The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1724
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Sefler, Michaela (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * As a Prism, (pm) Aphelion #125, September 2008
- * By Degree, (pm) Aphelion #122, June 2008
- * Control, (pm) Aphelion #120, April 2008
- * Equal Weights, (pm) Aphelion #123, July 2008
- * The Lovers, (pm) Aphelion #119, March 2008
- * Many Await, (pm) Aphelion #121, May 2008
- * Through Love, (pm) Aphelion #124, August 2008
Segal, Stephen H. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Book of the Century, (iv) Weird Tales Spring 2010 [Ref. Cherie Priest]
- * The 85 Weirdest Storytellers of the Past 85 Years (with Michael Batz, K. Tempest Bradford, Scott Connors, John R. Fultz, Elizabeth Genco, Craig Laurance Gidney, Mary Robinette Kowal, Matthew Kressel, Nick Mamatas, Paul Tabachneck & Steve Volk), (ar) Weird Tales March/April 2008
- * The Eyrie:
* ___ Fantasy & Horror: The Gaiman Remix, (ed) Weird Tales November/December 2008
* ___ Goodbye to 85, Hello to the Future, (ed) Weird Tales Spring 2009
* ___ R.I.P. Editor Emeritus George H. Scithers (1929-2010), (ed) Weird Tales Summer 2010
- * Fantaseers: Lisa Snellings-Clark, (iv) Fantasy Magazine #6, Spring 2007 [Ref. Lisa Snellings-Clark]
- * Fantasy & Horror: The Gaiman Remix, (ed) Weird Tales November/December 2008
- * Five Thoughts on the Popularity of Steampunk, (cl) Fantasy Magazine (online) #18, September 2008
- * Goodbye to 85, Hello to the Future, (ed) Weird Tales Spring 2009
- * Old Weird, (cl) Weird Tales March/April 2008
- * R.I.P. Editor Emeritus George H. Scithers (1929-2010), (ed) Weird Tales Summer 2010
- * Salvaged Spirits, (ms) Weird Tales Spring 2010
- * [front cover], (cv) Apex Magazine #32, January 2012
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
Seiberg, Effie (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Carbon Dating (with Spencer Ellsworth), (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #26, May 2017
- * Just One More Kitten GIF, (vi) Galaxy’s Edge #32, May 2018
- * Optimizing the Verified Good, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2018
- * Recipe: 1 Universe, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #16, September 2015
- * RedChip BlueChip, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #30, June 2015
- * Re: Little Miss Apocalypse Playset, (vi) Fireside Magazine #30, February 2016
- * Rocket Surgery, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2016
- * Ro-Sham-Bot, (vi) Lightspeed #49, June 2014
- * There’s Magic in Bread, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #89, March 2023
- * Thundergod in Therapy, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #18, January 2016
- * Under the Bed, (vi) Crossed Genres Magazine #19, July 2014
- * Worrywart, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #54, January 2022
Seidel, Alexandra (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * and then Mom said, (pm) Star*Line October/December 2012
- * And Through the Desert, (pm) Not One of Us #64, 2020
- * The Art and Mystery of Thea Wells, (ss) Diabolical Plots #78, August 2021
- * The Automaton to Her Engineer, (pm) Apex Magazine #72, May 2015
- * Babylon, (pm) New Myths #14, March 2011
- * Bark, Blood, and Sacrifice, (ss) Not One of Us #62, October 2019
- * Becoming the Sea, (pm) New Myths #18, March 2012
- * Before the Villain, (pm) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #10, 2011
- * Broken Towers, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #52, 2011
- * The Carnival Man, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #20, September 2013
- * Cerberus, Seeking Lethe, (pm) Strange Horizons April 2 2012
- * The City, My Love, (ss) The Future Fire #57, 2021
- * City of Clay, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #52, 2011
- * The City That Wasn’t There, (pm) Strange Horizons March 7 2011
- * Cloth Demon, (pm) Mythic Delirium #25, Summer/Fall 2011
- * A Day Like Any Other, (ss) Hybrid Fiction October 2020
- * Deep Sea Mermaid Fishing, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) January/March 2016
- * A Different Scheherazade, (pm) Mythic Delirium #26, Winter/Spring 2012
- * The Dirty Vampire, a Recipe, (pm) Bull Spec #5, Spring 2011
- * The Djinn’s Wife and Her Mosaic of Wishes, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #53, 2012
- * Dot Come, (pm) Semaphore Magazine #13, December 2010
- * Dwarf Universe, (pm) Star*Line April/June 2011
- * Earthsong, (pm) Not One of Us #49, April 2013
- * Echoes Under My Skin, (ss) Cossmass Infinities #4, January 2021
- * The Echo of Water, (pm) Liminality #12, Summer 2017
- * Errant Water, (pm) Star*Line April/June 2012
- * The Fall Queen, (pm) Bull Spec #7, Spring 2012
- * The Forest King, (pm) Mythic Delirium #26, Winter/Spring 2012
- * From the Ashes Flew the Ladybug, (ss) The Deadlands #7, November 2021
- * The Fruits of Silence, (pm) Mirror Dance #45, Autumn 2019
- * A Galactic History of the Asmodean Fire Hoof, (ss) Lackington’s #21, Spring 2020
- * The Girl and Her Cloud, (pm) Electric Velocipede #23, Winter 2011
- * The Girl Who Chose the Other Road, (ss) Shelter of Daylight #5, Spring 2011
- * The Girl with Bees in Her Mouth, (pm) Star*Line April/June 2012
- * Give Me Pluto, (pm) Strange Horizons August 13 2012
- * The Glass Men, (pm) Ideomancer September 2014
- * Grant Proposal, (ss) Mythic Delirium #28, Winter/Spring 2013
- * …A Great Fall, (pm) Space and Time #111, Summer 2010
- * The Guardian at the Fountain of Eternal Youth, (pm) Bull Spec #4, Winter 2010/2011
- * The Guides of All Things That Die, (ss) Not One of Us #67, 2021
- * Happiness Rationed and Consumed in Silence, (ss) Fusion Fragment #3, November 2020
- * The Heart of Winter, (pm) Sycorax Journal #2, Spring 2019
- * Her Mother’s Bees, (pm) Electric Velocipede #23, Winter 2011
- * A Hero’s First Task, (pm) Kaleidotrope Summer 2012
- * Her Tongue Was Weighted with Salt, (ss) Dark Matter Magazine #2, March/April 2021
- * Hexagon, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) July/September 2013
- * High Tide, (pm) Semaphore Magazine #14, March 2011
- * The Honey Man, (pm) Strange Horizons April 11 2011
- * The House at the End of the Thread, (ss) Not One of Us #70, 2022
- * The House Beneath, (pm) Not One of Us #59, April 2018
- * How Red Riding Hood Stole the Moon, (ss) Beyond Centauri April 2011
- * How to Kill the Juniperman, (pm) Mirror Dance #36, Winter 2016
- * How to Take Care of Your Psychic in Ten Easy Steps, (ss) Not One of Us #74, 2023
- * Hunger, (pm) Strange Horizons August 31 2015
- * The Ice Thief, (pm) Mythic Delirium #29, 2013
- * If Alice. . ., (pm) Strange Horizons May 23 2011
- * I Feel the Absence of Her Shape, (ss) Not One of Us #66, 2021
- * In Babel, (pm) Fantastique Unfettered #1, December 2010
- * Indian Delight, (pm) Sybil’s Garage #7, 2010
- * January House, (ss) Not One of Us #65, 2021
- * Japanese Muse, (pm) Star*Line July/September 2011
- * Just Another Door, (ss) The Deadlands #29, September 2023
- * Kepler’s Music, (pm) Strange Horizons July 9 2012
- * Life Is Suffering: The Writer’s Point of View, Being a Discussion with Hal Duncan & Mike Allen, (iv) Fantastique Unfettered #4, December 2011 [Ref. Hal Duncan & Brent Weeks]
- * The Light of Dreams, (pm) Mythic Delirium #27, Summer/Fall 2012
- * Little Ghosts, (pm) Star*Line January/March 2011
- * Major Arcana I: The Mage, (pm) Apex Magazine #54, November 2013
- * The Master of Hourglasses, (ss) Lackington’s #16, Fall 2017
- * A Metamorphosis of Dream, (pm) Ideomancer September 2012
- * Mike Allen Interview, (iv) Fantastique Unfettered #3, September 2011 [Ref. Mike Allen]
- * The Mind of the City Is Her Own, (ss) Not One of Us #73, 2023
- * The Monster in the Maze, (pm) Not One of Us #56, September 2016
- * Morning, (pm) Not One of Us #68, 2021
- * My Language, My Voice, (pm) Interfictions Online #2, October 2013
- * Neolith, (ss) Not One of Us #63, 2020
- * The New Medusa, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #57, 2013
- * New Worlds, (pm) Abyss & Apex #43, 3rd Quarter 2012
- * Of Feasts and Fire and Oceans Drained, (ss) Not One of Us #71, 2022
- * The Old Sailor’s Tale, (pm) Sycorax Journal #2, Spring 2019
- * Once the Dream Lionesses, (pm) Strange Horizons February 9 2015
- * On the Tree, (pm) Liminality #3, Spring 2015
- * A Picture of Home, in Silence, (ss) Metaphorosis July 2020
- * The Pilgrims of Babble, (ss) Fusion Fragment #9, November 2021
- * Pledge Week, (pm) Arsenika #4, Fall 2019
- * Pomegranates, (pm) Mirror Dance #41, Spring 2018
- * Prometheus (revisited), (pm) Semaphore Magazine #13, December 2010
- * Puppet Minds, (pm) Star*Line October/December 2011
- * A Quest for Fire, (ss) Lackington’s #3, Summer 2014
- * The Quiet Song, (pm) Not One of Us #60, September 2018
- * Ragnarök—A Prism, (pm) Sycorax Journal #1, Winter 2018
- * The Satyr and the Dryad, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #58, 2013
- * Scheherazade Tames the Desert, (pm) Space and Time #117, Fall 2012
- * Seven Truths and the In-Between, (pm) Strange Horizons August 5 2019
- * The Shaman’s Daughter, (pm) New Myths #24, September 2013
- * The Shepherdess, the Roc, and One Errant Sheep, (ss) DreamForge #6, July 2020
- * The Shift, (pm) Mirror Dance #42, Summer 2018
- * Sing, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #29, July/August 2019
- * The Sisters of Andromeda, (pm) Not One of Us #68, 2021
- * Six Weeks in the Life of a Cultural Documentations Officer, (ss) Future Science Fiction Digest #5, December 2019
- * Something Monstrous Lives in the Oceans, (ss) Lackington’s #25, Spring 2022
- * A Soul to Keep, (ss) Mirror Dance #37, Spring 2017
- * The Star Reader’s Almanac, (pm) Ideomancer December 2014
- * The Story of the Apple Tree, (ss) Sounds of the Night #9, August 2011
- * The Tally of Forgotten Dreams Kept by Morpheus, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #91, 2012
- * This Should Be a Lovesong but Isn’t, (pm) Mirror Dance #39, Autumn 2017
- * Three Visions Seen from Upside-Down, (pm) Strange Horizons April 22 2013
- * Three Wishes and Your Fortune Told, (ss) Not One of Us #69, 2022
- * Tigerflies or The City of the Night, (ss) Mithila Review #10, September 2018
- * Uncertainty Principle, (pm) Ideomancer March 2013
- * Weaving Loneliness, (pm) Liquid Imagination #8, January 2011
- * What Remains, the Echoes of a Flute Song, (ss) Clarkesworld #202, July 2023
- * When a Sleeping Seed Blooms, (ss) Future Science Fiction Digest #12, September 2021
- * When the Queen of Afrits Took Three Steps in the Sand, (pm) Not One of Us #53, April 2015
- * Wild Cartography, (pm) Liminality #11, Spring 2017
- * The Wings of Moths Like Shining Coins, (ss) Fusion Fragment #1, May 2020
- * The World That Is Silence, (pm) Not One of Us #50, September 2013
- * You Are a Ship, (vi) Mirror Dance #36, Winter 2016
- * You Are Bleeding, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Spring 2019
- * [two poems], (pm) Kaleidotrope #13, Fall 2011
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