The FictionMags Index
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Atkey, Bertram (chron.) (continued)
- * “N” for Nelson [Nelson Chiddenham], (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1924
- * The Niche of Jewels, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1913
- * The Night of the Garter, (ss) The Red Magazine February 18 1921
- * The Nodding Man [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1915
- * “No Luck”, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine April 1906
- * The Nose of Napoo [Misguided Nature], (ss) The Red Magazine August 22 1919
- * The Octopus of Garden Square [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1913
- * An Old Sweetheart of Mamma’s, and Dimity Gay [Dimity Gay], (na) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 20, Oct 27 1928
- * One of the Old Masters, (ss) The Red Magazine May 1934
- * One Wife’s Husband, (ss) The Strand Magazine September 1913
- * Only Buffaloes [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1914
- * On the Wing [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1911
- * On Time, but Too Late [Paul Van Der Pool], (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 15 1915
- * The Opportunities of Timoleon Brass:
* ___ No. I—The Opportunity of the Ex-Viceroy, (ss) Fry’s Magazine December 1912
- * The Opportunity of the Ex-Viceroy, (ss) Fry’s Magazine December 1912
- * The Outlaw, (ss) C.B. Fry’s Magazine September 1906
- * The Outlawed Centaur [Misguided Nature], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1931
- * Pacifying Manuel [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1916
- * A Palace in the Air, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine September 30 1914 (v18 #6)
- * The Pale Lady [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine February 1 1916
- * “The Pariah” [Merlin O’Moore], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1916
- * A Parrot in Paradise [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1942
- * The Passing of Mr. Wort, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1908
- * The Payers of “Tribute” [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1915
- * Peter in Search of Adventure, (ss) The Red Magazine April 15 1914
- * A Pig-Iron King [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine March/April 1910
- * The Pilgrim of the Links, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine September 1905
- * The Pirate’s Choice [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine August 1 1916
- * The Place with the Baboons [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1910
- * The Plumber’s Idyll, (ss) The Red Magazine October 17 1919
- * The Poison Runner [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 17 1921, as "Winnie and the Poison Runner"
- * Practically Imperishable, (ss) The Red Magazine September 1909
- * The Prey of the Warhawks [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1915
- * Prince Rupert of Rottenville [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1923
- * The Princess, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1 1914
- * The Private Assassin [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1916
- * The Prodigal Wife [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1922
- * Prosper Fair and the Tired Ladies [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine May 8, May 22 1925
- * Punishing Toto’s Chauffeur, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1920
- * The Pyramid of Lead [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (n.) The Red Magazine Jun 6, Jun 20, Jul 4, Jul 18, Aug 1 1924
- * The Pyramid of Lead [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (n.) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 14, Jun 21, Jun 28, Jul 5, Jul 12, Jul 19 1924
- * The Quest of the Grizzly-Gray [Nelson Chiddenham], (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1923
- * Ragan in Ruins, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1913
- * The Rainy Day, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1911
- * The Rajah-Protectors [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1914
- * The Rajah’s Commission [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923, as "The Adventure of the Rajah’s Commission"
- * The Rajah’s Instinct [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1917
- * The Rajah’s Mascot [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1911
- * The Record of Elaine Leahurst [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #143, February 1924
- * Red Coat’s Strategy, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1918
- * Re-Enter Rupert [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Story-teller October 1929
- * Representing the Rajah [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1910
- * The Rescue of Mr. Medley [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine April 1 1916
- * Resignation, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine June 1906
- * Return, O Captain! [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1947
- * The Room of the Last Chance [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1947
- * Roughing It in Rome [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1916
- * Rupert of Rottenberg [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1919
- * Saccharin, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1919
- * The Salamander [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1916
- * Say It with Clubs [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1930
- * The Scalpers, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 8 1923
- * The Scarecrow, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine July 1906
- * The Searcher of the Sands [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1919
- * The Search for Eily [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1914
- * The Secret of Lo Fat [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1947
- * Secret Treasure, (ss) The Story-teller February 1929
- * Settled Out of Court, (ss) The London Magazine June 1929
- * The Seventy-Five Pound Course, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1915
- * The Seventy-Pound Course, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1915, as "The Seventy-Five Pound Course"
- * The Silent Player [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) February 1921
- * The Silver Galleon [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Story-teller January 1930
- * Simoon the Second [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1914
- * Sir John’s Vision, (ss) All-Story Cavalier Weekly June 20 1914
- * Sitika, (ss) The Outing Magazine July 1909
- * The Skeleton Trail [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1918
- * Slave of the Pit, (nv) The Story-teller January 1921
- * Smiler Bunn and the Man with the Yellow Eyes [Smiler Bunn], (sl) The Happy Mag. Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1922, Jan, Feb 1923
- * Smiler Bunn and the Venom Terror [Smiler Bunn], (sl) The Corner Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1931
- * Something Wanting, (hu) The New Fry’s Magazine May 1911
- * The Sons of the Chief Warder, (nv) The Story-teller July 1931
- * The Squire’s Innings, (vi) The Tatler May 28 1902
- * A Stable Commission [Hercules], (ss) The Red Magazine July 1 1917
- * The Star Stealers [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine January 23 1920
- * The Statue Stealers [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1919
- * The Stolen Star [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1922
- * Stowaway Aboard Noah’s Ark [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1947
- * The Strange Case of Alan Moraine, (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1912
- * The Strategies of Smiler Bunn:
* ___ No. I. The Man from Krupp’s [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1915
* ___ No. II. The Academy for Traitors [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1915
* ___ No. III. A Circumstance of War [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1915
* ___ No. IV. The Amazons of the Crypt [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1915
* ___ No. V. The Prey of the Warhawks [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1915
* ___ No. VI. The Trial by Terror [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1915
* ___ No. VII. The Nodding Man [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1915
* ___ No. VIII. “Howitzer No. 8” [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1915
* ___ No. IX. The War-Hound Patrol [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1916
* ___ No. X. The Salamander [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1916
* ___ No. XI. The Crucified Man [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine March 1916
* ___ No. XII. The Tunnel and the Well [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1916
- * A Study in Black [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1910
- * Subduing Monsieur Stiquetton, (ss) The Red Magazine October 29 1920
- * Talons Invincible, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1918
- * The Taming of Malang Shah, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1911
- * The Taming of Piggy, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1918
- * The Tantalized Millionaire [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1925
- * The Temptress [Mesmer Milann, Mediator], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1915
- * The Thing Called Big John Hammerhead, (ss) The Red Magazine February 1 1919
- * “This Here Miss Mallett”, (ss) The Red Magazine July 9 1920
- * Those Prize Pheasants, (ms) The Red Magazine February 22 1929
- * Tiger Bait [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1917
- * The Tipster’s Monologue, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine May 1906
- * The “Toffs” of Bratley Plain [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine March 15 1916
- * The Track Trick [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1921
- * Trailers of the Tusk [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1926
- * The Trap, (ss) The Red Magazine August 2 1915
- * The Trap at the Haven [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1917
- * The Trap for Vampires [Kotman Dass], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #146, May 1924
- * Treasure in Jaloon [Captain Cormorant], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1931
- * The Trial by Terror [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1915
- * A Trifle on Account, (ss) Top-Notch June 1 1912
- * The Tunnel and the Well [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1916
- * The Turkey Tangle, (ss) The Red Magazine December 15 1914
- * The Turncoats [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1910
- * Two Gentlemen from San Francisco [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1910
- * The £2,000 Hour [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine June 1928
- * The Umpire, (pm) C.B. Fry’s Magazine May 1905
- * The Unexpected Lady [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1913
- * The Unfathomable Mrs. Royelm [George H. Jay], (na) Cassell’s Magazine May 1932
- * The Un-Punctual Painting [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1920
- * The Valley of the Veils of Death [Mesmer Milann, Mediator], (nv) The Grand Magazine November 1914
- * A Very Rough Shoot, (ar) Fry’s Magazine December 1910
- * The Victims of Count Skydoff and Christofer Zed:
* ___ 1: Punishing Toto’s Chauffeur, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1920
* ___ 2: Subduing Monsieur Stiquetton, (ss) The Red Magazine October 29 1920
* ___ 3: The Maurgayge Werewolves, (ss) The Red Magazine November 12 1920
* ___ 4: The Heart Breakers, (ss) The Red Magazine November 26 1920
* ___ 5: The Deed in the Labyrinth, (ss) The Red Magazine December 10 1920
* ___ 6: “Father St. Claws”, (ss) The Red Magazine December 24 1920
- * The Vision of Sir John St. Cloud, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #34, January 1915
- * The Visitations of Smiler Bunn:
* ___ No. I. The Rajah’s Instinct [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1917
* ___ No. II. The Gold Agent [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine June 1917
* ___ No. III. The Formula for Dragon-Fly Green [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1917
* ___ No. IV. The Trap at the Haven [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1917
* ___ No. V. The Green Killer [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1917
* ___ No. VI. Tiger Bait [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine October 1917
- * The Voices, (ss) The Sunday Strand June 1906
- * The Vulture of the Hills [Captain Cormorant], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1931
- * Vultures’ Haven [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine September 1921
- * The Wandering of Prosper Fair:
* ___ No. 1.—The Trap, (ss) The Red Magazine August 2 1915
- * The Wanderings of Prosper Fair:
* ___ 2: The Deferential Man [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine August 14 1915
* ___ 3: Mending Ailsa’s Heart [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1915
* ___ 4: The Payers of “Tribute” [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine September 15 1915
* ___ 5 [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine October 1 1915
* ___ 6: The Arrival of Mr. Ranger [Prosper Fair, the Duke of Devizes], (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1915
- * The War-Hound Patrol [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1916
- * Water Wolf’s Appetite, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine March 1 1919
- * The Weeping Snipe [Nelson Chiddenham], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1928
- * The Weight-Carriers of Diomedes [Hercules], (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1917
- * What Happened to Crandall, (ss) The Green Book Magazine December 1917
- * The Whipped Woman, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #131, February 1923
- * Wild Work with William the Conqueror [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine September 1 1916
- * Wine-Vaulting Ambition [Smiler Bunn], (ss) Smiler Bunn, Gentleman Crook by Bertram Atkey, George Newnes, 1923, as "The Adventure of the Wine Vaults"
- * The Winged Woman [Mesmer Milann, Mediator], (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1914
- * Winnie and the Basilisk [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) July 1923
- * Winnie and the Broken Heart [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1921
- * Winnie and the Cat Lady [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 24 1923
- * Winnie and the Copperhead [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 18 1922
- * Winnie and the Dunoon System [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1922
- * Winnie and the Gilded Cage [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) July 1921
- * Winnie and the Lightning Conductor [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 6 1924
- * Winnie and the Panther Man [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 21 1922
- * Winnie and the Poison Runner [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 17 1921
- * Winnie and the Rajah [Winnie O’Wynn], (nv) The New Magazine (UK) October 1921
- * Winnie and the Shark [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 8 1924
- * Winnie and the Tiger Man [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 12 1921
- * Winnie and the Ultra-Superba [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 14 1921
- * Winnie and the Wolves [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 23 1920
- * Winnie and the Woolly Lamb [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 21 1923
- * Winnie O’Wynn and the Battleship Builder [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) January 1923
- * Winnie O’Wynn and the Dark Horses [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) September 1921
- * Winnie O’Wynn and the Kind Lady [Winnie O’Wynn], (nv) The New Magazine (UK) November 1921
- * Winnie O’Wynn and the Lightning Conductor [Winnie O’Wynn], (nv) The London Magazine November 1926
- * Winnie O’Wynn and the Sharp Shuter [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 24 1924
- * Winnie O’Wynn and the Silent Player [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 15 1921
- * Winnie O’Wynn and the Vultures [Winnie O’Wynn], (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 20, Oct 27 1923
- * Winnie O’Wynn and the Wolves:
* ___ 1: The Incomplete Divorce [Winnie O’Wynn], (ss) The New Magazine (UK) December 1920
- * The Wireless of the SS. “Marion”, (ss) The Grand Magazine December 1919
- * Without Knowing It, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine May 15 1917
- * Wolf-Dogs Assorted [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1930
- * The Wolfmaster, (ss) The Corner Magazine September 1922
- * A Woman of Spirit, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 2 1921
- * The Woman Who Talked Too Much, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1930
- * The Woman with the Wolves, (nv) The Red Magazine May 15 1911
- * The Wonderful Day, (ss) The Grand Magazine August 1919
- * The Wooing of Pru the Pretty [Hobart Honey], (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1916
- * Wo-Thair the Outlaw, (ss) The Red Magazine June 15 1919
- * Yes, We Have Some— [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1924
- * [untitled?] [Smiler Bunn], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1922
_____, [ref.]
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