The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 92
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Cthulhu (continued)
- David A. Drake:
- Denise D. Dumars:
- Ian Edginton:
- Harlan Ellison:
- Kazuaki Emoto:
- Ruthanna Emrys:
- Philip José Farmer:
- Shannon Fay:
- Rodolfo A. Ferraresi:
- Richard Flanagan:
- Ed Fortune:
- Esther M. Friesner:
- Gary Fry:
- Neil Gaiman:
- Joan Garrison:
- Richard Gavin:
- Bruce Gehweiler:
- Bruce Gehweiler & C. J. Henderson:
- Allen J. Gittens:
- John S. Glasby:
- Cody Goodfellow:
- John Goodrich:
- T. E. Grau:
- Lois H. Gresh:
- Mandelbrot Moldrot, (nv) Miskatonic University ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Robert Weinberg, DAW, 1996
- Where I Go, Mi-go, (nv) Singers of Strange Songs ed. Scott David Aniolowski, Chaosium, 1997
- Showdown at Red Hook, (ss) Eldritch Evolutions, Chaosium, 2011
- Devil’s Bathtub, (ss) The Madness of Cthulhu: Volume 1 ed. S. T. Joshi, Titan, 2014
- In the Secret Cave, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu ed. Paula Guran, Robinson, 2016
- Damien Walters Grintalis:
- Guy Haley:
- Bruce George Hallenbeck:
- Barbara Hambly:
- Johan Klein Haneveld:
- Lisa L. Hannett:
- L. H. Hardingham:
- Henrik Sandbeck Harksen:
- J. C. Hart:
- Te Ika, (ss) Cthulhu: Land of the Long White Cloud ed. Steve Proposch, Christopher Sequeira & Bryce Stevens, IFWG Publishing Australia, 2018
- Henry Hasse:
- Adam Heine:
- Amanda Hemingway:
- C. J. Henderson:
- C. J. Henderson & Bruce Gehweiler:
- Samantha Henderson:
- Abram Hertroys:
- Brian Hodge:
- Yumeyo Hoh:
- Joshua L. Hood:
- Robert E. Howard:
- The Children of the Night, (ss) Weird Tales April/May 1931 [Conrad & Kirowan]
- The Black Stone, (nv) Weird Tales November 1931
- The Thing on the Roof, (ss) Weird Tales February 1932 [Conrad & Kirowan]
- The Haunter of the Ring, (nv) Weird Tales June 1934 [Conrad & Kirowan]
- The Challenge from Beyond, (rr) Fantasy Magazine September 1935
- The Fire of Asshurbanipal, (nv) Weird Tales December 1936
- Dig Me No Grave, (ss) Weird Tales February 1937 [Conrad & Kirowan]
- untitled fragment (“Beneath the glare of the sun”), (uw) The Howard Collector Spring 1967
- Dermod’s Bane, (ss) Magazine of Horror Fall 1967 [Conrad & Kirowan]
- Usurp the Night, (nv) Weirdbook #3, 1970
- The Black Bear Bites, (ss) From Beyond the Dark Gateway #3, 1974
- Candles, (pm) Curmudgeon Press, 1975
- The Dwellers Under the Tomb, (nv) Lost Fantasies #4 ed. Robert Weinberg, Weinberg, 1976 [Conrad & Kirowan]
- Dagon Manor, (uw) The “New” Howard Reader #3, Joe & Mona Marek, 1998 [Conrad & Kirowan]
- The House, (uw) The Howard Reader #8, Joe & Mona Marek, 2003
- Robert E. Howard & Lee Becker:
- Robert E. Howard & August Derleth:
- Robert E. Howard & Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.:
- Kurt Huggins & Zelda Devon:
- Ben P. Indick:
- Carl Jacobi:
- Will F. Jenkins:
- Mark Howard Jones:
- William Jones:
- David Kaufman:
- Pat Kelleher:
- Caitlín R. Kiernan:
- Stephen King:
- T. E. D. Klein:
- L. A. Knight:
- Jan J. B. Kuipers:
- Mayu Kuroi:
- Henry Kuttner:
- Andy Lane:
- John Langan:
- Randall D. Larson:
- Victor LaValle:
- S. J. Leary:
- J. S. Leatherbarrow:
- Yoon Ha Lee:
- Fritz Leiber:
- Thomas Ligotti:
- Brad Linaweaver & Fred Olen Ray:
- Livia Llewellyn:
- Frank Belknap Long:
- Penelope Love:
- James Lovegrove:
- Robert A. W. Lowndes:
- Brian Lumley:
- Cement Surroundings, (na) Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1969
- The Sister City, (ss) Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1969
- Dylath-Leen, (nv) The Caller of the Black, Arkham House, 1971
- The Night the Sea-Maid Went Down, (ss) The Caller of the Black, Arkham House, 1971
- Rising with Surtsey, (na) Dark Things ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1971
- The Thing from the Blasted Heath, (ss) The Caller of the Black, Arkham House, 1971
- The House of Cthulhu, (ss) Whispers July 1973
- Haggopian, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1973
- Aunt Hester, (nv) The Satyr’s Head & Other Tales of Terror ed. David A. Sutton, Corgi, 1975
- Born of the Winds, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1975
- What Dark God?, (ss) Nameless Places ed. Gerald W. Page, Arkham House, 1975
- The Fairground Horror, (nv) The Disciples of Cthulhu ed. Edward P. Berglund, DAW, 1976
- The Horror at Oakdeene, (nv) The Horror at Oakdeene and Others, Arkham House, 1977
- The Statement of Henry Worthy, (nv) The Horror at Oakdeene and Others, Arkham House, 1977
- The Second Wish, (nv) New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos ed. Ramsey Campbell, Arkham House, 1980
- The House of the Temple, (na) Kadath November 1980
- Recognition, (nv) Weirdbook #15, 1981
- Dylath-Leen, (pm) Kadath July 1982
- Spider in the Bath, (vi) Etchings & Odysseys #5, 1984
- Dagon’s Bell, (na) Weirdbook #23/24, 1988
- Synchronicity, or Something, (nv) Dagon Press, June 1988
- The Taint, (na) Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth ed. Stephen Jones, Fedogan & Bremer, 2005
- Richard A. Lupoff:
- Sandra McDonald:
- John Maclay:
- Graham McNeill:
- Usman Tanveer Malik:
- Nick Mamatas:
- Helen Marshall:
- Matt Maxwell:
- Abraham Merritt:
- C. L. Moore:
- Silvia Moreno-Garcia:
- Will Murray:
- Gary Myers:
- Atsushi Nakazawa, Kenji Chiba & Noboru Shinkuma:
- Gregory E. Nicoll:
- Jonathan Oliver:
- Norman Partridge:
- Daria Patrie:
- Tom Piccirilli:
- E. Hoffmann Price:
- Robert M. Price:
- Saucers from Yaddith, (ss) 1984
- A Thousand Young, (ss) Eldritch Tales #18, 1989
- The Round Tower (Being the Narrative of Armitage Harper), (nv) Vollmond #3, Autumn 1990
- Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos, (Fedogan & Bremer, August 1992, an)
- The Shub-Niggurath Cycle, (Chaosium, Inc., September 1994, an)
- Dope War of the Black Tong, (nv) The Disciples of Cthulhu (var. 1) ed. Edward P. Berglund, Chaosium, 1996
- Acute Spiritual Fear, (nv) The Disciples of Cthulhu II ed. Edward P. Berglund, Chaosium, 2003
- Robert M. Price & P. H. Cannon:
- Mearle Prout:
- Graham Pryor:
- David Pudelwitts:
- Wilum H. Pugmire:
- The Psychopomp of Irem, (ss) New Mythos Legends ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Marietta Publishing, 1999
- The Phantom of Beguilement, (ss) Tales of Love and Death by W. H. Pugmire, Delirium Books, 2001
- The Hands That Reek and Smoke, (ss) Sesqua Valley & Other Haunts by W. H. Pugmire, Delirium, 2003
- The Fungal Stain, (ss) The Fungal Stain and Other Dreams by W. H. Pugmire, Hippocampus Press, 2006
- Inhabitants of Wraithwood, (nv) Black Wings ed. S. T. Joshi, PS Publishing, 2010
- A Shadow of Thine Own Design, (ss) The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu ed. Paula Guran, Robinson, 2016
- Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.:
- Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. & Robert E. Howard:
- Stephen Mark Rainey:
- Peter Rawlik:
- In the Hall of the Yellow King, (ss) Future Lovecraft ed. Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Paula R. Stiles, Innsmouth Free Press, 2011
- The Statement of Frank Elwood, (ss) Urban Cthulhu ed. Henrik Sandbeck Harksen, H. Harksen Productions, 2012
- Professor Peaslee Plays Paris, (ss) La Vie en Noir ed. J.-M. & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2012
- Operation Switch, (ss) Atomic-Age Cthulhu ed. Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons, Chaosium, 2015
- The Posthumous Recruitment of Timothy Horne, (ss) Tomorrow’s Cthulhu ed. C. Dombrowski & Scott Gable, Broken Eye Books, 2016
- Fred Olen Ray & Brad Linaweaver:
- Thomas M. Reid:
- John Reppion:
- Joshua M. Reynolds:
- Duane W. Rimel:
- Oscar Rios:
- Joette M. Rozanski:
- Lynda E. Rucker:
- Joanna Russ:
- Mark J. Ruyffelaert:
- Armas T. Salminen:
- Mark F. Samuels:
- DaVaun Sanders:
- Terry Lee Sanders, John Henry Campbell & Oreta Forrestine Hinamon Taylor:
- Stanley C. Sargent:
- Jayaprakash Satyamurthy:
- Veronica Schanoes:
- Mark R. Schorer & August Derleth:
- Darrell Schweitzer:
- Franklyn Searight:
- Richard F. Searight:
- Lizz-Ayn Shaarawi:
- Michael Shea:
- James Shimkus:
- Noboru Shinkuma:
- Noboru Shinkuma, Kenji Chiba & Atsushi Nakazawa:
- John Shirley:
- Glen Singer:
- Clark Ashton Smith:
- E. E. Smith:
- Nate Southard:
- Brian M. Stableford:
- Del Stone, Jr.:
- Grant Stone:
- A Brighter Future, (ss) Cthulhu: Land of the Long White Cloud ed. Steve Proposch, Christopher Sequeira & Bryce Stevens, IFWG Publishing Australia, 2018
- Sam Stone:
- William H. Stout:
- Simon Strantzas:
- Brad Strickland:
- Thomas Strømsholt:
- Charles Stross:
- Stephen Studach:
- John Sunseri:
- Michael Swanwick:
- Robert Tangiers:
- Molly Tanzer:
- Oreta Forrestine Hinamon Taylor, John Henry Campbell & Terry Lee Sanders:
- Adrian Tchaikovsky:
- Thijs van Ebbenhorst Tengbergen:
- Lyoh Terate:
- Jeffrey Thomas:
- C. Hall Thompson:
- Bob Van Laerhoven:
- Harl Vincent:
- James Wade:
- Karl Edward Wagner:
- Donald Wandrei:
- Danie Ware:
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