Subtitled “24 Murder Mysteries from the Age of Gunpowder, Treason and Plot” with tales set against the backdrops of such events as Guy Fawkes’s Gunpowder Plot, the English civil war, and the early British colonization of America. Simultaneous with the UK (Robinson) edition. |
Anthology of tales set against the backdrops of such events as Guy Fawkes’s Gunpowder Plot, the English civil war, and the early British colonization of America. Simultaneous with the US (Carroll & Graf) edition. |
Anthology of 27 mystery stories, 15 of them original. |
Anthology of 18 “Stories from the Glory Days of Sail” (the late 18th and early 19th centuries), including 7 originals (one by Walter Jon Williams) and an excerpt from a “Fox” novel by Ken Bulmer. |
Fantasy anthology of 24 stories, revised from The Merlin Chronicles (Raven, 1995). This drops one story (“The Purpose of Merlin” by Colin Fry) and adds three stories (by Diana L. Paxson, Mike Ashley & Michael Swanwick). Details taken from online listing. |
Reprint (Robinson 2009) fantasy anthology of 24 stories, revised from The Merlin Chronicles (Raven, 1995). Details taken from online listing. |
Anthology of 21 SF stories, five original. Authors include Arthur C. Clarke, James Blish, and John Varley; original stories are by Stephen Baxter, Robert Reed, Paul Di Filippo, Adam Roberts, and Eric Brown. |
Reprint (Robinson 2009) anthology of 21 SF stories, five original. Authors with original stories include Stephen Baxter, Paul Di Filippo, and Robert Reed. First US edition. |
Reprint (Robinson 2001 as The Mammoth Book of Historical Whodunnits: Brand New Collection) anthology of 22 stories from Ancient Rome to the days of James I of England. First US edition. |
Reprint (Robinson 2005 as The Mammoth Book of Historical Whodunnits: Third New Collection) anthology of 26 stories set from 950 BC to the fateful voyage of the Titanic. First US edition. |
Anthology of 32 humorous fantasy stories, eight original. Authors of original stories include James Bibby, Tom Holt, and Adam Roberts. Simultaneous with the Robinson UK edition titled The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy: Fourth All-New Collection. |
Reprint (Carroll & Graf 2005) anthology of 32 humorous fantasy stories. This has ISBN 0-7394-5786-1; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket. |
Original anthology of 23 stories, one a reprint, another in its first English translation. Authors include Ian Watson, Stephen Baxter, Paul Di Filippo, and Richard A. Lupoff. |