The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 443
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D’Arcy, Danya (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Adrift, (pm) Gaslight December 1992
- * At a Young Woman’s Grave, (pm) Stygian Articles #1, Spring 1995
- * Chain, (pm) Lore Winter 1995
- * Deep Six Your Dreams, (pm) Pirate Writings #3, Winter 1993
- * Dreams, (pm) Gaslight August 1992
- * An Evening with Andrew, (ss) Crossroads December 1992
- * Hell’s Artist in Residence, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #11, 1993
- * Ice Age, (pm) Gaslight December 1993
- * In Hand, (pm) Gaslight August 1993
- * Navicular Subjugation, (pm) Aberrations #17, February 1994
- * Red, (pm) Gaslight August 1993
- * Resilience, (ss) Palace Corbie v2 #1, 1993
- * Shackled Escape, (pm) Pirate Writings #3, Winter 1993
- * They Come, (pm) Black Lotus v1 #1, 1992
Dard, Roger N. (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * The Undying One, (vi) Operation Fantast December 1950
- * Where Monsters Dwell, (ar) Operation Fantast Spring/Summer 1952
- * [letter], (lt) Fantastic Adventures May 1951
- * [letter], (lt) Nebula Science Fiction #2, Spring 1953
- * [letter from Perth, Western Australia], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Feb 1949, May, Jul 1951, Apr 1953
- * [letter from Perth, Western Australia], (lt) Fantastic Novels Magazine September 1949
- * [letter from Perth, Western Australia], (lt) Weird Tales May 1950
_____, [ref.]
Dark, Mr. (fl. 2000s)
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Dark Realms
- * Editor: Dark Realms Win 2000, Spr, Sum, Fll, #5 Win 2001, #6 Spr, #7 Sum, #8 Fll, #9 Win 2002, #10 Spr, #11 Sum, #12 Fll,
#13 Win 2003
Dark, Jason (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Fear Over London, (na) Horror Monthly #1, 1991; translated by P. J. H. Saunders
- * Lucifer’s Citadel, (na) Horror Monthly #3, 1991; translated by P. J. H. Saunders
- * Nightmare in Atlantis, (na) Horror Monthly #5, 1991; translated by P. J. H. Saunders
- * Skull Moon, (na) Horror Monthly #4, 1991; translated by P. J. H. Saunders
- * The Sword Legend, (na) Horror Monthly #2, 1991; translated by P. J. H. Saunders
Dark Soul; pseudonym (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Behind the Screams:
* ___ Movie: “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #12, July/August 2002
* ___ Movie: “Forests of the Dead”, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #13, September/October 2002
* ___ Movie: “The Mind’s Eye”, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #14, November/December 2002
- * Demonic Owl, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #27, Fall 2005
- * “Girls Night Out” World Premiere, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #21, January/February 2004
- * Graveyard Cinema, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #13 Sep/Oct, #14 Nov/Dec 2002, #15 Jan/Feb, #16 Mar/Apr, #17 May/Jun, #18 Jul/Aug, #19 Sep/Oct, #20 Nov/Dec 2003, #21 Jan/Feb, #22 Mar/Apr, #23 May/Jun,
#24, #25 Win 2004
#26 Spr, #27 Fll 2005, #28 Jan, #29 Sum, #30 2006, #31 Win, #32 Spr 2007
- * Graveyard Cinema: Dracula 2000, Unbreakable, The Grinch, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #4, 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: Ginger Snaps, Blade 2, Resident Evil, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #11, May/June 2002
- * Graveyard Cinema: Hannibal, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #5, 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: Jason X, Spider Man, Scooby Doo, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #12, July/August 2002
- * Graveyard Cinema: Planet of the Apes, Jurassic Park III, Scary Movie 2, Goldfarb, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #7, 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: The Mothman Prophecies, Lord of the Rings, Rose Red, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #10, March/April 2002
- * Graveyard Cinema: The Mummy Returns, The Forsaken, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #6, 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: The Others, Creepy Tales, Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror, Jeepers Creepers, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #8, November/December 2001
- * Graveyard Cinema: The Others, Jeepers Creepers, Shadow of the Vampire, The Mummy Returns, The Forsaken, (mr) Blood Moon Rising #9, January/February 2002
- * Halloween Scare Tactics, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #19, September/October 2003
- * Horror Convention Madness!!! The Wicked Winter Renaissance Faire, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #31, Winter 2007
- * Movie: “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?”, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #12, July/August 2002
- * Movie: “Forests of the Dead”, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #13, September/October 2002
- * Movie: “The Mind’s Eye”, (ar) Blood Moon Rising #14, November/December 2002
- * Nightmare News, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #24, #25 Win 2004, #26 Spr, #27 Fll 2005, #28 Jan, #29 Sum, #30 2006, #31 Win, #32 Spr 2007
_____, [ref.]
Darling, Graham J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Eternity Machine, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #6, November/December 2021
- * Immaterial Witness, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine Halloween Special, October 2022
- * Jon Carver of Barzoon, You Misunderstood, (vi) Sword & Mythos ed. Silvia Moreno-Garcia & Paula R. Stiles, Innsmouth Free Press, 2014
- * The New Season, (ss) Brain Games ed. Juliana Rew, Third Flatiron Publishing, 2020
- * A Pleasant Walk, A Pleasant Talk, (ss) Pulp Literature Winter 2019
- * You Misunderstood, (vi) The Sirens Call #53, Spring 2021
Darlington, Andrew (1947- ) (about) (chron.)
- * After the Raid, (pm) Back Brain Recluse #4, July 1985
- * Against Heliocentricity, (pm) Auguries #5, 1986
- * Alabaster White Visions of Ocean/Into Myth, (pm) Eldritch Tales #25, Spring 1991
- * All Night I Dream of Scorpions, (pm) Eldritch Tales #26, Winter 1991
- * Angels of Anarchy/Learning to Live with Fragmentation, (pm) Grue #11, Winter 1990
- * Aquatic Encounters Under the Dark Moons, (pm) Nova SF #1, Spring 1990
- * Arthur C. Clarke—Strange and Astounding Days, (ar) The Edge #1, August/September 1989 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * Arthur Wardrobe and Asia Anastacia: A Love Story, (ss) Weirdbook #43, 2020
- * Assassin, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #1, 2002
- * Balloons Over Mars, (pm) Maelstrom #6, December 1992/May 1993
- * Baptism of Fire, (ss) Cthulhu: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos #1, 1976
- * Baptism of Fire, (na) Cthulhu: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos #5, 2014; originally published in a shorter form in Cthulhu: Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos #1, 1976.
- * Beast of the Baskervilles, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #5, Summer/Autumn 2014
- * Beautiful Pagan/On Quantum Physics at the Edge of Chaos, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1993
- * The Best of Philip E. High, (br) Fantasy Commentator Spring 2003 [Ref. Philip E. High]
- * Bill and Tim’s Excellent Adventure, (ar) Masque Noir #6, October 2001
- * The Bird That Flies Backwards, (pm) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine April 2021
- * The Black Light, (ss) Sfinx #11, 1976
- * The Blackpool Hallucinations, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #1, Summer/Autumn 2013
- * Blind Vision, (ss) Weirdbook #40, 2018
- * The Blind Water-Lords of Pacantic, (ss) Dark Horizons #16, Spring 1977
- * A Bouquet of (Neu)Roses/An Experiment with Time and Precognitive Dreaming, (pm) Ice River #6, February 1990
- * The Boy Who Learned to Grokkle, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #6, Spring 2015
- * Breakfast in Bedlam, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1995
- * Buddy Holly Must Die, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Winter 2001/2002
- * The Carnivorous Land, (ss) New Moon #2, January 1992
- * Cerebral Cortex Boogie/Where the Scrontium Ninety Plays, (pm) The Scanner #5, 1989
- * Children of the Atom: Nuclear Apocalypse in Science Fiction, (ar) The Zone #4, Summer 1996
- * Circular Error, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #3, January 1985
- * A Convenient Wife, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #112, May 2019
- * Cult of Unreason, (ar) Probe #37, August 1978
- * The Day All Time Stood Still/A Ghostly Invasion, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1998
- * The Day I Met Syd Barrett/And Other Astounding Tales, (pm) Works #9, 1993
- * Defeat, Fragments and the Impossible Island, (ss) The Dream Zone #6, May 2000
- * Delphinidea, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #26, Summer 2020
- * Derek and the Vampires, (ss) Supernatural Tales #10, 2006
- * Describe the Miniature Soft Drum Set/Jazzman in Nudetown, (pm) Focus November/December 1998
- * Discussing Death, Deviance and Diners/Let Sleeping Logs Lie, (pm) Threads #10, Winter 1996
- * The Doom That Came to Xanthus, (ss) Premonitions #5, 2004
- * Door to Anywhere, (ss) Worlds of the Unknown #1, 2015
- * Down Here…Where the Slidewalk Ends, (pm) Threads #5, October 1994
- * Edgar Allan Poe—The Original Imp of the Perverse, (ar) The Edge #1, August/September 1989 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe]
- * Einstein’s Theory of Time Dilation/Press Any Key to Quit, (pm) Premonitions #1, Winter 1992
- * Electricity Comes from Other Planets/ A Faberge Handgrenade, (pm) The Scanner #9, 1990
- * Emergence, (ss) Probe #32, August 1976
- * Escalator to Andromeda/For a 1950’s S-F Writer, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1993/1994 [Ref. E. C. Tubb]
- * Escape from Quasar 7 / It’s No Fun to Be a Dharma Bum in Yorkshire 1993, (pm) The Third Alternative #1, 1994
- * The Eternal Assassin, (ss) Auguries #3, 1985
- * Euroshima Mon Amour, (pm) The Mentor January 1986
- * Evolution, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1991
- * The Evolution of Michael Moorcock, (ar) Dark Horizons #22, Spring 1981 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * Excursion on a Wobbly Rail/ Poem Quoting Nico, (pm) The Scanner #9, 1990
- * Exquisite Corpses, (pm) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine October/November 2021
- * The Eye of Eternity, (pm) Not One of Us #10, April 1993
- * Far from Nebulous: A Personal History of Nebula, Scotland’s Only Professional Science-Fiction Magazine, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1996
- * Fine Art of Disaster / Memos from Mars, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992
- * Forbidden Modes of Desire, (ss) Jupiter #3, Spring 2004
- * Forest Bloom, (pm) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * Forests of Oberon, (vi) Tigershark Magazine #14, Summer 2017
- * 14 Mins 21.6 Secs, (pm) Nova SF #1, Spring 1990
- * Francis G. Rayer: Star-Seeker, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Spring 2003 [Ref. Francis G. Rayer]
- * Friends from the Day After Tomorrow, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #118, May 2021
- * Friends Who Tend to Explore, (ss) Midnight Street September 2017
- * From “The Wind in the Willows” (1908) and “The War of the Worlds” (1898), (pm) Star*Line March/April 1993
- * Gender-Shock, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #2, Winter 2013
- * Genesis, (ss) Space and Time #31, July 1975
- * The Glorious Insanity, (ss) Equinox #4, Summer 1977
- * The Great Cosmic Squawk, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #22, Summer 2019
- * The Great Counterfeit Memory Sin-Drome, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #7, 1987
- * The Great Moroccan Weed War, (pm) Eldritch Tales #16, 1988
- * Guns of Brixton/Atavistic Logics, (pm) Threads #5, October 1994
- * Hades World, (ss) Premonitions #3, Spring 1994
- * Hammer Horror: The Satanic Rites of Hammer, (ar) Sierra Heaven #4, Winter 1997/1998
- * Hannibal Deathridge, His Journeys in Strange Subterranean Lands to the Pendant World, and Beyond/The Conqueror of Gravitation Reaches Enchanting Moons…, (pm) The Zone #4, Summer 1996
- * The Hermes Trismegistus Codex, (pm) Auguries #5, 1986
- * A Highway of Worlds, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #23, Autumn 2019
- * Homage to Catatonia, (pm) Nyctalops #17, June 1982
- * House of Cards, (vi) Space and Time #22, January 1974
- * I Am a Microwave, (pm) Nova SF #1, Spring 1990
- * I Can’t Quite Remember the Re-Creation of the World, (pm) Eldritch Tales #18, 1989
- * In Memoriam Steve Sneyd, (ob) Star*Line Fall 2018 [Ref. Steve Sneyd]
- * In the Region of Epsilon Bootes, (pm) Works #5, 1989
- * In the Time of Melting Ice, (ss) Imagine #11, February 1984
- * Invisible City/Underground Music, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #9, 1987
- * I Remember Hell Planet: The Bizarre History of Mercury in S.F., (ar) The Zone #2, Spring 1995
- * Isis, (nv) Works #1 Sum, #2 Aut 1988
- * Joey Mollusc and the Cepheid Variable, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #23, 1997
- * Journeys Into the Mythical Present, (pm) Omniumgathum ed. Jonathan Bacon & Steve Troyanovich, Stygian Isle Press, 1976
- * Labyrinth of Strange Affinity, (pm) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
- * The Lady of Havenot and the Seven Whispers, (pm) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine October 2020
- * Lair of the Purloined Star, (ss) SciFan Magazine #6, June 2017
- * The Last Sleeping God of Mars, (ss) Fantasy Tales #3, Summer 1978
- * Lemuria Rising/Impossible Alters, (pm) Threads #5, October 1994
- * The Lichen Manuscript/Mars Is a District of Sheffield, (pm) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1993/1994
- * Lost in Space… And Mom Came Too!, (ar) Zest #5, Winter 1998
- * The Lotus-Eaters of Ozymandias, (ss) Space and Time #48, July 1978
- * The Loudest Dream/Brood of the Darkest Moon, (pm) Ice River #6, February 1990
- * Love Among the Cyberdroids, (vi) The Edge v2 #2, 1996
- * The Lurker in the Room with a View, (ss) Orion #3, July 1993
- * Magic—The Once and Future Science, (ar) Balthus #3, 1972
- * The Man Who Drank the Moons (Liquid Buddha), (pm) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1997
- * The Marching Dead, (ss) Weirdbook Annual #3: Zombies ed. Doug Draa, Wildside Press, 2021
- * Mars Is a Robot World, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2016
- * Martian Dope, (ss) Sfinx #9, March 1974
- * Martian Dreams: Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom Series, (ar) The Zone and Premonitions #7, Winter 1998/1999 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Martian Dreams: Edgar Rice Burroughs Revisited, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Winter 2001/2002 [Ref. Edgar Rice Burroughs]
- * Matrix, (ss) Dream Magazine #6, July 1986
- * M. Charles Baudelaire’s etc., (pm) Star*Line May/June 1998
- * The Mercutian Mission, (ss) The Zone and Premonitions #5, Spring 1997
- * Messages from Betelguese / An Essay on Relativity, (pm) The Third Alternative #3, Summer 1994
- * Metamorphosis at the End of Time, (ss) Angel Body and Other Magic for the Soul ed. Chris Reed & David Memmott, Back Brain Recluse, 2002
- * Michael Moorcock, (ar) Probe #26, September/October 1974 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * Mirror War, (ss) Space Adventures #3, February 2017
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