The FictionMags Index
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[]Endris, Irene; pseudonym of Irene Zimmermann (1907-1967) (about) (chron.)
- * My Big Moment, (cl) Rangeland Romances Oct, Nov, Dec 1942
- * [front cover], (cv) Speed Detective April 1945
- * [front cover], (cv) Crack Detective Stories May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1945
- * [front cover], (cv) Ten Detective Aces Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1946, Feb, Apr 1947
- * [front cover], (cv) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1947
- * [front cover], (cv) Ten Detective Aces (Canada) Jun, Aug 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Thrilling Love Jan, Apr 1943
[]Enefer, Douglas (Stallard) (1906-1987); used pseudonym Dale Bogard (chron.)
- * The Archer Aims High [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #11, May 1967, uncredited.
- * Batman … and the Ringer [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #1, November 1966, uncredited.
- * Batman Meets Dr. No-Face [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #3, December 1966, uncredited.
- * Batman Meets the Joker in The Last Laugh [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #2, November 1966, uncredited.
- * The Bookworm’s Best Seller [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #7, February 1967, uncredited.
- * Egghead Gets the Yoke [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #10, April 1967, uncredited.
- * Homicide in Harlem, (n.) World Distributors, 1951, as Nine Times Dead, by Dale Bogard
- * The Joker Goes Nap [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #5, January 1967, uncredited.
- * The Loveless Die First, (n.) World Distributors, 1950, as by Dale Bogard
- * No Quack for the Penguin [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #9, March 1967, uncredited.
- * Penguin Gets the Bird [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #4, December 1966, uncredited.
- * Pile-Up for the Catwoman [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #8, February 1967, uncredited.
- * A Rocker for the Riddler [Batman], (n.) Batman World Adventure Library #6, January 1967, uncredited.
- * Speak Softly to the Dead, (na) World Distributors, 1951, as by Dale Bogard
[]Enever, Joseph E. (fl. 1940s-1990s) (chron.)
- * The Brush That Painted the Man in the Moon, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact December 1985
- * Giant Meteor Impact, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1966
- * Mercury’s Missing Divot, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 5 1981
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact Aug 1982, Jul 1986
- * [letter from England], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1994
- * [letter from Leytonstone, London, England], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction March 1940
- * [letter from London, England], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1966
- * [letter from Margaretting Tye, Essex, England], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact July 20 1981
[]Eney, Richard Harris “Dick” (1937-2006) (chron.)
- * Another Swackle on Holding a Sword Hilt, (lt) Amra v2 #29, 1964
- * “As This Goes On…”, (ms) Quandry #19, 1952
- * Franklin Feghoot, (vi) Yandro January/February 1970
- * The Insidious Dr. Conan of Baker Street (with Ruth Berman), (ar) Amra v2 #35, 1965
- * On Collections, (lt) Amra v2 #41, 1966
- * On Disassembly, (lt) Amra v2 #42, 1966
- * On Dragons, (lt) Amra v2 #53, 1970
- * On the Informal Biography of Conan the Cimmerian, (lt) Amra v2 #7, 1959
- * On the Problem of the Scarlet Citadel, (lt) Amra v2 #15, 1961
- * Quotes, Found in the Royal Hyborean Mails (with Lyle Gaulding & David N. Hall), (ar) Amra v2 #40, 1966
- * Six Scenes in Search of an Illustration (with Fritz Leiber, Katherine MacLean, Michael Moorcock, John Pocsik & L. Sprague de Camp), (ss) Amra v2 #27, 1963
- * A Swockle on a Swackle, (lt) Amra v2 #25, 1963
- * Swords and Sorcery, (in) The Conan Swordbook ed. L. Sprague de Camp & George H. Scithers, Mirage Press, 1969
- * Tharkic Riflery, (ar) Amra v2 #45, 1967
- * Three Hearts and Three Lions, (br) Amra v2 #19, 1962 [Ref. Poul Anderson]
- * Young Man Mulligan (with Karen Anderson, John Boardman, Lin Carter, James Cawthorn, Ron Ellik, George R. Heap, David McDaniel, Bruce Pelz & George H. Scithers), (ar) Amra v2 #21, 1962, as by Karen Anderson, John Boardman, Lin Carter, James Cawthorn, Ron Ellik, Richard Harris Eney, George R. Heap, Ted Johnstone, Bruce Pelz & George H. Scithers
- * [letter], (lt) Quandry #19, 1952
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #29 Jan 1969, #2 1972
[]Enfantino, Peter (fl. 1980s-2020s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * After the Blast, (br) Bare•Bones #2, Spring 2020 [Ref. Don Holliday]
- * Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and Justice, (ar) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020
- * Beast of Shame, by Don Holliday, (br) Bare•Bones #10, Spring 2022 [Ref. David Case]
- * Behind the Gates of the Factory (with Robert Morrish & John Scoleri), (in) The Best of The Scream Factory ed. Peter Enfantino, Robert Morrish & John Scoleri, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2019
- * Best of the West: Bill Pronzini’s Epic Short Journey, (iv) Paperback Parade #50, May 1998 [Ref. Bill Pronzini]
- * The Best of Warren, (ar) The Scream Factory #19, Summer 1997
- * Blood Lust Orgy, by John Dexter, (br) Bare•Bones #10, Spring 2022 [Ref. Harry Whittington]
- * Border Lust, by Don Holliday, (br) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020 [Ref. Lawrence Block]
- * Boy-O, by Alan Marshall, (br) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022 [Ref. Marilyn Goldin]
- * Buchanan: One-Man Massacre, (ar) Bare•Bones #8, Fall 2021 [Ref. William Ard]
- * Carnal Cantina, (br) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022 [Ref. John Dexter]
- * Carnal Captive, (br) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022 [Ref. Tony Calvano]
- * Carnal Countess, (br) Bare•Bones #8, Fall 2021 [Ref. Don Bellmore]
- * A Conversation with Robert Bloch, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Robert Bloch], as "Midnight Pleasures: A Conversation with Robert Bloch"
- * Daughter of Joy, by James Harvey, (br) Bare•Bones #5, Winter 2021 [Ref. James Harvey]
- * Dead Letters, A Tale of Wyrmwood, (ss) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- * Digging Into Crime Digests, (cl) Bare•Bones #5 Wtr 2021, #10 Spr 2022
- * Digging Into Crime Digests: A Six-Pack of Hitch, (cl) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022
- * Digging Into Crime Digests: Jump Into Hell! The Guide to Two-Fisted Detective Stories, (cl) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022
- * Digging Into Crime Digests:
* ___ Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and Justice, (cl) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020
* ___ James McKimmey at Mike Shayne, (cl) Bare•Bones #7, Summer 2021
* ___ These Are the Damned, (cl) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022
- * Dirty Harry pbs, (ar) Paperback Parade #75, July 2010
- * Dracula Lives (Again)!, (ar) Bare•Bones #8, Fall 2021
- * Dueling Editorials (with John Scoleri), (ed) Bare•Bones #1 Wtr, #2 Spr, #3 Sum, #4 Fll 2020, #5 Wtr, #6 Spr, #7 Sum, #8 Fll 2021, #9 Wtr, #10 Spr, #11 Sum,
#12 Fll 2022
- * Ed Gorman, (iv) Paperback Parade #39, August 1994 [Ref. Ed Gorman]
- * Editorial (with Clifford V. Brooks & Joe Lopez), (ed) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- * Fabulous Magazines of Monsterland, (iv) The Scream Factory #16, Winter 1995/1996 [Ref. Gary Svehla]
- * Fatal Pick-Up, by John Dexter, (br) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022 [Ref. John Dexter]
- * Flesh Hammer, by John Baxter, (br) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022 [Ref. John Baxter]
- * Flesh Pact, by John Dexter, (br) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022 [Ref. John Dexter]
- * For the Love of Manhunt, (ar) Paperback Parade #43, August 1995
- * Four-Colored and Furry: A Brief, Selective Look at Werewolves in Comics, (ar) The Scream Factory #15, Autumn 1994
- * A Game of Lust, by J.X. Williams, (br) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022 [Ref. J. X. Williams]
- * Gorgo, Reptilicus and Kona: The Monarch Movie Tie-Ins, (ar) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020
- * Gunsmoke, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #3, January 2016
- * Gutter Girl, (br) Bare•Bones #3, Summer 2020 [Ref. Lawrence Block]
- * His Life Turned Into a Screaming Nightmare!!! or a Comprehensive Look at the Frankenstein Horror Series, (ar) The Scream Factory #10, Autumn 1992
- * The Horror of the Creeping Monsters, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #3, January 2016
- * House of Lust, by Lisa Fanchon, (br) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022 [Ref. Lee Floren]
- * How We Rank the Rank: The Scream Factory Editors Make Their Picks for the Worst of the Worst (with Robert Morrish & John Scoleri), (ar) The Scream Factory #10, Autumn 1992
- * In Space No One Can Hear You Scream “Homage”: The Forefathers of Alien (with John Scoleri), (ar) The Scream Factory #13, Spring 1994
- * An Interview with Forrest J. Ackerman, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Forrest J. Ackerman]
- * Jambalaya Loverman, by J.L. Potter, (br) Bare•Bones #5, Winter 2021 [Ref. J. L. Potter]
- * James McKimmey at Mike Shayne, (ar) Bare•Bones #7, Summer 2021
- * Joe Lansdale: An Appreciation, (ar) The Scream Factory #5, Summer 1990 [Ref. Joe R. Lansdale]
- * Justice Overview and Synopses, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #5, January 2017
- * Long in the Tooth: Vampire Tales: The Marvel Horror Magazines, Part 3, (ar) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022
- * Lover, Destroy Me, (br) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020 [Ref. William F. Frank]
- * Lust Crew, (br) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020 [Ref. Don Elliott]
- * Lust for Love, (br) Bare•Bones #6, Spring 2021 [Ref. Harry Whittington]
- * The Lustful Ones, (br) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020 [Ref. Clyde Allison]
- * Lust Kill, (br) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022 [Ref. John Dexter]
- * Lust Lover, by Dan Eliot, (br) Bare•Bones #10, Spring 2022 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * The Lust Pigs, (br) Bare•Bones #2, Spring 2020 [Ref. David Case]
- * Lust Tycoon, by J.X. Williams, (br) Bare•Bones #10, Spring 2022 [Ref. J. X. Williams]
- * Magazine of Horror, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #5, January 2017
- * Manhunt 1953, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #6 Jun, #7 Dec 2017, #8 Jun 2018
- * Manhunt 1954, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #9 Jan, #10 Jun 2019, #11 Jan 2020
- * Manhunt 1955, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #13 Jan, #14 Jun 2021, #15 Jan 2022
- * Manhunt 1956, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #16, September 2023
- * The Manhunt Companion (with Jeff Vorzimmer), (nf) Stark House Press, March 2021
- * Manhunt Story Reviews 1953-1967, (sz) The Manhunt Companion with Jeff Vorzimmer, Stark House Press, 2021
- * Midnight Pleasures: A Conversation with Robert Bloch, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Robert Bloch]
- * Mistress of the Putrifying Lash! A Complete Look at the Sleazy World of Web Terror Stories!, (bi) Bare•Bones #6, Spring 2021
- * Monsters Unleashed (Again): The Marvel Horror Magazines, Part 2 (with Matthew R. Bradley & Gilbert Colon), (ar) Bare•Bones #10, Spring 2022
- * Naked She Died, (br) Bare•Bones #8, Fall 2021 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * Nerves, (ss) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988
- * The Nooniverse: A Bibliography of Ed Noon Novels, (bi) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020
- * No Quarter Given: The Lunatic Odyssey of Johnny Rock: The Sharpshooter, (ar) Bare•Bones #2, Spring 2020 [Ref. Bruno Rossi]
- * Obsession with Lust, by S.V. Baxter, (br) Bare•Bones #10, Spring 2022 [Ref. S. V. Baxter]
- * One Day in Hell, by Hugh Zachary, (br) Bare•Bones #5, Winter 2021 [Ref. Hugh Zachary]
- * Orgy Man, (br) Bare•Bones #2, Spring 2020 [Ref. Dean Hudson]
- * The Panty Game, by Alan Marshall, (br) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022 [Ref. Alan Marshall]
- * Passion Playground, by Hank Rogers, (br) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020 [Ref. Hank Rogers]
- * Psycho Circus, (br) Bare•Bones #8, Fall 2021 [Ref. Andrew Shaw]
- * Publishing Spotlight Featuring Elder Signs Press, (cl) Cemetery Dance #54, 2006
- * Quick Chills, (br) The Scream Factory #2 Spr 1989, #10 Aut 1992
- * Robert Edmond Alter in AHMM, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #7, December 2017 [Ref. Robert Edmond Alter]
- * Saddle Sinners, by J.X. Williams, (br) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020 [Ref. Harry Whittington]
- * The Sadist, (br) Bare•Bones #3, Summer 2020 [Ref. Lawrence Block]
- * The Sado Swappers, Alan Marshall (Harvey Hornwood), Nightstand, 1967, (br) Bare•Bones #7, Summer 2021 [Ref. Alan Marshall]
- * Satan’s Mate, by George H. Smith, (br) Bare•Bones #5, Winter 2021 [Ref. George H. Smith]
- * Sex Bum, by Don Elliott, (br) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * Sex Circus, by John Dexter, (br) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020 [Ref. John Dexter]
- * Sex-Movie Queen, by Monte Steele, (br) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022 [Ref. Monte Steele]
- * Sex Route, by Andrew Shaw, (br) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022 [Ref. Andrew Shaw]
- * Sextories, (br) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022 [Ref. Charles Miron]
- * Sex Trek, by J.X. Williams, (br) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022 [Ref. J. X. Williams]
- * Shame Street, Don Holliday, Pillar, 1963, (br) Bare•Bones #7, Summer 2021 [Ref. Don Holliday]
- * Shock Mystery Tales, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #4, June 2016
- * Shock Mystery Tales: The Epilogue, (ar) Bare•Bones #2, Spring 2020
- * Simon Garth, Jericho Drumm, and the Shambling Deaders: Do Comics Really Give a Fair Portrayal of Rotting Folk?, (ar) The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute ed. Bob Morrish, Peter Enfantino & John Scoleri, Deadline Press, 1993
- * Sin Cult, (br) Bare•Bones #6, Spring 2021 [Ref. Bruno Decesare]
- * Sin Driver, (br) Bare•Bones #6, Spring 2021 [Ref. David Andrews]
- * Sin Gun, (br) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020 [Ref. J. X. Williams]
- * Sin Hidden, (br) Bare•Bones #2, Spring 2020 [Ref. Donald E. Westlake]
- * Sinister Sonny: An Interview with Sonny Joe Fox, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Sonny Joe Fox]
- * The Sin Makers, Burt Alden (Richard A. Curtis), Pillar, 1963, (br) Bare•Bones #7, Summer 2021 [Ref. Burt Alden]
- * Sin Quest, (br) Bare•Bones #1, Winter 2020 [Ref. Don Elliott]
- * Sleaze Allery, (rc) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022
- * Sleaze Alley, (rc) Bare•Bones #1 Wtr, #2 Spr, #3 Sum, #4 Fll 2020, #5 Wtr, #6 Spr, #7 Sum, #8 Fll 2021, #10 Spr, #12 Fll 2022
- * Sleazy Alley, (rc) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022
- * Small Press Box, (br) The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- * Small Press Box: Best Short Stories of 1988, (ar) The Scream Factory #3, Summer 1989
- * Startling Mystery Stories, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #10, June 2019
- * Sunset Showdown, (br) The Digest Enthusiast #9, January 2019 [Ref. Steve Frazee]
- * Super-Science Fiction, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #3, January 2016
- * Swap It to Me!, (br) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022 [Ref. Alan Marshall]
- * Syndicate City, (br) Bare•Bones #6, Spring 2021 [Ref. William F. Frank]
- * A Talk with Robert Weinberg, (iv) The Scream Factory #1, Winter 1988 [Ref. Robert Weinberg]
- * Terror Detective Story Magazine, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #14, June 2021
- * Terror from the Tomb! The Very Short Reign of Premier Horror Comics, (ar) Bare•Bones #11, Summer 2022
- * These Are the Damned, (ar) Bare•Bones #9, Winter 2022
- * Torture Club, (br) Bare•Bones #8, Fall 2021 [Ref. William Knoles]
- * $20 Lust, Andrew Shaw (Lawrence Block), Nightstand, 1961, (br) Bare•Bones #7, Summer 2021 [Ref. Andrew Shaw]
- * Wanted: Sin Men, (br) Bare•Bones #3, Summer 2020 [Ref. David Case]
- * Well Hung-Up, (br) Bare•Bones #8, Fall 2021 [Ref. J. X. Williams]
- * Western Magazine, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #8, June 2018
- * When Giants Walked the Comic World: Konga, Gorgo, and Reptilicus in the Comics, (ar) Bare•Bones #4, Fall 2020
- * Why Not Swap?, by Curt Aldridge, (br) Bare•Bones #12, Fall 2022 [Ref. Curt Aldridge]
_____, ed.
- * The Editor:
* ___ The Scream Factory
- * Editor (with Clifford V. Brooks & Joe Lopez): The Scream Factory #2, Spring 1989
- * Editor (with Joe Lopez & John Scoleri): The Scream Factory #6, #7 Sum, #8 Win 1991, #9 Sum 1992, #11 Spr, #12 Aut 1993
- * Editor (with Robert Morrish & John Scoleri): The Scream Factory #10 Aut 1992, The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute 1993, #13 Spr, #14 Sum, #15 Aut 1994, #16 Win 1995, #17 Spr, #18 Aut 1996,
#19 Sum 1997
- * Editor (with John Scoleri): Bare•Bones #1 Wtr, #2 Spr, #3 Sum, #4 Fll 2020, #5 Wtr, #6 Spr, #7 Sum, #8 Fll 2021, #9 Wtr, #10 Spr, #11 Sum,
#12 Fll 2022
- * The Best of The Scream Factory (with Robert Morrish & John Scoleri), (an) Cemetery Dance Publications, January 2019
- * Quick Chills, (an) Deadline Publications, August 1990
- * Quick Chills II (with Robert Morrish), (an) Deadline Press, April 1992
- * Quick Chills II (with Robert Morrish), (an) Deadline Press, April 1992
_____, [ref.]
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