The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1675
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Sand, R. P.; [i.e., Radha Pyari Sandhir] (fl. 2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Ask the Fireflies, (nv) Clarkesworld #168, September 2020
- * Eternity Is Moments, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September/October 2024
- * The Last Civilian, (ss) Clarkesworld #172, January 2021
- * No Truer Shades, (ss) ParSec #6, Winter 2023
- * On Ode to Stardust, (nv) Clarkesworld #197, February 2023
- * Rat Tail Tea and Buttermilk Biscuits, (ss) Constelación #2, 2021
- * Té de cola de rata y galletitas de suero de leche, (ss) Constelación #2, 2021; translated from the English (“Rat Tail Tea and Buttermilk Biscuits)” by Natasha Besoky.
Sandeen, Del (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Book Bans Won’t Take Away Our Voices, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #53, July/August 2023
- * Finding Myself in Speculative Fiction Again After Leaving Other Worlds Behind, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #36, September/October 2020
- * For All Those Who Sheltered Here, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #43, November/December 2021
- * In That Place She Grows a Garden, (ss) Fiyah #10, Spring 2019
- * Southern Gothic: Shadows, Superstition, and the Supernatural, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #59, July/August 2024
Sandercombe, W. Fraser (1949- ) (chron.)
- * After the Dream, (pm) Weirdbook #30, Spring 1997
- * Antique Shop, (ss) Weirdbook #6, 1973
- * Backstreet Gambler, (nv) Aphelion #13, February/March 1998
- * Birth of a Ghost, (pm) Haunts #33, Fall/Winter 1997
- * Breck, (ss) Moonbroth #20, 1975
- * Casmaran, (ss) Moonbroth #27, 1976
- * The Cross and the Grave, (ss) Eerie Country #3, 1980
- * Dancer, (pm) Weirdbook #21, Autumn 1985
- * A Death Song, (pm) Weirdbook #4, 1971
- * Donu, (ss) Weirdbook #8, 1974
- * D.T., (ss) Haunts #33, Fall/Winter 1997
- * Fear of Darkness, (pm) Haunts #31, Spring/Summer 1996
- * A Flight of Shadows, (pm) Weirdbook #4, 1971
- * Hearing the Raven Cough, (ss) Dark Planet (online) July 6 1998
- * He Is Satisfied, (pm) Eerie Country #1, 1976
- * Just a legend, (pm) Weirdbook #22, Summer 1987
- * Ketrendel, (ss) Eerie Country #7, 1982
- * Messenger of Death, (pm) Weirdbook #3, 1970
- * The Mist Leaves Scars, (ss) Aphelion #9, October 1997
- * Old Mangles, (ss) Aphelion #11, December 1997
- * Perhaps for Howard, (pm) The Howard Collector Autumn 1973
- * A Place to Play, (ss) Aphelion #14, April/May 1998
- * Scarecrow, (pm) Eerie Country #5, 1981
- * Sheena O’Meara, (ss) Eerie Country #1, 1976
- * Songdogs, (ss) Aphelion #10, November 1997
- * Through the Dark House, (ss) Moonbroth #15, 1974
- * Waiting in a Stony Place, (ss) Aphelion #8, September 1997
- * The Wavemaker, (vi) Weirdbook #3, 1970
- * The Weapon, (ss) Weirdbook Encores #14, 1993
- * Winter Street, (ss) Haunts #32, Winter 1996/Spring 1997
- * Winterwolf, (pm) The Weirdbook Sampler ed. W. Paul Ganley, Ganley, 1988
Sanders, DaVaun (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Fiyah #15 Sum, #16 Aut 2020, #17 Wtr, #18 Spr, #19 Sum, #20 Aut 2021, #21 Wtr, #22 Spr, #23 Sum, #24 Fll 2022, #25 Wtr, #26 Spr,
#27 Sum, #28 Fll 2023
#29 Wtr 2024
- * Editor (with Troy L. Wiggins): Fiyah #9 Wtr, #10 Spr, #11 Sum, #12 Aut 2019, #13 Wtr, #14 Spr 2020
_____, [ref.]
Sanders, Joseph (Lee) (1940-2023) (chron.)
- * Changeling, (br) Thrust #16, Fall 1980 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- * Coriolanus, the Chariot!, (br) Thrust #13, Fall 1979 [Ref. Alan Yates]
- * The Demu Trilogy, (br) Thrust #17, Summer 1981 [Ref. F. M. Busby]
- * Dirty Tricks, (br) Science Fiction Review #30, March/April 1979 [Ref. George Alec Effinger]
- * Killtest, (br) Thrust #13, Fall 1979 [Ref. Graham King]
- * Silverberg: Transformation and Death, (ar) Science Fiction (Australia) v5 #3, 1983 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * Soft Targets, (br) Thrust #14, Winter 1980 [Ref. Dean Ing]
- * Zelde M’Tana, (br) Science Fiction Review #36, August 1980 [Ref. F. M. Busby]
- * [letter], (lt) New Worlds Science Fiction #78, December 1958
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #57, Winter 1985
- * [obituary], (ob) Somewhatly #9, [Ref. Sam Moskowitz]
_____, [ref.]
Sanders, Lewis (fl. 1970s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Blood Creature, (pm) Hungur Magazine #11, November 2010
- * The City of Dread, (pm) Blood Roses: Journal of Dread #2, 2000
- * Cry of the Shoggoths, (pm) Moonbroth #29/30, 1977
- * The Darkness Without: Horror Haiku, (pm) Mindmares #8, Fall 1999
- * Dream Gaunts, (pm) Eldritch Tales #19, 1989
- * Dreams, (pm) Sounds of the Night #9, August 2011
- * Gods of Halloween, (pm) Roadworks #6, Autumn 1999
- * Gothic Ku, (pm) Blood Roses: Journal of Dread #1, 2000
- * Gothic Ku Based on H.P. Lovecraft’s Wonderful Work—Fungi from Yuggoth, (pm) Blood Roses: Journal of Dread #1, 2000
- * A Gothic Ku Sequence, (pm) Cover of Darkness #10, March 2012
- * It Came from Algol, (pm) Weirdbook Encores #11, 1990
- * Night Dancers, (pm) Nyctalops #8, April 1973
- * Shadowseed, (pm) Moonbroth #15, 1974
- * Simply Dead, (pm) Blood Roses: Journal of Dread #3, 2001
- * Terror Is the Night Wind, (pm) Blood Roses: Journal of Dread #1, 2000
- * Untitled Scifaiku Sequence, (pm) Hungur Magazine #10, May 2010
- * Vampiric Madness, (pm) Moonbroth #15, 1974
- * Werewolves!, (vi) Blood Roses: Journal of Dread #2, 2000
- * Zombie Horror!, (pm) Darkness Within #1, 1999
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