The FictionMags Index
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Gold, H(orace) L(eonard) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Bodyguard and Four Other Short SF Novels from Galaxy, (Doubleday, June 1960, an)
- * Five Galaxy Short Novels, (Doubleday, 1958, an)
- * Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction, (Crown Publishers, February 1952, an)
- * Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction (var. 1), (Grayson & Grayson, 1953, an)
- * Second Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction, (Crown Publishers, April 1954, an)
- * The Third Galaxy Reader, (Doubleday, June 1958, an)
- * The Fourth Galaxy Reader, (Doubleday, 1959, an)
- * The Fifth Galaxy Reader, (Doubleday, March 1961, an)
- * The Sixth Galaxy Reader, (Doubleday, 1962, an)
- * Galaxy Science Fiction Omnibus, (Grayson & Grayson, 1955, an)
- * Mind Partner and 8 Other Novelets from Galaxy, (Doubleday, October 1961, an)
- * World That Couldn’t Be and 8 Other SF Novelets, (Doubleday, September 1959, an)
_____, [ref.]
- * Bodyguard and Four Other Short Novels from Galaxy by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1961
- * Campbell, Boucher, Gold by Robert Silverberg, (ar) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 1996
- * The Fifth Galaxy Reader by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Fiction July 1961
- * The Fifth Galaxy Reader by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine August 1961
- * Five Galaxy Short Novels by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction June 1959
- * Five Galaxy Short Novels by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1959
- * 5 Galaxy Short Novels by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction August 1960
- * The Fourth Galaxy Reader by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction December 1959
- * Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction by Sam Merwin, Jr., (br) Amazing Stories September 1952
- * Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #21, June 1953
- * Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction August 1952
- * The Galaxy Science Fiction Omnibus, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #68, April 15 1956
- * The Galaxy Science Fiction Omnibus by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #46, April 1956
- * Galaxy Science Fiction Reader by H. J. Campbell, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #33, May 15 1953
- * Galaxy Science Fiction: The H.L. Gold Years by Larry Johnson, (ar) The Digest Enthusiast #1, January 2015
- * H.L. Gold, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #36, June 1955
- * Interview: H.L. Gold by Jeffrey M. Elliot, (iv) Galileo July 1979
- * Mind Partner by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction April 1962
- * The Old Die Rich by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction November 1955
- * The Old Die Rich by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1955
- * The Old Die Rich by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe May 1956
- * The Old Die Rich by James Colvin, (br) New Worlds SF #153, August 1965
- * Perfect Murders by Jackson Kuhl, (br) Black Gate #15, Spring 2011
- * Second Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction by Henry Bolt, (br) Imagination September 1954
- * The Second Galaxy Reader of Science Fiction by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction March 1955
- * The Sixth Galaxy Reader by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction September 1962
- * The Sixth Galaxy Reader by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine February 1963
- * The Third Galaxy Reader by Ron Smith, (br) Inside #53, September 1958
- * The Third Galaxy Reader by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction January 1959
- * The Weird Ones by Langdon Jones, (br) New Worlds SF #148, March 1965
- * The World That Couldn’t Be by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction May 1960
[]Gold, Herbert (1924-2023) (about) (chron.)
- * All Married Women Are Bad, Yes?, (ss) Playboy November 1955
- * The Ancient Company, (ss) Playboy November 1966
- * Annique, (ss) Penthouse July 1984
- * Aristotle and the Hired Thugs, (ss) Commentary July 1957
- * The Artist in Pursuit of Butterflies, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 11 1967
- * Barbara Girl, (ss) Playboy November 1962
- * The Bat, (hu) Nugget October 1956
- * Beautiful! The New American Folk Art, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 21 1968
- * Boy on Fire, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 12 1964
- * The Burden, (ss) Penthouse (UK) September 1971
- * The Burglars and the Boy, (ss) 1960
- * California Left: Mao, Marx, et Marcuse, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 19 1968
- * Candy-Coated Nightmares in Nirvana by the Bay, (ar) Playboy January 1973
- * Caruso the Truck Driver, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 4 1964
- * A Celebration for Joe, (ss) The Antioch Review Autumn 1954
- * Choice and Choosing, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1981
- * City of Light ’65, (ss) Playboy October 1965
- * Dance of the Divorced, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 23 1964
- * The Day They Got Boston, (ss) Metronome January 1961
- * A Death on the East Side, (nv) Esquire May 1971
- * Do Nice Artistic Girls?, (ss) Playboy August 1957
- * Encounter in Haiti, (ss) Midstream
- * The 44 Year Old Boy Disc-Jockey and the Sincere Type Songstress, (ss) Playboy February 1957
- * The Game of Hide and Seek, (ss) Playboy July 1965
- * Girl Getting Educated at Noon on Sunday, (ss) Playboy June 1968
- * Green Love Later, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1968
- * Haiti: Hatred Without Hope, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 24 1965
- * The Handsome Rich Intelligent Young Failure, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1971
- * The Happy Hipster, (ss) Playboy August 1964
- * How Adele Deployed Mama, (ss) Collier’s December 11 1953
- * I Am a U.C. Student—Do Not Fold, Bend, or Mutilate, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 18 1966
- * The Incredible Adventures of Dino, (ss) Playboy July 1959
- * Inflation-on-the-Erle (Letter from Cleveland, Ohio), (ss) Discovery No. 1 ed. John W. Aldridge & Vance Bourjaily, Pocket, 1953
- * Jackpot, (nv) Playboy June 1964
- * Karen’s Vessel, (ss) Cavalier #132, June 1964
- * Lady Spain, (ss) Playboy April 1975
- * The Lid, (ss) Evergreen Review #64, March 1969
- * The Little Treasury of WASP Folklore, (ss) Transatlantic Review #32, Summer 1969
- * Love and Like, (nv) The Hudson Review Autumn 1958
- * Love in the One-Way Mirror, (ss) The Avon Book of Modern Writing No. 2 ed. William Phillips & Philip Rahv, Avon, 1954
- * Love on the Women’s Liberation Front, (ss) Penthouse June 1970
- * Love Potion Number Last, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal November 1968
- * Love, the Healer, (ss) Playboy January 1956
- * The Man Who Gave Up Pleasure, (ex) from The Optimist, Little, Brown, 1959
- * Marriage, Food, Money, Children, Ice Skating, (ss) Playboy April 1966
- * The Melancholy of the Lounge Laugher: A Visit with Jackie Gayle, (ar) Audience September/October 1972
- * The Mirror and Mr. Sneeves, (ss) Story #3 ed. Whit & Hallie Burnett, A.A. Wyn, 1953
- * My Father and His Gangsters, (ss) Playboy June 1966
- * My Father, His Father and Ben, (ss) Playboy August 1966
- * Nicholas in Exile, (ss) The New Mystery ed. Jerome Charyn, Dutton, 1993
- * The Not Nice Guy, (ss) Playboy May 1957
- * O Manahatta, Mother of Waters, (ss) Playboy March 1962
- * One Way to Bolinas, (ss) Playboy April 1972
- * The Only Pure Love, (ss) Playboy August 1963
- * Paternity, (ss) Playboy January 1975
- * Peacock Dreams, (ss) Playboy June 1967
- * The Peeper, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1961
- * People of Paris, (ar) Holiday December 1965
- * Pop Goes the Poster, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 23 1968
- * The Psychodynamist, (ss) Playboy March 1956
- * Reality for this Lad, (ss) Playboy August 1961
- * The Right Kind of Pride, (ss) Playboy October 1956
- * Ring-a-ding Resort, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1963
- * Room at the Inn, (ss) Playboy December 1988
- * Running Man, (ss) Playboy November 1964
- * San Francisco Petal, (ss) Playboy November 1973
- * Second Wives Are Better, (ss) Nugget January 1957
- * A Selfish Story, (ss) Harper’s Magazine May 1967
- * The Sender of Letters, (nv) Playboy August 1959
- * Sleepers, Awake!, (ss) Playboy September 1958
- * A Slight Indiscretion, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1963
- * The Smallest Part, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly August 1978
- * The Song of the Four-Colored Sell, (ss) Playboy March 1963
- * Stages, (ss) TriQuarterly #47, Winter 1980
- * A Steady, High-type Fellow, (ss) Playboy July 1955
- * Sweet Louisa of Telegraph Hill, (ss) Penthouse (UK) February 1971
- * Swiftie the Magician, (ss) Penthouse August 1973
- * That Sweet Sinner and Traveling I, (ss) Playboy February 1961
- * Time-Sharing Man, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1973
- * Ti-Moune, (ss) The New Yorker December 17 1955
- * Trouble in Makeoutsville, (ss) Playboy May 1960
- * An Unevenness of Blessings, (ss) Playboy September 1965
- * The Urban Cowboy and the Stranger, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly May 1980
- * A Very Good Sidewalk Story, (ss) Playboy October 1959
- * Weird Show, (ss) Playboy April 1958
- * What’s Become of Your Creature?, (ss) Playboy April 1959
- * Where Money Has More Fun: Marin County, California, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 30 1967
- * Winter of ’73, (ss) Playboy July 1974
- * The Witch, (ss) The Yale Review
- * Zoya, (ss) Playboy May 1970
- * [unknown], (??) Forthcoming: Jewish Imaginative Writing March 1983
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[]Gold, Maxwell I. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Ad’Naigon, (pm) Spectral Realms #7, Summer 2017
- * Ancient Teeth, (pm) Penumbra #4, 2023
- * Asphyxia, (vi) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * At the Edge of the World, There Were No Gods, (pm) Space and Time #146, Spring/Summer 2024
- * At the End Was the Castle Someday, (pm) Spectral Realms #21, Summer 2024
- * The Beast with a Billion Stomachs, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * Black Screams, Yellow Stars, (ss) Other Terrors ed. Vince A. Liaguno & Rena Mason, William Morrow, 2022
- * Brain Funk, (pm) Spectral Realms #18, Winter 2023
- * Carrion Dreams, (pm) Spectral Realms #12, Winter 2020
- * Cellars, Caskets, and Closets, (vi) Baffling Magazine #1, October 2020
- * The City Along the Shores of Someday, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- * City of Dreams, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * City of Skulls, (pm) Spectral Realms #13, Summer 2020
- * Coming Out of the Closet: The Impostor Inside Us All, (ar) Space and Time #142, Fall/Winter 2022
- * Crimson Faces, (ss) Space and Time #135, Winter 2019
- * Crimson Lips, (pp) Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums by Maxwell I. Gold, Hex Publishers, 2023
- * Cyanide Surprises, (pm) Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums by Maxwell I. Gold, Hex Publishers, 2023
- * The Cyber God’s Throne, (vi) The Sirens Call #54, Summer 2021
- * Cyber Things, (pm) The Audient Void #6, 2018
- * Dream Hackers, (pp) Eldritch Tales v2 #6, 2019
- * Eight Billion Desires, (pm) Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums by Maxwell I. Gold, Hex Publishers, 2023
- * Erased, (pm) Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums by Maxwell I. Gold, Hex Publishers, 2023
- * Ex Oblivione: Nothing Out of the End, (pp) Cosmic Horror Monthly #32, February 2023
- * E’Zunguth, the Zombie God, (vi) Weirdbook Annual #3: Zombies ed. Doug Draa, Wildside Press, 2021
- * Featured Collection: Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums, (gp)
- * Four Million Years, (ss) Space and Time #134, Fall 2019
- * Galactic Cellars, Unhinged, (pm) Spectral Realms #14, Winter 2021
- * The Gates of Katharion, (pm) Weird Tales #366, 2022
- * Ghebulax, (pm) Spectral Realms #12, Winter 2020
- * The Ghost of Ghould, (vi) The Sirens Call #44, April 2019
- * The God of Phlegm, (pm) Spectral Realms #11, Summer 2019
- * The Great Parade, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * Gulaplast, (ss) Space and Time #145, Fall/Winter 2023
- * The Hallows Eve Star, (pm) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * Hazthrog’s Contempt, (vi) Startling Stories v34 #1, 2021
- * Hazthrog: The Mad God, (ss) The Dark Corner #2, 2019
- * How Sublime Were the Lights, (pm) Space and Time #143, Spring/Summer 2023
- * I Crave Infinity, (pp) Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums by Maxwell I. Gold, Hex Publishers, 2023
- * I Demand the City of Flesh, (vi) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * If Closets Talked, (pm) Spectral Realms #21, Summer 2024
- * Into the Mouth of the Sea, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * Laughter Out of the Sea, (pp) Spectral Realms #15, Summer 2021
- * Love Me, Someday, (vi) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- * The Metal Man, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- * The Mollusk God, (pm) Space and Time #139, Winter 2020
- * The Monster of Certainty, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- * My Little Black Velvet Notebook: Writing Is Survival, (ar) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * The Myth of Nothing, (pm) Spectral Realms #19, Summer 2023
- * Nightmares of Ink, Dreams in Blood, (pm) Spectral Realms #14, Winter 2021
- * No More Prying Eyes, (vi) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * Of Masks and Monsters, (pp) Spectral Realms #15, Summer 2021
- * The Old White Crone, (pm) Weirdbook #40, 2018
- * The Other Side, (vi) Penumbric Speculative Fiction June 2023
- * A Promise for Today, (pm) Spectral Realms #17, Summer 2022
- * Puppet of Wrath, Man of Ruin, (pp) Star*Line Spring 2020
- * Refrigerated Nightmares, (vi) Cosmic Horror Monthly #23, May 2022
- * Sean the Leviathan, (pp) Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums by Maxwell I. Gold, Hex Publishers, 2023
- * The Secret of St. Cyr, (ss) The Dark Corner #4, 2020
- * §175, (vi) The Sirens Call #65, Spring 2024
- * Sing to the God of Slugs, (ss) Playlist of the Damned ed. Willow Dawn Becker & Jessica Landry, Weird Little Worlds, 2023
- * Somewhere Over the Rainbow, (pp) Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums by Maxwell I. Gold, Hex Publishers, 2023
- * Spectres Untold, (pm) Weirdbook #44, 2021
- * The Static and Black Lectures, (vi) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2021
- * Stingy Old Jack, (pm) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * Summa Oblivia, (pm) Penumbra #2, 2021
- * A Sum Total, (pm) Weirdbook #43, 2020
- * Telos Falling, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * Télos: The Anxiety of Choice, (pp) Spectral Realms #15, Summer 2021
- * That Was Epic, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * That Where Sleep Dies, (pm) BFS Horizons #17, 2024
- * There’s a Hole in the Sky, (pm) Spectral Realms #18, Winter 2023
- * They’re Coming, (pm) Spectral Realms #19, Summer 2023
- * The Towers, (pm) Spectral Realms #19, Summer 2023
- * The Trumpets, (pm) Spectral Realms #21, Summer 2024
- * The Twentieth Day, (ss) Hinnom Magazine #9, October 2018
- * Under the Fang, Then and Now: A Brief History of the Horror Writers Association, (ar) Weird Tales #369, 2024
- * The Variant, (pm) Spectral Realms #13, Summer 2020
- * When Cyber Things Return, (pm) Spectral Realms #17, Summer 2022
- * When Gods Die, (ss) Space and Time #140, Spring 2021
- * When I Swallowed the Sun I Kissed the Night, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #40, October 2023
- * Where the Moon Smiles, (pm) Strange Horizons November 29 2021
- * Where the New Gods Dwell, (pm) Spectral Realms #13, Summer 2020
- * The Wicker King’s Palace, (pm) Spectral Realms #14, Winter 2021
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