The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1777
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Smith, Roy (chron.)
- * Adsats, (vi) Vision #17, 1993
- * An Alternate Technology, (ss) Vision #6, 1990
- * At the Foot of Olympus, (ss) Vision #9, 1991
- * Back to Nature, (vi) Vision #11, 1991
- * The Bad Ray, (vi) Vision #18, 1994
- * Butterfly on a Twig, (ss) Vision #12, 1992
- * The Challenge, (ss) Vision #1, 1990
- * The Day the Earthlings Swarmed, (pm) Vision #3, 1990
- * Fallen Star, (vi) Vision #18, 1994
- * Genoa’s Bottles, (ss) Vision #14, 1992
- * Home, (ss) Vision #5, 1990
- * In Shining Armor, (ss) Vision #16, 1993
- * In That Number, (ss) Vision #2, 1990
- * The Lens of Faray, (ss) Vision #15, 1992
- * Martyr, (ss) Vision #8, 1991
- * Mediocrity, (pm) Vision #18, 1994
- * The Meteors, (ss) Vision #1, 1990
- * Our Fine Heritage, (pm) Vision #17, 1993
- * Pretending to Be Dead, (vi) Vision #10, 1991
- * The Red Knight, (ss) Vision #4, 1990
- * The Return of Lindsay Matthews, (vi) Vision #3, 1990
- * Sawicha, (vi) Vision #7, 1991
- * Stirring the Coals, (vi) Vision #2, 1990
- * Swirling, (pm) Vision #16, 1993
- * Xenos Ikon, (vi) Vision #13, 1992
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Vision
- * Editor: Vision #7, #8, #9, #10, #11 1991, #12, #13, #14, #15 1992, #16, #17 1993, #18 1994
Smith, S. A. (fl. 1980s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Brothertwin, (vi) Worlds Lost…Time Forgotten #3, 1981
- * Fast Food, (ss) Dark Tales #8, Spring 2006
- * Looking for Oros, (ss) Owlflight #1, 1981
- * Loom Shadow, (ss) Pandora #8, 1981
- * The Pegasi, (vi) Owlflight #4, 1983
Smith, Sherwood; pseudonym of Christine I. Smith Lowentrout (1951- ) (about) (chron.)
- * And Horses Are Born with Eagles Wings, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 1997
- * And Now Abideth These Three, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 1998
- * Being Real, (nv) Lone Star Stories #17, October 2006
- * Echoes of Ancient Danger, (ss) Orphans of the Night ed. Josepha Sherman, Walker, 1995
- * The Hero and the Princess, (ss) Lone Star Stories #11, October 2005
- * Mom and Dad at the Home Front, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2000
- * The Rule of Engagement, (na) Lace and Blade ed. Deborah J. Ross, Leda, 2008
- * Visions, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1996
Smith, Stephanie (Ann) (1978- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Absence, (pm) Disturbed Digest March 2019
- * Aria for a Black Tattoo, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #27, April 2017
- * Ascension, (pm) Outposts of Beyond January 2019
- * Asphodels and Silent Screams, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #9, Spring 1998
- * Bogeyman, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * Breeding, (pm) The Chamber Magazine October 7 2022
- * The Dance, (pm) The Chamber Magazine October 7 2022
- * The Dead Have Dreams, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * Death Lies Underground Calling Your Name, (pm) Mindmares #4, Fall 1998
- * Deliverance, (ss) Massacre Magazine #5, Winter 2015
- * An Evening of…, (pm) Not One of Us #42, October 2009
- * Evening Speaks, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * Feeding Time, (pm) Outer Darkness #16, Summer 1998
- * Field of Death, (pm) Outer Darkness #13, Autumn 1997
- * The Other Side of Shadows, (pm) Not One of Us #70, 2022
- * Prisms, (pm) Abyss & Apex #74, 2nd Quarter 2020
- * Remember When, (pm) Trysts of Fate #2, August 2014
- * Sphere, (pm) Not One of Us #19, March 1998
- * Standing at the Door of Death, (pm) Outer Darkness #11, Spring 1997
- * Thorns, (pm) The Chamber Magazine October 7 2022
- * Three Dark Poems, (gp) The Chamber Magazine October 7 2022
- * Unleashed, (ss) Morpheus Tales Apocalypse Special 2013
- * What Do You Dream, (pm) Disturbed Digest #5, June 2014
- * The Woman with Leaves in Her Hair, (pm) Liquid Imagination #35, November 2017
Smith, Tevis Clyde (1908-1984) (chron.)
- * Art Show in the Park, (pm) Simba September 1978
- * Conversation on the Bridge, (pl) The Howard Collector Summer 1966
- * Delayed Death, (ss) Simba September 1978
- * Denouement, (pm) The Howard Collector Winter 1965
- * The Dweller of Klondu (with Clifford William Bird), (pm) Simba September 1978
- * Eighttoes Makes a Play (alternate ending) (with Robert E. Howard), (ex) The Howard Collector Autumn 1971
- * Hindu Evil, (ss) Fantasy Crossroads #9, August 1976
- * Incidents, (pm) The Howard Collector Spring 1962
- * John Bourbon, (pm) Fantasy Crosswinds #2, January 1977
- * Night Sky, (pm) The Howard Collector Summer 1964
- * On an Ancient Shore, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #12, November 1977
- * Paganini, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #13, June 1978
- * The Phantom Athlete, (ss) Fantasy Crossroads #6, November 1975
- * Pristine, (pm) The Howard Collector Autumn 1962
- * Report on a Writing Man, (ar) The Howard Collector Summer 1963
- * Rough Love Pays, (ss) Fantasy Crossroads #8, May 1976
- * Three Slugs of Lead, (ss) Dark Fantasy #14, 1977
- * Trouble with Tezcatipoca, (pm) Fantasy Crosswinds #3, January 1977
- * Two Views of Bob Howard: The Magic Name, (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #10/11, March 1977 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * What Robert E. Howard Said One Wednesday Night, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #13, June 1978
- * Wulfdene, (pm) Fantasy Crosswinds #1, January 1977
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. March 1930 (“Well, Fear Finn, tell Cuchullain the Dutchess…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) Selected Letters 1923-1930 by Robert E. Howard, Necronomicon, 1989
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. May 1928 (“Salaam/So Klatt has gone West.”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) Zarfhanna August 1988
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. November 1931 (“Fear Finn/I wrote Bradford a coarse rude letter…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1965
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. November 1932 (“Fear Finn/Well, I finally…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, dated May 27, 1925 by Herbert C. Klatt, (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v4 #4, 2010
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, June 23, 1926 (“Salaam/I’m trying to write…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval by Robert E. Howard, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, June 3, 1925 by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v5 #2, 2011
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, September 7, 1924 (“Salaam, Clyde/You ought to be here.”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) Austin May 1992
- * Letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, undated, unsent (“Show this to Truett”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Index and Addenda by Bobby Derie, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2015
- * Red Blades of Black Cathay (with Robert E. Howard) by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Amra v2 #55, 1971
Smith, Thomas Lee Joseph (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * The Big One, (ss) Scared Naked Magazine #4, 2003
- * The Cross Gendered Horse with Wings, (ss) Jupiter #15, January 2007
- * The Girl Who Loved Dinosaurs, (ss) Beyond Centauri April 2008
- * The Last Idea, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #11, September 2002
- * A Mask for Charlie, (ss) Thirteen Stories #10, June 2003
- * The Master of Ink and Shadows, (ss) Thirteen Stories #5, January 2003
- * Red Water, (ss) Horror Carousel #3, Spring 2005
- * Sick Little Man, (ss) Scared Naked Magazine #2, 2003
- * True to His Art, (ss) Thirteen Stories #8, April 2003
- * The Walking Distances, (ss) Jupiter #14, October 2006
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