girl I Shall Always Remember, (ss) Lilliput August 1940
- * The Girl Who Couldn’t Hit Back, (vi) Redbook May 1950
- * Going Their Own Ways, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1935
- * The Governess, (ss) The Evening Standard February 13 1935
- * Guard of Honour, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine July 1927
- * Happily Married, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar December 1929
- * Happy Ending, (ss) The Story-teller June 1933
- * Heat, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1933
- * The Heel of Achilles, (ss) The Story-teller February 1934
- * His American Wife, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1929
- * His Kind of Girl, (vi) Redbook October 1950
- * How to Say Good-by, (ar) This Week June 27 1954
- * I Like You This Way, (ss) This Week January 25 1948
- * Instructor of the Game, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar August 1933
- * In the Islands of Dreams, (ar) Nash’s Magazine December 1928
- * Island in the Sun, (sl) Ladies’ Home Journal Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1955, Jan, Feb 1956
- * Is There a Second Chance in Marriage?, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1926
- * The Last Chukker, (nv) Nash’s Magazine September 1927
- * Last Love, (ss) The Blue Magazine #48, June 1923
- * The Last Year’s Captain, (ss) The Captain #295, October 1923
- * “Let the Truth Speak for You”, (nv) The Story-teller October 1933
- * Like All the Rest, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine September 1927
- * Little Portraits: Gilbert Cannan, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. Gilbert Cannan]
- * Little Portraits: J.C. Squire, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. J. C. Squire]
- * Little Portraits: Michael Sadleir, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. Michael Sadleir]
- * Little Portraits: Siegfried Sassoon, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. Siegfried Sassoon]
- * Little Portraits: Violet Hunt, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. Violet Hunt]
- * Little Portraits: Wilfred Ewart, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. Wilfrid Ewart]
- * Little Portraits: W.L. George, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly November 11 1922 [Ref. W. L. George]
- * Live for the Moment, (ss) Redbook Magazine September 1942
- * A Long Weekend, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1935
- * Love in These Days, (nv) College Humor May 1927
- * Love Letter to Hedy Lemarr, (ms) The Strand Magazine April 1949 [Ref. Hedy Lamarr]
- * Madame Zelie, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1933
- * The Making of a Matron, (ss) Harper’s Bazar May 1927
- * The Man and Her Money, (na) Redbook Magazine July 1937
- * A Man of Peace, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1926
- * The Man of the Future, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1936
- * Marriage and Money, (ar) Woman’s Pictorial July 23 1927
- * Marriage in This Our Day, (na) Redbook Magazine July 1939
- * The Marriage of Convenience, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1930
- * Measure of Life, (na) Redbook Magazine November 1936
- * The Mink Coat, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1948
- * Mr. Cinderella, (ss) Redbook Magazine April 1935
- * The Modern Miracle, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine August 1926
- * A Modern Triangle, (ss) The Blue Magazine #61, July 1924
- * Montague’s Father, (ss) The Evening Standard August 5 1949
- * The Nail in the Coffin: The Curious Case of Hugh Walpole, (ar) Harper’s Magazine July 1953 [Ref. Hugh Walpole]
- * Never Another Chance, (ss) Redbook September 1948
- * Night Porters See Life, (ss) Redbook Magazine January 1938
- * No News, (ss) Harper’s Bazaar July 1933
- * Nothing Ends, (nv) Redbook Magazine June 1937
- * No Truce with Time, (na) Redbook Magazine February 1941
- * An Object Lesson, (ss) Redbook Magazine September 1936
- * Old Maid, (vi) Land & Water October 4 1917
- * The Only Thing That Matters, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1928
- * Parallelogram, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1932
- * Peace in Our Time, (ss) Redbook Magazine April 1939
- * Playing with Fire, (ss) Britannia and Eve February 1932
- * A Poet of To-Day: Clifford Bax: An Appreciation, (ar) To-Day March 1922 [Ref. Clifford Bax]
- * The Police Are Baffled, (ss) The Bystander February 25 1931
- * Port, (ar) Lilliput March 1960
- * A Possessive Woman, (ss) The Story-teller March 1932
- * Prelude to Armagaddeon, (ss) Redbook Magazine January 1940
- * A Pretty Case for Freud, (ss) Eight Short Stories by Alec Waugh, Cassell, 1937
- * Progressive Whist, (vi) Land & Water September 6 1917
- * The Reward of Valor, (vi) Liberty March 11 1933
- * Rewards of Virtue, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1927
- * Richard Aldington, (ar) To-Day October 1919 [Ref. Richard Aldington]
- * Ring Out the Old, (nv) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine February 1936
- * Robert Graves, (ar) To-Day February 1919 [Ref. Robert Graves]
- * Rose Coloured Glasses, (ss) Nash’s Magazine March 1929
- * Rubble, (pm) To-Day June 1919
- * Rum, (ar) Lilliput April 1960
- * The Saving Folly, (ss) The Blue Magazine Winter Annual 1921
- * The Schoolmistress, (ss) Collier’s May 13 1950
- * Second Innings, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1949
- * The Secret Letter Box, (ss) Smart Set January 1929
- * Secrets of Sherry, (ar) Lilliput August/September 1959
- * Servants, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1933
- * “Set a Thief…”, (ss) The Captain #298, January 1924
- * The Sleuth Hound, (vi) Land & Water February 21 1918
- * The Slippery Ladder, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1928
- * Small Back Room in St. Marylebone, (ss) Esquire March 1953
- * “Soldier from the Wars Returning…”, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1939
- * Something Worth Waiting For, (ss) Esquire February 1953
- * So Much to Give Him, (ss) Redbook March 1946
- * A Successful Wife, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1932
- * Tahitian Triangle, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1929
- * Temporary Wife, (nv) Cosmopolitan September 1946
- * That Kind of Woman, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1935
- * These Remain…, (ss) To-Day December 1923
- * This Cruising Craze, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1933
- * Tiare Tahiti: A Plynesian Legend, (ss) The Illustrated London News November 24 1920
- * Tides of Fortune, (ss) The New Royal Magazine May 1931
- * Tit for Tat, (ss) The Evening Standard August 29 1949
- * Too Like a Fairy Tale, (ss) Britannia and Eve May 1954
- * Too Smart by Far, (ss) Redbook July 1950
- * The Trouble About Women…, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1935
- * Two Courtships, (ss) The Blue Magazine #58, April 1924
- * An Unfinished Story, (ss) The Blue Magazine #27, September 1921
- * The Unmasking of a Cave-Man, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1924
- * An Unposted Letter, (ss) Redbook Magazine September 1940
- * The Voice of Posterity, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1924
- * Waters of Babylon, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1928
- * We Tourists, (ar) Nash’s Magazine November 1928
- * What No Man Tells, (ss) The Blue Magazine #55, January 1924
- * When You Come Back, (ss) Redbook January 1946
- * Where the Blame Rests, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1935
- * Whisky, (ar) Lilliput February 1960
- * Who Was to Blame?, (ss) This Week March 22 1936
- * Why I Choose This Story, (is) Argosy (UK) January 1969
- * The Wicked Baronet, (ss) Esquire March 1951
- * Wild Oats, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1936
- * The Wine of the World, (pm) To-Day November 1917
- * Years and Opinions. The Right to One’s Own Age, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922
- * You Never Can Do It Again, (ar) Smart Set October 1927
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