The FictionMags Index
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[]Thomas, Jane (fl. 1920s-1940s); used pseudonym Melvin Roberts (chron.)
- * Apples, (pm) Droll Stories March 1923
- * Because—, (pm)
- * Boomerang!, (pm) Breezy Stories November 1929
- * Cause and Effect, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1929
- * Compromise, (pm) Breezy Stories September 1929
- * Congratulations. (Meow!), (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd March 1926
- * Don’t Dally with the Damsels!, (pm) Droll Stories March 1926
- * An Endless Chain, (pm) Droll Stories December 1925
- * Finale, (pm) Breezy Stories February 1930
- * A Freak of Fate, (pm) Breezy Stories June 1929
- * Gifts, (pm) Laughter December 1926
- * Hell, (pm) Breezy Stories July 1929
- * Humoresque in “A” Flat, (pm) Droll Stories September 1923
- * If!, (pm) Droll Stories April 1926
- * In 1926, (pm) Droll Stories June 1926
- * In 1946, (pm) Breezy Stories October 1946
- * The Isle of Monsters, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories August 1935
- * Lines to a Live Lady, (pm) Breezy Stories August 1929
- * Marauder, (pm) Breezy Stories December 1929
- * My Souvenirs, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1930
- * No Wonder, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 6 1923
- * A Perfectly Good Time, (pm) Breezy Stories March 1930
- * Post-Mortem, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd December 1925
- * Redouble, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1934
- * Safety First, (pm) Breezy Stories April 1929
- * Satan’s Lady, (ss) Spicy-Adventure Stories August 1935, as "The Isle of Monsters", by Jane Thomas
- * The Sunbeam and the Icicle, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly March 24 1923
- * Teddy Takes a Chance, (ss) Breezy Stories 1st January 1925
- * Too Many Blondes, (ss) Pep Stories October 1934
- * When We Were Very Young, (pm) Breezy Stories October 1929
- * A Woman’s Privilege, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st November 1925
- * You Can’t Hide a Doctor, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories September 1934
[]Thomas, Jeff (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * It’s What’s Up Front That Counts, (hu) Adam Bedside Reader #42, March 1970
- * Theatre, Book and Television Reviews, (cl) Mystery Digest Jan/Feb, May/Jun, Nov/Dec 1960, Mar/Apr, Sep/Oct 1961, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug 1962
[]Thomas, Jeffrey (1957- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * About the Author, (ss) Worship the Night, Dark Renaissance Books, 2013
- * Acheron, (na) I Am the Abyss ed. Chris Morey, Dark Regions Press, 2018
- * Adoration, (ss) Terror Incognita, Delirium Books, 2000
- * After the Fall, (ss) Autumn Cthulhu ed. Mike Davis, Lovecraft eZine Press, 2016
- * Around the Corner, (ss) Return of the Old Ones ed. Brian M. Sammons, Dark Regions Press, 2017
- * Avenging Soul, (ss) Outer Darkness #22, Spring 2001
- * Bad Reception, (ss) Atomic-Age Cthulhu ed. Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons, Chaosium, 2015
- * Black Project, (ss) Outer Darkness #4, Summer 1995
- * Black Walls, (ss) Black Walls, Red Glass, Marietta Publishing, 1997
- * Black Walls, Red Glass, (oc) Marietta Publishing, September 1997
- * The Boarded Window, (ss) The Bones of the Old Ones by Jeffrey Thomas, Necropolitan Press, 1995
- * The Bones of the Old Ones, (ss) Dreaming in R’lyeh #1, 2003
- * The Boy in the Doorway, (vi) The Urbanite #4, 1994
- * Breath in the Balloon, (pm) Red Eft Fall 1994
- * The Brothel in the North End, (ss) Forbidden Futures #1, Summer 2018
- * Cellar Gods [Cthulhu], (ss) New Mythos Legends ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Marietta Publishing, 1999
- * Cells, (ss) Deathrealm #19, Fall 1993
- * Chapel, (ss) Random Realities #8, Fall 1995
- * The Children of Lord-Ob, (ss) The Weird Fiction Review #11, Fall 2020
- * Children of the Dragon, (ss) Worship the Night, Dark Renaissance Books, 2013; originally published in German (Geschichten aus dem Cthulhu-Mythos, Festa Verlag, 2012).
- * Coffee Break, (ss) Strange Days Summer 1992
- * Collapsed Roof, (ss) Terror Incognita, Delirium Books, 2000
- * Conglomerate, (ss) Midnight Shambler #4, November 1996
- * Corpse Candles, (ss) Cthulhu Codex #15, Hallowmas 1998
- * Counterclockwise [Punktown], (ss) The Aklonomicon ed. Ivan McCann & Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Aklo Press, 2012
- * Crimson Blues, (ss) Terror Incognita, Delirium Books, 2000
- * The Cyclops [Punktown], (nv) Transmissions from Punktown ed. Brian M. Sammons, Dark Regions Press, 2018
- * The Dance of Chöd, (ss) Vandeloecht’s Fiction Magazine #6, Summer 1992
- * The Dance of Ugghiutu, (ss) Dark Discoveries Spring 2005
- * The Dark Cell, (ss) Edge of Sundown ed. Kevin Ross & Brian M. Sammons, Chaosium, 2015
- * Dirty Desk, (ss) Chopping Block Party ed. David G. Barnett & Brendan Deneen, Necro Publications, 2017
- * Discarded, (pm) Not One of Us #8, October 1991
- * Disfigured, (ss) Mindmares #6, Spring 1999
- * Dissecting the Soul, (ss) Fantasque July 1999
- * Distinguished Mole: A Tale from Somewhere, (nv) Black Static #48, September/October 2015
- * The Dogs, (ss) The Dark Rites of Cthulhu ed. Brian M. Sammons, April Moon Books, 2014
- * Dreaming the City, (in) Transmissions from Punktown ed. Brian M. Sammons, Dark Regions Press, 2018
- * Dust, (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #8, 1998
- * Elizabeth Rising, (ss) Terror Incognita, Delirium Books, 2000
- * Empathy, (ss) Lore Winter 1995
- * The Endless Fall, (nv) The Endless Fall and Other Weird Fictions, Lovecraft eZine Press, 2017
- * The Endless Fall and Other Weird Fictions, (co) Lovecraft eZine Press, January 2017
- * Fallen, (ss) Terminal Fright #4, May/June 1994
- * Family Matter, (ss) Cyber-Psychos AOD #7, 1997
- * Father Figure (with Alex Guillotte), (ss) Cthulhu Cultus #3, 1995
- * Feeding the Descendants, (vi) Forbidden Futures #5, Summer 2019
- * The Film Vault (with Michael McBride & Steve Vernon), (mr) Dark Wisdom #9, Spring 2006
- * The Flaying Season [Punktown], (ss) Punktown by Jeffrey Thomas, Ministry of Whimsy, 2000
- * Flesh Wound, (ss) Redsine (online) #5, April 2001
- * Foreign Bodies, (ss) Deathrealm #14, Spring 1991
- * Forge Park, (ss) The Black Book #1, 2002
- * The Fork, (ss) Leviathan, Volume Three ed. Jeff VanderMeer & Forrest Aguirre, Ministry of Whimsy, 2002
- * Forms of Evil, (ss) Strange Days Summer 1993
- * The Friend of the Children, (ss) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- * Gasp, (ss) Cemetery Dance #45, 2003
- * Ghosts in Amber, (nv) Dim Shores, June 2015
- * Grand Theft Hovercar, (ss) In the Court of the Yellow King ed. Glynn Owen Barrass, Celaeno Press, 2014
- * The Green Spider, (ss) Strangewood Tales ed. Jack Fisher, Eraserhead Press, 2002
- * Gun Metal Blue, (ss) Dead of Night #11, Winter 1995
- * Hapi Birthday, (ss) Random Realities #4, Fall 1993
- * The Hate Machines [Punktown], (ss) infinity plus May 2001
- * The Holy Bowl, (ss) Amazing Stories of the Flying Spaghetti Monster ed. Cameron Pierce, Eraserhead Press, 2011
- * The House on the Plain, (ss) The Bones of the Old Ones by Jeffrey Thomas, Necropolitan Press, 1995
- * I Married a Shoggoth, (ss) Midnight Shambler #5, 1997
- * Immolation [Punktown], (ss) Punktown by Jeffrey Thomas, Ministry of Whimsy, 2000
- * The Individual in Question, (ss) The Doom That Came to Providence ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., LASC Press, 2015
- * In Limbo, (ss) Worship the Night, Dark Renaissance Books, 2013
- * Introduction, (ed) The End #1 1993, #5 Apr 1997
- * Introduction, (in) Worship the Night, Dark Renaissance Books, 2013
- * Introduction (with Scott Thomas), (in) The Sea of Flesh and Ash by Jeffrey & Scott Thomas, Terradan Works, 2011
- * Jar of Mist, (ss) The Lovecraft eZine December 2013
- * John, (ss) Frightmares #5, December 1998
- * John Sadness, (ss) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #11, Winter 1999
- * Last Drink Bird Head, (ss) Last Drink Bird Head ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Ministry of Whimsy, 2009
- * The Library of Sorrows [Punktown], (ss) infinity plus May 2000
- * Little Wing, (ss) Dark Discoveries #38, Spring 2018
- * Loose Ends, (ed) The End #2 1994, #3 1995, #4 1996
- * Lord of R’lyeh, (il) Lore Summer 1996
- * Lost Alleys, (ss) The End #1, 1993
- * The Lost Family [Hades], (ss) Vivisepulture ed. Andy Remic & Wayne Simmons, Anarchy Books, 2011
- * Mandrill, (ss) Doppelgänger #15, December 1992
- * Mass Production, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #6, 1996
- * Mauve, (ss) Strange Days Fall/Winter 1991
- * The Mayor of Ephemera, (ss) The Madness of Dr. Caligari ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Fedogan & Bremer, 2016
- * Mourning Cloak, (ss) Icarus & Angels ed. Gary Bowen, Triangle, 1996
- * Mrs Weekes, (ss) Redsine #7, January 2002
- * Multicipital, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #5, 1996
- * Night Gauntlet (with Walter C. DeBill, Jr., Richard Gavin, Robert M. Price, Wilum H. Pugmire & Don Webb), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2011
- * A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Dealers [Freddy Krueger], (n.) Black Flame US, July 2006
- * Old Eyes, (ss) The Urbanite #9, Fall 1997
- * Open Minded, (ss) Eldritch Chrome ed. Brian M. Sammons & Glynn Owen Barrass, Chaosium, 2013
- * The Palace of Nothingness [Punktown], (ss) Punktown by Jeffrey Thomas, Ministry of Whimsy, 2000
- * Pale Fruit, (ss) Not One of Us #22, September 1999
- * Pazuzu’s Children, (ss) Cthulhu Codex #10, Eastertide 1997
- * Pool of Tears, (ss) Crypto-Critters ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Padwolf Publishing, 2006
- * Portents of Past Futures, (ss) In Heaven, Everything Is Fine ed. Cameron Pierce, Eraserhead Press, 2013
- * The Probe, (vi) Forbidden Futures #2, Fall 2018
- * The Prosthesis, (ss) The Grimscribe’s Puppets ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., Miskatonic River Press, 2013
- * Psychometric Idol, (ss) Random Realities #2, Spring 1993
- * The Rat King, (ss) Dark Regions v3 #3, 1998
- * Red Glass, (ss) Black Walls, Red Glass, Marietta Publishing, 1997
- * The Red Machine, (nv) Black Walls, Red Glass, Marietta Publishing, 1997
- * The Red Spectacles, (ss) Terminal Fright #9, Fall 1995
- * The Reflections of Ghosts [Punktown], (ss) The Silver Web #12, Summer 1995
- * Sacred Meat, (ss) Into Painfreak ed. Gerard Houarner, Necro Publications, 2016
- * Scrimshaw, (ss) Through a Mythos Darkly ed. Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons, PS Publishing, 2017
- * The Sea of Flesh, (na) The Sea of Flesh and Ash by Jeffrey & Scott Thomas, Terradan Works, 2011
- * The Sea of Flesh and Ash (with Scott Thomas), (oc) Terradan Works, May 2011
- * A Semblance of Life, (ss) Dark Discoveries #17, Summer/Fall 2010
- * Servile, (ss) Cthulhu Codex #11, Lammas 1997
- * The Servitors, (ss) Space and Time #88, Summer 1998
- * Severed, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #8, 1997
- * Siren, (ss) Damned: An Anthology of the Lost ed. David G. Barnett, Necro Publications, 2004
- * Sliced Bread, (ss) Adam’s Ladder ed. Michael Bailey & Darren Speegle, Written Backwards, 2017
- * Snake Wine, (ss) The Children of Old Leech ed. Ross E. Lockhart & Justin Steele, Word Horde, 2014
- * The Spectators, (ss) Darkside Digital, May 2010
- * The Strange Case of Crazy Joe Gallo, (ss) The Lovecraft eZine November 2012
- * Stranger in the House, (ss) Looming Low: Volume I ed. Justin Steele & Sam Cowan, Dim Shores, 2017
- * The Strangler Fig, (ss) Looming Low: Volume II ed. Sam Cowan & Justin Steele, Dim Shores, 2023
- * Sunset in Megalopolis, (ss) Strange Aeons #13, 2014
- * A Tale from Somewhere, (ss) Interzone #263, March/April 2016
- * The Tangible Universe, (ss) Pluto in Furs ed. Scott Dwyer, Plutonian Press, 2019
- * Terror Incognita, (co) Delirium Books, March 2000
- * The Third Eye, (vi) Imelod #7, Summer/July 1997
- * Those Above, (nv) Steampunk Cthulhu ed. Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons, Chaosium, 2014
- * 300,000 Moments of Pain, (ss) Redsine #10, October 2002
- * Through Obscure Glass, (ss) The Avatars of the Old Ones by Jeffrey Thomas, Imelod Publications, 1999
- * Thunderheads, (ss) Strange Days Spring 1992
- * The Transported, (nv) Synth 1 ed. C. M. Muller, C. M. Muller, 2019
- * The Tripod, (nv) Terror Tales #2 2004, #3 2006
- * T-Shirts of the Damned, (ss) Terror Incognita, Delirium Books, 2000
- * Twenty-Five Cents, (ss) Underworlds #2, December 2004
- * The Unbearable Being of Light, (ss) Indigenous Fiction #3, August 1999
- * Uncanny Valley, (ss) Darker Companions ed. Scott David Aniolowski & Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., PS Publishing, 2017
- * Vertices, (ss) Nowhereville ed. C. Dombrowski & Scott Gable, Broken Eye Books, 2019
- * Visitations, (ar) Terminal Fright #13, Fall 1996
- * Visitations: Karl Edward Wagner’s “Sticks”, (ar) Terminal Fright #12, Summer 1996 [Ref. Karl Edward Wagner]
- * The Wedding Gown, (ss) The Unquiet Dreamer ed. Preston Grassmann, PS Publishing, 2019
- * Welfare, (ss) The Blue Lady #7, 1997
- * The White Bat, (ss) Dead of Night #4, Winter 1990
- * Willow Tree, (ss) Allen K’s Inhuman Magazine July 2004
- * A Woman’s Scream, (ss) The Urbanite #6, 1995
- * A Womb Scorned, (ss) Aberations #5, 1992
- * Worship the Night, (co) Dark Renaissance Books, November 2013
- * Wunderwaffe, (ss) World War Cthulhu ed. Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons, Dark Regions Press, 2014
- * The Yellow House, (ss) After Hours Autumn 1990
- * Yoo-Hoo, Cthulhu, (pm) 2AM Winter 1989
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Strange Days Spring 1993
- * [front cover], (cv) Random Realities #4 Fll 1993, #8 Fll 1995
- * [front cover], (cv) Freezer Burn Magazine #5 1996, #7 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) Black Walls, Red Glass, Marietta Publishing, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- * [front cover], (cv) Correlated Contents by James Ambuehl, Mythos Books, 1998
- * [front cover], (cv) Fantasque June 2000
- * [front cover], (cv) Flesh & Blood v2 #7, v2 #8 2001
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Lore Win 1995, Spr 1996, Sum 1997, v1 #9 1998
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Lore: A Quaint and Curious Volume of Selected Stories ed. Rod Heather & Sean O'Leary, Lore Firm, 2011
- * [illustration(s)] (with M. Wayne Miller), (il) Lore Summer 1996
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
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