The FictionMags Index
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[]Lavelle, Mike (fl. 1950s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Action in Color, (ar) Argosy September 1959
- * Camera Clips:
* ___ Action in Color, (cl) Argosy September 1959
* ___ Good Pictures in a Minute, (cl) Argosy January 1960
* ___ Indoor Photography, (cl) Argosy December 1959
* ___ New Adventures in Color, (cl) Argosy November 1959
* ___ One Film for Everything, (cl) Argosy July 1959
* ___ Pictures All Winter, (cl) Argosy February 1960
* ___ Prizes for Your Pictures, (cl) Argosy April 1960
* ___ The Thinking Cameras, (cl) Argosy June 1959
* ___ What About Filters?, (cl) Argosy March 1960
* ___ The World of the Submini, (cl) Argosy October 1959
- * Good Pictures in a Minute, (ar) Argosy January 1960
- * Indoor Photography, (ar) Argosy December 1959
- * New Adventures in Color, (ar) Argosy November 1959
- * One Film for Everything, (ar) Argosy July 1959
- * Pictures All Winter, (ar) Argosy February 1960
- * Prizes for Your Pictures, (ar) Argosy April 1960
- * The Thinking Cameras, (ar) Argosy June 1959
- * What About Filters?, (ar) Argosy March 1960
- * The World of the Submini, (ar) Argosy October 1959
[]Lavender, Mrs. (fl. 1940s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Everyday Problems, (cl) Smart Novels #2417 Jan 20, #2420 Feb 10, #2425 Mar 17 1941, #2482 Apr 20, #2498 Aug 10 1942, #2939 Feb 5 1951
- * Herbs and How to Use Them, (cl) Smart Novels #2417 Jan 20, #2419 Feb 3, #2420 Feb 10, #2421 Feb 17, #2438 Jun 16 1941
- * Mrs. Lavender Replies, (lt) Smart Novels #3522, April 30 1962
[]Lavender, David (Sievert) [né Painter] (1910-2003) (about) (chron.)
- * Blasted!, (ss) Boys’ Life October 1952
- * Blow Your Way to Glory!, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine February 1944
- * Bogus Boss, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 23 1938
- * Bullet Brands, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 26 1941
- * A Bull for Bluff City, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story March 28 1942
- * Bull Trail to Treachery, (ss) Popular Western July 1942
- * Canyon of No Return, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story October 2 1943
- * Cat Swing, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly November 1941
- * Check Rein, (ss) Maclean’s June 1 1940
- * Christmas in the Rimrock, (??) Harper’s Bazaar #2731, December 1939
- * Crazy as a Sheepherder, (ss) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine January/February 1947
- * Dead Man’s Trail, (ss) All Western Magazine April/June 1943
- * Death Bonanza, (ss) Masked Rider Western November 1942
- * Death Stalks the Valley, (ss) All Western Magazine December 1942
- * Devil’s Bargain, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 19 1938
- * Dink Haul, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1945
- * Elected for Death, (na) Lariat Story Magazine July 1944
- * First Ascent, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 27 1941
- * Free Range, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 4 1938
- * The Fur Brigade, (ss) Boys’ Life January 1942
- * The General’s Gun, (ss) Range Riders Western November 1946
- * The Ghost Climbs High, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1951
- * Got to Think About That, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 31 1943
- * Gunsmoke Legacy, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story July 12 1941
- * High Victory, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1947
- * Jerkwater Express, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story January 24 1942
- * Kid Cowboy Trails Alone, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 26 1937
- * Letter of the Law, (vi) Adventure November 1942
- * Little Giant, (ts) Adventure December 1948
- * Logs for the Ajax, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly November 1942
- * Man for Bait, (ss) Boys’ Life August 1950
- * Maverick Money, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 9 1938
- * Maverick Water, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 2 1937
- * Mormon Cowboy, (ar) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine November 1947
- * Mule Chief, (ss) Boys’ Life October 1955
- * Nevada Gold, (sl) Boys’ Life May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1948
- * New Range, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 3 1943
- * Oliver’s Ox, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1954
- * Powder-Smoke Pact, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story May 29 1943
- * Powdersmoke Promise, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 21 1943
- * Rawhide Justice, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 21 1941
- * Red Hawk Hawkshaw, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine September 18 1937
- * Return to Glory, (ss)
- * River Rider, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1940
- * Roll-Road Payoff, (nv) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 24 1942
- * Roundup in Rock Pocket, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 30 1938
- * Sagebrush Sherlock, (ss) Western Aces December 1942
- * Saved by Thunder, (ss) Boys’ Life August 1945
- * Sheepman’s Showdown, (ss) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly September 27 1941
- * Short Cut to Vengeance, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 27 1938
- * Showdown for a Stallion, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story September 18 1943
- * Silver Dust Assay, (ss) All Western Magazine June 1942
- * Six-Gun Awakening, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story November 13 1943
- * Six-Gun Scientist, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 20 1940
- * Stampede in Starvation Breaks, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 29 1942
- * Trail Pardners, (ss) Boys’ Life November 1940
- * The Trail to Treachery, (ss) Popular Western July 1942, as "Bull Trail to Treachery"
- * Trouble-Tamin’ Brush Popper, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story June 13 1942
- * Wild Horse Strategy, (ss) Boys’ Life August 1940
- * Wings Over the Himalayas, (ss) Army-Navy Flying Stories Spring 1945
[]Lavender, Hildegarde (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Abandoning the Home, (es) Smith’s Magazine August 1917
- * Adventure, (es) Smith’s Magazine August 1918
- * At the Office Door, (vi) Smith’s Magazine January 1920
- * Bargains and Bargains, (es) Smith’s Magazine April 1911
- * Benjy and the Outdoor Sleeping Porch, (ss) Smith’s Magazine March 1913
- * The Best-Dressed Woman, (es) Smith’s Magazine September 1913
- * The Breakfast Cap, (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1911
- * The Burden Bearers, (es) Smith’s Magazine June 1912
- * Capitalizing a Bad Habit, (es) Smith’s Magazine February 1914
- * “Carry On”—Afterwards, (es) Smith’s Magazine July 1918
- * The Changing Home, (es) Smith’s Magazine October 1915
- * Chaperons or Knowledge, (es) Smith’s Magazine August 1913
- * The Communal Commissariat: A Middle-Class Experiment in Reducing the High Cost of Living, (ar) Smith’s Magazine June 1913
- * A Competition in Generosity, (vi) Smith’s Magazine April 1920
- * The Conciliators, (es) Smith’s Magazine May 1917
- * The Country Guest, (ss) Smith’s Magazine May 1912
- * Does Recreation Recreate?, (es) Smith’s Magazine November 1917
- * Doing Good, (ss) Smith’s Magazine January 1915
- * The Elimination of Age, (es) Smith’s Magazine October 1914
- * The Eternal Fitness, (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1910
- * For the Rainy Day, (es) Smith’s Magazine November 1914
- * The Fountain of Youth, (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1914
- * Frugality and Charity, (es) Smith’s Magazine July 1915
- * The Ghosts, (vi) Smith’s Magazine May 1920
- * Goodbye to Youth, (es) Smith’s Magazine August 1915
- * Good Manners—Masculine and Feminine, (es) Smith’s Magazine July 1912
- * Goring Ends the Reign of Terror, (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1913
- * Helping Lindsay, (ss) Smith’s Magazine May 1910
- * Her “Avenue of Self-Expression”, (es) Smith’s Magazine September 1914
- * Husbands as Conversational Assets, (es) Smith’s Magazine June 1916
- * If Life Were All Crises, (es) Smith’s Magazine October 1920
- * In Fullest Confidence, (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1912
- * The Initial Responsibility, (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1910
- * In Their Old RŸles, (ss) Smith’s Magazine March 1911
- * Leaks, (es) Smith’s Magazine January 1916
- * Lora Leigh to the Rescue, (vi) Smith’s Magazine February 1922
- * Managing Mothers and Others, (es) Smith’s Magazine February 1915
- * Man, Militarism, and Woman, (es) Smith’s Magazine February 1916
- * Manners at Sixty-Five, (es) Smith’s Magazine September 1911
- * Mary Rose and Old Man Flaherty, (ss) Smith’s Magazine March 1916
- * Miss Marigold’s Proposal, (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1919
- * The New Snobbery, (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1917
- * The Old Beau’s New Wife, (ss) Smith’s Magazine September 1912
- * On Certain Aspects of Engagements, (es) Smith’s Magazine September 1910
- * The “Only Once” Theory, (ss) Smith’s Magazine February 1911
- * On “Scrapping” Reticence, (es) Smith’s Magazine February 1918
- * On Second Wives, (ss) Smith’s Magazine January 1913
- * On Some Present-Day Problems, (es) Smith’s Magazine April 1915
- * On the Abolition of Adjectives, (es) Smith’s Magazine November 1915
- * On the Economy of Spending Money, (es) Smith’s Magazine September 1917
- * On the Joys of Class Distinctions, (es) Smith’s Magazine April 1916
- * Other People’s Virtues, (es) Smith’s Magazine October 1913
- * Out in It, (es) Smith’s Magazine July 1916
- * The Passing of the Bored Lady, (ss) Smith’s Magazine July 1911
- * Peggy’s Education Is Completed, (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1911
- * The Perfectly Suitable Thing, (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1910
- * Pittsburg Peggy Turns Missionary, (ss) Smith’s Magazine June 1910
- * A Plea for the Parlor, (es) Smith’s Magazine August 1914
- * The Rear Tenement to the Rescue, (vi) Smith’s Magazine June 1911
- * Reassuring Doris, (pl) Smith’s Magazine October 1919
- * Rehabilitated, (es) Smith’s Magazine May 1920
- * The Rest Farm, (es) Smith’s Magazine December 1914
- * Rosinante, (ss) Smith’s Magazine October 1910
- * Self-Revealing Extravagancies, (es) Smith’s Magazine September 1915
- * The Shadowy Third, (vi) Smith’s Magazine September 1919
- * Smothering Happiness in Domesticity, (es) Smith’s Magazine November 1913
- * Society and the Poor Woman, (es) Smith’s Magazine February 1912
- * Some Feminine Records of Success. II.—Two Successful Philanthropists and Some Successful Wives, (ar) Smith’s Magazine January 1911
- * Some Feminine Records of Success. I.—Three Business Women, (ar) Smith’s Magazine December 1910
- * Some Observations on Self-Sacrifice, (es) Smith’s Magazine June 1914
- * Some Reflections of an Old Maid, (ss) Smith’s Magazine April 1913
- * A Spectre from the Past, (ss) Smith’s Magazine October 1911
- * Substitutes for Poverty, (es) Smith’s Magazine June 1915
- * The Summer Pleasure Exertion, (ss) Smith’s Magazine August 1912
- * Ten Minutes Late, (ss) Smith’s Magazine December 1912
- * The Tyranny of Clothes, (es) Smith’s Magazine March 1917
- * The Ultimate Tears, (vi) Smith’s Magazine May 1919
- * Understanding the T. B. M., (es) Smith’s Magazine November 1920
- * Victorian, (es) Smith’s Magazine December 1913
- * The Wage-Earning Wife, (es) Smith’s Magazine January 1912
- * War-Time Views, (es) Smith’s Magazine March 1915
- * What Shall We Do with Our Mothers?, (es) Smith’s Magazine May 1914
- * What Women May Learn from the Bosses, (es) Smith’s Magazine May 1916
- * Who Cares?, (es) Smith’s Magazine May 1913
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