The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 704
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Gerson, (Sidney) Villiers (1912-1985) (chron.)
- * The Best Science Fiction Stories, (br) Amazing Stories May 1955 [Ref. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty]
- * The Book Rack, (br) Fantastic; Feb, Mar, May 57.
- * Book Reviews (with P. Schuyler Miller), (rc) Astounding Science Fiction July 1951
- * Conan the Barbarian, (br) Amazing Stories May 1955 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Design of the Universe, (br) Amazing Stories May 1955 [Ref. Fritz Kahn]
- * The Illustrated Man, (br) Astounding Science Fiction July 1951 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
- * Invaders of the Earth, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1952 [Ref. Groff Conklin]
- * Journey to Infinity, (br) Astounding Science Fiction July 1951 [Ref. Martin Greenberg]
- * Omnibus of Science Fiction, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1953 [Ref. Groff Conklin]
- * Satellite E One, (br) Amazing Stories May 1955 [Ref. Jeffery Lloyd Castle]
- * Shadows in the Sun, (br) Amazing Stories May 1955 [Ref. Chad Oliver]
- * The Spectroscope, (rc) Amazing Stories; May-Dec 55, Jan, Mar, Jul, Sep 56, Apr, Jun, Jul 57.
- * The Spectroscope, (rc) Amazing Stories May 1955
- * The Stars, Like Dust, (br) Astounding Science Fiction July 1951 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- * A Strange Lady Called Luck, (ar) Dream World February 1957
Gervais, Stephen (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Mar, Dec 1988, Apr 1990, Jun 1991, Apr 1992, Feb, Jul 1993, May, Aug 1995, Jun, Dec 1997
Geston, Mark S(ymington) (1946- ) (about) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * The Day Star by Richard E. Geis, (br) Richard E. Geis #3, 1972
- * The Day Star by Lester del Rey, (br) Worlds of If September/October 1972
- * Lords of the Starship by Richard E. Geis, (br) Psychotic #25, May 1968
- * Lords of the Starship by Algis Budrys, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1968
- * Lords of the Starship by Baird Searles, (br) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1979
- * Mirror to the Sky by Andy Robertson, (br) Interzone #76, October 1993
- * Out of the Mouth of the Dragon by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1969
- * Out of the Mouth of the Dragon by Algis Budrys, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1969
- * The Siege of Wonder by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #20, February 1977
Gevers, Nick (1965- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Behind the Face-Paint 2: A Supplementary Interview with Richard A. Lupoff, (iv) infinity plus February 2002 [Ref. Richard A. Lupoff]
- * Behind the Face-Paint: An Interview with Richard A. Lupoff, (iv) infinity plus April 2001 [Ref. Richard A. Lupoff]
- * Camerawork in Words, (iv) Interzone #169, July 2001 [Ref. Ian R. MacLeod]
- * Caves of Being, (rc) Interzone #162, December 2000
- * Ceres Storm, (br) Interzone #169, July 2001 [Ref. David Herter]
- * Chameleonic Conversations—An Interview with Alexander C. Irvine, (iv) Subterranean (online) Summer 2009 [Ref. Alexander C. Irvine]
- * Cities Near, Cities Far: An Interview with China Miéville, (iv) infinity plus August 2003 [Ref. China Miéville]
- * The Compass of Fourteen Dreams: An Interview with Vera Nazarian, (iv) infinity plus July 2002 [Ref. Vera Nazarian]
- * Deep Space, Deeper Revelations, (iv) Interzone #157, July 2000 [Ref. Alastair Reynolds]
- * Drawer in the Dark: An Interview with Tim Powers, (iv) Redsine #8, April 2002 [Ref. Tim Powers]
- * Editorial, (ed) Postscripts #4 Sum 2005, #18 Spr 2009
- * Exotic Sarcasm and the War Against Death: Brian Stableford’s Future History Series, (ar) Nova Express Fall/Winter 2000 [Ref. Brian Stableford]
- * Farce Retrospective, (iv) Interzone #173, November 2001 [Ref. Connie Willis]
- * A Final Slingshot, (rc) Interzone #167, May 2001
- * The Fire Sermons: David Zindell’s A Requiem for Homo Sapiens Trilogy, (ar) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1998 [Ref. David Zindell]
- * Five Steps Toward Briah: Gene Wolfe’s The Book of the Long Sun, (ar) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1998 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * Fool Me Twice, (br) Interzone #177, March 2002 [Ref. Matthew Hughes]
- * Fools Errant, (br) Interzone #177, March 2002 [Ref. Matthew Hughes]
- * From the Hackerbarrel: An Interview with Bruce Sterling, (iv) infinity plus May 2000 [Ref. Bruce Sterling]
- * Future Remix, (iv) Interzone #172, October 2001 [Ref. Ian McDonald]
- * Hard Science, Radical Imagination: An Interview with Paul J McAuley, (iv) infinity plus February 2000 [Ref. Paul J. McAuley]
- * In a Genre of His Own: An Interview with Neal Barrett, Jr., (iv) infinity plus July 2000 [Ref. Neal Barrett, Jr.]
- * “In Prayer the Whisper of the Void”: An Interview with Michael Bishop, (iv) infinity plus October 2000 [Ref. Michael Bishop]
- * Interface (with Keith N. Brooke), (ed) Interzone #177, March 2002
- * The Interrogation, (iv) Interzone #183, October 2002 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * Interview with Brian Stableford, (iv) Redsine #10, October 2002
- * In the Shadow, (rc) Interzone #160, October 2000
- * Irony and Whimsy, (rc) Interzone #158, August 2000
- * Jack Vance: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography, (br) Interzone #160, October 2000 [Ref. A. E. Cunningham & Jack Vance]
- * Jack Vance: Lord of Language, Emperor of Dreams, (ar) infinity plus April 2000 [Ref. Jack Vance]
- * The Joy of Knowledge, the Clash of Arms: An Interview with Mary Gentle, (iv) infinity plus July 2000 [Ref. Mary Gentle]
- * Lights in the Darkness of Genre: Two Novels by Tricia Sullivan, (ar) infinity plus November 1999 [Ref. Tricia Sullivan]
- * The Lightstone, (br) Interzone #171, September 2001 [Ref. David Zindell]
- * The Literary Alchemist: An Interview with Michael Swanwick, (iv) infinity plus December 1999 [Ref. Michael Swanwick]
- * Lowlife Baroque, (iv) Interzone #168, June 2001 [Ref. Lucius Shepard]
- * The Marriage of Tenses, (rc) Interzone #161, November 2000
- * Moon Dogs, (br) Interzone #156, June 2000 [Ref. Michael Swanwick]
- * My Vampires Are Us: An Interview with Kim Newman, (iv) Redsine #9, July 2002 [Ref. Kim Newman]
- * Night Moves, (br) Interzone #167, May 2001 [Ref. Tim Powers]
- * Of Mars and the Spanish Main: An Interview with Kage Baker, (iv) Subterranean (online) Winter 2009 [Ref. Kage Baker]
- * Of Prayers and Predators: An Interview with Mary Doria Russell, (iv) infinity plus August 1999 [Ref. Mary Doria Russell]
- * On the Edge, from the Heart: An Interview with Richard Paul Russo, (iv) infinity plus September 2000 [Ref. Richard Paul Russo]
- * The Opener of the Way: An Interview with Greg Bear, (iv) infinity plus May 2000 [Ref. Greg Bear]
- * An Ornament to His Profession, (br) Interzone #157, July 2000 [Ref. Charles L. Harness]
- * Other Voices, Other Doors, (br) Interzone #162, December 2000 [Ref. Patrick O’Leary]
- * A Painter of Immensities, (iv) Interzone #164, February 2001 [Ref. Stephen Baxter]
- * Passage, (br) Interzone #172, October 2001 [Ref. Connie Willis]
- * Passages, (rc) Interzone #172, October 2001
- * The Past Is Not Past: An Interview with Andy Duncan, (iv) infinity plus October 2000 [Ref. Andy Duncan]
- * Portrait of the Artist as a Displaced Irish Bird-Lover: An Interview with Patrick O’Leary, (iv) infinity plus November 2000 [Ref. Patrick O’Leary]
- * Professionalism and Pageantry: An Interview with Kevin J Anderson, (iv) infinity plus June 2001 [Ref. Kevin J. Anderson]
- * Quantum Realist: An Interview with Geoffrey A. Landis, (iv) infinity plus November 2001 [Ref. Geoffrey A. Landis]
- * Quartet, (br) Interzone #169, July 2001 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * Return to the Whorl, (br) Interzone #167, May 2001 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * Revisions, Previsions, (rc) Interzone #169, July 2001
- * Rings, (br) Interzone #157, July 2000 [Ref. Charles L. Harness]
- * The Rings and the Books, (rc) Interzone #157, July 2000
- * The Second of That Name, (rc) Interzone #164, February 2001
- * Shadowy Figures, Infinitely Debatable: An Interview with Paul Park, (iv) infinity plus December 2000 [Ref. Paul Park]
- * Ship of Fools, (br) Interzone #167, May 2001 [Ref. Richard Paul Russo]
- * The Short in Brief: Ten Great SF Collections of the Nineties (in no particular order), (ms) Nova Express Fall/Winter 2000
- * Some Moments with the Magus: An Interview with Gene Wolfe (with Michael Andre-Driussi & James B. Jordan), (iv) infinity plus December 2003 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * The Spin of a Coin, an Anthology of Souls, (iv) Interzone #177, March 2002 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]
- * Stapledon with Sarcasm, (iv) Interzone #158, August 2000 [Ref. Brian Stableford]
- * A Steampunk of the Trailer Parks, (iv) Interzone #155, May 2000 [Ref. Paul Di Filippo]
- * Stilts in the Heartrock, (iv) Interzone #166, April 2001 [Ref. John Clute]
- * A Storm of Swords, (br) Interzone #164, February 2001 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * Storms of Numbers, Chalices of Light, (iv) Interzone #174, December 2001 [Ref. David Zindell]
- * Strange Trader: A Pocket Interview with Paul Di Filippo, (iv) infinity plus October 2001 [Ref. Paul Di Filippo]
- * Sunsets of High Renown: An Interview with George RR Martin, (iv) infinity plus February 2001 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * The Swanwick Sparkle, (rc) Interzone #156, June 2000
- * Tales from Earthsea, (br) Interzone #169, July 2001 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * Tales of Old Earth, (br) Interzone #161, November 2000 [Ref. Michael Swanwick]
- * Tales of the Dying Earth, (br) Interzone #158, August 2000 [Ref. Jack Vance]
- * The Telling, (br) Interzone #162, December 2000 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * Time and the Gods, (br) Interzone #158, August 2000 [Ref. Lord Dunsany]
- * Vance Me Twice, (rc) Interzone #177, March 2002
- * Watching, Dreaming, Writing, (iv) Interzone #159, September 2000 [Ref. Tricia Sullivan]
- * Wilderness, Utopia, History: An Interview with Kim Stanley Robinson, (iv) infinity plus October 1999 [Ref. Kim Stanley Robinson]
- * With Mojo Aforethought: An Interview with Joe R Lansdale, (iv) infinity plus September 2000 [Ref. Joe R. Lansdale]
- * A Wizard of the Vertical, (iv) Interzone #171, September 2001 [Ref. Adam Roberts]
- * The Worm Ouroboros, (br) Interzone #158, August 2000 [Ref. E. R. Eddison]
- * Year’s Best SF 5, (br) Interzone #160, October 2000 [Ref. David G. Hartwell]
- * [letter] (with Andrew M. Butler), (lt) Interzone #187, March 2003
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Postscripts #11 Sum, #12 Aut, #13 Win 2007, Far Voyager 2014, Breakout 2015, The Dragons of the Night 2016
- * Editor (with Keith N. Brooke): Interzone #177, March 2002
- * Editor (with Peter Crowther): Postscripts #10 Spr 2007, #14 Spr, #15 Sum, #16 Aut, #17 Win 2008, BSFA Sampler, #18 Spr, Enemy of the Good, Edison’s Frankenstein 2009, The Company He Keeps 2010,
The New and Perfect Man 2011, Unfit for Eden 2012
Memoryville Blues 2013
- * Editor (with Peter Crowther): New Worlds ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2022
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