The FictionMags Index

Book Contents Lists: Page 422

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    The Magic Spectacles and Other Tales by Richard Cowper (Kerosina, November 1986, no ISBN, 37pp, ph, oc)
        Booklet containing three original ghost stories included with the signed, limited, numbered edition of Shades of Darkness.

    By the Yellow Moonrock ed. David Cowperthwaite (David Cowperthwaite, 1988, £1.50, 40pp, ph, an)
    • 2 · The Doom of Ogg · Norman Boothroyd · pm Apes and Peacocks by Norman Boothroyd, Erskine Macdonald, 1913
    • 3 · Preface · David Cowperthwaite · pr
    • 5 · By the Yellow Moonrock · Fiona Macleod · ss The Dominion of Dreams by Fiona Macleod, Constable, 1899
    • 13 · Pillar of Fear · Dallas Clive Goffin · ss
    • 21 · Exchange · Barry Pain · ss Stories and Interludes by Barry Pain, Henry & Co., 1892
    • 29 · Liselle · Ian Mundell · ss
    • 37 · Ulla: or, The Adjuration · Felicia Hemans · pm Records of Woman by Felicia Hemans, William Blackwood, 1828
    • 38 · The Shade of Theseus · Felicia Hemans · pm The New Monthly Magazine June 1823

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