The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Datlow, Ellen (Sue) (1949- ) (chron.)
- * Burning Questions, (ms) Albedo One #43, 2013
- * Editorial, (ed) Subterranean #7, 2007
- * First Word, (ed)
- * The Last 10 Books I’ve Read, (rc) Cemetery Dance #61, #62 2009, #63, #64 2010, #65 2011, #67, #68 2012, #69, #70 2013, #73, #74/75 2016, #76 2017
#77 2019, #78 2023
- * The Last 10 Things I’ve Read, (br) Cemetery Dance #72, 2015
- * The Last Ten Books I’ve Read, (br) Cemetery Dance #66, 2012
- * Shadowlands, (cl) Iniquities; Fll ’91.
- * Shadowlands, (cl) Iniquities Autumn 1991
- * Stellar Technician, (pi) Omni May 1981
- * Surfing the Slipstream (with Robert K. J. Killheffer & Lawrence Person), (iv) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1999 [Ref. Steve Erickson]
- * Time Travelers, (pi) Omni May 1980
- * 25 IZ, (ms) Interzone #210, June 2007
- * Women Destroy Horror! (with Lisa Morton), (ed) Nightmare #25, October 2014
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #56, Fall 1985
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #36 Jun 1990, #60 Jun 1992, #74 Aug 1993, #86 Aug 1994, #108 Jun 1996, #121 Jul 1997, #141 Mar, #145 Jul 1999, #166 Apr 2001, #178 Apr 2002
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #8 Win 1991, #12 Sum 1993
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * Alien Sex by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #46, April 1991
- * And to all a Good Night… An Interview with Ellen Datlow by Stephen M. Wilson, (iv) Wicked Karnival #6, 2006
- * Audiobook Review: The Doll Collection by Mysti Parker, (rv) SQ Mag #21, July 2015
- * Black Heart, Ivory Bones (with Terri Windling) by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #159, September 2000
- * Black Thorn, White Rose (with Terri Windling) by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #92, February 1995
- * Blood Is Not Enough by Andrew Andrews, (br) Thrust #33, Spring 1989
- * Blood Is Not Enough by John Gregory Betancourt, (br) Weird Tales Spring/Fall 1989
- * Blood Is Not Enough by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #46, April 1991
- * A Career in Editing by Allison Weir, (iv) Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series #8, June 2023
- * A Conversation with Ellen Datlow & Edward Bryant by Edward Bryant, (iv) Science Fiction Eye #4, August 1988
- * Dat Low-down on Highbrow Horror by Steve Proposch, (iv) Bloodsongs #5, Winter 1995
- * Ellen Datlow Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1991
- * Demons and Dreams: The Best Fantasy and Horror 2 (with Terri Windling) by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #37, July 1990
- * The Doll Collection by Ian Hunter, (br) Interzone #259, July/August 2015
- * Ellen Datlow by David A. Lindschmidt, (iv) City Slab #4, 2004
- * Ellen Datlow, (iv) Nightmare #4, January 2013
- * Ellen Datlow: 30 Years in the Editor’s Chair by James R. Beach, (iv) Dark Discoveries #21, Fall 2012
- * Feature Review: After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (with Terri Windling) by David Simms, (br) Cemetery Dance #69, 2013
- * Interesting Times by John Kenny, (iv) Albedo One #35, 2008
- * InterGalactic Interview with Ellen Datlow by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #20, December 2010
- * Interview—Ellen Datlow by Dirk Flinthart, (iv) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #19, June/July 2005
- * Interview with Award Winning Editor Ellen Datlow, (iv) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #6, April 2015
- * Interview with Ellen Datlow by Janelle Janson, (iv) Dark Matter Magazine #7, January/February 2022
- * An Interview with Ellen Datlow by Robert Errera, (iv) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
- * An Interview with Ellen Datlow by Robert Errera, (iv) 2AM Spring 1992
- * An Interview with Ellen Datlow by Danica Davidson, (iv) Cemetery Dance #65, 2011
- * Lethal Kisses by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #118, April 1997
- * Little Deaths by James Lovegrove, (br) Interzone #92, February 1995
- * Little Deaths by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #92, February 1995
- * Mad Hatters and March Hares by Andrew Hedgecock, (br) Interzone #274, March/April 2018
- * Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy by Lawrence Osborn, (br) Interzone #237, November/December 2011
- * Off Limits: Tales of Alien Sex by Ken Brown, (br) Interzone #105, March 1996
- * Omni: Best Science Fiction Three by John Clute, (br) Interzone #82, April 1994
- * Revising Horror: An Interview with Ellen Datlow by Chris Kelso, (iv) Dark Discoveries #37, Winter 2017
- * Roots of an Editor: Ellen Datlow by Jan Edwards, (iv) Dark Horizons #51, Autumn/Winter 2007
- * Salon Fantastique: Fifteen Original Tales of Fantasy (with Terri Windling) by Paul F. Cockburn, (br) Interzone #208, February 2007
- * Twists of the Tale by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #120, June 1997
- * Vanishing Acts by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #158, August 2000
- * A Whisper of Blood by Gahan Wilson, (br) Weird Tales Spring 1992
- * Women Remember: A Roundtable Interview by Mary Robinette Kowal, (iv) Lightspeed #49, June 2014
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 6 (with Terri Windling) by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #76, October 1993
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Interzone #99, September 1995
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, Eleventh Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #138, December 1998
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, Fifth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #65, November 1992
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror Fourth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Weird Tales Winter 1991/1992
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, Fourth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #57, March 1992
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Charles de Lint, (br) Science Fiction Review #9, April 1992
- * Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Volume (with Terri Windling) by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #111, September 1996
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #89, November 1994
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Tenth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Neil Jones & Neil McIntosh, (br) Interzone #128, February 1998
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Third Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Charles de Lint, (br) Science Fiction Review #3, Autumn 1990
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Third Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #6, January 1992
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Thirteenth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #162, December 2000
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Twelfth Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Paul Brazier, (br) Interzone #153, March 2000
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy: First Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Andrew Andrews, (br) Thrust #32, Winter 1989
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror: Nineteenth Annual Collection (with Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link) by Scott Connors, (br) Weird Tales April/May 2007
- * The Year’s Best Fantasy: Second Annual Collection (with Terri Windling) by Lawrence Person, (br) Nova Express Fall 1989
Daugherty, Steven Roy (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * All the Dimming Stars Out His Window, (ss) Fantasy Book June 1984
- * And on Her Farm She Had Some, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #4, 1984
- * Ballad of the Rails, (nv) Fantasy Book March 1985
- * Comnet 2 Enters the 21st Century, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic January 1982
- * “Her Hood, with its Dangling Ribbon”, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #7, 1985
- * A Mid-Summer Night’s Magic, (vi) Fantasy Book March 1984
- * The Once and Future Trilogy, (br) Footsteps #4, Summer 1984
- * One Cold Night, Beyond the Pale, (vi) Eldritch Tales #20, Summer 1989
- * Samsara, (ss) SPWAO Showcase #3, 1983
- * The Shaman’s Son, (ss) Fantasy Book February 1983
- * A Special Address Concerning Your Mistress, (vi) Eldritch Tales #16, 1988
- * Spinning Webs of Steel: Texture in Fantasy Fiction, (ar) Footsteps #3, Spring 1984
D’Auria, Don (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Editorial Perspectives, (ed) Cemetery Dance #61, #62 2009, #63, #64 2010, #67 2012
- * Editorial Perspectives: A View from the Other Side of the Desk: The More Things Change…, (ed) Cemetery Dance #66, 2012
- * The H Word:
* ___ That Oldest Fear, (cl) Nightmare #20, May 2014
- * That Oldest Fear, (ar) Nightmare #20, May 2014
_____, [ref.]
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