The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 2753
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[]de Pawlowski, Gaston; [i.e., Gaston William Adam Pawlowski] (1874-1933) (about) (chron.)
- * The Bankruptcy of Science, (ss) The Man with the Blue Face ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2015; translated from the French (“La Faillite edes sciemces”, 1909) by Brian M. Stableford.
- * The Veridical Ascension Through History of James Stout Brighton, (ss) The Revolt of the Machines ed. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2014; translated from the French (“La Véridique ascension dans l’histoire de James Stout Brighton”, 1909) by Brian M. Stableford.
- * A Visionary, (ss) Journey to the Land of the Fourth Dimension by Gaston de Pawlowski, tr. Brian Stableford, Black Coat Press, 2009
_____, [ref.]
[]Depew, C. Henry (fl. 1970s-2010s) (chron.)
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact Jul/Aug 1998, Jul/Aug 2014, Sep 2016, Nov/Dec 2018
- * [letter from Tallahassee, FL], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact Apr 27 1981, Oct 1983, May 1992, Apr 1994, May 1996, Dec 1998, Feb 2001, Dec 2016
- * [letter from Tallahassee, FL, 32304], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1972
- * [letter from Tallahassee, FL, 32312], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1980
[]Depew, Chauncey M(itchell) (1834-1928) (about) (chron.)
- * The Birthday of Liberty, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine July 1895
- * Fifty-Six Years with the New York Central Railroad, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine February 1922
- * General Grant and the Fortune-Teller, (ar) The Scrap Book December 1909
- * Give Human Nature a Chance, (ar) Collier’s April 18 1925
- * The Growth of the Modern Trust: Twenty-Five Years of Business Methods, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1899
- * Impressions of London and Londoners in Coronation Year, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine October 1902
- * Leaves from My Autobiography:
* ___ III: The United States Senate—Ambassadors and Ministers, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine January 1922
* ___ IV: Fifty-Six Years with the New York Central Railroad, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine February 1922
* ___ V: Recollections from Abroad, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine March 1922
* ___ VI: Societies and Public Banquets, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine April 1922
- * Modern Industrial Combinations (with Roswell P. Flower), (ar) Munsey’s Magazine July 1899
- * Our First Treaty with France, (ar) National Magazine May 1912
- * The Press and the King, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1902
- * Recollections from Abroad, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine March 1922
- * Societies and Public Banquets, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine April 1922
- * Sparking When I Was a Boy, (ar) Liberty February 28 1925
- * The United States Senate—Ambassadors and Ministers, (ar) Scribner’s Magazine January 1922
- * The United States Supreme Court, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine May 1897
- * What the New Century Offers to the Young American, (iv) Ainslee’s Magazine April 1899
_____, [ref.]
[]Depew, Herbert (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Boss, You’re a Crook!, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 24 1956
- * The Farmer Had a Pretty Daughter, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 8 1945
- * The Female Mind, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 15 1948
- * The Girl and the Genius, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 8 1947
- * Jilted, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 25 1955
- * Love Is a Funny Thing, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 15 1955
- * Marry Me!, (ss) McCall’s May 1959
- * No Special Flavors, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 23 1946
- * Not Heavy Enough, (??) Collier’s October 21 1950
- * Old Aquaintance, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 23 1945
- * Pickup on the Train, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 10 1953
- * Prize Wife, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 11 1956
- * Right Front Tire, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 2 1944
- * Sara, (ss) Good Housekeeping October 1950
- * The Uninhibited Female, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 5 1953
- * Who Wants to Marry You?, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 10 1945
[]de Pierres, Marianne (1961- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Echo of Love, (ss) Relics, Wrecks & Ruins ed. Aiki Flinthart, CAT Press, 2021
- * The Flag Game, (ss) Hub Magazine #34, November 24 2007
- * Foreword, (fw) One Small Step ed. Tehani Wessely, FableCroft Publishing, 2013
- * Making Contact in Skin-tight Duds, (ss) Eidolon Winter 1999
- * Skin Deep, (ss) Fables and Reflections #2, April 2002
[]dePina, (Robert) Albert (?-1957) (chron.)
- * Alcatraz of the Starways (with Henry Hasse), (na) Planet Stories May 1943
- * Changing the Subject, (lt) Rob Wagner’s Script #409, April 3 1937
- * Drama and Dance (with Molly Lewin), (cl) Rob Wagner’s Script #409, April 3 1937
- * Drama and Dance (with Herb Sterne), (cl) Rob Wagner’s Script #410, April 10 1937
- * Keeper of the Deathless Sleep, (nv) Planet Stories Winter 1944
- * Minions of the Crystal Sphere, (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1944
- * Moon of Danger, (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1947
- * Priestess of Pakmari, (nv) Thrilling Wonder Stories Summer 1944
- * The Silver Plague, (nv) Planet Stories Spring 1945
- * The Star Guardsman, (nv) Planet Stories Winter 1943
- * Star of Panadur (with Henry Hasse), (ss) Planet Stories March 1943
- * Ultimate Life (with Henry Hasse), (ss) Science-Fiction Plus August 1953
- * Via Paradox (with Henry Hasse), (ss) Spaceway December 1954
[]De Polnay, Peter (1906-1984) (about) (chron.)
- * Afternoon Tea, (ss) Lilliput September 1940
- * All Dressed Up and Somewhere to Go [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard February 10 1955
- * A Day in Nazi Paris, (ar) Lilliput December 1942
- * Death in the Rue de Menton [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard March 24 1955
- * The Envelope, (ss) The Evening Standard March 9 1953
- * The Former Mr. Jones, (ss) Tomorrow June 1948
- * The Funny Old Woman, (ss) Lilliput January 1943
- * Hand from Hand, (ss) Lilliput March 1943
- * The Horseman and the Red Brick House, (ss) Tomorrow June 1951
- * The Little Red Hat, (ss) Tomorrow March 1948
- * The Man from the Bucket Shop [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard August 23 1957
- * Mario, (ss) Tomorrow November 1949
- * The Puff Ball, (ss) The Evening Standard June 9 1953
- * Return of a Stranger, (ss) Britannia and Eve December 1953
- * The Shriek of the Gull, (ss) Tomorrow February 1949
- * The Soldier’s Return, (ss) Lilliput April 1939
- * Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On, (ss) Magpie January 1952
- * Sweet Witness, (ss) Britannia and Eve May 1955
- * Tailpiece, (ss) Tomorrow October 1950
- * The Telegram, (ss) Lilliput March 1940
- * A Visit to the Rich, (ss) Lilliput June 1940
- * Warriors at Peace, (ss) Tomorrow July 1950
- * The Weak and the Strong, (ss) The Evening Standard December 11 1952
[]de Polo, Harold (c1885-1958); used pseudonyms Kenneth Christie, Harry Golden, Philip Spacé & Frank Wall (chron.)
- * Ace in the Hole, (ss) Thrilling Ranch Stories July 1934
- * Aces, (ss) Saucy Stories July 1919
- * Alias for Death, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Spring 1940
- * All’s Fair in a Jackass Race, (ss) Western Story Magazine April 1 1922, as by Harry Golden
- * Allus Look Up [Sheriff Whitcher Bemis], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly February 12 1927
- * The Amatoor Nester (with Owen Clarke Treleaven), (ss) West March 5 1926, as by Harry Golden & Owen Clarke Treleaven
- * An Antlered Veteran, (ss) Western Story Magazine March 12 1921
- * Applicant 27, (ss) Argosy January 25 1930
- * As Eagles Battle, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1923
- * An Ash-Can King, (ss) All-Story Weekly September 13 1919
- * At Break of Day, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1921
- * At Close Quarters, (vi) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1925
- * At His Own Game, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 1 1915
- * At Short Range, (ss) Western Story Magazine February 4 1922, as by Harry Golden
- * At the Siren’s Call, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine August 1 1925
- * The Attraction, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine August 1917
- * Auntie of Simmering Sands [Simmering Sands], (ss) Wayside Tales and Cartoons Magazine September 1921
- * Awful Easy, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 1 1927
- * “Babe” Fisher Redeems Himself, (ss) The Black Cat December 1915
- * Babylon in Poster Effect, (ss) The Black Cat October 1916
- * Backlash [Chan Buzzell], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 19 1937
- * Bad Boileau and Beaut’, (ss) All-Story Weekly October 11 1919
- * Baited, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine March 1925
- * Barbed [Chan Buzzell], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 9 1930
- * Bars of Thraldom, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1914
- * The Bass Lake Murder, (ss) The Black Mask March 1921
- * Battle of the Wild, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine July 15 1923
- * Battle Royal, (ss) Top-Notch November 15 1911
- * Battling Back, (nv) Sport Story Magazine August 22 1926
- * A “Bear” Escape, (ss) Far West Stories September 1929
- * A Bear for Luck, (vi) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1927
- * The Bear from Bearsville, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 19 1919
- * Beating Back, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 23 1919, as by Harry Golden
- * Behind the Crook, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 4 1917
- * Behind the Portières, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1916
- * The Better Man, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 15 1927
- * Between Dinner and Opera, (vi) Snappy Stories 1st May 1916
- * Bibliomaniac, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #27, September 1930
- * The Big Cat, (ss) Short Stories September 1913
- * Big Grogan’s Dessert, (vi) Detective Story Magazine June 17 1919
- * Big Indian Bonzo, (nv) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine June 25 1931
- * Big Jim Stacks the Deck, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly April 1 1922
- * Billy Craydon—Outlaw, (ss) The Black Cat June 1916
- * Birdie Gets Her Ride, (ss) Private Detective Stories February 1944
- * A Bit Too Far, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1916
- * The Black Silk Hood, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #5, November 1928
- * Black-Souled Ferguson’s Kiss, (ss) The Black Cat July 1915, as by Philip Spacé
- * The Black Stallion’s Sway, (ss) Top-Notch February 15 1912
- * “Black to the Heart”, (ss) Western Story Magazine July 23 1921
- * Black Wolf, (ss) The American Boy October 1915
- * “Blind”, (ss) Breezy Stories February 1924
- * The Blind Apartment, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 31 1929
- * Blind Poker—Straight, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 30 1922
- * Blinkers in Bermuda, (nv) Argosy December 28 1935
- * Blood-Hate, (ss) Saucy Stories June 1919
- * Blood of Rulers, (ss) Brief Stories February 1930
- * Boisterous Gal, (ss) Private Detective Stories July 1941
- * Boots!, (ss) The Black Cat January 1914
- * Born to the Name, (ss) Saucy Stories March 1918
- * Boxers and Bangtails, (ss) Brief Stories April 1928
- * A Braver Man, (ss) The Black Cat August 1913
- * The Breaking of Jean Trevac, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly March 4 1922
- * Brick and the Uniform, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly February 5 1927
- * “Bring Him in Dead, Chan!”, (ss) Ace-High Magazine April 1934
- * Brothers of the Wild, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine November 1 1915
- * Brownie Brings the Bacon, (ss) Western Story Magazine January 8 1921
- * Brute Cardigan’s Heart, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) June 1916
- * Buck’s Haven, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine December 15 1926
- * Bullets and Bullies, (ss) Wild West Stories and Complete Novel Magazine #66, November 1930
- * Bullying the Bully, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1918
- * The Bum Goes Home, (ss) Short Stories November 25 1921
- * Busted in Barbadoes, (ss) Thrilling Sports May 1939
- * Busting Into the Busters, (nv) Sport Story Magazine April 8 1924
- * Buttered Toast [Inspector Frayne], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 25 1930
- * By Request, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 2 1931
- * Camouflaged Rookie, (ss) Thrilling Sports Fall 1943
- * Careless, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 17 1931
- * Careless Lady, (ss) The Underworld Magazine December 1933, as by Kenneth Christie
- * Carew Goes Home, (ss) Saucy Stories July 1 1922
- * Caught in the Cave, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1921
- * Cavanaugh—Devil, (ss) 10 Story Book July 1913
- * Celebrity Chaser, (ss) Exciting Sports Spring 1941
- * Chan Makes Private War [Chan Buzzell], (ss) Super-Detective October 1944
- * Chan Takes a Chance [Chan Buzzell], (ss) The Phantom Detective April 1935
- * Checkmated, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 23 1921
- * Christmas Eve at Longhorn City, (ss) Argosy December 27 1930
- * Circumstantial Evidence, (ss) Snappy Stories June 1914
- * Cloven Murder [Chan Buzzell], (ss) Super-Detective June 1943
- * Coffins and Orchids, (vi) Young’s Magazine February 1919
- * Combatants of the Air, (ss) Western Story Magazine January 15 1921
- * The Confession, (vi) Young’s Magazine February 1917
- * Connie Goes Modern, (ss) Speed Western Stories September 1944
- * Conning Clouts, (ss) Sport Story Magazine March 22 1925
- * Conscience, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd February 1925
- * The Conversion, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1916
- * The Conversion of Paulo Rodriguez, (ss) The Black Cat October 1915
- * Cop on a Rampage, (ss) Short Stories June 10 1936
- * Copper with a Grouch, (ss) Private Detective Stories September 1944
- * Cop’s Duty, (ss) Thrilling Detective September 1932
- * The Cop’s Little Joke, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1916
- * Copy [Sheriff Whitcher Bemis], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction March 17 1928
- * Coward Courageous, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1922
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