The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Carnell, (Edward) John “Ted” (chron.) (continued)
- * Probability Zero:
* ___ Time Marches On, (vi) Astounding Science-Fiction August 1942
- * Progress, (ed) New Worlds #5, 1949
- * The Puppet Masters, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #21, June 1953 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * The Reason Why, (ed) New Worlds #15, May 1952
- * Recent British Books, (br) Operation Fantast Jul, Dec 1949
- * Religion and Sex in S-F, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #31, January 1955
- * The Reprint Racket, (ar) Zenith #1, August 1941
- * Reprints—Again!, (ed) New Worlds #13, January 1952
- * Round the Fantasy Field, (ms) Scientifiction March 1938
- * Science Fantasy, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #84, June 1959
- * Science Fiction in Russia, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #108, July 1961
- * S-F and Education, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #56, February 1957
- * SFA Now Means Suspended for a While, (ar) The Satellite November 1939
- * S-f—Hollywood Version, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #46, April 1956
- * Sign of the Times, (ed) New Worlds #18, November 1952
- * The Silver Eggheads, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #117, April 1962 [Ref. Fritz Leiber]
- * Slave Planet, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #133, August 1963 [Ref. Laurence M. Janifer]
- * So This Is Hell?, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #105, April 1961
- * Soul Searching, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #92, March 1960
- * Soul Searching Continued, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #93, April 1960
- * Space Age, Year One, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #65, November 1957
- * Space Cat Visits Venus, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #57, March 1957 [Ref. Ruthven Todd]
- * Space Opera, (ed) New Worlds #11, Autumn 1951
- * Space Satellites, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #40, October 1955
- * Special Notice…, (ms) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #32, 1963
- * The Stars and von Braun, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #102, January 1961
- * Star Surgeon, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #133, August 1963 [Ref. James White]
- * A Stir of Echoes, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #102, January 1961 [Ref. Richard Matheson]
- * Sturgeon Serial Next Month, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #101, December 1960
- * Superman—What Now?, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #66, December 1957
- * Survey…1958, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #78, December 1958
- * ‘Survey’—Preliminary Report, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #32, February 1955
- * ‘Survey’ Report, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #37, July 1955
- * Survey Report 1958, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #83, May 1959
- * Survey Report 1963, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #141, April 1964
- * Survey Report of 1962, (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction #127, February 1963
- * Ted Carnell Answers S-FR, (ar) Science-Fantasy Review #6, July 30 1939
- * 30 Day Wonder, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #102, January 1961 [Ref. Richard Wilson]
- * Time Marches On, (vi) Astounding Science-Fiction August 1942
- * Time Out for Tomorrow, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #133, August 1963 [Ref. Richard Wilson]
- * Traditions…, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #62, August 1957
- * Trieste: SF Film Festival, (ar) Vision of Tomorrow January 1970
- * Two In… One Out, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #89, December 1959
- * The Unsleep, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #117, April 1962 [Ref. Diana & Meir Gillon]
- * Visiting Season, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #39, September 1955
- * The Wall Game, (ar) Science Fantasy #59, 1963
- * Walt Disney’s Science-Factual Featurette “Man in Space”, (mr) New Worlds Science Fiction #57, March 1957
- * What Makes a Successful Convention?, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #25, July 1954
- * The Wind from Nowhere, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #117, April 1962 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
- * World Convention for London?, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #36, June 1955
- * You and S-F, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #75, September 1958
- * Zacherley’s Vulture Stew, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #102, January 1961 [Ref. Zacherley]
- * [letter from London, England], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction June 1944
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Creep, Shadow!
* ___ New Worlds Science Fiction, #1 - #141.
* ___ New Worlds, 39/03 - 39/08
* ___ Science Fantasy, #3 - #64.
* ___ Science Fiction Adventures (UK)
- * Editor: New Worlds Mar, Aug 1939, #21 Jun, #22 (unpublished) 1953, #22, #25 Jul, #27 Sep, #30 Dec 1954, #31 Jan, #33 Mar, #34 Apr, #38 Aug,
#41 Nov 1955
#43 Jan, #44 Feb, #46 Apr, #48 Jun, #49 Jul, #50 Aug, #54 Dec 1956, #56 Feb, #57 Mar, #58 Apr, #60 Jun, #62 Aug, #65 Nov,
#66 Dec 1957
#68 Feb, #78 Dec 1958, #80 Feb, #82 Apr, #83 May, #87 Oct 1959, #90 Jan 1960, #102 Jan, #103 Feb, #105 Apr, #106 May 1961
#114 Jan, #115 Feb, #116 Mar, #117 Apr, #118 May, #119 Jun, #120 Jul, #122 Sep, #124 Nov 1962, #126 Jan, #128 Mar, #130 May, #131 Jun,
#133 Aug, #134 Sep, #136 Nov, #137 Dec 1963
#138 Jan, #139 Feb, #140 Mar, #141 Apr 1964
- * Editor: Science Fantasy #4 Spr 1952, #7, #10 Sep 1954, #13 Apr 1955, #17 Feb, #20 Dec 1956, #28 Apr, #29 Jun 1958, #36 Aug 1959, #39 Feb,
#41 Jun, #42 Aug, #43 Oct 1960
#57 Feb 1963
- * Editor: New Worlds Science Fiction (Canada) #25, September 1954
- * Editor: New Worlds Science Fiction (U.S. Forces European Edition) #30, December 1954
- * Editor: Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 1958, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12 1959
#13, #14, #15, #16, #17 1960, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23 1961
#24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29 1962, #30, #31, #32 1963
- * Editor: Science Fiction Adventures (Canada) #16 Sep/Oct, #17 Nov/Dec 1960, #20 May/Jun, #21 Jul/Aug, #22 Sep/Oct 1961, #24 Jan/Feb, #25 Mar/Apr, #28 Sep/Oct, #29 Nov/Dec 1962, #30 Jan/Feb,
#31 Mar/Apr 1963
- * Editor: Science Fantasy (Canada) #57, January/February 1963
- * The Editor’s Space, (ed) Science Fiction Adventures (UK); #6, 7, 20.
_____, [ref.]
- * The Best from New Worlds, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #56, 1955
- * E.J. Carnell—A Quick Look by Harry Harrison, (ar) Science Fantasy #68, December 1964/January 1965
- * Gateway to the Stars, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955
- * Gateway to Tomorrow, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #44, April 15 1954
- * Gateway to Tomorrow by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1954
- * John Carnell, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #100, November 1960
- * Lambda 1 by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction August 1964
- * New Writings in SF 3 by James Colvin, (br) New Worlds SF #151 Jun, #154 Sep 1965
- * New Writings in SF 4 by James Colvin, (br) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965
- * No Place Like Earth by H. J. Campbell, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #30, February 15 1953
- * No Place Like Earth by Dirce S. Archer, (br) Astounding Science Fiction September 1953
- * No Place Like Earth by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1953
- * ??Stillborn??, or, The Trials and Tribulations of Editors—and Readers by Kenneth F. Slater, (ar) Operation Fantast #1, September 1947
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