The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9631
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[]Smith, Dennis Neal (c1946-2019) (chron.)
- * Drawing, (il) Trumpet #6, June 1967
- * Street Railway Centaur, (il) Amra v2 #48, 1968
- * [front cover], (cv) Niekas #10, December 15 1964
- * [front cover], (cv) Amra v2 #35 1965, v2 #50 1969
- * [front cover], (cv) Trumpet #5 Apr, #6 Jun 1967
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #20, 1962
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Fantastic Stories of Imagination April 1965
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Trumpet #3 Dec 1965, #11 1974
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1967
- * [illustration(s)] (with Lin Carter, Frank Frazetta, Robert Ernest Gilbert, Jeffrey Jones, Roy G. Krenkel, Wayne MacDonald & Angelo Torres), (il) Amra v2 #66, 1976
[]Smith, Dona (fl. 1990s); used pseudonyms Elizabeth Moore & Sinclair Smith (chron.)
- * The Boy Next Door, (n.) Scholastic, 1994, as by Sinclair Smith
- * Hacker, (nv) Thirteen ed. Tonya Pines, Scholastic, 1991, as by Sinclair Smith
- * The Thrills & Chills Puzzle Corner, (pz) Thrills & Chills #3 1994, #7 1995
- * The Waitress, (n.) Scholastic, 1992, as by Sinclair Smith
[]Smith, Douglas (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Balance, (ss) Pulp Literature #34, Spring 2022
- * The Boys Are Back in Town, (ss) infinity plus August 2003
- * By Her Hand She Draws Me Down, (ss) Something Wicked #8, November 2008
- * By Her Hand, She Draws You Down, (ss) The Third Alternative #28, Autumn 2001
- * The Dancer at the Red Door, (nv) Under Cover of Darkness ed. Julie E. Czerneda & Jana Paniccia, DAW, 2007
- * La Danse des esprits, (ss) Solaris #134, Summer 2000; translated from the English (“Spirit Dance”, Tesseracts 6 edited by Robert J. Sawyer & Carolyn Clink, Tesseract Books, 1997) by Benoît Domis & Rose M. Guillerme.
- * Doorways, (nv) Postscripts #17, Winter 2008
- * Dream Flight, (ss) The Dark #3, February 2014
- * Enlightenment, (ss) Interzone #194, September/October 2004
- * Fiddleheads, (ss) Chilling Tales Two ed. Michael Kelly, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2013
- * Going Harvey in the Big House, (nv) infinity plus August 2003
- * Gypsy Biker’s Coming Home, (nv) On Spec #120, 2022
- * If I Should Fall Behind, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2023
- * Jigsaw, (nv) Odyssey ed. Julie E. Czerneda, Trifolium Books, 2004
- * Last of a Thing, (ss) Pulp Literature #12, Autumn 2016
- * Memories of the Dead Man, (nv) On Spec Winter 2005
- * Murphy’s Law, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe December 2006
- * New Year’s Eve, (ss) Interzone #128, February 1998
- * Nothing, (ss) Chimerascope by Douglas Smith, ChiZine Publications, 2010
- * Oregon Shooters, (ss) On Spec #124, 2023
- * Out of the Light, (ss) Dark Wisdom #11, 2007
- * La Parade du Hoyl, (ss) Solaris #138, August 2001; “A Bird in the Hand”, Warrior Wisewoman 3, Norilana Books, Aug 2010, ed. Roby James.; translated by Benoît Domis
- * Radio Nowhere, (nv) Campus Chills ed. Mark Leslie, Stark Publishing, 2009
- * The Red Bird, (ss) On Spec Summer 2001
- * Scream Angel, (nv) Low Port ed. Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, Meisha Merlin, 2003
- * Spirit Dance, (nv) Tesseracts6 ed. Robert J. Sawyer & Carolyn Clink, Tesseract, 1997
- * State of Disorder, (ss) Amazing Stories Winter 1999
- * Symphony, (ss) Oceans of the Mind #11, Spring 2004
- * A Taste Sweet and Salty, (ss) Weird Tales May/June 2006
- * The Walker of the Shifting Borderland, (nv) On Spec Fall 2012
- * What’s in a Name?, (ss) Treachery and Treason ed. Laura Anne Gilman & Jennifer Heddle, Roc, 2000
_____, [ref.]
[]Smith, Drysdale (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * The Deck Steward, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #35, May 1925
- * Juliet in Jeopardy, (ss) The Red Magazine February 16 1923
- * Macalpine the Piper (with Augustus Muir), (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1916
- * A Night, a Knight and Nocturne, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #33, March 1925
- * Reginald’s Reconciliation, (ss) The Violet Magazine #15, March 23 1923
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Romance June 1926
[]Smith, E(dward) E(lmer) “Doc” (1890-1965) (about) (chron.)
- * Appreciation, (ms) Food for Demons by E. Everett Evans, Shroud, 1971
- * Atlantis [Lensmen], (ex) from Triplanetary, Fantasy Press, 1948
- * Author, Author, (bg) The Fanscient Spring 1948
- * Catastrophe!, (ar) Astounding Science-Fiction May 1938
- * The Challenge from Beyond [Cthulhu], (rr) Fantasy Magazine September 1935
- * Children of the Lens [Lensmen], (n.) Astounding Science Fiction Nov, Dec 1947, Jan, Feb 1948
- * Comparisons in Science Fiction, (ar) Tesseract May 1937
- * Constructive Criticism, (ar) Nova November/December 1941
- * Cosmos:
* ___ Chapter 13: “What a Course!”, (rr) Fantasy Magazine July 1934
- * Course Perilous!, (rr) Fantasy Magazine July 1934, as "“What a Course!”"
- * Edward E. Smith, (bg) Other Worlds March 1953
- * The Epic of Space, (ar) Of Worlds Beyond ed. Lloyd Arthur Eshbach, Fantasy Press, 1947
- * The Fall of Atlantis [Lensmen], (ex) Fantasy Press, 1948, as "Triplanetary"
- * Galactic Patrol [Lensmen], (n.) Astounding Stories Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1937, Jan, Feb 1938
- * Galactic Patrol [Lensmen], (n.) Fantasy Press, 1950
- * Galactic Patrol [Lensmen], (ex) Fantasy Press, 1950
- * The Galaxy Primes, (n.) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Mar, Apr, May 1959
- * Grey Lensman [Lensmen], (n.) Astounding Science-Fiction Oct, Nov, Dec 1939, Jan 1940
- * Guest of Honor Speech: Edward E. “Doc” Smith (1940), (ar) Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches ed. Mike Resnick & Joe Siclari, NESFA Press, 2006; delivered as the Guest of Honor speech at the 1940 Worldcon.
- * The Imperial Stars [Family d’Alembert], (na) If May 1964
- * Insulation, (ss) Nova Winter 1943/1944
- * The Logic of the Law, (ar) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * Lord Tedric [Tedric], (nv) Universe Science Fiction #4, March 1954
- * Masters of Space (with E. Everett Evans), (n.) If Nov 1961, Jan 1962
- * The Open Mind, (ar) Bizarre January 1941
- * The People Who Make Other Worlds:
* ___ No. 11. Edward E. Smith, (bg) Other Worlds March 1953
- * Robot Nemesis, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories June 1939; revised from “What a Course!’”, Fantasy Magazine, Jul ’34.
- * A Scientist-Author Speaks, (ms) Science Wonder Stories June 1929
- * A Scientist-Author Speaks, (ex) Science Wonder Stories June 1929
- * Second Stage Lensman [Lensmen], (n.) Fawcett Premier, 1953
- * Second Stage Lensmen [Lensmen], (n.) Astounding Science-Fiction Nov, Dec 1941, Jan, Feb 1942
- * Skylark DuQuesne [Skylark], (n.) If Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1965
- * The Skylark of Space [Skylark], (n.) Buffalo Book Co., 1946
- * The Skylark of Space [Skylark] (with Lee Hawkins Garby), (n.) Amazing Stories Aug, Sep, Oct 1928
- * The Skylark of Space [Skylark], (ex) Buffalo Book Co., 1946
- * Skylark of Valeron [Skylark], (n.) Astounding Stories Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1934, Jan, Feb 1935
- * Skylark of Valeron [Skylark], (n.) Fantasy Press, 1949
- * Skylark Three [Skylark], (n.) Amazing Stories Aug, Sep, Oct 1930
- * Skylark Three [Skylark], (n.) Fantasy Press, 1948
- * Spacehounds of IPC, (n.) Amazing Stories Jul, Aug, Sep 1931
- * Storm Cloud on Deka [“Storm” Cloud (Vortex Blaster)], (nv) Astonishing Stories June 1942
- * Subspace Survivors [Subspace], (nv) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction July 1960
- * Tedric [Tedric], (ss) Other Worlds March 1953
- * Triplanetary [Lensmen], (n.) Amazing Stories Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1934
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