The FictionMags Index
Index by Date: Page 6417
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Ruhl, Arthur Brown (1876-1935) (about) (items)
- The Caliph and His Court, (ar) McClure’s Magazine August 1901
- The Cattle-Man Who Didn’t, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine January 1902
- The Music-Box, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1902
- Their Native Correspondent, (ss) The Century Magazine January 1902
- A Break in Training, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine August 1902
- Between the Acts, (ss) Collier’s Weekly February 6 1904
- Monsieur Gaspard: Villain, (ss) Collier’s Weekly January 21 1905
- When Finance Grows Frenzied in the Ghetto, (ar) Collier’s Weekly January 28 1905
- Left Behind, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine September 1905
- Men They Used to Be, (ss) The Century Magazine November 1905
- The Other Americans, (ar) Collier’s November 3 1906
- The Queen of the Sawdust Ring, (ss) Collier’s September 12 1908
- Unhappy Haiti, (ia) Collier’s February 6 1909
- The Last Passenger, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 29 1909
- The Spring Curiosity Shop, (th) Collier’s April 23 1910
- His Own Country, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 15 1910
- “The Blue Bird” and Other Plays, (th) Collier’s October 22 1910
- Out There, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine May 1912
- At the County Fair, (ss) Collier’s August 16 1913
- The Fall of Vera Cruz, (ar) Collier’s May 9 1914
- Behind the Battle Front, (ss) Collier’s January 2 1915
- In the Dust of the Great Retreat, (ar) Collier’s November 20 1915
- The Fourth in Alsace, (ar) Collier’s October 5 1918
- The Attack, (ar) Collier’s January 11 1919
- The Edge of the Firing Line, (ss) Collier’s January 25 1919
- Russia’s Ireland, (ar) Collier’s February 22 1919
- The Esthonian Worm Turns, (ar) Collier’s August 23 1919
- An Adventure in Milk, (ar) Collier’s April 10 1920
- Between Storm and Dissolution - A Week-End at the Estate of a Baltic Noble on the Eve of Its Confiscation, (ar) Leslie’s June 18 1921
- What Happens to Pioneers, (ar) Harper’s Magazine July 1922
Ruiz Zafón, Carlos (1964-2020) (about) (books) (items)
- The Shadow of the Wind, (Subterranean Press, January 2009, n.)
- Los Angeles by Gaslight, (vi) Black Clock #5, Spring/Summer 2006
- The Angel’s Game, (Subterranean Press, March 2011, n.)
- Carlos Ruiz Zafon’s Top 10 20th-Century Gothic Novels, (ar) The Guardian June 2 2010
- The Prisoner of Heaven, (Subterranean Press, August 2014, n.)
- Marina, (Subterranean Press, April 2023, n.); translated by Lucia Graves
- The Labyrinth of the Spirits [The Cemetery of Forgotten Books], (Subterranean Press, October 2019, n.); translated by Lucia Graves
- The City of Mist, (Harper Perennial, November 2021, oc)
- Alicia, at Dawn, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
- Blanca and the Departure, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
- A Christmas Tale, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
- Gaudí in Manhattan, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021
- Kiss, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021
- Men in Grey, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
- Nameless, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
- The Prince of Parnassus, (nv) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
- Rose of Fire, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
- Two-Minute Apocalypse, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
- A Young Lady from Barcelona, (ss) The City of Mist, Harper, 2021; translated by Lucia Graves
Rukeyser, Muriel (1913-1980) (items)
- Boy with His Hair Cut Short, (pm) The New Republic December 11 1936
- [poem], (pm) Harper’s Bazaar #2727, September 1 1939, etc.
- The Club, (ss) Tomorrow August 1950
- Little, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal February 1965
- In the Underworld, (pm) Transatlantic Review #32, Summer 1969
- The Minotaur, (pm)
- Song from “Mediterranean”, (pm)
Ruland, Jonathan (fl. 2000s) (items)
- Across the Delta, (ss) Deep Magic #21, February 2004
- Call of Blood, (ss) Deep Magic #31, December 2004
- City of the Suns, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #7, Spring 2005
- Better Than SpaceShipOne, (ar) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #18, April/May 2005
- The Call of Mother Earth, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #9, Fall 2005
- The World’s Edge, (ss) Deep Magic Special Edition 2006
- A Glimpse of Eternity, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #11, Spring 2006
- Song of Triton, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #17, 2006
Rumbold, Gilbert (fl. 1920s-1930s) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Magpie Summer 1924
- [front cover], (cv) Hutchinson’s Magazine December 1924
- [front cover], (cv) Hutchinson’s Magazine January 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Hutchinson’s Magazine February 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Hutchinson’s Magazine May 1925
- Needle-Point Art, (ar) Hutchinson’s Magazine June 1925
- [front cover], (cv) Hutchinson’s Magazine June 1925
- The Florentine Crystal, (nv) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine November 1925
- Fool’s Gold, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine August 1926
- [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine May 1932
Rumelt, Judith (1973- ); used pseudonym Cassandra Clare (about) (items)
- Charming, A Tale of True Love (with Ruby deBrazier), (ss) So Fey ed. Steve Berman, Haworth Positronic Press, 2007, as by Cassandra Clare & Ruby deBrazier
- Have You Ever Seen a Shoggoth?, (ss) Magic in the Mirrorstone ed. Steve Berman, Mirrorstone, 2008, as by Cassandra Clare
- The Mirror House, (nv) Vacations from Hell, HarperTeen, 2009, as by Cassandra Clare
- I Never, (nv) Geektastic ed. Holly Black & Cecil Castellucci, Little, Brown, 2009, as by Cassandra Clare
- Cold Hands, (nv) Zombies vs. Unicorns ed. Holly Black & Justine Larbalestier, Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2010, as by Cassandra Clare
- The Perfect Dinner Party (with Holly Black), (ss) Teeth ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Harper, 2011, as by Holly Black & Cassandra Clare
- The Rowan Gentleman [Borderlands] (with Holly Black), (nv) Welcome to Bordertown ed. Holly Black & Ellen Kushner, Random House, 2011, as by Holly Black & Cassandra Clare
- Some Fortunate Future Day, (ss) Steampunk! ed. Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, Walker, 2011, as by Cassandra Clare
- Sisters Before Misters (with Holly Black & Sarah Rees Brennan), (ss) Dark Duets ed. Christopher Golden, Harper Voyager US, 2014, as by Holly Black, Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- Old Souls, (nv) Monstrous Affections ed. Kelly Link & Gavin J. Grant, Candlewick, 2014, as by Cassandra Clare
- Angels Twice Descending [Shadowhunter] (with Robin Wasserman), (na) 2015, as by Cassandra Clare & Robin Wasserman
- Bitter of Tongue [Shadowhunter] (with Sarah Rees Brennan), (na) 2015, as by Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- Born to Endless Night [Shadowhunter] (with Sarah Rees Brennan), (na) 2015, as by Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- The Evil We Love [Shadowhunter] (with Robin Wasserman), (na) 2015, as by Cassandra Clare & Robin Wasserman
- The Fiery Trial [Shadowhunter] (with Maureen Johnson), (na) 2015, as by Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
- The Lost Herondale [Shadowhunter] (with Robin Wasserman), (na) 2015, as by Cassandra Clare & Robin Wasserman
- Nothing but Shadows [Shadowhunter] (with Sarah Rees Brennan), (na) 2015, as by Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- Pale Kings and Princes [Shadowhunter] (with Robin Wasserman), (na) 2015, as by Cassandra Clare & Robin Wasserman
- Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy [Shadowhunter] (with Sarah Rees Brennan), (na) 2015, as by Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- The Whitechapel Fiend [Shadowhunter] (with Maureen Johnson), (na) 2015, as by Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
- Son of the Dawn (with Sarah Rees Brennan), (na) Shadow Market Enterprises, April 10 2018, as by Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- Cast Long Shadows (with Sarah Rees Brennan), (na) Shadow Market Enterprises, May 8 2018, as by Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- Every Exquisite Thing (with Maureen Johnson), (na) Shadow Market Enterprises, June 12 2018, as by Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
- Learn About Loss (with Kelly Link), (na) Shadow Market Enterprises, July 10 2018, as by Cassandra Clare & Kelly Link
- A Deeper Love (with Maureen Johnson), (nv) Shadow Market Enterprises, August 14 2018, as by Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson
- The Wicked Ones (with Robin Wasserman), (na) Shadow Market Enterprises, September 11 2018, as by Cassandra Clare & Robin Wasserman
- The Land I Lost (with Sarah Rees Brennan), (n.) Shadow Market Enterprises, October 9 2018, as by Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- Through Blood, Through Fire (with Robin Wasserman), (na) Shadow Market Enterprises, November 13 2018, as by Cassandra Clare & Robin Wasserman
- Forever Fallen (with Sarah Rees Brennan), (na) Ghosts of the Shadow Market, Walker Books, 2019, as by Sarah Rees Brennan & Cassandra Clare
- The Lost World (with Kelly Link), (nv) Ghosts of the Shadow Market, Walker Books, 2019, as by Cassandra Clare & Kelly Link
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