The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 671
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Gale, John; pseudonym of David Cowperthwaite (1959- ) (chron.)
- * The City on the Farther Shore of a Sable Lake, (ss) Aklo Winter 1990/1991
- * Dreamer’s Soliloquy, (pm) Aklo Autumn 1992
- * Fires of Remembrance, (ss) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press, 1998
- * A Ghost at the Grange, (ss) Lichgate #1, 1995
- * Invitation to a Ghost, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #9, 1986
- * Lord Kandra, (ss) Aklo Summer 1989
- * Moon of Obsession, (vi) Lichgate #1, 1995
- * The Poet Who Fell in Love with the Moon, (pp) Aklo Summer 1991
- * The Roses and the Poet, (ss) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press, 1998
- * A Sundial in a Windowless Chamber, (ss) Aklo Autumn 1992
- * Three Shadows and Cuth, (ss) Dark Dreams #1, January 1984
- * Vigil, (pp) Penny Dreadful #8, Autumn 1998
_____, [ref.]
- * Brief Bibliography, (bi) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press, 1998
- * A Damask of the Dead by Scott Connors, (br) Weird Tales March/April 2008
- * A Note About John Gale by Mark Valentine, (ar) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press, 1998
Gale, Mark (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Breathless, (ss) Kimota #8, Spring 1998
- * Chords of Souls, (ss) Black Tears #9, 1995
- * Doing Bird, (vi) Sierra Heaven #3, Summer 1997
- * Lethal Infatuation, (vi) Kimota #5, Winter 1996/1997
- * A Meaningful Life, (vi) Sierra Heaven #3, Summer 1997
- * Preacherman, (ss) Kimota #9, Autumn 1998
- * Ring of Doom, (ss) Kimota #12, Spring 2000
- * The Safehouse, (ss) Terror Tales #2, 1998
Galef, David (1959- ) (chron.)
- * An Apple a Day, (ss) Midnight Zoo v3 #5, 1993
- * The Dead Channel, (ss) Bastion #1, April 2014
- * Insomnia, Take 7, (pm) The Chamber Magazine September 2 2022
- * Mission Creep, (ss) The Singularity #3, April 2016
- * Noise, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #29, September 2013
- * Nulltime, (ss) Pirate Writings #13, 1997
- * Precipitation, (pm) The Chamber Magazine September 2 2022
- * Siren, (pm) Cthulhu Sex v2 #14, 2003
- * Sweet Are the Uses, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1993
- * Tour de France, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1991
- * Victory, (vi) Sci Phi Journal Winter 2022
Galiano, Inés (fl. 2020s)
_____, trans.
- * Carta de la Editora by Coral Moore, (ed) Constelación #1, January 2021; translated from the English (“From the Editor’s Desk”).
- * Los lanzamientos latinxs y caribeños más esperados de Ciencia ficción y Fantasía para inicios del 2021 by Adri, (ar) Constelación #1, January 2021; translated from the English (“Anticipated Latinx & Caribbean SFF Releases for Early 2021”).
- * ¿Podemos hablar del Spanglish, Please? by P. A. Cornell, (ar) Constelación #1, January 2021; translated from the English (“Can We Talk About Spanglish, Por Favor?”).
- * Short Fiction as the Seedbed of Speculative Fiction by Cristina Jurado, (ar) Constelación #1, January 2021; translated from the Spanish (“La narrativa breve como semillero de la ficción especulativa”).
Gall, Jimm (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Awaiting the Galaxy Rider, (pm) Beyond #15, 1989
- * Desktop Poetry, (ar) Star*Line Sep/Dec 1989, Jan/Feb 1990
- * Dollarware, (cs) Hardware #1, Spring 1989
- * Interfacing Xanadu, (pm) Hardware #1, Spring 1989
- * My Machine, (pm) Hardware #1, Spring 1989
- * Six Stanzas for the Pantoum of the Madwoman, (pm) Star*Line September/December 1989
- * Welcome to the Machine, (ed) Hardware #1, Spring 1989
- * [front cover], (cv) Hardware #1, Spring 1989
_____, ed.
Gallagher, Elaine (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Ancillary Sword, (br) Interzone #256, January/February 2015 [Ref. Ann Leckie]
- * Ann Leckie: Who Is Anyone Anyway?, (iv) Interzone #256, January/February 2015 [Ref. Ann Leckie]
- * Darkening Skies, (br) Interzone #241, July/August 2012 [Ref. Juliet E. McKenna]
- * The Djinn Falls in Love, (br) Interzone #269, March/April 2017 [Ref. Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin]
- * Editorial, (ed) Interzone #264, May/June 2016
- * Fiddlehead, (br) Interzone #251, March/April 2014 [Ref. Cherie Priest]
- * The Ghost in the Electric Blue Suit, (br) Interzone #255, November/December 2014 [Ref. Graham Joyce]
- * The Gloaming, (br) Interzone #275, May/June 2018 [Ref. Kirsty Logan]
- * Improbable Botany, (br) Interzone #274, March/April 2018 [Ref. Gary Dalkin]
- * In the Mouth of the Whale, (br) Interzone #239, March/April 2012 [Ref. Paul McAuley]
- * Juliet E. McKenna, (iv) Interzone #241, July/August 2012 [Ref. Juliet E. McKenna]
- * The Mad Scientist’s Daughter, (br) Interzone #245, March/April 2013 [Ref. Cassandra Rose Clarke]
- * Polaris, (pm) BFS Horizons #2, 2015
- * A Rake on Tour, (iv) Interzone #272, September/October 2017 [Ref. Hal Duncan]
- * Rose, (pm) BFS Journal #12, 2014
- * A Scruffian Survival Guide, (br) Interzone #272, September/October 2017 [Ref. Hal Duncan]
- * Shades of Milk and Honey, (br) Interzone #250, January/February 2014 [Ref. Mary Robinette Kowal]
- * Sisters of the Revolution, (br) Interzone #259, July/August 2015 [Ref. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer]
- * Some Kind of Fairy Tale, (br) Interzone #243, November/December 2012 [Ref. Graham Joyce]
- * Sparrow Falling, (br) Interzone #266, September/October 2016 [Ref. Gaie Sebold]
- * Transmission, (br) Interzone #240, May/June 2012 [Ref. John Meaney]
Gallagher, James (fl. 1970s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Assassination, (ss) Horror Bites Magazine #7, 2018
- * The Girl Who Isn’t Talked About, (ss) Black Petals (online) #82, Winter 2018
- * It Came Through the Dog Door, (ss) Horror Garage #9, 2004
- * Sorry, Sis, (ss) Liquid Imagination #33, May 2017
- * [letter from Sunset Beach, CA, 90742], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1979
Gallagher, Michelle Joy (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Coffin, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Halfway to Heaven, (vi) The Sirens Call #54, Summer 2021
- * Sever, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Skeleton, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * Surgeon, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * You, (pm) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
Gallagher, Mike (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Closed System, (cs) Bull Spec #1 Spr, #2 Sum, #3 Aut, #4 Win 2010
- * Old Soldiers, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #16, 2009
- * The Soul of a New Machine: Internet and the New Science, (ar) Gateways #8, Autumn 1993
- * Threshold:
* ___ The Soul of a New Machine: Internet and the New Science, (ar) Gateways #8, Autumn 1993
- * [front cover], (cv) Bull Spec #1, Spring 2010
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Bull Spec #1, Spring 2010
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #145, July 1999
Gallagher, Phil (chron.)
- * Dispel Confusion (with Jim Bambra, Mike Brunton & Graeme Morris), (cl) Imagine #12 Mar, #14 May, #15 Jun, #16 Jul, #17 Aug, #18 Sep 1984, #23 Feb, #25 Apr, #26 May, #27 Jun, #28 Jul 1985
- * Dispel Confusion (with Jim Bambra, Mike Brunton, Graeme Morris & Carl Sargent), (cl) Imagine #29, August 1985
- * Dispel Confusion (with Mike Brunton & Graeme Morris), (cl) Imagine #8 Nov, #9 Dec 1983, #10 Jan, #11 Feb, #13 Apr 1984
- * The Necklace of Lilith, (gm) Imagine #20, November 1984
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