The FictionMags Index
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Hubin, Allen J. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year: 24th Annual Collection, (an) Dutton, 1970
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year—1971, (an) Dutton, 1971
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year—1972, (an) Dutton, 1972
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year—1973, (an) Dutton, 1973
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year—1974, (an) Dutton, 1974
- * Best Detective Stories of the Year—1975, (an) Dutton, 1975
- * Best of the Best Detective Stories 25th Anniversary Collection, (an) Dutton, 1971
_____, [ref.]
- * Interview: Allen J. Hubin by Steven A. Stilwell, (iv) The Fine Art of Murder ed. Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg, Larry Segriff & Jon L. Breen, Carroll & Graf, 1993
- * Issue #583—Dedicated to Messrs. Boucher, Breen, Carr, Haycraft & Hubin by The Editor(s), (ed) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1991
- * The Jury Box by Steven E. Steinbock, (rv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2022
- * [front cover] by Jon Weiman, (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1991
[]Hubi-Newcombe, G(eorgeanne) (1843-1936) (chron.)
- * After Long Years, (pm) The Story-teller April 1915
- * Angelic, (pm) The Story-teller March 1911, as by G. H. N.
- * At Gloaming-Tide, (pm) The Story-teller March 1910
- * An Author’s Troubles, (pm) The Royal Magazine December 1901
- * Clever Cupid, (pm) The Story-teller September 1910
- * Come, (pm) The Blue Magazine #96, June 1927
- * Cupid’s Snare, (pm) The Novel Magazine July 1907
- * Does It Matter to You, or Me?, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1902
- * Don’t You?…, (pm) The Royal Magazine October 1902
- * Do You Think He Should?, (pm) The New Magazine (UK) June 1917
- * Eve, (pm) The Blue Magazine #107, May 1928
- * Faerie, (pm) The Novel Magazine April 1905
- * Faery, (pm) The Royal Magazine May 1902
- * A Farewell, (pm) The Blue Magazine #103, January 1928
- * “Heigh-Ho Nonny!”, (pm) The Blue Magazine #109, July/August 1928
- * How Shall I Know?, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine April 1906
- * I Couldn’t Help It Could I?, (pm) The Royal Magazine October 1901
- * In Norman Town, (pm) The Story-teller August 1910
- * In Puritan Gown, (pm) The Story-teller July 1907
- * I Wonder, (pm) The Story-teller June 1911
- * I Wonder Why?, (pm) The Story-teller August 1909
- * Jolly Jack Tar, (sg) The Ludgate Monthly February 1892, music by Edward St. Quentin
- * Just, (pm) The Blue Magazine #109, July/August 1928
- * “Just”, (pm) The Blue Magazine #95, May 1927
- * Maytime, (pm) The Story-teller June 1907
- * My Heart Is You, (pm) The Story-teller June 1910
- * My Little One, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1910
- * O Heart, Forget!, (pm) The Story-teller July 1910
- * Pat Asthore, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #68, November 1917
- * Queries, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #62, May 1917
- * Rest, (pm) The Blue Magazine #110, September 1928
- * Room for Two, (pm) The Story-teller August 1912
- * Rose-Marie, (pm) The Story-teller August 1910
- * A Sailor’s Bairnies, (pm) The Royal Magazine March 1903
- * Shopping, (pm) The Story-teller March 1911, as by G. H. N.
- * Sir Roger, (pm) Temple Bar March 1889
- * Sweethearts, (pm) The Royal Magazine July 1903
- * Sweethearts Yet, (pm) The Novel Magazine June 1905
- * A Tale of True Love, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1903
- * That Was All, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1906
- * ’Twas Long Ago, (pm) The Story-teller August 1911
- * Was It Wrong?, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine August 1909
- * When Nobody Is Nigh, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine June 1905
- * Where My Love Reposes, (pm) The New Magazine (UK) May 1915
- * Who’s for the Coach?, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1905
- * You, (pm) The Story-teller June 1909
[]Hubler, Richard G(ibson) (1912-1981) (books) (chron.)
- * L’Affaire Sweeney, (vi) Liberty August 12 1944
- * Angelic Annie, (??) Collier’s September 27 1952
- * Angriest Star in Hollywood (Richard Burton), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 3 1953
- * The Barber of Brooklyn, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 21 1942
- * Between the Devilfish and the Deep Blue Sea, (??) Collier’s January 24 1953
- * Broadway’s White-Haired Boy, (ar) American Cavalcade May 1937
- * The Dog Tags, (vi) Liberty April 1 1944
- * Editor’s Note, (pr) The World’s Shortest Stories ed. Richard Gibson Hubler, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- * Everybody Talks About It, (ar) Redbook Magazine March 1939
- * Forever Young, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1945
- * Friend Worm, 1943 Model, (ar) Liberty May 1 1943
- * From Some Higher Place, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine Dec 1943, Jan, Feb 1944
- * The Grand Passion of Lubovski, (vi) The New Yorker September 23 1944
- * He Came in the Back Door to Stardom, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 12 1953
- * Hollywood’s 3 Rs, (ar) Redbook January 1954
- * Hollywood’s Impudent Newcomer, Edmund Purdom, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 8 1955
- * Hollywood’s Unlikely Hero (Alan Ladd), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 9 1957
- * How to Create a Movie Star (Rock Hudson), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 27 1952
- * I Tame the Wild Ones, (ar) Adventure October 1956
- * It Is Good to Remember, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1945
- * King of the Cats, (pi) Argosy March 1956
- * The Letter, (vi) The Blue Book Magazine September 1944
- * Lost Interview, (vi) The Blue Book Magazine August 1944
- * The Love of Lucky, (vi) Liberty April 15 1944
- * The Lovers, (vi) Liberty April 21 1945
- * The Man Called Lulu, (vi) Liberty February 10 1945
- * Marines in the Garden of Eden, (ar) Esquire December 1943
- * Moonlight Roubd About, (vi) Liberty June 10 1944
- * No Nickname for the Major, (vi) Liberty May 26 1945
- * Now I Lay Me Down to Die, (ss) Detective Tales June 1943
- * The Perils of Rosaland Russell, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 1 1955
- * Pretty Piper Picks Up a Peck of Pretty Profits, (??) Collier’s June 20 1953
- * The Question, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1946
- * The Romantic, (vi) Liberty September 23 1944
- * Scare ’Em to Death and Cash In, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 23 1942
- * Semper Fidelis, (na) The Blue Book Magazine December 1945
- * They All Gambled on Grace Kelly, (ar) Redbook November 1954 [Ref. Grace Kelly]
- * The Things My Children Teach Me!, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 11 1953
- * Truly a Trouper, (ar) Collier’s April 26 1952
- * $12,000-a-Week Preacher’s Boy, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 17 1954
- * Voice of the Mule, (??) Collier’s July 5 1952
- * Wahoo and the Thousand-Pounder, (vi) Liberty July 21 1945
- * [letter from California], (lt) Fantastic Novels Magazine July 1949
- * [letter from Los Angeles 25, CA], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction November 1951
_____, as told to
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Hubly, (Genevieve) Erlene (1936-1996); used pseudonym Ellen Dearmore (about) (chron.)
- * The Adventure of the Gioconda Smile, (nv) The Third WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava, The Crossing Press, 1990, as by Ellen Dearmore
- * The Adventure of the Perpetual Husbands, (nv) The WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava, The Crossing Press, 1988, as by Ellen Dearmore
- * The Criminals, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1967
- * In Sherwood Forest, (ss) Western Humanities Review
- * A Name in the Phone Book, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1969
[]Huchu, Tendai (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Best a Man Can Get, (ss) Retreats from Oblivion September 5 2018
- * The Best Man, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2015
- * The Best of All Possible Worlds, (ss) Thuglit #20, November/December 2015
- * El Chappie: The World’s Second Greatest Criminal, (ss) Mystery Weekly August 2019
- * Chikwambo, (ss) African Monsters ed. Margr^e't Helgad^o'ttir & Jo Thomas, Fox Spirit Books, 2015
- * Contestant 107, (ss) Space and Time #127, Winter 2016
- * Corialis, (ss) Fiyah #12, Autumn 2019
- * Egoli, (ss) Africanfuturism ed. Wole Talabi, Brittle Paper, 2020
- * Ghostalker, (ss) Electric Spec September 10 2015
- * Gogo Maroto, (ss) (Re)Living Mythology ed. H. D. Hunter, Shingai Njeri Kagunda, L. P. Kindred & Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, Android Press, 2022
- * The Hollowed People, (ss) Mothersound ed. Wole Talabi, Android Press, 2023
- * HostBods, (ss) Omenana #1, December 2014
- * Hume and A.I., (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #33, Winter 2022/2023
- * The Marriage Plot, (ss) Omenana #6, March 2016
- * The Mercy of the Sandsea, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2022
- * Njuzu, (ss) AfroSFv3 ed. Ivor W. Hartmann, StoryTime Press, 2018
- * The Sale, (ss) AfroSF ed. Ivor W. Hartmann, StoryTime Press, 2012
- * Stepping Through the Portal: Raman Mundair & Tendai Huchu in Conversation (with Raman Mundair), (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #18, Summer 2020
- * The War?, (ss) Shattered Prism #1, December 2015
- * The Worshipful Company of Milliners, (ss) Interzone #257, March/April 2015
_____, ed.
[]Hudak, Jennifer (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * All the Rest Is Silence, (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 21 2018
- * The Art of Unpicking Stitches, (ss) Metaphorosis July 2021
- * Between the Lines, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #15, September 2022
- * Beverly’s Sonata, (ss) Not One of Us #75, 2023
- * The Cat Lady and the Petitioner, (ss) Translunar Travelers Lounge #3, August 2020
- * The Day of the Sea, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2023
- * A Gardener Teaches His Son to Enrich the Soil and Plan for the Future, (vi) Small Wonders #3, September 2023
- * Getaway, (ss) Fusion Fragment #4, January 2021; previously available as an audio download from PodCastle, July 2019.
- * Lisa’s Garden, (vi) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2022
- * Little Fish, Big Fish, (ss) Flash Fiction Online #119, August 2023
- * Mirrored, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #80, May 2020
- * Ninety-Five Percent of the Ocean, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2022
- * Opal, Everywhere, (ss) Not One of Us #69, 2022
- * A Promise, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #1, January 2018
- * Spindle House, (ss) The Future Fire #63, 2022
- * The Stories I Tell Myself, (ar) Apparition Literary Magazine #28, Harbinger, October 2024
- * Sturgeon Moon Jam, (vi) Fantasy Magazine #86, December 2022
- * The Taste of Centuries, the Taste of Home, (ss) Khōréō v1 #1, 2021
- * Til Human Voices Wake Us, (ss) Mermaids Monthly #3, March 2021
- * The Topography of Memory, (ss) Fusion Fragment #10, March 2022
- * The Weight of It All, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #83, September 2022
- * The Witch Trap, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #48, September 2024
- * With the Nectar Comes the Sting, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #13, January 2021
- * The Wizard’s Book Tastes of Flight, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #94, July 2021
- * A Word for What We Have, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #8, October 2019
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