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    The Fantasy Fan [v1 #8, April 1934] (10¢, 16pp, 6″ x 9″) []
    • 116 · Prose Pastels: 1. Chinoiserie · Clark Ashton Smith · pp The Philippine Magazine November 1931
    • 117 · The Ancient Voice · Eando Binder · ss
    • 125 · Supernatural Horror in Literature [Part 7 of 17] · H. P. Lovecraft · ar
      revised from its original appearance in The Recluse, 1927.

    Fantasy Fiction (US, 1950):   (about)

    • Publishers:
      • Magabook; New York: Fantasy Fiction / Fantasy Stories, May 1950 – Nov 1950.
    • Editors:
      • Curtis Mitchell - Editor: Fantasy Fiction / Fantasy Stories, May 1950 – Nov 1950.

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