The FictionMags Index
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[]Green, Lynne Lumsden (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Alice Sheldon: What’s in a Name?, (ar) Aurealis #154, September 2022 [Ref. Alice Sheldon]
- * Anne McCaffrey: Prolific World-Builder, (ar) Aurealis #150, May 2022 [Ref. Anne McCaffrey]
- * The Burrunjor: A Commentary on Cryptids and Climate Change, (ar) Midnight Echo #19, December 2024
- * Cherry Ripe, (vi) Daily Science Fiction April 2 2020
- * C L Moore—Setting the Trend, (ar) Aurealis #172, July 2024 [Ref. C. L. Moore]
- * Connie Willis: Humanity with Humour, (ar) Aurealis #176, November 2024 [Ref. Connie Willis]
- * The Critique and Commentary of Joanna Russ, (ar) Aurealis #162, July 2023 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
- * Dragon Fly, (ss) FlashSpec: Volume Two ed. Neil Cladingboel, Equilibrium Books (Australia), 2007
- * Hiding Your Gender: The Politics of Gender in the SF Publishing Industry, (ar) Aurealis #174, September 2024
- * Hiring the New Staff, (ss) Daily Science Fiction July 13 2020
- * Joan D Vinge—Fairytale Futurist, (ar) Aurealis #156, November 2022 [Ref. Joan D. Vinge]
- * Judy-Lynn del Rey: Editor Extraordinaire, (ar) Aurealis #165, October 2023 [Ref. Judy-Lynn del Rey]
- * Kate Wilhelm—Explorer of Innerspace: Guide to Creativity, (ar) Aurealis #152, July 2022 [Ref. Kate Wilhelm]
- * Leigh Brackett—Queen of the Space Opera, (ar) Aurealis #147, February 2022 [Ref. Leigh Brackett]
- * The Life and Times of a Steampunk Enthusiast, (ar) Aurealis #131, June 2020
- * Mayhem and Magic, (ss) #1, 2005
- * Pioneering SF Women: Vonda N McIntyre: Good Things Come from Getting Involved, (ar) Aurealis #158, March 2023 [Ref. Vonda N. McIntyre]
- * Pioneering SF Women:
* ___ Alice Sheldon: What’s in a Name?, (ar) Aurealis #154, September 2022 [Ref. Alice Sheldon]
* ___ C L Moore—Setting the Trend, (ar) Aurealis #172, July 2024 [Ref. C. L. Moore]
* ___ Connie Willis: Humanity with Humour, (ar) Aurealis #176, November 2024 [Ref. Connie Willis]
* ___ The Critique and Commentary of Joanna Russ, (ar) Aurealis #162, July 2023 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
* ___ Joan D Vinge—Fairytale Futurist, (cl) Aurealis #156, November 2022 [Ref. Joan D. Vinge]
* ___ Judy-Lynn del Rey: Editor Extraordinaire, (ar) Aurealis #165, October 2023 [Ref. Judy-Lynn del Rey]
* ___ Kate Wilhelm—Explorer of Innerspace: Guide to Creativity, (ar) Aurealis #152, July 2022 [Ref. Kate Wilhelm]
* ___ Leigh Brackett—Queen of the Space Opera, (ar) Aurealis #147, February 2022 [Ref. Leigh Brackett]
[]Green, Malcolm (fl. 1990s) (books) (chron.)
_____, ed.
_____, trans.
- * Bassoon by Wassily Kandinsky, (vi) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (Klänge, 1912).
- * Cascading Comets by Paul Scheerbart, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1902).
- * A Child’s Heroic Deed by Mynona, (vi) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (Die Aktion #3, 1913).
- * Conversation About Legs by Alfred Lichtenstein, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1915).
- * The Crime in Tavistock Square by Oskar Panizza, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1891).
- * The Dissection by Georg Heym, (vi) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1911).
- * Dream and Dementia by Georg Trakl, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1914).
- * The Eurococcus by Iwan Goll, (ex) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1927).
- * Far Greater than Every Magic by Alfred Wolfenstein, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Über allen Zaubern”, Erzählende Werke, Hase & Koehler, 1985).
- * The Giant Agoag by Robert Musil, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Der Riese Agoag”, Nachlass zu Lebzeiten, Rowohlt Verlag, 1978).
- * The Golden Bomb by Franz Held, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1890s).
- * Grand Hotel Metaphysics by Hugo Ball, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (Tenderenda der Phantast, 1967).
- * Herr Giorgio Bebuquin by Carl Einstein, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1907).
- * Ice by Albert Mombert, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Das Eis”, Gesamtausgabe, Kösel-Verlag, 1963).
- * If My Heart Were Healthy by Else Lasker-Schüler, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Wenn mein Herz gesund wäre”, Gesammelte Werke in drei Banden, Kösel-Verlag, 1962).
- * The Island by Gottfried Benn, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Die Insel”, Sämtliche werke, Klett-Cotta Verlag, 1987).
- * The Mental Link by Ferdinand Hardekopf, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Der Gedankenstrich”, Die Aktion, 1912).
- * The Metaphysical Canary by Hans Flesch-Brunningen, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Die metaphysische Kanarienvogel”, Der Jungste Tag #44/45, 1917).
- * Military Orderly Felixmüller, XI Arnsdorf by Conrad Felixmüller, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Militär-Krankenwärter Felixmüller, XI Arnsdorf”, Menschen 1, Buchverlag, 1988).
- * The Murder of a Buttercup by Alfred Döblin, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Die Ermordung einer Butterblume”, Erzählungen aus fünf Jahrzehnten, Walter-Verlag, 1979).
- * The Onion by Kurt Schwitters, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Die Zwiebel”, Der Sturm, 1919).
- * The Propeller by Theodor Däubler, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Die Schraube”, Die Aktion, 1915).
- * The Ring of Saturn by Gustav Meyrink, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Der Ring Des Saturn”, Das Wachsfigurenkabinett, 1907).
- * The Solar Plague by Heinrich Nowak, (nv) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1915).
- * Something Behind This by Hermann Ungar, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (1929).
- * Strenge from Leipzig by Wieland Herzfelde, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Strenge von Leipzig”, Tragikgrotesken Der Nacht, Aufbau Verlag, 1972).
- * The Terrace at the Pole by Paul Zech, (ss) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Auf der Terrasse am pol”, Das Neue Pathos, Berlin, 1913).
- * Tubutsch by Albert Ehrenstein, (nv) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (Werke, Bd. 2, Prosa, Klaus Boer Verlag, 1989).
- * Two Sketches by Heinrich Schaefer, (vi) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (Die Aktion, 1918).
- * The Vulture by Franz Kafka, (vi) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (“Der Geier”, 1920).
- * Wintergarten by Hans Arp, (vi) The Golden Bomb ed. Malcolm Green, Polygon, 1993; translated from the German (Der Sturm, 1913).
[]Green, Martin (1932-2015) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Arbor Heights, (ex) Transatlantic Review #10, Summer 1962; from untitled novel then in progress.
- * Being in Love, (ss) Fiction Warehouse June 16 2004
- * Breaking the Rules, (pm) Aquarius #9, 1977
- * Down by the Riverside, (ss) Jennings Magazine #5, Spring 1987
- * In Memoriam: Colin MacInnes, (ob) Aquarius #9, 1977 [Ref. Colin MacInnes]
- * Introduction (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (in) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- * Introduction to Part Five (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (si) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- * Introduction to Part Four (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (si) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- * Introduction to Part One (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (si) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- * Introduction to Part Seven (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (si) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- * Introduction to Part Six (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (si) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- * Introduction to Part Three (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (si) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- * Introduction to Part Two (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (si) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- * Justine in Turkey, (ss) Transatlantic Review #5, December 1960
- * Lunch at a Fashionable Restaurant, (ss) Fiction Warehouse March 3 2004
- * Philip Roth, (ar) Ploughshares Fall 1978
- * Preface (with Walter M. Cummins & Margaret Verhulst), (pr) The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
_____, ed.
[]Green, Natasha S. (fl. 1960s)
_____, trans.
- * Barankin Wants to Be a Robot by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Barankin khochet byt’ robotom”, 1966).
- * Easy Come, Easy Go by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969
- * The Garden by Gennady Gor, (ss) 1968
- * Human Frailty by A. Xlebnikov, (ss) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Chelovecheskaya nepolnotsennost’”, 1965).
- * Ingenious Lovers by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Izobretatel’nyye vlyublennyye”, 1966).
- * “It’s the Big Things in Life…” by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Perestaralis’”, 1968).
- * The Law of Conserving Energy by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Lentyay”, 1965).
- * Nothing New Under the Sun by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Somnitel’naya novinka”, 1966).
- * “Not What Meets the Eye!” by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Verkh logiki”, 1965).
- * “Out of the Mouths of Babes…!” by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Pronitsatel’nyy rebyonok”, 1965).
- * Questions, Questions! by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Nedoverchivyy rebyonok”, 1966).
- * The Real Give-Away by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Yedinstvennaya primeta”, 1965).
- * Robot Chit-Chat by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Roboty zaznalis’”, 1965).
- * Robot Humor by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (gp) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969
- * A Super Skeptic by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Papa—skeptik”, 1965).
- * “Tell It Like It Is!” by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Pryamolineynost’”, 1966).
- * “Things Are Bad All Over!” by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Zayavleniye”, 1966).
- * To Each His Own by E. Muslin & B. Zubkov, (vi) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Kazhdomu svoyo”, 1965).
- * Unique by Vladlen Bakhnov, (ss) Russian Science Fiction 1969 ed. Robert Magidoff, New York Univ. Press, 1969; translated from the Russian (“Edinstvennyj v Svoyom Rode”, 1966).
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