The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 99
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Barnett, James (1920- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Brides of Pain, (nv) Shock Mystery Tales Magazine March 1962
- * Comfort Her Corpse, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine October 1960
- * Curse of the Undead, (nv) Shock Mystery Tales Magazine May 1962
- * The Dolls of Death, (nv) Shock Mystery Tales Magazine February 1963
- * Evil’s Executioner!, (nv) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine December 1959
- * Hell’s Photographer, (ss) Shock Mystery Tales Magazine December 1961
- * Mark Him for Me!, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine April 1959
- * Scream Bloody Murder!, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine August 1958
- * Soft Brides for the Damned, (nv) Shock Mystery Tales Magazine July 1962
- * Tease Me and Die!, (ss) Saturn Web Detective Story Magazine February 1960
Barnett, Paul (Le Page) (1949-2020); used pseudonym John Grant (about) (chron.)
- * Across the Sea of Genre, (rc) Interzone #177, March 2002, as by John Grant
- * Always More Than You Know, (ss) Nemonymous #8, 2008, uncredited.
- * Beast, (nv) Odyssey #1, November/December 1997
- * Being Frank (Howard & Jane Frank), (pi) Science Fiction Age September 1999 [Ref. Howard & Jane Frank], as by John Grant
- * Benjy’s Birthday, (vi) Nature #7508, July 10 2014, as by John Grant
- * Buzz Off, (vi) Nature #7454, June 20 2013, as by John Grant
- * The Cook’s Tale, (ss) Scifantastic August 2005, as by John Grant
- * Dodging Dementia, (ss) New Worlds ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2022, as by John Grant
- * The Dragon Queen, (br) Interzone #177, March 2002 [Ref. Alice Borchardt], as by John Grant
- * Earthdoom (with David Langford), (ex) Grafton Books, 1987, as by John Grant & David Langford
- * Everything Finishes, (nv) The Dragons of the Night ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2016, as by John Grant
- * The Far-Enough Window, or The Reclaiming of Fairyland, (ex) infinity plus November 2002, as by John Grant
- * Gallery:
* ___ Being Frank (Howard & Jane Frank), (pi) Science Fiction Age September 1999 [Ref. Howard & Jane Frank], as by John Grant
* ___ Mass Appeal (John Harris), (pi) Science Fiction Age January 2000 [Ref. John Harris], as by John Grant
- * Ghost Story, (ss) Interzone #251, March/April 2014, as by John Grant
- * The Glad Who Sang a Mermaid in from the Probability Sea, (ss) Interzone #95, May 1995, as by John Grant
- * A Golden Age, (ss) Here & Now #2, Autumn 2002, as by John Grant
- * Gulliver Unravels: Generic Fantasy and the Loss of Subversion, (ar) infinity plus February 2001, as by John Grant
- * Has Anyone Here Seen Kristie, (ss) The Third Alternative #38, Summer 2004, as by John Grant
- * His Artist Wife, (ss) Black Static #38, January/February 2014, as by John Grant
- * John Grant: The Low Down on High Fantasy (with Alexander James), (ar) Twisted Tongue #1, February 2006, as by John Grant & Alexander James
- * The Law of Conservation of Data, (ss) Lightspeed #86, July 2017, as by John Grant
- * Mass Appeal (John Harris), (pi) Science Fiction Age January 2000 [Ref. John Harris], as by John Grant
- * Memoryville Blues, (ss) Memoryville Blues ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2013, as by John Grant
- * Mouse, (ss) infinity plus February 2001, as by John Grant
- * Notes on The Dragons of Manhattan, (ar) infinity plus September 2003, as by John Grant
- * Now, Just Wait a Second, (ss) Maelstrom #9, Spring 1999, as by John Grant
- * Only One Ghost, (ss) The Company He Keeps ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2010, as by John Grant
- * PSF, (ar) Extro v1 #2, 1982, as by John Grant
- * Qinmeartha and the Girl Child LoChi, (na) infinity plus December 2002, as by John Grant
- * The Second Runner, (ss) The Dragons of the Night ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2016, as by John Grant
- * The Unforbidden Playground, (nv) Postscripts #9, Winter 2006, as by John Grant
- * The Visitor, (br) Interzone #177, March 2002 [Ref. Sheri S. Tepper], as by John Grant
- * Vitals, (br) Interzone #177, March 2002 [Ref. Greg Bear], as by John Grant
- * Will the Real Veronica LeBarr Please Stand Down?, (nv) Postscripts #16, Autumn 2008, as by John Grant
- * Wooden Horse, (nv) The Third Alternative #32, Autumn 2002, as by John Grant
- * The World, (ex) infinity plus March 2001, as by John Grant
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Amazing Stories Summer 2019, as by John Grant
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #112, October 1996
_____, [ref.]
- * Albion by Wendy Bradley, (br) Interzone #54, December 1991
- * The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (with John Clute) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Weird Tales Summer 1998
- * The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (with John Clute) by Lincoln Van Rose, (br) Fantasy Commentator Spring 2000
- * An Interview with John Grant by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Amazing Stories Spring 2019
- * John Grant and Paul Barnett Agree: Science Has Been Corrupted by Jeff VanderMeer, (iv) Clarkesworld #22, July 2008
- * John Grant Interviewed by Lou Anders, (iv) infinity plus November 2002
- * The Nine Billion Names of Fantasy…and an Encyclopedia of Other Concerns by Gary Westfahl, (ar) Interzone #142, April 1999
- * Sci-Fi Movies, Facts, Figures & Fun by Sandy Auden, (br) Interzone #204, June 2006
- * Strider’s Galaxy by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #122, August 1997
- * Take No Prisoners by Paul F. Cockburn, (br) Interzone #234, May/June 2011
- * Tell No Lies by Duncan Lunan, (br) Interzone #257, March/April 2015
- * The World by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #77, November 1993
Barney, William D. (1916-2001) (about) (chron.)
- * The Aphids, (pm) The Arkham Collector #9, Spring 1971
- * Bertrand Russell in Hell, (pm) The Arkham Collector #7, Summer 1970
- * III Samuel, (pm) The Arkham Collector #10, Summer 1971
- * A Night for a Shearing Wind, (pm) The Arkham Collector #6, Winter 1970
- * A Twist of Frame, (pm) The Arkham Collector #5, Summer 1969
Barnham, Chris (1959- ) (chron.)
- * All That Is Solid, (ss) Compelling Science Fiction #4, December 2016
- * Bad Moon Falling, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #45, July 2020
- * Everywhere Is Everywhere and Anywhere Else Is Nowhere, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #31, Summer 2022
- * Fifty One, (ss) Dark Tales #16, 2015
- * Fundamental Things Apply, (ss) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine February/March 2024
- * Go Your Own Way, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2025
- * Hard Times in Nuovo Genova, or How I Lost My Way, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #64, August 2018
- * How Stanley Spencer Painted the Cookham Resurrection, (ss) Phantaxis #1, November 2016
- * In the Subway, (ss) Grue #8, 1988
- * Lenin’s Nurse: Notes for a Dissertation, (ss) Electric Spec November 30 2016
- * Looking after Shaun, (ss) Devolution Z #7, February 2016
- * The Mirror, (ss) Dark Dreams #5, 1987
- * Ravello Steps, (ss) Black Static #40, May/June 2014
- * Sigmund Seventeen, (ss) Electric Spec #2, May 31 2018
- * Sort Code, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2023
- * The Story Behind the Stories, (ms) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #64, August 2018
- * Vincent’s Penny, (ss) Dimension6 #16, 2019
- * When I Close My Eyes, (ss) Interzone #271, July/August 2017
_____, [ref.]
Barnhill, Kelly (Regan) (1973- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Blessed Are the Damned, (ss) Space and Time #111, Summer 2010
- * The Confessions of Prince Charming, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #32, November 2009
- * The Dead Boy’s Last Poem, (ss) Sybil’s Garage #7, 2010
- * The Insect and the Astronomer, (nv) Lightspeed #42, November 2013
- * The Men Who Live in Trees, (ss) Postscripts #15, Summer 2008
- * Notes on the Untimely Death of Ronia Drake, (nv) Fantasy Magazine (online) #10, January 2008
- * Probably Still the Chosen One, (ss) Lightspeed #81, February 2017
- * Said the Dragon to the Fallen Man, (pm) Mythic Delirium #19, Summer/Fall 2008
- * The Stone-Hearted Queen, (ss) Weird Tales July/August 2008
- * Tabula Rasa, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #18, October 2008
- * The Taxidermist’s Other Wife, (ss) Clarkesworld #51, December 2010
- * Thirty-Three Wicked Daughters, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2019
- * Those Who Remain, (ss) Breakout ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2015
_____, [ref.]
Barnitz, David Park (1878-1901) (about) (chron.)
- * Ashtoreth, (pm)
- * Corpse, (pm) The Book of Jade by David Park Barnitz, Doxey's, 1901
- * The Defilers, (pm)
- * Mad Sonnet, (pm) The Book of Jade by David Park Barnitz, Doxey's, 1901
- * Requiem, (pm) The Book of Jade by David Park Barnitz, Doxey's, 1901
- * Sombre Sonnet, (pm) The Book of Jade by David Park Barnitz, Doxey's, 1901
- * Sonnet of the Instruments of Death, (pm) The Book of Jade by David Park Barnitz, Doxey's, 1901
_____, [ref.]
Baro, Minoti (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Don’t You Want to Be Immortal?, (ss) Aphelion #52, October 2001
- * Draw if You Will, (ss) Aphelion #9, October 1997
- * Godly Games, (ss) Aphelion #66, January 2003
- * How Justine Got Her Body Back, (ss) Aphelion #43, January 2001
- * Leaves, (ss) Aphelion #14, April/May 1998
- * Termites, (ss) Aphelion #10, November 1997
Baron, Cassius (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * The Chlorine Crypt, (ss) Dreaming in R’lyeh #1, 2003
- * Deep Dendo, (pp) Dreaming in R’lyeh #2, 2004
- * Lheen Khart Urr, (ss) Dreaming in R’lyeh #2, 2004
- * Omne Anima Triste Post Coitum, (ss) Dreaming in R’lyeh #3, 2005
- * The Shallow Sea, (ss) Dreaming in R’lyeh #1, 2003
- * [unknown story], (ss) Dreaming in R’lyeh #4, 2006 (unpublished)
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