The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1370

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    Myrrh   (about)
    Semi-professional magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Art & Story Publications; Fresno, CA: Myrrh.
    • Editors:

    The Mysterious Traveler Magazine   (about)
    A mixed-genre magazine, tie-in to a popular radio show.

    • Publishers:
      • Grace Publishing Co.; Buffalo, NY: The Mysterious Traveler Magazine.
    • Editors:
      • Robert Arthur - Managing Editor: The Mysterious Traveler Magazine.

    Mystic Magazine (1930):   (about)
    Mystic Magazine dealt with the occult: numerology, tea reading, astrology, crystal gazing, palmistry, fortune telling, etc. The magazine felt as though it was aimed at a female market. There were occasional fiction pieces but the majority of the contents were non-fiction. The magazine lasted four issues and then became True Mystic Crimes for one last issue: the contents were similar except for the change in tone away from a female orientation to a more traditional pulp male viewpoint.

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