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    Nemoville ed. Brian Stableford (Black Coat Press, December 30, 2011, 978-1-61227-070-8, $24.95, 328pp, tp, oa, cover by Mandy)
        Anthology of 12 French proto-science fiction tales penned between 1757 and 1924, edited and translated/adapted by Brian Stableford.
    Details taken from Table of Contents.
    • 4 · Introduction · Brian Stableford · in
    • 19 · Voyages in the Microcosm · Emmerich de Vattel; translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“Voyages dans le microcosme, par un disciple moderne de Pythagore”, Poliergie, 1757).
    • 30 · Archeopolis · Alfred Bonnardot; translated by Brian Stableford · nv
      translated from the French (“Archéopolis”, 1859).
    • 51 · All the Way! The Commune in 1873 · René du Mesnil de Maricourt; translated by Brian Stableford · nv
      translated from the French (“Au bout du fossé!: La commune en l’an 2073”, 1874).
    • 87 · The Tell-Tale Insects · Alphonse Brown; translated by Brian Stableford · nv
      translated from the French (“Les insectes révélateurs”, 1889).
    • 129 · A Professional Scruple · Claude Manceau; translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“Scrupule professionnel”, La Science Française, 1896).
    • 140 · Cataclysm · G. Bethuys; translated by Brian Stableford · nv
      translated from the French (“Cataclysme”, La Science Française, 1896).
    • 164 · A Message from Mars · C. Paulon; translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“Un message de la planète mars”, La Science Illustrée, 1897).
    • 181 · The Blue Laboratory · C. Paulon; translated by Brian Stableford · nv
      translated from the French (“Le laboratoire bleu”, La Science Illustrée, 1898).
    • 202 · Nemoville · Emma-Adèle Lacerte; translated by Brian Stableford · na
      translated from the French (“Némoville”, 1917).
    • 277 · Three Hundred Years Hence · Pierre Mille; translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“Dans trois cents ans”, Oeuvres Libres, #7, January 1922).
    • 294 · The Eternal Voyage; or The Prospectors of Space · José Moselli; translated by Brian Stableford · nv
      translated from the French (“Le voyage éternel ou Les prospecteurs de l’infini”, Almanach Scientifique, 1923).
    • 319 · The Planetary Messenger · José Moselli; translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“Le messager de la planète”, Almanach Scientifique, 1924).

    The New Moon ed. Brian Stableford (Black Coat Press, November 28, 2015, 978-1-61227-443-0, $22.95, 281pp, tp, oa, cover by Jean-Félix Lyon)
        Anthology of four French imaginary voyages, including a trip to the moon and a journey from the North Pole to the South via the center of the Earth. Named authors are Alexis-Jean Le Bret, Henri Delmotte, and Edmé Rousseau. Translated, annotated, and introduced by Stableford.
    Details taken from online listing.
    • · Introduction and Notes · Brian Stableford · in
    • · A Journey from the Arctic Pole to the Antarctic Pole via the Center of the World · translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“Relation d’un voyage du pôle arctique au pôle antarctique par le centre du monde avec la description de ce périlleux passage et des choses merveilleuses et étonnantes qu’on a découvertes sous le pôle antarctique”, 1721).
    • · The New Moon · Alexis-Jean Le Bret; translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“La Nouvelle Lune, ou histoire de Poequilon”, 1770).
    • · A Voyage to Paraguay-Roux · Henri Delmotte; translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“Voyage pittoresque et industriel dans le Paraguay-Roux et la Palingénesie australe, par Trédace-Nafé Théobrôme de Kaout’t’tchouk, gentilhomme Breton, sous-aide ? l’établissement des elyso-pompes, etc.”, 1835).
    • · The Aerial Journey · Edmé Rousseau; translated by Brian Stableford · ss
      translated from the French (“Le Songe, ou voyage aérien”, 1859).

    The Nickel Man ed. Brian Stableford (Black Coat Press, January 2016, 978-1612274454, $24.95, 348pp, tp, oa, cover by Phil Cohen)
        Original anthology of 11 French scientific romance stories, translated, edited, and with notes by Stableford. Stories range from 1832 to 1932.

    On the Brink of the World’s End and Other French Scientific Romances ed. Brian Stableford (Black Coat Press, January 30, 2016, 978-1-61227-474-4, $24.95, 362pp, tp, oa, cover by Yvan Villeneuve)
        Anthology of seven stories of French scientific romance, edited and translated/adapted by Brian Stableford.
    Details taken from online listing.

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