The FictionMags Index
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[]Naam, Ramez (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * All Together, Now (with Jason M. Hough), (nv) The Mech: Age of Steel ed. Tim Marquitz & Melanie R. Meadors, Ragnarok Publications, 2017
- * The Disconnected, (ss) Chasing Shadows ed. David Brin & Stephen W. Potts, Tor, 2017
- * Exile from Extinction, (ss) Meeting Infinity ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2015
- * The Futility of Digital Censorship, (ex)
- * I. Am. the. Pilot. (with Jason M. Hough), (nv) The Mech: Age of Steel ed. Tim Marquitz & Melanie R. Meadors, Ragnarok Publications, 2017
- * Science Scarier Than Fiction, (aw) Loosed Upon the World: The Saga Anthology of Climate Fiction ed. John Joseph Adams, Saga Press, 2015
- * The Use of Things, (ss) Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities ed. Ed Finn, Joey Eschrich & Juliet Ulman, Center for Science and the Imagination, 2017
- * Water, (ss) Networked Matter (online) July 11 2013
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[]Nabokov, Dmitri (1934-2012)
_____, trans.
- * An Affair of Honor by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The New Yorker September 3 1966
- * The Dashing Fellow by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) Playboy December 1971
- * The Dragon by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov by Vladimir Nabokov, Knopf, 1995
- * Father’s Butterflies by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly April 2000
- * The Fight by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The New Yorker February 18 1985
- * Lik by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The New Yorker October 10 1964
- * Perfection by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The New Yorker May 19 1973
- * Terra Incognita by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The New Yorker May 18 1963
- * Triangle Within Circle by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The New Yorker March 23 1963
- * Ultima Thule by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) The New Yorker April 7 1973
- * The Visit to the Museum by Vladimir Nabokov, (ss) Nabokov’s Dozen by Vladimir Nabokov, Heinemann, 1959
- The Dream Adventure ed. Roger Caillois, Orion Press, 1963; translated from the Russian (“Poseshchenie muzeya”, Sovremennyye zapiski, March 1939, as by Sirin).
- Esquire March 1963
- The Seventh Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories ed. Robert Aickman, Fontana, 1971
- Black Water ed. Alberto Manguel, Picador, 1983
- Magical Realist Fiction ed. David Young & Keith Hollaman, Longman, 1984
- Esquire’s Big Book of Fiction ed. Adrienne Miller, Context Books, 2002
- The Mammoth Book of Modern Ghost Stories ed. Peter Haining, Robinson, 2007
- The Big Book of Classic Fantasy: The Ultimate Collection ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Vintage Books, 2019
[]Nabokov, Vladimir (Vladimirovich) (1899-1977); used pseudonym V. Nobokov-Sirin (about) (chron.)
- * Ada, (ss) Playboy April 1969
- * The Admiralty Spire, (ss) Playboy February 1975
- * An Affair of Honor, (ss) The New Yorker September 3 1966; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * The Art of the Duel, (ex) Esquire July 1963
- * The Assistant Producer, (ex) from Nabokov’s Dozen, The Atlantic Monthly 1943
- * The Aurelian, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly November 1941
- * Butterflies, (ar) The New Yorker June 12 1948
- * The Circle, (ss) The New Yorker January 29 1972
- * Cloud, Castle, Lake, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly June 1941
- * Curtain-Raiser, (ss) The New Yorker January 1 1949
- * The Dashing Fellow, (ss) Playboy December 1971; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * Despair, (n.) Playboy Dec 1965, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1966
- * The Doorbell, (ss) Playboy January 1976
- * Double Talk, (ss) The New Yorker June 23 1945
- * The Dragon, (ss) The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov by Vladimir Nabokov, Knopf, 1995
- * The Eye, (n.) Playboy Jan, Feb, Mar 1965
- * Father’s Butterflies, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly April 2000; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * The Fight, (ss) The New Yorker February 18 1985; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * from Chekhov’s Prose, (ar) [Ref. Anton Chekhov]
- * Lance, (ss) The New Yorker February 2 1952
- * The Late Mr. Shade: An Introduction to His Last Work, (ex) from Pale Fire,
- * Lik, (ss) The New Yorker October 10 1964; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * Lips to Lips, (ss) Esquire September 1971
- * Lolita, (ex) Olympia Press, 1955
- * The Luzhin Defense-Part I, (ss) The New Yorker May 9 1964; translated by Michael Scammell
- * The Man Stopped, (ss) Harper’s Magazine March 2015; unpublished story originally written in 1926.; translated by Gennady Barabtarlo
- * Melting with Tenderness, (iv) The Times Literary Supplement November 8 2019 [Ref. Bernard Pivot]; translated from the French, from Think, Write, Speak, by Vlaidimir Nabokov, Knopf, November 12, 2019 by Brian Boyd.
- * My English Education, (ss) The New Yorker March 27 1948
- * My Russian Education, (ss) The New Yorker September 18 1948
- * Nabokov’s Butterflies, (ms) The Atlantic Monthly April 2000
- * Natasha, (ss) The New Yorker June 9/June 16 2008
- * A Nursery Tale, (ss) Playboy January 1974
- * The Original of Laura, (ex) Knopf, 2009
- * Pale Fire, (ex) Putnam, 1962
- * The Passenger, (ss)
- * The Passenger, (ss) Lovat Dickson’s Magazine June 1934, as by V. Nobokov-Sirin; translated by Gleb Struve
- * Perfection, (ss)
- * Perfection, (ss) The New Yorker May 19 1973; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * Pnin, (ss) The New Yorker November 28 1953
- * Pnin Gives a Party, (ss) The New Yorker November 12 1955
- * Pnin’s Day, (ss) The New Yorker April 23 1955
- * Portrait of My Uncle, (ss) The New Yorker January 3 1948
- * The Potato Elf, (ss) Esquire October 1973
- * Razor, (ss) Playboy October 1995
- * A Russian Beauty, (ss) Esquire May 1973
- * Scenes from the Life of a Double Monster, (ss) The Reporter March 20 1958
- * Sex and Sensibility, (iv) from Think, Write, Speak, Knopf, November 2019
- * Signs and Symbols, (ss) The New Yorker May 15 1948, as "Symbols and Signs"
- * A Slice of Life, (ss) The New Yorker April 5 1976
- * Sounds, (ss) The New Yorker August 14 1995
- * Spring in Fialta, (ss) Nine Stories by Vladimir Nabokov, New Directions, 1947
- * Symbols and Signs, (ss) The New Yorker May 15 1948
- * Tamara, (ss) The New Yorker December 10 1949
- * Terra Incognita, (ss) The New Yorker May 18 1963; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * “That in Aleppo Once…”, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly November 1943
- The Best American Short Stories 1944 ed. Martha Foley, Houghton Mifflin, 1944
- Great Psychological Stories ed. Laurette Naomi Pizer, Panther, 1967
- The Naked I ed. Frederick R. Karl & Leo Hamalian, Fawcett Premier, 1971
- The Best American Short Stories of the Century ed. John Updike & Katrina Kenison, Houghton Mifflin, 2000
- The Vintage Book of Amnesia ed. Jonathan Lethem, Random House, 2000
- * Time and Ebb, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly January 1945
- * Transparent Things, (na) Esquire December 1972
- * Triangle Within Circle, (ss) The New Yorker March 23 1963; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * Ultima Thule, (ss) The New Yorker April 7 1973; translated by Dmitri Nabokov
- * La Veneziana, (ss) Playboy August 1995
- * Victor Meets Pnin, (ss) The New Yorker October 15 1955
- * The Visit to the Museum, (ss) Nabokov’s Dozen by Vladimir Nabokov, Heinemann, 1959
- The Dream Adventure ed. Roger Caillois, Orion Press, 1963; translated from the Russian (“Poseshchenie muzeya”, Sovremennyye zapiski, March 1939, as by Sirin) by Dmitri Nabokov.
- Esquire March 1963
- The Seventh Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories ed. Robert Aickman, Fontana, 1971
- Black Water ed. Alberto Manguel, Picador, 1983
- Magical Realist Fiction ed. David Young & Keith Hollaman, Longman, 1984
- Esquire’s Big Book of Fiction ed. Adrienne Miller, Context Books, 2002
- The Mammoth Book of Modern Ghost Stories ed. Peter Haining, Robinson, 2007
- The Big Book of Classic Fantasy: The Ultimate Collection ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Vintage Books, 2019
- * Wingbeat, (ss) The Yale Review April 1992
- * The Word, (ss) The New Yorker December 26 2005/January 2 2006
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- * Fluid Worlds: Lem’s Solaris and Nabokov’s Ada by David Field, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1986
- * Halensee by Ryan Ruby, (mm) Harper’s Magazine November 2022
- * The Magician’s Doubts by Michael Wood, and The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov edited by Dimitri Nabokov by John Crowley, (br)
- * The Man from the U.S.S.R. and Other Plays by John Crowley, (ar)
- * The Morality of Art by Howard Nemerov, (br) The Kenyon Review Spring 1957
- * Nabokov and Science Fiction: “Lance” by Charles Nicol, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1987
- * On Lolita as a Mystery Story by Joe R. Christopher, (ar) The Armchair Detective November 1973
- * Playboy Interview: Vladimir Nabokov, (iv) Playboy January 1964
- * Vladimir Nabokov by John Crowley, (ar)
- * VN: The Life and Art of Vladimir Nabokov by Andrew Field, and The Enchanter by Vladimir Nabokov translated by Dimitri Nabokov by John Crowley, (br)
[]Nabors, Ron (fl. 1960s) (chron.)
- * CAD Interviews Dean Martin, (iv) Cad January 1967
- * CAD Interviews Florence Marly, (iv) Cad March 1967
- * Cad Interviews Sergio Fantoni, (iv) Cad June 1966
- * Charley, Swenson, and the Red Shoes, (ss) Pix February 1969
- * Claudia Cardinale: Kitten with Claws, (iv) Adam October 1966
- * Elizabeth Taylor’s Two Hours of Hell, (mr) Adam November 1966
- * The Game Is Over, (pi) Cad July 1967
- * Is She Really a Nymphomaniac?, (ar) Pix June 1968
- * Jill St. John: A Beauty Who Made It, (ar) Cad December 1965
- * Jill St. John: Love and Men, (ar) Adam January 1966
- * June Wilkinson: The Intimate Story, (pi) Adam February 1966 [Ref. June Wilkinson]
- * Knight Interviews Curtis Harrington, (iv) Knight September 1967
- * Mickey Hargitay, Hollywood’s Rugged New Hero, (ar) Adam April 1967 [Ref. Mickey Hargitay]
- * Movies: Mud Honey!, (mr) Adam May 1966
- * Movies: The Silencers, (mr) Adam April 1966
- * Olé, (ar) Adam July 1966
- * The Rage, (pi) Adam January 1967
- * Rena Horten: The Sexiest Girl in the World, (ar) Adam September 1966 [Ref. Rena Horten]
- * The Silver Slipper, (ar) Adam Film Quarterly #3, November 1967
- * Viva June Wilkinson, (ar) Cad March 1966
- * Warm and Sexy, (bg) Cad May 1967
- * Where Have All the Boobies Gone?, (ar) Adam November 1967
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