The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 273
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Byrne, Johnny (1935-2008) (chron.)
- * The Criminal, (vi) Science Fantasy #74, July 1965
- * The Foreigner, (ss) Science Fantasy #77, October 1965
- * Harvest, (ss) Science Fantasy #69, January/February 1965
- * The Jobbers, (ss) Science Fantasy #76, September 1965
- * Love Feast, (vi) Science Fantasy #67, September/October 1964
- * Yesterdays’ Gardens, (ss) Science Fantasy #78, November 1965
Byrne, Leon (fl. 1920s-1930s); used pseudonym John Mercer (chron.)
- * The Ages of Horror, (ss) Horror Stories April/May 1938
- * The Dead Must Eat, (ss) Horror Stories June/July 1938
- * The Devil’s Guillotine, (nv) Horror Stories December 1937/January 1938
- * Fury of the Crimson Fog, (nv) Terror Tales November/December 1938
- * Girls for the Hell Ship, (nv) Horror Stories April/May 1939
- * Guest-Room in Hell, (ss) Horror Stories October/November 1936
- * Horror’s Underground Limited, (nv) Horror Stories August/September 1939
- * The Little People of Death, (nv) Terror Tales March/April 1938
- * Monsters of the Mountain, (ss) Marvel Science Stories August 1938
- * The Pain Club, (ss) Terror Tales September/October 1938
- * Puppet—or Monster?, (ss) Horror Stories April/May 1938, as by John Mercer
Byrne, S(tuart) J(ames) (1913-2011); used pseudonyms John Bloodstone, Howard Dare & Marx Kaye (about) (chron.)
- * Beware the Star Gods, (ss) Imagination June 1954
- * Beyond the Darkness, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories June/July 1951
- * The Bridge, (nv) Science Stories #2, December 1953
- * Children of the Chronotron, (na) Imagination December 1952
- * Colossus [Stephen Germain], (na) Other Worlds Science Stories May 1950
- * Colossus II [Stephen Germain], (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories July 1950
- * Colossus III [Stephen Germain], (na) Other Worlds Science Stories September 1950
- * The Cosmium Raiders [Star Man], (n.) Starman #4, 1979
- * The Golden Gods [Michael Flannigan], (na) Amazing Stories April 1952, as by John Bloodstone
- * The Golden Guardsmen [Stephen Germain], (n.) Other Worlds Science Stories Apr, Jun, Jul 1952
- * Gsrthnxrpqrpf*, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1952
- * Interstellar Mutineers [Star Man], (n.) Starman #3, 1979
- * Introducing the Author, (bg) Imagination December 1952
- * Lady of Flame, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1952, as "The Naked Goddess"
- * Land Beyond the Lens [Michael Flannigan], (na) Amazing Stories March 1952, as by John Bloodstone
- * Last Days of Thronas, (n.) Science Stories #3, February 1954, as by John Bloodstone
- * A Matter of Perspective, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1951
- * The Metamorphs, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories #20, January 1957
- * The Music of the Spheres, (ss) Amazing Stories August 1935
- * Mystery of the Peruvian Giants, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1947, as by Marx Kaye
- * The Naked Goddess, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1952
- * The People Who Make Other Worlds:
* ___ No. 13. Stuart J. Byrne, (bg) Other Worlds May 1953
- * Potential Zero, (na) Science Stories #2, December 1953, as by John Bloodstone
- * Power Metal, (n.) Other Worlds May, Jun, Jul 1953
- * Project Pilwee, (ss) Other Worlds 195? (unpublished)
- * Prometheus II [Stephen Germain], (n.) Amazing Stories February 1948
- * The Return of Michael Flannigan [Michael Flannigan], (na) Amazing Stories August 1952, as by John Bloodstone
- * Spaceship Named Desire, (ss) Flying Saucers from Other Worlds July 1957
- * Stuart J. Byrne, (bg) Other Worlds May 1953
- * Supermen of Alpha [Star Man], (n.) Starman #1, 1979
- * Tarzan on Mars [Tarzan], (ss) Other Worlds 195? (unpublished), as by John Bloodstone
- * Test Flight to Eden [Perry Rhodan] (with Walter Ernsting), (n.) Perry Rhodan #68, #69 1975, as by S. J. Byrne & Clark Darlton; translated by Wendayne Ackerman
- * Time Window [Star Man], (n.) Starman #2, 1979
- * The Ultimate Death, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories July 1952, as by Howard Dare
- * The World Changer [Star Man], (n.) Starman #5, 1979
_____, ed.
Byrne, Sarah L. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Every Step You Take, (nv) Kzine #7, September 2013
- * Green Boughs Will Cover Thee, (vi) Nature #7645, March 16 2017
- * Joined, (ss) Aliterate Fall 2016
- * Legion, (ss) Penumbra (online) December 2013
- * Loved and Lost, (ss) Ideomancer September 2013
- * Princess Cosima and the Thousand Cats, (nv) Betwixt #4, Summer 2014
- * The Princess in the Tower, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss September 2012
- * Tears of the Gods, (ss) The Future Fire #31, 2014
- * The Thing with Feathers, (ss) Capricious #9, January 2018
- * To Talk with Crowds, (ss) Grantville Gazette v81, 2019
- * Victoriana, (ss) Mirror Dance #21, Spring 2013
- * Whose Side Are You on Anyway?, (ss) The Future Fire #26, 2013
_____, [ref.]
Byrns, Frank (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * American Lenny, (ss) Aphelion #79, March 2004
- * Asalaamu Alaikum, (ss) Aphelion #93, June 2005
- * Barflies, (ss) Aphelion #90, March 2005
- * Family Tradition, (ss) Strange Horizons August 29 2005
- * Hollow, (ss) Aphelion #108, February 2007
- * Hollywood Ending, (ss) Aphelion #87, November 2004
- * Sunvolt, (ss) Electric Velocipede #8, Spring 2005
Cabell, James Branch (1879-1958) (about) (chron.)
- * An Amateur Ghost, (ss) The Argosy February 1902
- * As Played Before His Highness, (ss) The Smart Set March 1902
- * Cabellisms, (ms)
- * Concerning Corinna [Poictesme], (ss) The Certain Hour by James Branch Cabell, R.M. McBride, 1916
- * How Manuel Left the Mire, (ex) from Figures of Earth, John Lane, 1921
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 12 August 1956, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 12 February 1958, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 1 October 1957, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 1 September 1953, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 2 February 1958, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 30 January 1957, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 6 January 1958, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 8 December 1954, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Letter to Desmond Tarrant, 8 November 1955, (lt) Kalki #35, 1989
- * The Nightmare Has Triplets: An Author’s Note on Smire, (ar) Doubleday Doran, 1937
- * A Note on Cabellian Harmonics, (in) Cabellian Harmonics by Warren A. McNeill, Random House, 1928
- * The Parodist, (pm) From the Hidden Way by James Branch Cabell, McBride, 1916
- * To the Public at Large, (ex) from Smire,
- * [front cover], (cv)
- * [letter about The Worm Ouroboros], (lt) Albert & Charles Boni, 1926 [Ref. E. R. Eddison]
- Kalki #8, 1968; published with the first American edition of The Worm Ouroboros in 1926.
- * [response to letter from Harris], (lt) Kalki #34, 1988
_____, [ref.]
- * Affinity and Diversity: Cabell and Arthur Machen by Harlan L. Umansky, (ar) Kalki #33, 1987
- * Alcluid Unclouded by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * Anaitis in the Hebrides by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #26, 1976
- * …And On… by Lenore R. Fischer, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Another Mirror for Pigeons by Emmett Peter, Jr., (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * Another Way of Elusion by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * Artist and Spectator by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * At the Altar of Sesphra: An Approach to the Allegory by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #5, 1967
- * La Belle Dame and the Sestina by Stanley K. Freiberg, (ar) Kalki #25, 1975
- * Berattelsen om Manuel by James Blish, (br) Kalki #22, 1974
- * Berattelsen om Manuel by Poul Anderson, (br) Kalki #25, 1975
- * Bibliographica by Thomas Head, (ar) Kalki #13, Winter 1969
- * Bibliographic Notes by James N. Hall, (ar) Kalki #28, 1978
- * The Biography of Manuel: A Brief Bibliography by James N. Hall, (bi) Kalki #2, November 1965
- * Birdsong by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #5, 1967
- * The Blue Bird by Conway Zirkle, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * Books About Poictesme: An Essay in Imaginative Bibliography by Walter Klinefelter, (fa) 1937
- * A Bough to Cabell by Joseph T. Shipley, (ar) Kalki #19, 1971
- * Brave, Baleful Horvendile by Fritz Leiber, (br) Amra v2 #35, 1965
- * Bulg the Remembered by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Cabell and Faulkner: Connections Literary and Otherwise by Joseph M. Flora, (ar) Kalki #32, 1986
- * Cabell and Faulkner: Mythical Kingdoms: Introduction by Dorys C. Grover, (si) Kalki #31, 1984
- * Cabell and James Blish (1921-1975) by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #36, 1991
- * Cabell and MacDonald by Jim Allan, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * Cabell and “The Comics” by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977
- * Cabell and The Mabinogion by Maggey Mateo, (ar) Kalki #26, 1976
- * Cabell as Historical Actor by James Blish & James N. Hall, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * Cabell as Kabbalist by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #9, 1969
- * Cabell as Playwright by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #18, 1971
- * Cabell as Precursor: Reflections on Cabell and Vonnegut by Joseph M. Flora, (ar) Kalki #24, 1975
- * Cabell as Prospero, Wylie as Miranda, in Richmond-in-Virginia by Edgar E. MacDonald, (ar) Kalki #30, 1983
- * Cabell as Voluntarist by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * The Cabell-Bailey Correspondence 1945 by Allen R. Swope, (ar) Kalki #32, 1986
- * Cabell Deluxe: A Bibliographic Postscript by James N. Hall, (bi) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * Cabell Gets One Wrong by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #6, 1968
- * Cabell/Horvendile and Joyce/Stephen by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #19, 1971
- * Cabellian Economics: The Uses of the Short Stories by Edward M. James, (ar) Kalki #8, 1968
- * Cabellian Harmonics by Warren A. McNeill, (ar) Random House, 1928
- * Cabell in Japan by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #28, 1978
- * Cabell in Lino-cuts by Harlan L. Umansky, (ar) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Cabell: Master Myth-Maker by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #33, 1987
- * Cabell on Display by Peter Suber, (ar) Kalki #29, 1980
- * Cabell: Realist or Romantic? by Nelson J. Smith, III, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * Cabell’s Black Imagination by Geoffrey Morley-Mowat, (ar) Kalki #29, 1980
- * Cabell’s Journey to Antan by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #32, 1986
- * Cabell’s Mode of Quotation by Geoffrey Morley-Mowat & Joan Powell, (ar) Kalki #31, 1984
- * Cabell’s Reputation and Jurgen by Geoffrey Morley-Mowat, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * Cabell’s There Were Two Pirates by Paul H. Spencer, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1948
- * Cabell’s Vision of Ettarre by Harlan L. Umansky, (ar) Kalki #37, 1993
- * Cabell Under Fire by Geoffrey Morley-Mowat, (ar) Kalki #25, 1975
- * Cabell & (Woodrow) Wilson by Conway Zirkle, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * The Certain Hour as Mini-Biography by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #33, 1987
- * Ch.51: Of Compromises with Time by Thomas C. Herrick, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * Charteris Gets One Wrong by Roger Bryant, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * Circular Time-Travel by Conway Zirkle, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Color in Jurgen by Kris Johannsen, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * The Comstock Lewd—Jurgen and the Law Updated by Harry Hartman, (ar) Kalki #9, 1969
- * Concerning Cabell by Peter J. Relton, (ar) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press, 1998
- * “Concerning Corinna”: James Branch Cabell’s “Machen” Story by Darrell Schweitzer, (is) The Weird Fiction Review #5, Fall 2014
- * Concerning the Number of Cabell’s Books by Nelson S. Bond, (ar) Kalki #22, 1974
- * The Contexts for Cabell by Robert H. Canary, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977; adapted from a paper presented at a seminar of the Modern Language Association.
- * Contrapuntal Prosody by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * Coth and Tohueyo by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970
- * Count Manuel and Peer Gynt by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #20, 1973
- * The Cream of the Jest (with Joseph M. Flora) by Paul H. Spencer, (br) Kalki #26, 1976
- * The Curious Contents of the Copper Dish by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #26, 1976
- * The Dance Version of Jurgen by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #24, 1975
- * The Death of Koshchei by Bob Gray McElroy, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Did Cabell Mean to Quit? by Warren A. McNeill, (ms) Kalki #9, 1969
- * Did Cabell Use the Tarot Deck? by James Blish & William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * The Duchess of Malfi and Jurgen: The Shadow as Conscience by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #32, 1986
- * Eddawg & Horvendile by William Linden, (ar) Kalki #18, 1971
- * Elementary My Dear Cabell by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * Eschatologies of Manuel by Bob Parkinson, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970
- * Ettarre an Anagram? by Martin Gardner, (ar) Kalki #7, 1968
- * Extract from the English Edition of a Guide Michelin: Poictesme by Karen & Poul Anderson, (fa) Kalki #21, 1973
- * Fables of Art in The Silver Stallion by Robert H. Canary, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970; presented as a paper at the MLA Cabell Seminar in Denver, Dec 1969.
- * Fairy Tales in The High Place by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * Figures of Earth by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1979
- * Flamberge by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * From Behind “The Tinctured Veil” by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * A Gaelic Anagram by Chuck Garvin, (ar) Kalki #20, 1973
- * The Geography of Dream by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Gihon Gefunden by Bob Parkinson, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * Gleanings About Glaum by Paul Johnson, (ar) Kalki #25, 1975
- * Hamlet and Hamlet Had an Uncle by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #34, 1988
- * Hamlet Had an Uncle by Edward M. James, (br) Kalki #5, 1967
- * Heroes and a Cuckold by Harlan L. Umansky, (ar) Kalki #28, 1978
- * The Hewlett Influence: An Afterthought by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #35, 1989
- * The High Place, by James Branch Cabell by James Blish, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1970
- * Hinzelmann by John Boardman, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * A Horrible Quiet Noise by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #6, 1968
- * Horvendile: A Link Between Cabell & Tolkien by Lin Carter, (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * How Far to Antan? by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #20, 1973
- * Iconomatopoeia by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977
- * An Image of an Image Maker by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * In Charteris’ Library by James N. Hall, (ar) Kalki #8, 1968
- * In This Corner: Cabell’s Vocabulary by Richard E. Hoffmann, (ms) Kalki #26, 1976
- * James Branch Cabell as Poet by Dorys C. Grover, (ar) Kalki #37, 1993
- * James Branch Cabell at William and Mary: The Education of a Novelist by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) William and Mary Review 1967
- * James Branch Cabell Comments by Dorys C. Grover, (ar) Kalki #36, 1991
- * James Branch Cabell’s Flirtation with Clio: The Story of a Collaboration by Geoffrey Morley-Mowat, (ar) Kalki #22, 1974
- * James Branch Cabell: Wizard of the Unconscious by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977
- * JBC—Reporter by Warren A. McNeill, (ar) Kalki #31, 1984
- * Joyce/Cabell and Cabell/Joyce by Nathan Halper, (ar) Kalki #13, Winter 1969; revised & expanded from an earlier version in A Wake Newslitter.
- * Jurgen and Peer Gynt by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
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