The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1703
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Schoonover, Kristi Petersen (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Bad Apple, (ex) Vagabondage Press, August 13 2012
- * Beware Burning Snow, (ss) The Sirens Call #58, Summer 2022
- * From the Editor’s Desk, (ed) 34 Orchard #9 Spr, #10 Aut 2024
- * Ghost Light, (ss) Morpheus Tales Undead Special 2009
- * Mating Call, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine December 2021
- * Something to Chew On, (ar) Shock Totem #8.5, February 2014
- * What the Ocean Knows, (ss) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- * Whispers Beneath the Lines: Dark Fiction’s Power to Heal, (ar) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
_____, ed.
Schorer, Mark R. (1908-1977) (about) (chron.); name also given as Marc R. Schorer.
- * The Black Castle (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales May 1927
- * A Bottle from Corezzi, (ss) Strange Stories December 1939
- * The Carven Image (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales May 1933
- * Colonel Markesan (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales June 1934
- * Death Holds the Post (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales August/September 1936
- * The Elixir of Life (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales July 1926
- * The Evil Ones [Cthulhu] (with August Derleth), (nv) Strange Stories October 1940
- * Eyes of the Serpent (with August Derleth), (nv) Strange Stories February 1939
- * The Figure with the Scythe (with August Derleth), (ss) The Tryout January 1927
- * The House in the Magnolias (with August Derleth), (nv) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror June 1932
- * In the Left Wing (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales June 1932
- * The Lair of the Star-Spawn [Cthulhu] (with August Derleth), (nv) Weird Tales August 1932
- * Laughter in the Night (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales March 1932
- * The Marmoset (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales September 1926
- * A Matter of Faith (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales December 1934
- * The Occupant of the Crypt (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales September 1947
- * The Owl on the Moor (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales September 1928
- * The Pacer (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales March 1930
- * Red Hands (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales October 1932
- * The Return of Andrew Bentley (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales September 1933
- * Riders in the Sky (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales May 1928
- * The River (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales February 1927, as by August Derleth
- * Spawn of the Maelstrom (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales September 1939
- * They Shall Rise (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales April 1936
- * The Turret Room (with August Derleth), (vi) Weird Tales September 1927, as by August Derleth
- * The Vengeance of Ai (with August Derleth), (ss) Strange Stories April 1939
- * The Woman at Loon Point (with August Derleth), (ss) Weird Tales December 1936
Schow, David J. (1955- ); used pseudonym Oliver Lowenbruck (chron.)
- * The Absolute Last of the Ultra-Spooky, Super-Scary Halloween Horror Nights, (ss) The Spook #6, January 2002
- * All Good Friends, (ar) Exorcisms and Ecstasies by Karl Edward Wagner, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997 [Ref. Karl Edward Wagner]
- * And Now, a Word from Our Censor, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1984
- * Blood Rape of the Lust Ghouls, (ss) Night Cry Winter 1986
- * Blood Rape of the Lust Ghouls, (cs) Horror February 1990; adapted from the short story of the same name (Night Cry, Winter 1986).
- * Brass, (na) Night Cry Spr, Sum 1986
- * Budgets, Bibles, and Black Visions, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine March/April 1984
- * Bunny Didn’t Tell Us, (ss) Night Cry Winter 1985
- * Coming Soon to a Theater Near You, (nv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine March/April 1984, as by Oliver Lowenbruck
- * A Conversation with Robert Bloch, (iv) Cemetery Dance #31, 1999 [Ref. Robert Bloch]
- * Curiosities:
* ___ The Lights in the Sky Are Stars by Fredric Brown (1953), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1999 [Ref. Fredric Brown]
- * Dying Words, (nv) Midnight Graffiti #8, Winter 1997
- * The Embracing, (ss) Ares #9, July 1981
- * Excerpt from: Pitt Night at The Lewistone Boneyard, (ex) Iniquities January 1990
- * The Falling Man, (na) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Oct, Dec 1988
- * The First Season, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine January/February 1984
- * The Five Sisters: A Fable, (ss) Weird Tales July/August 2003
- * Fragments of Horror, (ms) The Horror Show Summer 1988
- * Front Matter, (ss) Horror Garage #5, 2002
- * Gills, (ss) Crypt Orchids by David J. Schow, Subterranean Press, 1998
- * Haunted Places, (ar) Ares #15, Fall 1983
- * Holiday, (ss) Horror Garage #2, 2000
- * A Home in the Dark, (ss) Nightmare #15, December 2013
- * If You Can’t Stand the Meat, Get Out of the Abattoir, (ar) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #7, Spring 1990
- * The In and Out of The Outer Limits:
* ___ Budgets, Bibles, and Black Visions, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine March/April 1984
* ___ The First Season, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine January/February 1984
* ___ Part 1, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine November/December 1983
- * In the Idiom of the Old School, (nv) Galileo #9, 1978
- * Kamikaze Butterflies, (ss) Midnight Graffiti #4, Fall 1989
- * The Last Song You Hear, (ss) Subterranean (online) Winter 2012
- * Life Partner, (ss) Dark Voices 5 ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, Pan, 1993
- * The Lights in the Sky Are Stars by Fredric Brown (1953), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1999 [Ref. Fredric Brown]
- * Lonesome Coyote Blues, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine January/February 1985, as by Oliver Lowenbruck
- * Monster Movies, (nv) Weird Tales Spring 1990
- * Monsters, Incorporated, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May/June 1984
- * The Mystery Buff, (ss) The Horror Show Summer 1986
- * Night Bloomer, (nv) Seeing Red by David J. Schow, Tor, 1990
- * Not from Around Here, (nv) Seeing Red by David J. Schow, Tor, 1990
- * Obsequy, (nv) Subterranean #3, 2006
- * One for the Horrors, (ss) Whispers October 1983
- * The Outer Limits Show-by-Show Guide, Part 1, (bi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine January/February 1984
- * The Outer Limits Show-by-Show Guide, Part 2, (bi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine March/April 1984
- * The Outer Limits Show-by-Show Guide, Part 3 (with Jeffrey Frentzen), (bi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May/June 1984
- * The Outer Limits Show-by-Show Guide, Part 4 (with Jeffrey Frentzen), (bi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1984
- * The Outer Limits Show-by-Show Guide, Part 5 (with Jeffrey Frentzen), (bi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September/October 1984
- * The Outer Limits Show-by-Show Guide, Part 6 (with Jeffrey Frentzen), (bi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine November/December 1984
- * The Outer Limits Show-by-Show Guide, Part 7 (with Jeffrey Frentzen), (bi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine January/February 1985
- * The Outer Limits:
* ___ And Now, a Word from Our Censor, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1984
* ___ Monsters, Incorporated, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May/June 1984
* ___ Read the Story, See the Film, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Nov/Dec 1984, Jan/Feb 1985
* ___ Unknownophobia, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September/October 1984
- * Pamela’s Get, (nv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine August 1987
- * Part 1, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine November/December 1983
- * Pitt Night at The Lewistone Boneyard, (nv) Iniquities Autumn 1990
- * Pulpmeister, (nv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1982
- * Read the Story, See the Film, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine Nov/Dec 1984, Jan/Feb 1985
- * Red Light, (nv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1986
- * Return of the Curse of the Son of Mr. King: Book Two, (ar) Whispers August 1982 [Ref. Stephen King]
- * Satanic Panic Strikes Back: Why the Devil Has Still Got a Hold on Us (with Peg Aloi, Kelly Dunn & Amy Hale), (ar) Phantasmagoria Magazine #25, Winter 2024/2025
- * Schwarzeneggar’s Name Is Shorter, (ar) Cemetery Dance #3, Winter 1990 [Ref. Richard Christian Matheson]
- * Scoop Bites the Dust, (ss) Pulphouse: A Weekly Magazine July 6 1991
- * The Shaft, (ss) Weird Tales Spring 1990
- * The Shaft, (ex) Nova Express Summer 1989; forthcoming from Macdonald (December 1990).
- * The Shaft: Chapter Eighteen, (ex) Futura, 1992
- * Storm Drain, (ss) Cemetery Dance #47, 2003
- * Unknownophobia, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September/October 1984
- * Visitation, (ss) Ares #15, Fall 1983
- * The Woman’s Version, (ss) Night Cry Fall 1985
- * [scribbled graffiti], (nv) Midnight Graffiti #1, June 1988
_____, [ref.]
- * Bullets of Rain by Douglas E. Winter, (br) Weird Tales March/April 2004
- * A Conversation with David J. Schow by Rick Kleffel, (iv) Cemetery Dance #47, 2003
- * “A Conversation with David Schow” by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Cemetery Dance #24, Summer 1996
- * David J. Schow: Master of Horror by Christopher Hennessey-DeRose, (iv) Horror Garage #12, 2006
- * DJStories by Paul Di Filippo, (br) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2019
- * From Fantasy Tales to “Splatterpunk”: A Conversation with Multiple Award-Winning Author David J. Schow by Trevor Kennedy, (iv) Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #7, December 2022
- * Havoc Swims Jaded by Scott Connors, (br) Weird Tales January/February 2008
- * Here Comes a Chopper… by Philip Nutman, (iv) Fear #18, June 1990
- * Interview: David J. Schow by David Barr Kirtley, (iv) Nightmare #43, April 2016
- * Interview/David Schow by Timothy Wacker, (iv) Horror February 1990
- * The Kill Riff by Michael Sumbera, (br) Nova Express Summer 1988
- * Lost Angels by John Gregory Betancourt, (br) Weird Tales Fall 1990
- * Probing by Fire: Craig Spector Talks with David J. Schow About Rock ’n’ Roll, Horror, and the Cultural Mulch by Craig Spector, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine December 1986
- * Profile: David J. Schow by Craig Spector, (bg) Weird Tales Spring 1990
- * Profile: David J. Schow by John Mason Skipp, (bg) Weird Tales Spring 1990
- * Profile: David J. Schow by R. S. Hadji, (bg) Weird Tales Spring 1990
- * Profile: David J. Schow by Joe R. Lansdale, (bg) Weird Tales Spring 1990
- * Rock Breaks Scissors Cut by Douglas E. Winter, (br) Weird Tales March/April 2004
- * Seeing Red by John Gregory Betancourt, (br) Weird Tales Winter 1990/1991
- * The Shaft by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #61, July 1992
- * The Splat Pack by Jessica Horsting, (iv) Midnight Graffiti #1, June 1988
- * Transatlantic Terror by Philip Nutman, (iv) Fear #4, January/February 1989
- * Weird Tales Talks with David J. Schow by Bill Warren, (iv) Weird Tales Spring 1990
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