The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 1301

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    Mind Boggling Science Fiction   (about)
    Small press science fiction magazine, published to coincide with Intersection.

    • Publishers:
      • Angus McAllister: Mind Boggling Science Fiction.
    • Editors:

    Mind, Inc.:   (about)
    This was basically a pseudo-religious magazine which espoused an “inspirational” philosophy not unlike Rosicrucianism. The early issues contain a lot of fiction, used to illustrate the application of this philosophy to daily life. Much of this fiction is occult, although some stories merely illustrate the workings of Fate without overt supernatural intrusions. Only the fiction is listed here, from the first issue through November 1931, after which the fiction became sporadic. The title was modified to Mind Magazine in May 1932. Its later history is not fully known, but it lasted at least to November 1939, the last issue deposited for copyright.

    • Publishers:
      • Mind, Inc.; New York: Mind, Inc..
    • Editors:

    Mind, Inc. [v1 #2, June 1929] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 26 · The Talisman · Georges Clémenceau · ss Gems of the World’s Best Classics, Geographical Pub. Co., 1927
    • 46 · Hokum and Hooey · Frank R. Adams · ss The Red Book Magazine February 1928

    Mind, Inc. [v1 #6, October 1929] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 33 · A Great Rushing of Wings · Emma-Lindsay Squier · nv McCall’s December 1924
    • 67 · Mr. Onion · Dana Burnet · nv Collier’s August 21 1926

    Mind, Inc. [v2 #1, November 1929] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 52 · William · E. W. Kemble · ss Scribner’s Magazine April 1922

    Mind, Inc. [v2 #5, March 1930] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    No fiction.

    Mind, Inc. [v2 #6, April 1930] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 22 · Pogson Goes to Hell · St. John Lucas · ss Saints, Sinners, and the Usual People by St. John Lucas, 1920
    • 30 · R.U.R. · Karel Capek; translated by Paul Selver & Nigel Playfair · pl Doubleday, Page & Co., 1923
      translated from the Czech (R.U.R., Aventinum, 1920).

    Mind, Inc. [v3 #2, August 1930] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 62 · Vision · James R. Oliver · nv Victim and Victor by James R. Oliver, Macmillan, 1928

    Mind, Inc. [v3 #3, September 1930] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 62 · Heaven · Basil King · nv Cosmopolitan December 1924

    Mind, Inc. [v3 #5, November 1930] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 32 · V. Lydiat · L. Adams Beck · nv The Atlantic Monthly February 1925
    • 72 · The Leather Funnel · Arthur Conan Doyle · ss McClure’s Magazine November 1902

    Mind, Inc. [v4 #2, February 1931] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 26 · The Prayer Circle · W. H. Leathem · ss The Comrade in White by W. H. Leathem, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1916

    Mind, Inc. [v5 #3, September 1931] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 24 · The Man They Couldn’t Hang · Marcus Kavanagh · ar Liberty June 27 1931
    • 41 · The Vision of Avdeitch · Leo Tolstoy · ss (r)
      from Gems of the World’s Best Classics, Geographical Publishing Company, 1927.
    • 65 · The Bird of Truth · Olive Schreiner · ss 1882

    Mind, Inc. [v5 #5, November 1931] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    • 12 · The Three Questions · Leo Tolstoy · ss (r)
    • 35 · The Great Stone Face · Nathaniel Hawthorne · nv The National Era January 24 1850
    • 73 · Maimed or Perfected · W. H. Leathem · ss The Comrade in White by W. H. Leathem, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1916

    Mind, Inc. [v5 #6, December 1931] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    no fiction.

    Mind, Inc. [v6 #1, January 1932] (50¢, 96pp+, pb)
    no fiction.

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