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Book Contents Lists: Page 2026

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    The Mysterious Bruce (The Brucedale Press, 1997, 1-896922-02-3, C$9.95, 89pp, tp, oa)
        Original anthology of six stories, the winners of a contest to support literacy programs in Bruce County, Ontario. Winners chosen by Ken Weber.

    Mysterious Christmas Tales: Horror Stories for the Festive Season (Scholastic UK, October 1993, 0-590-54127-7, £9.99, 272pp, hc, oa)
        Original anthology of nine young-adult horror stories, including pieces by Robert Swindells and Garry Kilworth.

    Mystery, Magic, Voodoo & the Holy Grail ed. Stephanie Smith & Julia Stiles, uncredited (HarperCollinsAustralia/Voyager, September 2000, 0-7322-6580-0, 382pp, tp, oa, cover by Vivien Kubbos) [Ref. Selwa Anthony]
        Original anthology of eight stories, edited by Julia Stiles & Stephanie Smith, who are not credited. The inspiration for the anthology came from the contributors’ agent Selwa Anthony. Authors include Kim Wilkins, Ian Irvine, and Caiseal Mór.

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