The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1507
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Pratt, Tim; [i.e., Timothy Aaron Pratt] (1976- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Ammut in Her Later Years, (pm) Strange Horizons July 21 2003
- * Angel Bites, (pm) Strange Horizons October 27 2003
- * Annabelle’s Alphabet, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #9, November 2001
- * Another End of the Empire, (ss) Strange Horizons June 22 2009
- * Antiquities and Tangibles, (ss) Subterranean (online) Fall 2011
- * Artifice and Intelligence, (ss) Strange Horizons August 6 2007
- * Automatic Writing (with Heather Shaw), (ar) Flytrap #1, November 2003
- * Bacchanal, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 2001
- * A Bestiary: Engulfer, (pm) Strange Horizons October 7 2002
- * A Bestiary: Laughing Blood, (pm) Strange Horizons April 22 2002
- * A Bestiary: Nidhigg, (pm) Strange Horizons April 28 2003
- * A Bestiary: Plate Spinning, (pm) Strange Horizons September 30 2002
- * A Bestiary: Poor Bahamut, (pm) Strange Horizons April 15 2002
- * A Bestiary: Tlaltecuhtli, (pm) Strange Horizons April 11 2005
- * A Bestiary: Ts’its’tsi’nako, (pm) Strange Horizons May 5 2003
- * A Better Place, (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2018
- * Bottom Feeding, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2005
- * Broken, Entered, (pm) ChiZine #17, July/September 2003
- * Caltrops, (vi) Flash Fiction Online January 2010
- * Captain Fantasy and the Secret Masters, (ss) Realms of Fantasy April 2003
- * Carcinodjinn, (pm) Strange Horizons January 6 2003
- * A Champion of Nigh-Space, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #29, July/August 2019
- * Coraline, (br) Strange Horizons July 1 2002 [Ref. Neil Gaiman]
- * Courting Costs, (pm) ChiZine #18, October/December 2003
- * Cup and Table, (ss) Twenty Epics ed. David Moles & Susan Marie Groppi, All-Star Stories, 2006
- * Daughter and Moon, (pm) Weird Tales Summer 2001
- * Destination, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2005
- * A Door of My Own, (nv) The Future Fire #62, 2022
- * Down with the Lizards and the Bees, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2003
- * Dream Engine, (nv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #3, October 2006
- * The Dude Who Collected Lovecraft (with Nick Mamatas), (ss) ChiZine #36, April/June 2008
- * Editorial (with Heather Shaw), (ed) Flytrap #1 Nov 2003, #2 May, #3 Nov 2004, #4 May 2005, #5 May, #6 Nov 2006
- * Fable from a Cage, (ss) Realms of Fantasy February 2003
- * The Fairy Library, (ss) Antiquities and Tangibles by Tim Pratt, Merry Blacksmith Press, 2013
- * The Fallen and the Muse of the Street, (ss) Strange Horizons December 18 2000
- * 53rd Annual Mantis Homecoming Dance, (ss) Maelstrom Speculative Fiction #3, Winter 1999
- * Fool’s Fire, (ss) October 2015
- * Freakcidents: A Surrealist Sideshow, (br) Star*Line May/June 2003 [Ref. Michael A. Arnzen]
- * From a Starry Desk, (ed) Star*Line Nov/Dec 2002, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug 2003, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun 2004
- * From the Editor, (ed) Star*Line May/Jun, Sep/Oct 2002
- * The Frozen One, (ss) Lone Star Stories #25, February 2008
- * Ghostreaper, or, Life After Revenge, (ss) Nightmare #16, January 2014
- * Gingerbread, (ss) Ideomancer March 2007
- * The God of the Crossroads, (pm) Strange Horizons March 5 2001
- * Haruspex, (nv) Shadows of Saturn #2, June/July 2005
- * Headache, (ss) Ideomancer March 2007
- * Helljack (with Michael J. Jasper), (ss) H.P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror Spring 2004
- * Hell’s Lottery, (ss) Bull Spec #5, Spring 2011
- * Heroines I Have Known, (ar) Spectra Pulse #2, Fall 2008/Winter 2009
- * Her Voice in a Bottle, (ss) Subterranean (online) Winter 2009
- * How to Love a Fairy Maid, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Autumn 2002
- * Impossible Dreams, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2006
- * In a Glass Casket, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2004
- * Incident, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2001
- * Interview: Greg van Eekhout, Featured Author, (iv) Ideomancer March 2004 [Ref. Greg van Eekhout]
- * An Inventory of the Property of the Escaped Suspect, Confiscated at the Time of Her Arrest Following the Incident on Ash Street, with Annotations by Acting Sheriff Helena Fairwind, (ss) March 30 2020
- * Lachrymose and the Golden Egg, (ss) Journal of Pulse-Pounding Narratives #2, 2004
- * A Lake of Spaces, (ss) Weird Tales November/December 2008
- * Lion Heart, (pm) Apex Magazine #30, November 2011
- * Little Gods, (ss) Strange Horizons February 4 2002
- * Living with the Harpy, (ss) Strange Horizons October 27 2003
- * Making Monsters, (pm) Strange Horizons July 19 2004
- * Mask, (pm) Strange Horizons June 18 2001
- * Melancholy Shore, (ss) Songs from Dead Singers ed. Michael Kelly, Catalyst Press, 2002
- * More Flies with Honey (with Heather Shaw), (ar) Flytrap #1, November 2003
- * Muse Trap, (pm) Strange Horizons February 11 2002
- * My Night with Aphrodite, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2003
- * 9 Arguments for Blowing Up the Moon, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2002
- * North Over Empty Space, (ss) June 2015
- * Not a Miracle but a Marvel, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #12, September/October 2016
- * Not Now, Sweetie, Daddy’s Worldbuilding, (ar) Clarkesworld #19, April 2008
- * Orpheus Among the Cabbages, (pm) Strange Horizons October 15 2001
- * Over There, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #12, May 2009
- * Puppets of the Nano Master, (ss) Maelstrom Speculative Fiction #5, January 2000
- * Restless in My Hand, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2007
- * Reviews (with Heather Shaw), (rc) Flytrap #2, May 2004
- * The River Boy, (ss) Clarkesworld #16, January 2008
- * Robin of Wonderland Wood, (ss) Ideomancer July 2003
- * Robots and Falling Hearts (with Greg van Eekhout), (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2005
- * Romanticore, (ss) Realms of Fantasy December 2003
- * Rowboats, Sacks of Gold, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #13, November 2003
- * The Sea a Deeper Black, (ss) Abyss & Apex #4, July/August 2003
- * The Secret Beach, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #55, October 2011
- * Sometimes You Get the Bear, (ss) The Deadlands #4, August 2021
- * Soul Searching, (pm) Strange Horizons July 12 2004
- * Still Life, with Frog, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2003
- * Stranger (Yet Oddly Familiar) Things, (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2017
- * Television:
* ___ A Better Place, (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2018
* ___ Stranger (Yet Oddly Familiar) Things, (rc) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2017
- * Terrible Ones, (ss) The Third Alternative #37, Spring 2004
- * Three Petitions to the Queen of Hell, (ss) Apex Magazine #106, March 2018
- * Troublesolving, (nv) Subterranean (online) Fall 2009
- * Twenty-Three Small Disasters (with Christopher Barzak, Elad Haber, Meghan McCarron, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Kiini Ibura Salaam & Greg van Eekhout), (gp) Ideomancer March 2007
- * The Tyrant in Love, (ss) Fantasy Magazine #1, 2005
- * Unexpected Outcomes, (ss) Interzone #222, June 2009
- * Unfairy Tale, (ss) Say… #1, 2002
- * Visions, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2000
- * A Wedding Night’s Dream, (ss) May 2015
- * Werewolves and Princesses, (ss) ChiZine #7, January/March 2001
- * The Wilderness Within, (ss) August 2015
- * The Witch’s Bicycle, (nv) Realms of Fantasy August 2002
- * Wolfways, (pm) Strange Horizons February 17 2003
- * Would I Lie to You? Creating Alien Cultures, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #19, November/December 2017
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Flytrap (with Heather Shaw)
* ___ Star*Line, 2002/09 - 2004/05
- * Editor: Star*Line Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2002, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug 2003, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun 2004
- * Editor (with Heather Shaw): Flytrap #5 May, #6 Nov 2006, #7 May, #8 Nov 2007, #9 Jun, #10 Nov 2008
_____, [ref.]
- * Interview: Tim Pratt by Greg van Eekhout, (iv) Ideomancer September 2003
- * Interview with Author Tim Pratt, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #2, June 2014
- * Interview with Tim Pratt by Maggie Slater, (iv) Apex Magazine #46, March 2013
- * Marvels and Horrors: A Conversation with Tim Pratt by Arley Sorg, (iv) Clarkesworld #171, December 2020
- * Spectra Roundtable: Feasting on the Paranormal: A Roundtable Discussion with Kelley Armstrong, Keri Arthur, Jenna Black, and T. A. Pratt by Various, (iv) Spectra Pulse Spring/Summer 2008
- * Strange Horizons Podcast: Interview with Tim Pratt by Susan Marie Groppi, (iv) Strange Horizons October 29 2007
- * Tim Pratt Interview, (iv) Fantasy Magazine (online) #38, May 2010
Preece, Harold (1906-1992) (about) (chron.)
- * Genesis, (pm) Simba September 1978
- * The Last Celt, (bg) The Howard Collector Spring 1968
- * The Last Celt—An Epilogue, (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #2, February 1975 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Letter to Glenn Lord, January 11, 1966, (lt) The Howard Collector Summer 1966 [Ref. Glenn Lord]
- * Letter to Lenore Preece, January 16, 1965, (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1969 [Ref. Lenore Preece]
- * The Miscast Barbarian in Review or The Real Robert E. Howard, (ar) Fantasy Crossroads Special Edition #1, January 1976 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Requiem for Summer, (pm) Fantasy Crossroads #12, November 1977
- * Robert E. Howard Bio Excerpt, (ar) Sword & Fantasy #2, April 2005 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Robert’s Lady Cousin, (ar) Simba September 1978
- * Two Views of Bob Howard: Quest for Books, (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #10/11, March 1977 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Women and Robert Ervin Howard, (ar) Fantasy Crossroads #3, May 1975 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
_____, [ref.]
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. August 1928 (“Glad you enjoyed our reunion at Fort Worth”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) Fantasy Crossroads #7, February 1976
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. December 1928 (“Salaam/You’re right; women are great actors.”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1970
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. early April 1930 (“Thanks for the Saint Padraic’s card”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1972
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. February 1930 (“Go manee jeea git/You’re in Kansas now, eh?”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1968
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. March 1929 (“Salaam/I’ve been very neglectful of my correspondence…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Winter 1965
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. October 1930 (“Well, Harold, how did you like my story…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1962
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. October or early November 1930 (“Well, Harold, I’m sorry to hear your nose…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) Amra v2 #29, 1964
- * Letter to Harold Preece, ca. September 1929 (“I’ve been reading Destiny Bay and in…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1970
- * Letter to Harold Preece, January 4, 1930 (“Yes, we fade from youth swiftly.”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) Cross Plains #6, February/March 1975
- * Letter to Harold Preece, March 24, 1930 (“Thanks for the picture.”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Winter 1965
- * Letter to Harold Preece, postmarked November 24, 1930 (“I hope you’ll pardon my negligence…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1970
- * Letter to Harold Preece, received October 20, 1928 (“Your stationery is alright.”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Autumn 1962
- * Letter to Harold Preece, September 23, 1928 (“The tang of winter is in the air…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Summer 1966
- * Letter to Harold Preece, September 5, 1928 (“Yes, I like the idea of Eldorado…”) by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Howard Collector Spring 1967
- * postcard to Harold Preece, ca. June 1928 by Robert E. Howard, (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v6 #4, 2012/13
- * Remembrance: Harold Preece by Rusty Burke, (ob) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #4, May 1997
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