The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1467
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Parkes, Michael (fl. 1980s-2000s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Omni Jun, Dec 1980, Nov 1981
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Omni Jan, Oct, Dec 1982, Dec 1983, Mar 1984
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) v4 #4, v5 #3 1982
Parkhill-Rathbone, James (1919-1999) (chron.)
- * Evensong—The Creed of a Mystic, (ar) The Fantast July 1942
- * Langwidge, (ar) The Fantast August 1939
- * “One Day—”, (pm) The Fantast October/November 1939
- * Other Places, (pm) The Satellite August 1939
- * The Poachers, (nv) Science Fantasy #66, July/August 1964
- * Star-dust, (pm) The Satellite January 1940
- * This “Man and Machine” Business, (ar) The Fantast June 1939
- * untitled (“Six handkerchiefs bedeck my bed”), (pm) The Fantast August 1939
- * The Violin, (vi) Picatrix #1, 1992
- * Winter Illusions, (pm) The Fantast April 1941
- * [letter], (lt) The Fantast July 1939
- * [letter from Edinburgh, Scotland], (lt) Weird Tales January 1941
_____, ed.
Parkhurst, H(arry) L(emon) V(ictor) (1876-1962) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Spicy-Adventure Stories December 1934
- * [front cover], (cv) Planet Stories Fll, Win 1944, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1945, Spr 1946
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Captain Future Winter 1942
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Startling Stories September 1947
Parkhurst, Russ (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Burning Man, (pm) Weirdbook #40, 2018
- * The Demon of Blackwater Swamp, (ss) Startling Stories Summer 2010
- * Drowning in Delicious Weird, (br) Spectral Realms #9, Summer 2018
- * Dumb Supper, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- * Le Gargoyle, (pm) Weirdbook #41, 2019
- * Meat Suit, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Masquerade, Fall 2024
- * Mister Dorton’s Cats, (vi) Weirdbook #39, 2018
- * No Matter Where You Go, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- * The Old Rock, (pm) Weirdbook #38, 2018
- * Silent Hours, (pm) Weirdbook #40, 2018
Parkin, Lance (John?) (1971?- ) (about) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * Father Time by Paul Beardsley, (br) Interzone #167, May 2001
- * Fifty Years of Star Trek by Michael A. Burstein, (iv) Apex Magazine #88, September 2016
- * A History of the Universe by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #113, November 1996
- * Just War by Paul Beardsley, (rv) Interzone #148, October 1999
- * Trading Futures by Paul Beardsley, (br) Interzone #180, June/July 2002
Parkin, Scott R. (fl. 1980s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Beloved of the Electric Valkyrie, (nv) Fiction River #14, Valor, July 2015
- * Empty Every Night, (ss) The Leading Edge #20/21, April 1990
- * Madly in Love with Writing: An Interview with Ray Bradbury, (iv) The Leading Edge #17, Summer 1988 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
- * Of Cats, (ss) The Leading Edge #41, April 2001
- * Ratchet, (nv) The Leading Edge #20/21, April 1990
- * SSIN, (ss) The Leading Edge #15, Fall 1987
- * Standard Operating Procedure, (ss) The Leading Edge #19, September 1989
- * There Is a Season, (ss) The Leading Edge #30, February 1995
- * A Time to Grow, (ss) The Leading Edge #18, January 1989
_____, ed.
Parkinson, Bob (fl. 1960s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Eschatologies of Manuel, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970 [Ref. James Branch Cabell]
- * Gihon Gefunden, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970 [Ref. James Branch Cabell]
- * A Man Like Prometheus, (ss) New Worlds SF #162, May 1966
- * Mars in 1995!, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 22 1981
- * The Sailor in the Western Stars, (ss) New Worlds SF #146, January 1965
- * Solipsist, (ss) New Worlds #176, October 1967
- * Source Notes:
* ___ Gihon Gefunden, (cl) Kalki #16, 1970 [Ref. James Branch Cabell]
Parkinson, Keith (1958- ) (chron.)
- * On Exhibit, (pi) Amazing Stories November 1986
- * [front cover], (cv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic Sep 1984, May 1985, Nov 1986
- * [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Dec 1989, Nov 1993
- * [front cover], (cv) Realms of Fantasy Jun 1996, Feb 1997, Apr 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Black Gate Spring 2001
Parks, Allen W. (chron.)
- * The Crime of the Ancient Mariner, (pm) Dark Horizons #5, Spring 1973
- * C.S. Lewis, (ar) Dark Horizons #3, Summer 1972 [Ref. C. S. Lewis]
- * L’Inferno, (ss) Dark Horizons #6, Summer 1973
- * The Magical Fire, (pm) Dark Horizons #4, Autumn 1972
- * The Powers of Darkness, (pm) Dark Horizons #5, Spring 1973
- * Then and Now, (ar) Dark Horizons #5, Spring 1973
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