The FictionMags Index
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[]Willeford, Charles (Ray, III) (1919-1988); used pseudonym Will Charles (about) (chron.)
- * The Alectryomancer, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1959, as "A Genuine Alectryomancer"
- * Chapter One from Miami Blues, (ex) St. Martin’s, 1984
- * Citizen’s Arrest, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1966
- * A Genuine Alectryomancer, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1959
- * Give the Man a Cigar, (vi) Florida Magazine August 16 1987
- * Hell on Wheels, (ar) Collier’s November 29 1941, as by Will Charles
- * Introduction, (in) Sex Life on the Planet Mars by Fredric Brown, Dennis McMillan, 1986
- * John D. MacDonald, (bg) Mystery Scene Reader ed. Edward Gorman, Fedora, 1987 [Ref. John D. MacDonald]
- * The Machine in Ward Eleven, (nv) Playboy March 1961
- * Saturday Night Special, (nv) Everybody’s Metamorphosis by Charles Ray Willeford, III, Dennis McMillan, 1988, as "Strange"
- * The Second Half of the Double Feature, (ex) Wit’s End Publishing, 2003
- * The Sin of Integrity, (ss) Gent April 1962
- * Some Lucky License, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1965
- * Strange, (nv) Everybody’s Metamorphosis by Charles Ray Willeford, III, Dennis McMillan, 1988
- * Sugar Water, (ss) Retreats from Oblivion September 22 2019
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- * Charles Ray Willeford (1919-1988) by R. C. Holland, (ar) Books Are Everything September 1988
- * Charles Willeford by Christopher Fowler, (ar) The Independent on Sunday April 6 2014
- * Cockfighter by David Zeltserman, (br) Hardluck Stories Fall 2003
- * “The Cock That Crowed” by William Boyle, (ar) Crime Factory v2 #10, 2012
- * Douchebags, Assholes and Various Other Forms of Human Wreckage by Scott Phillips, (ar) Crime Factory January 2010
- * The Fragile Fist of Charles Willeford by Paul Duncan, (ar) Crime Time #9, 1997
- * Letter by Donn Albright, (lt) Presenting Moonshine #37, March 1974
- * Miami Blues by Rick McLean, (ar) Crime Factory #5, February 2002
- * Of Haikus and Whores: First Thoughts on Charles Willeford’s Miami Blues by Mark Campbell, (ar) Crime Time #41, 2004
- * The Rarest Willefords by Al Newgarden, (ar) Books Are Everything Winter 1990
- * The Unlikely Father of Miami Crime Fiction by Marshall Jon Fisher, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly May 2000
- * Whip Hand by Jesse Sublett, (ar) Paperback Parade #80, January 2012
- * Wife of Charles Willeford by Betsy Willeford, (ar) Mystery Writers Annual #41, 1987
- * The World as Willeford and Idea by James Sallis, (ar) Crime Time #41, 2004
[]Willems, S. F. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * A Conversation with Jeff VanderMeer, (iv) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992 [Ref. Jeff VanderMeer]
- * Denise Dumars: A Poet on Poetry, (iv) Midnight Zoo v2 #4, 1992 [Ref. Denise Dumars]
- * Interview with Andre Norton, (iv) Pirate Writings #16, 1998 [Ref. Andre Norton]
- * Janet Fox Discusses the Scorpio Series, (iv) Midnight Zoo v3 #7, 1993 [Ref. Janet Fox]
- * J.N. Williamson, (iv) Midnight Zoo v2 #5, 1992 [Ref. J. N. Williamson]
- * Talking with Ardath Mayhar, (iv) Midnight Zoo v3 #2, 1993 [Ref. Ardath Mayhar]
- * Talking with Rick Hautala, (iv) Midnight Zoo v3 #6, 1993 [Ref. Rick Hautala]
- * Unsolved Riddle, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Versatility Personified: An Interview with Steve Eng, (iv) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1996 [Ref. Steve Eng]
[]Willemse, Cornelius W(illiam) (1871-1942) (chron.)
- * Behind the Green Lights, (ts) Detective Fiction Weekly Jun 13, Jun 20, Jun 27, Jul 4, Jul 11, Jul 18, Jul 25, Aug 1, Aug 8, Aug 15,
Aug 22 1931
- * Do You Know—Racketeers Exact Toll from Every American Home? (with George L. Lemmer), (ar) Physical Culture April 1931
- * From a Cop’s Notebook, (ms) 1931
- * “Heroes” 1931 Style (with George L. Lemmer), (ar) Physical Culture February 1931; gangsters.
- * Three Episodes from an Autobiography, (ex) from Behind the Green Lights, 1931
[]Willenborg, Lee (Alexander) (1878-1944) (about) (chron.)
- * Alibi Ike, (ss) Telling Tales June 1920
- * Brothers of the Wild, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1921
- * The Calico Championship, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 2nd February 1929
- * Captain Marshall’s Vanity, (ss) Boys’ Life December 1928
- * Chisholm’s Pearls, (ss) Sea Stories June 1927
- * Conscience—Maybe, (ss) Cowboy Stories November 1934
- * Crossed Trails, (ss) North•West Stories August 1925
- * The Culture Hound, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 8 1926
- * Dragon’s Gold, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1930
- * Gallegher’s Luck, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 8 1924
- * Gambling Man, (ss) North•West Stories Spring 1936
- * The Glass Fist, (ss) Sport Story Magazine June 22 1926
- * Halliday, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1919
- * A Hazard of the Trail, (ss) Saucy Stories August 1920
- * The Hazard of the Woods, (ss) Boys’ Life March 1923
- * Honor, (nv) North•West Stories July 1925
- * The Indian Giver, (ss) Sport Story Magazine March 8 1927
- * Interlude, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Magazine January 1936
- * In the Raw, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 8 1928
- * The Judgment of the North, (ss) The Danger Trail July 1926
- * The Killer and the Prince, (ss) Popular Fiction Magazine December 1931
- * Losers—All, (ss) Ainslee’s Smart Love Stories June 1935
- * Norman’s Woe, (ss) Sport Story Magazine 1st March 1929
- * Nutmeg, (nv) Popular Fiction Magazine April 1932
- * Old Mary and the Fish, (ss) Sport Story Magazine May 8 1926
- * Panthers’ Manager, (ss) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #6, November 1924
- * The Parrot and the Hyena, (ss) Sport Story Magazine April 8 1927
- * P.S. and the One-Idea Guy, (ss) Sport Story Magazine February 8 1924
- * The Queen’s Emerald, (ss) Man Stories May 1931
- * The Stolen Half Back, (ss) Sport Story Magazine September 22 1928
- * Sullivan and the Double Cross, (ss) Sport Story Magazine May 8 1924
- * Summer Lightning, (ss) College Stories July/August 1927
- * To Make a Fighter, (ss) Sport Story Magazine October 22 1926
- * Two Chance River, (ss) Two Gun Stories July 1931
- * Untamed, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1930
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[]Willer; pseudonym of Ed Emshwiller (1925-1990) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1951
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1951, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep 1952,
Feb 1953
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction (UK) v3 #2, v3 #6 1953
[]Willer, Russell (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Age Will Tell, (ss) Vengeance Shorts #1, 1945
- * Autumn Romance, (ss) Galaxy July 1946
- * A Change of Expression, (ss) Affinity #3, September/October 1946
- * Maiden Speech, (ss) Reveille #184, December 31 1946
- * Sunshine from Yesterday, (ss) Affinity #22, June/July 1949
- * Two Heads Are Better, (ss) Affinity #28, May 1950
[]Willets, Gilson (Hoyt) (1869-1922) (about) (chron.)
- * Adventures of a Special Correspondent, (ar) National Magazine March 1906
- * The Ancestors of the Wooden Indian, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine July 1900
- * Around the Union by Rail:
* ___ No. 10—Where the Santa Fe Meets the Rising Sun, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1908
- * The Blind Millionaire-Merchant, (ar) National Magazine December 1899
- * The Boys of the Espee, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1910
- * The Boys of the Mississippi Valley, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1910
- * The Business of Buffoonery, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1907
- * Coaching as a Sport, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1899
- * The Comédie Humaine of the Recruiting Station, (ar) The Live Wire August 1908
- * Deep Water Heroes of Uncle Sam’s Navy, (ar) The Ocean June 1907
- * The Dramas of Dixie Land, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * Entertaining Sixteen Millions Daily, (ar) National Magazine October 1912
- * F. Hopkinson Smith, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine May 1894
- * Fifty Years a Heroine of the Seas, (bg) The Scrap Book July 1907
- * The “G. A. R.” South of the Potomac, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1910
- * The Great American Bird, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1907
- * Heroes and Heroines of Self-Denial, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1908
- * Heroines of the Beacon Lights, (ar) The Scrap Book January 1909
- * How Men Made Their First $1000: Russell Sage, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1899
- * In the French Quarter, (ss) Romance #85, January 1897
- * In the Last of the Territories, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1910
- * In the New Southwest, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1911
- * In the Sunflower State, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1911
- * The Iron Cross and the Croupier’s Wife, (ss) Romance #85, January 1897
- * Jewels of the Maharanee, (ss) The Smart Set December 1900
- * Joy Week on the Lakes, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1911
- * Last Palaces of the Rich, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine October 1899
- * The Love Life of a Creole, (ss) Romance #90, June 1897
- * The Lure of Sunken Treasure, (ar) The Scrap Book April 1908
- * A Man Worth a Thousand Men, (bg) The Scrap Book August 1908
- * Martyrs of the Missions, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1908
- * The Melodrama of Diamonds, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1907
- * Melodramas of the Banks, (ar) The Scrap Book February 1908
- * Melodramas of the Pearl, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1908
- * Miss Katy’s Boys, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1912
- * More Dramas of Dixie Land, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
- * The Nation’s Debt to Mothers, (ar) The Scrap Book June 1906
- * New York’s Aristocratic Quarter, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine February 1899
- * On the Latest Desert Road, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1909
- * Opals… the Jewels of Bad Luck, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1908
- * Out in the “Great Hot”, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
- * Plunges at the Lime Light, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1907
- * The Queen of the Steerage, (vi) The White Elephant #9, February 1897
- * The Railroad in Motion Pictures, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1912
- * Riding the Rail from Coast to Coast:
* ___ No. 8. Tales of the Oregon Short Line, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1909
* ___ No. 9. On the Latest Desert Road, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1909
* ___ No. 10. Romances of the Golden State, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1909
* ___ No. 11. Out in the “Great Hot”, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1910
* ___ No. 12. In the Last of the Territories, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1910
* ___ No. 13. The Boys of the Espee, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1910
- * Romances of Crescent City Railroaders, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1910
- * Romances of the Golden State, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1909
- * Rough Riders of the Rail, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1910
- * Setting a Stage for a Drama of the Rail, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * She Was Older Than He, (ss) Romance #85, January 1897
- * Side Shows in the Show-Me State, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1911
- * Silences That Have Made a Noise, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1908
- * Some Hold-Ups in Missouri, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1911
- * Some Railroad Girls I’ve Met, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1910
- * The Source of Asphalt, (ar) National Magazine April 1901
- * Starting a State, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1912
- * Stories of the St. Louis Union Station, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1911
- * The Story of Asphalt, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine March 1900
- * The Strange Case of Nina Van Holland, (ss) Massey’s Magazine March 1897
- * The Strangest Suicides, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1907
- * Tales of the Oregon Short Line, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1909
- * Ten Thousand Miles by Rail:
* ___ No. 1. The Dramas of Dixie Land, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
* ___ No. 2. More Dramas of Dixie Land, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1910
* ___ No. 3. The “G. A. R.” South of the Potomac, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1910
* ___ No. 4. Some Railroad Girls I’ve Met, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1910
* ___ No. 5. Romances of Crescent City Railroaders, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1910
* ___ No. 6. With the Brotherhood Boys, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1910
* ___ No. 7. The Boys of the Mississippi Valley, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine December 1910
* ___ No. 8. Stories of the St. Louis Union Station, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine January 1911
* ___ No. 9. Some Hold-Ups in Missouri, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine February 1911
* ___ No. 10. Side Shows in the Show-Me State, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine March 1911
* ___ No. 11. In the Sunflower State, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1911
* ___ No. 12. In the New Southwest, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1911
* ___ No. 13., (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1911
* ___ No. 14, (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1911
* ___ No. 15., (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine August 1911
* ___ No. 16., (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1911
* ___ No. 17., (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1911
* ___ No. 18., (ar) Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1911
- * Three Romantic Frenchwomen, (gp) Romance #85, January 1897
- * Whee the Hard Up Rich Get Cash, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1907
- * Where the Santa Fe Meets the Rising Sun, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine October 1908
- * With the Brotherhood Boys, (ar) The Railroad Man’s Magazine November 1910
- * [frontispiece], (fp) Romance #90, June 1897
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