The FictionMags Index
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[]Stoker, Greg (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Around the Corner, (nv) Alien Worlds #25, April 2002
- * The Bishop Waits, (ss) Alien Worlds #13, April 2001
- * Chac’s Hammer, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #71, April 2001
- * Distant Solutions, (ss) Startling Science Stories #31, February 2000
- * E-Evelation, (ss) Alien Worlds #21, December 2001
- * Eight Minutes, (ss) Alien Worlds #18, September 2001
- * Have Faith, (ss) Classic Pulp Fiction Stories #56, January 2000
- * Looking Up an Old Friend, (ss) Alien Worlds #4, July 2000
- * A Rhesus to Believe, (ss) CrossTIME Science Fiction Anthology, Vol. II, CrossTIME, 2003
- * Ride the Wave of Uncertainty, (ss) Alien Worlds #10, January 2001
- * Send in the Clowns, (ss) CrossTIME Science Fiction Anthology, Vol. III, CrossTIME, 2004
- * Thirty Silver Keys, (ss) CrossTIME Science Fiction Anthology, Vol. III, CrossTIME, 2004
- * Wish You Were Here, (ss) CrossTIME Science Fiction Anthology, Vol. III, CrossTIME, 2004
- * Word from Our Sponsor, (nv) Alien Worlds #35, February 2003
[]Stokes, Ashley (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Cretaceous, (nv) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #72, 2022
- * End-of-the-World Lovesick Blues, (ss) IZ Digital December 31 2023
- * Evergreen, (ss) BFS Horizons #11, 2020
- * Fields and Scatter, (ss) Weird Horror #4, Spring 2022
- * Hardrada, (ss) Tales from the Shadow Booth v4, 2019
- * The Scarisbrick Intuition, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #40, November 2023
- * Subtemple, (nv) Black Static #78/79, March/April 2021
- * Things Break Down, (ss) Phantasmagoria Magazine #23, Autumn 2023
[]Stokes, Burt (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * All Hands and Feet, (ss) War Stories #71, December 5 1929
- * Beans—In a Can, (ss) Romantic Range July 1936
- * Berlin or Bust, (nv) War Novels #1, February 1928
- * A Big Little Guy, (ss) War Stories #76, February 13 1930
- * Black Knives, (na) War Novels #30, June 1930
- * The Brains of the Army, (nv) War Stories #57, May 23 1929
- * The Confession, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine May 1930
- * Covered Trails, (ss) Texas Rangers October 1939
- * For Love of Mike, (nv) War Stories #26, March 15 1928
- * General Results, (nv) War Novels #21, September 1929
- * Gin Mill Buddies, (na) War Novels #5, June 1928
- * Half-Hour Eggs, (na) War Stories #20, December 22 1927
- * Jerry’s Old Man, (nv) War Stories #11, August 19 1927
- * “Miller, and Schwartz, and Me”, (na) War Stories #50, February 14 1929
- * Move Your Dogs!, (na) War Novels #3, April 1928
- * Mutiny of the Damned, (nv) War Novels #24, December 1929
- * O’Malley Smashes Through, (nv) War Stories #43, November 8 1928
- * One More Chance, (nv) War Novels #26, February 1930
- * Pants, (nv) War Novels #6, July 1928
- * Prisoners of Death, (na) War Novels #27, March 1930
- * The Red, Red Soldier, (nv) War Stories #54, April 11 1929
- * The Right Man, (ss) Popular Western May 1937
- * The Ring Around Arozey, (nv) War Stories #28, April 12 1928
- * Rough and Tough, (na) War Stories #83, July 1930
- * Son of Men, (na) War Novels #32, August 1930
- * Talons of the Bat, (nv) Gang World October 1930
- * Tricky Jim, (ss) Thrilling Western December 1936
- * Vagabonds of Battle, (na) War Novels #13, February 1929
- * Without Moonlight, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 18 1938
[]Stokes, Denny C. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Chu Low, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine August 1927
- * The Flowers of Sleep, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine September 1930
- * “Gnula Wood”, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine October 1924
- * The Heart of a Panther, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine August 1925
- * Jakes, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine April 1925
- * Krishna Gowda, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1923
- * “The Muru”, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine June 1924
- * “Poor Mr. Tibbs”, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine October 1925
- * A Question of Time, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine December 1928
- * The Way of the Panther, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine Nov, Dec 1925, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1926
[]Stokes, Douglas M. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Bamboo, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #13, Fall 1998
- * Big Bangs, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #21, 2001
- * Black Pajama Party Bingo, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * Blue Fire, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #6, Summer 1997
- * Bold Eyes, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #6, Winter 1997
- * Bonny Little Johnny, (pm) Mindmares #3, Summer 1998
- * Breakfast of Champions (Lycanthrope Style), (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #7, Autumn 1997
- * Brown Eyes, (pm) Penny Dreadful #4, 1997
- * Bus Station at Midnight, (pm) Mindmares #9, Winter 2000
- * Cats’ Eyes, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #10, Winter 1998
- * Cereal Prize, (pm) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #5, Winter/Spring 1998
- * Chickening Out, (vi) Black Petals Autumn 1999
- * Close Encounters of the Disgusting Kind, (pm) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #4, Fall/Winter 1997
- * Cold Wind Coming, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #7, Spring 1997
- * Companionship, (pm) The Midnight Gallery #6, 1998
- * Convention Report, (ms) The Ultimate Unknown #14, Winter 1999
- * Crystal Sea, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #11, Spring 1998
- * Dandelions, (ss) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- * Dead Chickens, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- * Dead Side Story, (ss) The Vampire’s Crypt #20, Fall 1999
- * Demon Wife, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #13, Fall 1998
- * Dining with Deities, (pm) Mindmares #3, Summer 1998
- * The Dirt, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #17, Spring 2000
- * Dissolution, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #3, Autumn 1996
- * Dog Days, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #18, Spring 2000
- * Doppelgänger, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- * Dreamwalkers, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #19, Summer 2000
- * Entrance, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * Explaining the Poltergeist, (ar) The Ultimate Unknown #6, Winter 1997
- * Exterminator, (ss) Fortress #1, 1996
- * Family Reunion, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #13, Fall 1998
- * Flotsam at Dawn, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13, 2000
- * The Flowers, (ss) Burning Sky #5, 2000
- * Four Horsemen, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12, 2000
- * The Fruits of False Belief, (pm) Black Petals Winter 2000
- * Full Circle, (pm) Flesh & Blood v1 #4, 1999
- * Getting to Know You, (pm) Mindmares #1, Winter 1998
- * Godling Awakened, (pm) Penny Dreadful #9, 1999
- * Good Works of the Khmer Rouge, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * Haunting, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6, 1998
- * Ice Cave, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- * Inner Thoughts of a Frankenstein’s Monster, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * Inquisitor, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #9, Spring 1998
- * The Joys of Cadaverhood, (ss) The Midnight Gallery #8, 1999
- * The Ladies’ Room, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #10, Winter 1998
- * Lamentation of the Ego, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #6, Winter 1997
- * Lingering Above the Third Vertebra, (pm) Bare Bone #3, 2002
- * A Little Ethnic Food, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #15, Spring 1999
- * Looking on the Bright Side, (pm) Mindmares #3, Summer 1998
- * Metamorphasis, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #8, Summer 1997
- * Mind Games, (ss) Mindmares #3, Summer 1998
- * Night Flames, (pm) Bare Bone #2, 2002
- * The Nighthag’s Embrace, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #3, August 1999
- * Night Plumber, (pm) Penny Dreadful #11, Autumn 1999
- * Nth Generation, (vi) Vampire Dan’s Story Emporium #2, 1997
- * On the Need for Bio-diversity, (pm) Mindmares #3, Summer 1998
- * Paranoid Vision #73, (ss) The Midnight Gallery #8, 1999
- * Pentagram, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6, 1998
- * Perfection, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #11, Spring 1998
- * Phoenix Rising, (ss) Fantasque July 1999
- * Pooh’s Book of the Damned, (pm) Penny Dreadful #12, 2000
- * Primary Process, (pm) Mindmares #1, Winter 1998
- * Psi Trailings, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #3 Spr, #4 Sum, #5 Fll 1996, #7 Spr 1997, #17 Fll 1999
- * Psi Trailings: Dreams and Psi Part III, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #15, Spring 1999
- * Psi Trailings: Dreams and Psi Part II: The View of Skeptics, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #14, Winter 1999
- * Psi Trailings: Dreams and Psi Part I: Spontaneous Experiences, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #13, Fall 1998
- * Psi Trailings: Dreams and Psi Part IV, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #16, Summer 1999
- * Psi Trailings: Fraud in Parapsychology, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #8, Summer 1997
- * Psi Trailings: News from the Parapsychological Association’s 41st Annual Convention Part II, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #19, Summer 2000
- * Psi Trailings: News from the Parapsychological Association’s Annual Convention Part I, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #18, Spring 2000
- * Psi Trailings: The 1999 Parapsychology Convention, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #23, 2001
- * Psi Trailings: The Evidence for Reincarnation, Part I., (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * Psi Trailings: The Evidence for Reincarnation, Part III. Children Who Remember Past Lives, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #11, Spring 1998
- * Psi Trailings: The Evidence for Reincarnation, Part II. Psychic Readings and Hypnotic Regression, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #10, Winter 1998
- * Psi Trailings: The Nonlocal Mind Part I, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #21, 2001
- * Psi Trailings: The Nonlocal Mind Part II, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #22, 2001
- * Psi Trailings: The Physical Detection of the Soul, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #20, 2000
- * PSI Trailings:
* ___ Explaining the Poltergeist, (cl) The Ultimate Unknown #6, Winter 1997
- * Reconstructing Rover, (pm) Penny Dreadful #7, 1998
- * Recycling Triptych, (pm) Penny Dreadful #15, 2004
- * Reflections, (pm) Penny Dreadful #15, 2004
- * Reunion, (ar) The Ultimate Unknown #7, Spring 1997
- * Seance, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #11, Spring 1998
- * The Sleep of Trolls, (pm) Mindmares #2, Spring 1998
- * Smart Car, (pm) Mindmares #5, Winter 1999
- * Soul Eater, (ss) Aberrations #39, September 1996
- * Soul Food, (ss) Delirium #4, 2001
- * The Stalker, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #1, August 1998
- * Succubus, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #4, Winter 1996
- * Sugar ’n Spice, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #13, Fall 1998
- * Surfer Girls, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #11, Spring 1998
- * Tartarus Junction, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #5, Fall 1996
- * Technofix, (vi) Black Petals Autumn 1999
- * They Shoot Boogers, Don’t They?, (pm) Penny Dreadful #5, Autumn 1997
- * The Touch of Plastic, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #21, April 2000/April 2001
- * Trophy, (pm) Mindmares #2, Spring 1998
- * Two Cars Parked in an Underpass, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #12, Winter 1998
- * The Tyrrany of Dawn, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #7, Spring 1997
- * Unearthed Delight, (pm) Penny Dreadful #6, 1998
- * Vanishing Point, (ar) The Ultimate Unknown #4, Summer 1996
- * The Virtues of Self-Immolation, (pm) Penny Dreadful #11, Autumn 1999
- * What Color Is Your Parachute, (pm) Frightmares #4, October 1998
- * Working Stiffs, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #9, Fall 1997
- * You Can’t Go Home Again, (pm) The Midnight Gallery #3, Summer 1997
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