The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1516
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Pohl, Frederik (George, Jr.) (chron.) (continued)
- * Out of the Idiot Box, (ed) If June 1965
- * Out of the Silent Planet, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. C. S. Lewis]
- * Out of the Sky, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. H. H. Nininger]
- * Outpost of the Eons (with Joseph Harold Dockweiler), (nv) Astonishing Stories April 1943, as by Dirk Wylie
- * Out There, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow May 1965
- * The Outward Urge, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. John Wyndham & Lucas Parkes]
- * Overkill, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1970
- * Packaging People, (ed) If October 1968
- * The Paper Tiger, (ed) Galaxy Magazine February 1964
- * Path of Unreason, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. George O. Smith]
- * A Pictorial Anthology of Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Emile Grillot de Givry]
- * A Pinch of Stardust, (ed) Star Science Fiction January 1958
- * The Pirates of Zan, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Murray Leinster]
- * Plague of Pythons, (n.) Galaxy Magazine Oct, Dec 1962
- * Plague Ship, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Andrew North]
- * Planet in Peril, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. John Christopher]
- * The Planet Killers, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * Playing Games, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1968
- * The Plot Against Earth, (br) If September 1959 [Ref. Calvin M. Knox]
- * Point Ultimate, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Jerry Sohl]
- * Politics—21st Century Style, (ed) Galaxy Magazine August 1964
- * The Pollution of Space (with Isaac Asimov), (ar) from Our Angry Earth, Tor, 1991
- * Postscript to Gateway, (ms) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1977
- * Power Play, (ar) Omni April 1979
- * Power Unlimited!, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Abraham & Rebecca B. Marcus]
- * Preferred Risk (with Lester del Rey), (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1955, as by Edson McCann
- * A Prince of Pluto (with C. M. Kornbluth), (ss) Future Fiction April 1941, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * The Prisoner of New York Island, (nv) Odyssey Spring 1976
- * Probability Zero:
* ___ Creation Myths of the Recently Extinct, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1994
- * Programming Tomorrow, (ar) Destinies v3 #2, 1981
- * The Prometheus Project, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1969
- * Punch, (ss) Playboy June 1961
- * Pythias, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1955
- * The Quaker Cannon (with C. M. Kornbluth), (nv) Analog Science Fact—Fiction August 1961
- * The Questioners, (br) If November 1966 [Ref. Barbara Lovett Cline]
- * The Race for Space, (ed) If February 1966
- * Rafferty’s Reasons, (ss) Fantastic Universe October 1955
- * Rapid Transit, (ed) If November 1967
- * Read Em’ and Weep, (cl) Arcturus Apr, Jul, Nov 1936
- * Reading and Writing, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow February 1964
- * Recruit for Andromeda, (br) If September 1959 [Ref. Milton Lesser]
- * Red Alert, (br) If September 1959 [Ref. Peter Bryant]
- * Redemption in the Quantum Realm, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 1994
- * The Reefs of Space [Starchild] (with Jack Williamson), (n.) If Jul, Sep, Nov 1963
- * A Relativistic Dilemma, (ed) If June 1966
- * Rem the Rememberer, (ss) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine May 1977
- * Renaissance Man, Mark II, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow June 1964
- * Riddles of Astronomy, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Otto Oscar Binder]
- * Ring Around the Sun, (br) If September 1959 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
- * The Road to Man, (br) If September 1962 [Ref. Herbert Wendt]
- * Robot Hunt, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Roger Lee Vernon]
- * Rocket to Limbo, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Alan E. Nourse]
- * The Rocky Python Christmas Video Show, (pl) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1989
- * Rogue Star [Starchild] (with Jack Williamson), (n.) If Jun, Jul, Aug 1968
- * Sad Solarian Screenwriter Sam, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1972
- * Saucery, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1986
- * The Science Fictioneer, (br)
- * The Science Fictioneer, (rc) Super Science Stories; Jan 49 - Mar, Aug 51.
- * The Science Fictioneer, (rc) Super Science Stories Jan, Apr, Jul, Nov 1949, Jan, Mar 1950, Apr, Aug 1951
- * Science Fiction in Academe, (ed) If February 1965
- * Science Fiction Showcase, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Mary Kornbluth]
- * Science—Sacred & Profane, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1963
- * Science, the Never-Ending Quest, (br) If November 1966 [Ref. William C. Vergara]
- * Scientists and Scoundrels, (br) If July 1965 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * The Sea People, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Adam Lukens]
- * The Search, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. C. P. Snow]
- * Search and Destroy, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1987
- * Second Coming, (vi) Omni November 1983
- * Seconds on Firsts, (ed) If November 1964
- * Secret of the Lost Race, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Andre Norton]
- * Seed of Light, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Edmund Cooper]
- * Seeing Stars, (ed) Galaxy Magazine October 1964
- * The Semi-Artificial Man, (br) If May 1965 [Ref. Harold M. Schmeck, Jr.]
- * Servant of the People, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact February 1983
- * Seven Deadly Virtues, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1958, as by Paul Flehr
- * SF East: An SF Safari to Redland, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1974
- * SF Film Festival, (ed) International Science Fiction November 1967
- * SF in the Sun, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1969
- * Shaffery Among the Immortals, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1972
- * Shaking Up Space, (ar) Destinies v2 #3, 1980
- * The Shape of Science Fiction to Come, (ar) Speculation Autumn 1972, as "The Most Controversial Speech at Chessmancon"
- * Shawn’s Sword (with Milton A. Rothman), (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction October 1939, as by Lee Gregor
- * A Short Term Solution, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1975; transcript of a speech given at DisCon II.
- * Siege of the Unseen, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- * The Sioux Spacemen, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Andre Norton]
- * Sitting Around the Pool, Soaking Up the Rays, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1984
- * The Sky Is Falling (with Lester del Rey), (na) Magabook #1, 1963, as by Lester del Rey; revised from “No More Stars” (Beyond Fantasy Fiction July 1954, as by Charles Satterfield).
- * Skyport, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Curt Siodmak]
- * Sky Test (with Joseph Harold Dockweiler), (nv) Super Science Stories November 1942, as by Dirk Wylie
- * Slavers of Space, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. John Brunner]
- * Slave Ship, (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction Mar, Apr, May 1956
- * Small Lords, (nv) Science Fiction Quarterly February 1957
- * The Snowmen, (ss) Galaxy Magazine December 1959
- * Soap Bubbles, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Charles Vernon Boys]
- * Solar Lottery, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Solomon’s Stone, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
- * Some Joys Under the Star, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1973
- * Something from Beyond (with Joseph Harold Dockweiler & Robert A. W. Lowndes), (ss) Future Combined with Science Fiction December 1941, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * The Sound of His Horn, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Sarban]
- * Soviet Space Science, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Ari Shternfeld]
- * Space Art, (ed) If January 1969
- * Spacemen & Lawmen, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1964
- * Space Prison, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Tom Godwin]
- * Spacewar, 1963, (ed) Galaxy Magazine August 1963
- * Spectrum II, (br) Galaxy Magazine December 1963 [Ref. Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest]
- * Spending a Day at the Lottery Fair, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1983
- * Stadium Beyond the Stars, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Milton Lesser]
- * Starchild [Starchild] (with Jack Williamson), (n.) If Jan, Feb, Mar 1965
- * Starhaven, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Ivar Jorgenson]
- * Starman’s Quest, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- * Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Richard Hinckley Allen]
- * The Star of Life, (br) If September 1959 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * Star of Stars, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- * Star of the Undead (with Joseph Harold Dockweiler & Robert A. W. Lowndes), (ss) Fantasy Book #2, February 1948, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * Stars and Cities, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow April 1964
- * The Stars Are Too High, (br) If Jan, Jul 1960 [Ref. Agnew H. Bahnson, Jr.]
- * The Starseekers [Heechee (Robinette Broadhead)], (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1990
- * Starship, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- * The Star War, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1988
- * The Status Civilization, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Robert Sheckley]
- * Stepping Stone (with Joseph Samachson), (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1957, as by William Morrison & Frederik Pohl
- * Strange Relations, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Philip José Farmer]
- * Strange World of the Moon, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. V. A. Firsoff]
- * Sufficient Unto the Day, (ed) If May 1969
- * The Sun Smasher, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * Survival Kit, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1957
- * Swanilda’s Song [Medea], (nv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1978
- * Sweetie, (ar) Destinies v2 #2, 1980
- * The Swordsman of Mars, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Otis Adelbert Kline]
- * Tales to Be Told in the Dark, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Basil Davenport]
- * Talk, Talk, Talk, (ed) If February 1967
- * Target One, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1955
- * The Things That Happen, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine October 1985
- * Third Offense, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1958, as by Charles Satterfield
- * Thirty Long Years, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1967
- * Three Brave Men, (ed) If April 1967
- * Three in a Row, (ed) If December 1968
- * Three Portraits and a Prayer, (ss) Galaxy Magazine August 1962
- * Threshold of Eternity, (br) If September 1959 [Ref. John Brunner]
- * The Tide Went Out, (br) If July 1959 [Ref. Charles Eric Maine]
- * Time Out of Joint, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * Time to Teleport, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Gordon R. Dickson]
- * The Tomorrow People, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Judith Merril]
- * Tomorrows to Order, (ed) If June 1968
- * Tomorrow the Moon!, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Abraham & Rebecca B. Marcus]
- * Tony Boucher, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1968
- * Too Many Inputs, (ed) If May 1967
- * Too Much Loosestrife, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1987
- * To See Another Mountain, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1959
- * To Solve the Future, (ed) If September 1966
- * To the End of Time, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Robert Moore Williams]
- * To the Stars, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1965
- * A Touch of Infinity, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- * The Transcendent Man, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Jerry Sohl]
- * Traps or Truths, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1969
- * A Treasury of Great Science Fiction, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Anthony Boucher]
- * Tricks and Treats, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1969
- * The Triumph of Time, (br) If July 1959 [Ref. James Blish]
- * Tros of Samothrace, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Talbot Mundy]
- * Trouble in Time (with C. M. Kornbluth), (ss) Astonishing Stories December 1940, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * The Tunnel Under the World, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1955
- * TV by the Numbers, (ed) If October 1966
- * Under Two Moons, (nv) If September 1965
- * Unearthly Neighbors, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Chad Oliver]
- * The Unexpected Dimension, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Algis Budrys]
- * The Universe, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow September 1965
- * The Universe—and How It Began!, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow March 1965
- * Unnatural Selection, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1969
- * Vacant World (with Joseph Harold Dockweiler & C. M. Kornbluth), (nv) Super Science Stories January 1941, as by Dirk Wylie
- * Vanguard from Alpha, (br) If November 1959 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- * Venus Plus X, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Theodore Sturgeon]
- * Versiflage, (pm) The Phantagraph August 1940
- * Vietnam Revisited, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1968
- * The View from Mars Hill, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1987
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