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Howard, Robert E(rvin) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * untitled (“A haunting cadence fills the night with fierce longing”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- * untitled (“A high land and a hill land!”), (pm) The Howard Collector Summer 2011
- * untitled (“A hundred years the great war raged”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“A land of wild, fantastic beauty; of mighty trees…”), (uw) Kull: Exile of Atlantis, Del Rey, 2006
- * untitled (“All the crowd”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Robert E. Howard: Selected Poems, Frank Coffman, 2009
- REH: Two Gun Raconteur #16, Winter 2012
- Fists of Iron, Round One, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2013
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "All the Crowd"
- * untitled (“‘A man,’ said my friend Larry Aloysius O’Leary…”), (uw) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“And Bill, he looked at me and said”), (pm) The Right Hook v1 #2, 1925
- The “New” Howard Reader #2, Joe & Mona Marek, 1998
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Robert E. Howard: Selected Poems, Frank Coffman, 2009
- Sentiment: An Olio of Rarer Works, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "Hard Choices"
- * untitled (“And Dempsey climbed into the ring”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Robert E. Howard: Selected Poems, Frank Coffman, 2009
- Fists of Iron, Round One, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2013
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "And Dempsey Climbed Into the Ring"
- * untitled (“And there were lethal women”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- * untitled aphorism (“The girl that is a beauty”), (ms) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v7 #4, 2013/14
- * untitled (“Arrange, Madame, arrange!”), (uw) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled article (“I like John L. Sullivan”), (ar) The Right Hook v1 #3, 1925
- * untitled article (“I progress slowly in my classification of champions”), (ar) The Right Hook v1 #3, 1925
- * untitled (“A sappe ther wos and that a crumbe manne”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- * untitled (“As he approached…”), (uw) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“As my dear public remembers…”), (vi) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“As you dance upon the air”), (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002
- * untitled (“At the Inn of the Gory Dagger”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Pirate Adventures, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2013, as "At the Inn of the Gory Dagger"
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "At the Inn of the Gory Dagger"
- Pirate Adventures (var. 1), The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2024, as "At the Inn of the Gory Dagger"
- * untitled (“A typical small town drugstore…”), (pl) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“Better that a man should remain…”), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v8 #4, 2014/15
- * untitled (“Bill Boozy was a pirate bold”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Pirate Adventures, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2013, as "Bill Boozy Was a Pirate Bold"
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Two, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "Bill Boozy Was a Pirate Bold"
- Pirate Adventures (var. 1), The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2024, as "Bill Boozy Was a Pirate Bold"
- * untitled boxing article (“On May 29”), (ar) The Right Hook v1 #2, 1925
- * untitled (“Brazen thewed giant of a grimmer age”), (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #2, 2007
- * untitled (“By old Abie Goldstein’s pawn shop”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“Dark are your eyes”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“determined. So I set out up the hill-trail as if on a hunt and…”), (uw) Kull: Exile of Atlantis, Del Rey, 2006
- * untitled document (“The round started slow…”), (ms) Fists of Iron, Round One, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2013
- * untitled draft (“Amboola awakened slowly…”), (uw) Robert E. Howard’s Complete Conan of Cimmeria: Volume One (1932-1933), Wandering Star, 2002
- * untitled draft (The Haunted Mountain), (uw) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v7 #1, 2013
- * untitled draft (“The Persians had all fled…”), (uw) Lord of Samarcand and Other Adventure Tales of the Old Orient, Bison Books, 2005
- * untitled draft (“Three men squatted beside the…”), (uw) Robert E. Howard’s Complete Conan of Cimmeria, Volume Two (1934), Wandering Star, 2003
- * untitled (“Drawers that a girl strips down her thighs”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“Early in the morning I gazed at the eastern skies”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“Far in the gloomy Northland…”), (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002, as "Far in the Gloomy Northland"
- * untitled (“Fill up my goblet”), (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v1 #2, 2007
- * untitled (“Flappers flicker and flap and flirt”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“For I have watched…”), (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v11 #1/2, 2017
- * untitled (“For what is a maid to the shout of kings?”), (pm) A Rhyme of Salem Town and Other Poems, Robert E. Howard Properties LLC, 2002
- * untitled fragment (“Abhorrent gods”), (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v9 #2, 2015
- * untitled fragment (“A grey sky arched over the dreary waste”) [Bran Mak Morn], (uw) Bran Mak Morn, Dell, 1969
- * untitled fragment (“And so his boyhood wandered into youth”), (pm) Weird Tales December 1937
- Always Comes Evening, Arkham House, 1957
- Rhymes of Death, Dennis McHaney, 1975
- Always Comes Evening (var. 1), Underwood-Miller, 1977
- The Weird Writings of Robert E. Howard Volume 2, Girasol Collectables, 2006
- The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard, Del Rey, 2008
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Halloween at the Dog and Duck, Dennis McHaney, 2009
- Robert E. Howard: Selected Poems, Frank Coffman, 2009
- Black Hounds of Death (var. 1), Wildside Press, 2009
- The Singer in the Mist & Others: Poems from Weird Tales, Stanza Press, 2010
- The Book of The Howard Review, Dennis McHaney, 2010
- Forbidden Magic & Other Poems & Miscellanea in Weird Tales, Old Tiger Press, 2023
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Two, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023
- * untitled fragment (“Beneath the glare of the sun”) [Cthulhu], (uw) The Howard Collector Spring 1967
- * untitled fragment (“Between berserk battle rages”), (uw) Swords of the North, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2014
- * untitled fragment (“Feel the edge, dog, and move not!”), (uw) El Borak and Other Desert Adventures, Del Rey, 2010; original opening to “Swords of Shahrazar”.
- * untitled fragment (“He knew de Bracy”), (uw) Lord of Samarcand and Other Adventure Tales of the Old Orient, Bison Books, 2005
- * untitled fragment (“Help! Help! They’re murderin’ me!”), (uw) Pirate Adventures, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2013
- * untitled fragment (“I had just hung by sparring partner, Battling O’Toole…”) [Sailor Steve Costigan], (uw) The Howard Review #2, March 1975
- * untitled fragment (“It was the end of the fourth round”) [Sailor Steve Costigan], (uw) The Howard Review #2, March 1975
- * untitled fragment (“Spike Morissey was as tough a kid as ever came…”), (uw) Fists of Iron, Round One, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2013
- * untitled fragment (“The battlefield stretched silent…”), (uw) Robert E. Howard’s Complete Conan of Cimmeria: Volume One (1932-1933), Wandering Star, 2002
- * untitled fragment (“The Night Sailor Steve Costigan fought Battling O’Rourke”) [Sailor Steve Costigan], (uw) The Howard Review #2, March 1975
- * untitled fragment (“The tale has always been doubted and scoffed at…”), (uw) Fists of Iron, Round One, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2013
- * untitled fragment (“Three men sat at a table playing a game”) [Kull], (ss) Kull, Bantam, 1978
- * Untitled fragment (“throat under his lower jaw…”), (uw) The Bear Creek Omnibus, Dennis McHaney, 2009
- * untitled fragment (“…throat under his lower jaw, and I had…”) [Breckenridge Elkins], (uw) The Howard Collector Summer 2011
- * untitled fragment (“‘Thus,’ said Tu, chief councilor”) [Kull], (ss) Kull, Bantam, 1978; originally published in a somewhat different version as “Riders Beyond the Sunrise” in King Kull (Lancer, 1967).
- * untitled (“Franey was a fool…”), (uw) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“From the black, bandit-haunted mountians…”), (uw) Pictures in the Fire, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2018
- * untitled (“Give ye of my best though the dole be meager”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "Forebodings of a Bloody Revolution"
- The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v18 #2, 2024
- * untitled (“Gordon, the American whom the Arabs call El Borak”) [El Borak], (uw) The Coming of El Borak, Cryptic Publications, 1987
- * untitled (“Hatrack!”), (vi) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“He clutched his penis tight”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- * untitled (“Hills of the North! Lavender hills”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Robert E. Howard: Selected Poems, Frank Coffman, 2009
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "Hills of the North!"
- * untitled (“Ho, ho, the long lights lift amain”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“How your right thudded on my jaw”), (pm) Robert E. Howard’s Fight Magazine #4, October 1996, as "Slugger’s Vow"
- * untitled (“‘Huh?’ I was so dumbfounded…”) [Kid Allison], (uw) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“I am MAN from the primal, I”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“I am the Spirit of War!”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- Black Hounds of Death, Cosmos Books, 2008
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "The Spirit of War"
- * untitled (“I call the muster of iron men”), (pm) The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- * untitled (“I do not sing of a paradise”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- * untitled (“I hate the man who tells me that I lied”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- * untitled (“I hold all women are a gang of tramps”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“I knocked upon her lattice—soft!”), (pm) Lewd Tales, Cryptic Publications, 1987
- The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Pictures in the Fire, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2018
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- * untitled (“I lay in Yen’s opium joint”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“I’m a man of few words…”), (uw) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“I met him first in the Paradise saloon…”), (uw) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“I’m More than a Man and Less than a God”), (pm) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v2 #4, 2008
- * untitled (“I’m writing this with a piece of pencil…”), (uw) Pictures in the Fire, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2018
- * untitled (“’I’, said Cuchulain”), (uw) Swords of the North, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2014
- * untitled (“I tell you this, my friend”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- * untitled (“I was eighteen when I wrote ‘Spear and Fang’”), (ex) The Weird Tales Story ed. Robert Weinberg, FAX Collector's Editions, 1977; extract from letter to H.P. Lovecraft, ca. July 1933 (“Glad we got the physical-mental question…”).
- * untitled (“I was the Chief of the Chatagai…”), (pm) Night Images, The Morning Star Press, 1976, as "A Thousand Years Ago"
- * untitled (“Keep women, thrones and kingly lands”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- * untitled (“Let me live as I was born to live”), (pm) The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- * untitled (“Let us up in the hills together”), (pm) Lewd Tales, Cryptic Publications, 1987
- The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume One: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- Pictures in the Fire, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2018
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 1: 1923-1929, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- * untitled (“Life is a cynical, romantic pig”), (pm) The Last of the Trunk Och Brev I Urval, Paradox Entertainment, 2007
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume Two: 1930-1932, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2007
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard: Volume 2: 1930-1932, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2022
- The Collected Poetry of Robert E. Howard Volume Three, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2023, as "Life Is a Cynical, Romantic Pig"
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